View Full Version : Potato Tikki

20th June 2005, 11:50 AM
I recently prepared potato tikki which really went well with Sambar and as a snack my dot really liked it. so thought of sharing


1/2 Kg potatoes
4 fresh bread slices
fresh coriander chopped
red chilli powder as per ur taste
Salt as per ur taste

Oil for frying

Boil the potatoes and cool them remove the skin and mash them well and see to it while mashing there is no water in the dish, dip the bread slices in water and squeeze the water and add it to the potato, now add coriander, salt and red chilli powder, mix well without any lumps, heat the oil in wok and shape one ball and flatten and drop in the oil when it is hot if the balls have opened up in the oil add a breadslice to the mixture and shape the mixture into cutlets and deep fry, first the oil should be hot when the cutlets are put in the oil keep the flame on medium fire so that it cooks from inside when golden brown remove and drain on a tissue paper and serve with tomato ketchup as a snack .

27th June 2005, 09:12 AM
hi ranjitha,
jus tried out ur recipe with a little corn flour. was yummy. thanx for ur recipe

1st July 2005, 05:18 PM
hi, tharuna nice to hear that the potato tikki came out well, did u add cornflour in place of breadslices, let me know

bye ranjitha

19th July 2005, 11:46 PM
hi ranjitha,
i did not sustitute corn flour with bread pieces. jus added a little of it.