View Full Version : Appam without yeast

24th June 2005, 10:05 PM
My husband has to avoid yeast so I am looking for a Pallapam recipe without it. Can anyone help? TIA.

25th June 2005, 04:44 AM
Put a pinch or two of eating soda 5 minutes before you make appams to the batter and mix well.

25th June 2005, 05:38 AM
when u say avoid yeast did u mean any yeast or the store bought yeast.??

25th June 2005, 10:14 PM

26th June 2005, 01:20 AM

The store bought yeast Intant Active Dry, Rapid rise or cake yeast used for fermentation of breads. In India people usually use toddy but I don't have access to it where I live so I am looking for alternatives to make appam with any other fermentation agent.

26th June 2005, 03:29 AM
I dont know if u r aware of....but u can make all these idlis, dosas, etc without adding any synthetic store bought yeast.
I do not add and have never added any such store bought yeast to appam, idli, dosa etc.
After grinding I just mix the batter with salt and mix with hand(ofcourse clean hands) because ur hands heat and bacteria(dont worry- those bacteria are not harmful but they are present in hands) are enough to activate the production of yeast in the batter.
So this time after u grind the appam batter add salt and mix it with hand and close tightly and allow it to ferment(by keeping it in a dark corner may be like oven-but do not switch the oven on.
what i do is after mixing it with salt by hands close it tightly with cover and i wrap in a towel and keep it in oven- in summer it ferments overnight but in winters it takes 12-24 hours to ferment and rise.

and believe me its not a compromise in taste. Its more tastier -this is what i have heard from people who use yeast who ate our idlis/dosas/appams with no synthetic or external yeast.
The fermentation process induces yeast production when kept in a dark and warm area of house.
Hope this helps..

2nd July 2005, 06:02 AM
Thank you very much for all the info. I will surely try it out.

20th July 2005, 02:07 AM
hi rice & beans
you can prepare pallappam by adding a little bit of ground coconut instead of yeast. at home they used to prepare it using coconut toddy but here you can do it with coconut paste.


20th July 2005, 05:12 AM
would you be able to provide a recipe with exact measurements. I have tried inumerous recipes without yeast as per many people's instructions and in the end the batter ferments beautifully but it doesn't bind and ends up looking like an omelet.

Another question is does bottled toddy work fine to make the appams??? Because if so I have access to bottled toddy and I would love to try it out with a more precise recipe.

20th July 2005, 07:19 AM
Hi r&b,

My Mom used to make fluffy appams without using yeast... She adds a handful of leftover rice soaked in water overnight & the water used to soak the rice...This is ground along with rice & a few dhals... I don't know the exact measurements... If U r interested,I can get it for U...

20th July 2005, 12:30 PM
hi rice & beans
in india aappam is traditionally prepared using coconut toddy only!you know the drink that they call ' kallu' in tamil. but in big cities where it is not that easy to buy toddy , people use ground coconut to ferment the batter & apparently it does !anyhow very soon i am planning to add a aappam photo recipe without yeast on my site so please wait & see


20th July 2005, 08:57 PM
Thank you . I will be looking forward to the posting on your site.

I would really appreciate if you could get those details. Thanks.

22nd July 2005, 01:21 AM
I wanted to thank you for posting the dosa recipe. Will post a comment soon. Your site is very nice.

12th December 2005, 02:14 AM

You can reduce yeast and make appam.

Take the coconut water and add two tbsp of sugar, then mix well.Keep this one day in room temperature. Next day you can use this in appam for making appam batter, instead of water.To this appam batter you can add 2 tsp of cooked brown rice while grinding.In this way if you are making batter, very less yeast required.

For fermenting the yeast, do this seperately instead of adding yeast directly to the batter.

Visit our website for appam recipe.



13th December 2005, 03:45 AM
Thank yo for the tip. I checked out your site and it is very interesting.

3rd January 2006, 07:22 AM
Thank yo for the tip. I checked out your site and it is very interesting.


