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21st November 2004, 10:05 AM
if any health issues are bothering you, just share it with us. we can find a solution. Let me remind personal/private issue need not be posted

24th November 2004, 12:16 AM
how to avoid/slow the process of skin ageing. any suggestions?

24th November 2004, 12:35 AM
Try kayakalpam :lol:

24th November 2004, 09:33 AM
try the fountain of youth :lol:
ok seriously it is just taking care of your skin as much as you can...find out whether you have oily, dry, sensitive skin and use products that cater to that type of skin....wash dont scrub your face and make sure not to change skin products every single time a new one comes in...find one that suits you and stick to it....wrinkles will come but atleast they will be healthy wrinkles :)

24th November 2004, 09:33 AM
@sandeep wat a nice advice :x .

24th November 2004, 09:39 AM
try the fountain of youth :lol:
ok seriously it is just taking care of your skin as much as you can...find out whether you have oily, dry, sensitive skin and use products that cater to that type of skin....wash dont scrub your face and make sure not to change skin products every single time a new one comes in...find one that suits you and stick to it....wrinkles will come but atleast they will be healthy wrinkles :)

yep thats true. we should never rip off the essential oils that helps to keep our skin supple and healthy.

Another main reason for skin ageing (for the formation is wrinkles) is sunlight (harsh afternoon sun). wrinkles around the eyes occur mainly due to sun.

24th November 2004, 08:57 PM
Whats your opinion about using medicinal drugs for anything and everything?

What prompts this question is the resent Vioxx fiasco and the general acceptance by medical community that every medicine is potencial poison.

25th November 2004, 02:19 AM
i hate to use english medicines. I will prefer ayuvedha or siddha medicines.
These people (in US) have started using chemicals for anything and everything. huh. :x i bought some icecream and the artificial flavor for strawberry just gave me a instant headache. ( sundaes at macdonalds is not artificial :wink: )

i hate these chemicals.
I just want natural food.

if i go for natural food like vegetables or spinach, even they have some amount of herbicide/pesticide in them coz these farmers are using herbicides and pesticides a lot.

good that chicken is atleast natural with less chemicals.lol,

25th November 2004, 07:07 AM
well Davie...yes it is disconcerting how we cannot even trust veggies to be naturally grown...i mean if they are genetically modified so that are immune to pesticide..thats all good cause you will get a good crop...but what is the use of us ingesting this chemical laden plant? :(

i dont know about chicken....increasingly another reason to be vegetarian....do the chickens even see the light of day? I am still reeling from disgust to what has occured from the mad-cow scare...how could you do that it is so inhumane even if you justify that it is not a human you are doing harm to...which in the end is exactly what happened anyways... :x

another thing Davie...i know i dont like to post downer posts so...the ice cream in MickeyD's is not fully ice cream...it's soft serve...the same thing they use at Dairy Queen..."composed of a mixture of fat, protein, carbohydrate, minerals and vitamins, but actually "Ice Milk" (soft-serve) is superior as a food because it contains lesser quantities of fat and sugar than does ice cream and high quantities of milk solids non-fat which are almost pure protein"....so go ahead and enjoy your sundaes..just make sure you eat fast cause they melt a helluva lot faster than ice cream. :D

25th November 2004, 07:52 AM
here's one health problem that always makes my friends wonder when they find out...

I'm allergic to pepsi but not to coke....just one sip and i can hello to hives for atleast three days....it must be a difference in chemicals....most people joke that it's lawsuit material :lol:

26th November 2004, 08:16 AM
finally i am at this peaceful useful interesting thread.
what kind of allergy do u get??
to my knowledge pepsi and coke have one main difference. in coke mostly phosphoric acid is used. in pepsi some phosphoric acid and some citric acid.
but citric acid is not bad. coz in fruits like lemons and oranges citric acid is present.
also pepsi is more sweet.
did u drink some mexican or indian pepsi? lol some people found cockroach in pepsi in india.lol :lol:
and if u drink pesi and eat chicken and nothing else then u will get tummy ache, fever etc etc etc.
usually i dont drink pepsi or coke in empty stomach.

26th November 2004, 10:57 PM
nope i never drink any pop on an empty stomach...never tried desi or mexicano pop....and i break out into hives...which last about three days...if only a sip is taken....i usually can differentiate the taste...yes citric acid is good for you....love those tangerines, clementines...simply love sweet lime juice...

29th November 2004, 02:01 AM
how bout sprinte, coz i used to drink sprinte and it has citric acid. drink and tell me dahl

29th November 2004, 03:24 AM
how bout sprinte, coz i used to drink sprinte and it has citric acid. drink and tell me dahl

no i have never drank sprinte...because it's not easy to drink something that runs away so quickly :P :lol:

i have had sprite and 7-up before....both with the citric acid...so you can rule out the citric acid as the cause of my pepsi hives... :D

29th November 2004, 03:59 AM
I have too

17th February 2005, 11:56 AM
if i go for natural food like vegetables or spinach, even they have some amount of herbicide/pesticide in them coz these farmers are using herbicides and pesticides a lot.
It is not possible to protect crops without using chemicals. I agree that in poultries less chemicals are used. But chicken is costly and we cannot eat daily.

30th July 2006, 03:03 PM
My father is suffering from gangrene for last 2 yrs. His left toe has already amputated and now the next fingure got infected.

Please advice, where we can contact for the treatment.

Thanks & Best Regards
Meenu Sharma

31st July 2006, 02:55 AM
very sorry to hear
i know they do 'maggot therapy
but not sure how complicated diabetes?
pls dont let him have any shellfish types pls

1st August 2006, 05:17 PM
alright..i hope any of you can help me...i have a problem with digestion...whenever i eat..i feel the food gets digested very slowly..and hence causes stomache upset or bloating and this is really irritating and disturbing..

sometimes i feel like throwing up too..how can i find a remedy for this...by the way..i eat lots of vegetables too..so i guess fiber intake is out of the remedy list...
what else can i do..as i dont want to depend on any medicine and would prefer a natural way ...

5th August 2006, 10:19 AM
hi good day below link shows many tips
just follow your well


6th October 2006, 02:39 PM
Anyone interested in losing your weight the healthy way? E-mail me at hima@towam.com.my. I've got the solution for your problems!