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10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Topic suggested by Krishnan (ravikri@hotmail.com) on Wed Sep 2 13:53:00 .

Shall we discuss this super group's Albums ?

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
I grew up on PF, find them to be one of the most creative rock groups. Have their best albums on CD. I like Wish you were here, The Wall and DSOTM. Have any of you heard Roger Waters- Amused to death?

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Raja : Have u listened to Floyd's "Obscured by Clouds" and "A Momentary Lapse of Reason" ?
I didn't get a chance to listen to "Amused to death" . What is ur review ?

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM

I have A momentary lapse of reason, learning to fly is an experience for me everytime I hear it, the guitar work is outstanding.

I have heard some of the tracks from Obscured by Clouds, sometime back. What are the songs from this album ?

Amused to Death, is the last album from RW -92. You have to hear the title track, very intense lyrics, generally puts you in a bad state of mind.

Have you heard RW's - not now john from final cut? does something to you when you hear it, especially the humming in between.

Got a chance to see the wall-the movie on VH1, didnt like it was quite vague. PF has also scored the soundtrack for Zabriskie Point-directed by an italian director- michaelangelo antonio (so I have heard, not seen the movie). Relics also has a great called julia's dream and paint box.

Cant stop raving.. Shall end here, ever wondered why british bands are so creative?

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Raja : Nice to hear that u are also addicted to Pink Floyd. The film Zabriskie Point was based on a thriller by Alistair Maclean and was directed by Italian master director Antonioni.
What according to u is The Best of Pink Floyd albums ?
Have u listened to Led Zeppelin ?

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM

I like most of their albums, wish you were here, DSOTM, & The Wall maybe a shade over the other albums. What are your favourites?

I have heard Led Zep - have a cassette of their greatest hits.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Led Zep:

Stairway to Heaven, Battle of Evermore, Misty Mountain Hop, Black Dog, Whole lotta love..

These are grand. Stairway to Heaven is a different
trip altogether..:-)

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Raja: I like their "The Wall" but I have told that their "A Momentart Lapse of Reason" is The Best.

Gokul :"Stairway to Heaven" is a great one.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
I was introduced to PF by a friend of mine when I wanted to buy a good music system. DSOTM was what I used as my test CD :-). So I have listened to DSOTM many times over. Like the Money song very much. I also have the Wall CD (remastered).

Is PF british ? A friend of mine tells me his dad died in the Vietnam war or something and so PF is full of hate (listening to DSOTM and Wall I could tell PF is not necessarily positive type of singing). I still like their music (leaving the lyrics alone).

When people here in TFM forums talk about ARR as the recording guru and I ask them to compare him with PF it easily shuts them up :-) :-)

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
hi Pink Floyders,
ever wondered how the band got its name? from Pinkus Floydus, the biological name of the dinosaur.
all PFers should watch Pink Floyd-The Wall, the movie. directed by alan parker (who made mississippi burning) and starring bob geldof as the nervous wreck rock star, the movie is an experience in itself. u can see The Wall coming to life.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM

As far as I know the name Pink Floyd is derived from 2 blues singers Pink ... and Floyd ... ( dont remember their last names. Hope you are not pulling a fast one :)

IMO the movie the wall didnt impact me as the album did.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
What's DSOTM ?


10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Hello, my name is SYD BARRETT !!

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM

DSOTM - Dark Side of the Moon

Hi Syd. When did you get out of your hibernation? What have you been upto lately?

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
I have been playing at the gates of dawn.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
HI all,
I too am a fanatic of PF.....anyone has listened to Animals, Relics.....Too much thee these albums are. But my favorite is still Wish you were here....

PF and the conceptual music .....thats the uniqueness and so shall it remain.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
yes viku,
wish you were here is my favourite too! fits together beautifully!

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Hey thOdudaiyaseviyOn,
How did you ever know my name? Who is the mystic figure out there?

The actaul growth as far as the maturity and music of the band can be traced through their albums. Relics presents the picture of a childishly playful band, making psychedelic music. e.g. 'Careful with the axe Eugene' ( Btw an interesting point to be noted. Eugene was supposedly related to Jerry Garcia of the band Grateful Dead and while chopping the wood eugene cut a finger of Garcia. and hence the song.). As the band progressed, the album meddle shows a slightly mature band with poetic lyrics and starting of a conceptual music. The music to the film MORE is yet another scintillating proff for the poetic music that they had progressed to.

Out of the blue comes the album, Dark Side of the Moon and Wish you were Here. Both the album rely on total conceptual music and exquiste and meaningful verses. One can sense the already arrived nihilistic Waters.

The ultimate in concept, The Wall. By now, one could call this typical Pink Floyd after the conceptual albums right before. Ambititious and totally Waters' child, The Wall and the not so recognized Final Cut becmae the peaks of Pink Floyd's capability.

I certainly believe it was Waters who carried the band through, though they apparently never recorded together. Most of the lyrics and concepts was introduced only by Waters.

I guess the band broke up due to 'creative differences' as it is claimed, but does anyone know the true reason? The band break up semmed all too soon and unexpected. But both Waters and the now Pink Floyd have somewhat carried the flame along. But there is clearly a difference between PF with Waters and the PF now. I still prefer the old one to the new, but still the new PF is also pretty darn good.

Why is there no other band carrying the flame through? I mean just as Phish is carrying the flame of Grateful Dead, why is there no other band just like PF?

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Roger Waters will be touring the US soon.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Meddle & Division Bell are excellent albums too.

Never liked DSOTM.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
PG, looke likeyou have been hooked onto the first and the last of their albuns. Interesting. Continuity in their album took place only a few albums and those were about in the 70s. Especially Wish you were here.

Right now, I am listening to " A great Gig in the sky". I think it requires atleast some amount of praise from you, PG.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
pg (if you see this;)): If you dint like DSOTM you probably dint catch the lyrics. I suggest you turn out the lights and listen to Time or Brain Damage or Us & Them or Eclipse. Div Bells has a nice cover.
I caught on to PF some time ago and dint like any of their tracks till I caught on to the wording. Those guys were worse than the Times Cryptic CW when it came to messages. I've been to a number of PF sites and most of them discuss the deepest implications and insinuations in the words rather than the music. Any body know of any such interestng sites.
BTW if it's any info to you guys there's a PinkFloyd.com mail id. Have you guys got one. It's free. mine's srinivasj@PinkFloyd.com. Not much of a GUI on it but a great mailid to distribute when you wish to show your Floydian loyalty ;).

I enjoy Aerosmith too. They are Brit too aren't they?

And why hasn't anybody had anything to say about this since June?

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
You guys are a bunch of dorks. I believe I heard someone saying they "don't like Dark Side Of the Moon" (is it too much
trouble to type the whole thing out?). Well, buddy, guess what, nobody GIVES a flying fuc*k, OK? Because it happens to be one of
the best studio albums ever made, produced incidentally by a certain Mr. Alon Parsons, who I'm sure you "don't like" as well.
And as for the person who said that "Pink Floyd" is derived from Latin for dinosaur, baby, I hope you were trying to be funny.
Pink Anderson and Floyd Council were two Georgia (or Carolina, there are two opinions) blues singers who were Syd
Barrett's inspiration. THAT'S how Pink Floyd. Pinkus Floydus.... sheesh!!

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
You guys are a bunch of dorks. I believe I heard someone saying they "don't like Dark Side Of the Moon" (is it too much
trouble to type the whole thing out?). Well, buddy, guess what, nobody GIVES a flying fuc*k, OK? Because it happens to be one of
the best studio albums ever made, produced incidentally by a certain Mr. Alan Parsons, who I'm sure you "don't like" as well.
And as for the person who said that "Pink Floyd" is derived from Latin for dinosaur, baby, I hope you were trying to be funny.
Pink Anderson and Floyd Council were two Georgia (or Carolina, there are two opinions) blues singers who were Syd
Barrett's inspiration. THAT'S how Pink Floyd. Pinkus Floydus.... sheesh!!

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
i have uploaded some pink floyd numbers in my music page and i ama a die hard fan too...i swear and live by the LSD era they were, are and will be the best.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Thanks for a cute thread on PF! :-)

Do you guys know that there is a book called 'pink floyd - saman kulaikkum rock isai' written by a PF aficionado - A Shanmugam? It was published by Yali Prints / Madras. The book can do with a lot of improvements - but is a decent beginning, none the less!

Has anyone heard about David Palmer's 'Archestral Manouevres?' - this is a must listen for all PF fans and has a very haunting rendering (in sax?) of 'shine on you crazy diamond...' The album has been recorded by London Philaharmonic archestra and is very good.

Any one fascinated by the echoes of meddle??


10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
i wanna know if anybody can tell me where i might get music from floyd council e mail me at weedmower1@yahoo.com

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
anybody out there who's got floyd's historic live at pompeii video cd? if yes please reply to me

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Can anyone post the lyrics to ,"I wish you were here"?
If so I would be greatly indebted.
New Comer-university student in Ontario

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
anybody want to share Roger waters's pictures?

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Well first time I heard pink floyd that was in my friends car, it was dark side of the moon. man the songs had such brilliant guitar work that it really shook me. also the lyrics were out of the world sp like Time, money etc.

well can any of you guys help me with the best of his albums, well i have the dark side of the moon, The wall , Wish you were here and a few tit bit songs here and there. i'll bereally obliged if u can advise me on his other better albums.

- unmesh

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
I totally agree with some person named noops. How can somebode come up with some sort of crap like that dinosaur thing. that has got to be the most ridiculous thing that i have ever heard!!!!!!!!!

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
hi i am syd's fan in tehran.iran and i love him

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
This is for Leah....

Wish You Were Here (Waters, Gilmour) 5:17

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skys from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade
Your heros for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
Check out www.pinkfloyd-co.com.

10th July 2005, 03:20 PM
"Occasionally I get these sort of out-of-body experiences when I'm on stage, standing in front of maybe 60,000 people. I look at myself, thinking, 'Good Lord, how on earth did this happen?'
One part of my brain is fully focused on performing, and the other part is somewhere
else, thinking, 'How extraordinary it is -- but how lucky I am!'" - DAVID GILMOUR

David gilmour is a perfect musician...FLOYD Band will be safe in his arms.
<a name="last"></a>

11th July 2005, 08:24 PM
i feel nirvana is a better band than pf. to me nirvana> rolling stones> pink floyd.

12th July 2005, 10:15 AM
i really wonder what would have happened if cobain was still alive to this day.surely he would have made nirvana the no1 band. anyone to second me?

15th July 2005, 11:10 PM
i really wonder what would have happened if cobain was still alive to this day.surely he would have made nirvana the no1 band. anyone to second me?

yeah... what if jim morrison would have been alive today?? :wink:

17th July 2005, 12:27 AM
thiru sir,
i just have 5 songs of doors in my hard disk.

1.land ho
2.alabama song
3.break on through
4.road house blues.
5.when the music's over

so i'm not able to compare him with others.

17th July 2005, 07:40 PM
The following are his best..

Road House blues
Light my fire

I was quoting him because he was cobain's mentor..

19th July 2005, 04:07 PM
I've been missing good threads like this all this while !!!
A die hard Floyd man here... :)

Actually Pink Floyd got their name from Pink Anderson and Floyd Council who were blues artists....... In fact, Syd Barrett called the band The T-Set, the Abdabs and The Screaming Abdabs before settling on PF.

Personally my pick of the lot is Roger Waters and i don't think PF were the same after they split. I travelled for 3 nights with very little sleep in the peak summer season to watch Roger Waters's "In The Flesh" concert in Bangalore. I was living in Delhi back then.

Been trying to get hold of "In the Flesh" DVD but its always out of stock whenever i ask for it in Music World or Planet M.

And invariably, fans of Pink Floyd also like Led Zeppelin, Jimmi Hendrix, The Doors and Dire Straits - the quintessential classic rock cream.

Hope this thread is "Coming back to life"

21st July 2005, 12:11 AM
andavar this happened 2 years before right. i was in chennai at that time. there was a big commotion among college goers when word spread around that pink floyd is going to tour india. that was the time when i actually started listening to quality western music. before that western music simply meant michael jackson.and let it be known that pink floyd has the highest fan following in the institute i am currently in.there is a big gang of rock music lovers over here.i have almost the complete pink floyd collection. but as i have already said before to me nir>dp>rs>pf.

21st July 2005, 11:47 AM
ah just remembered.pink floyd toured india 3 years before. for the past one year i am living in a different world altogether.that's the reason why i'm unable to place things in the right chronological order.

22nd July 2005, 03:50 PM
That was actually Roger Waters' "In the flesh" tour, and technically not Pink Floyd because that name rests with David Gilmour, Richard Wright and Nick Mason, after they split after The Wall and won a suit filed by Roger Waters. Roger did an album "Final Cut" (a very personal and gratifying album) in which he hired David, Richard and Nick to play for the album.
BTW, did you say you were studying in college?
Personally i liked Nirvana but i fele their spectrum is not as broad as PF's. Nirvana makes for some great listening to give you company if ur depressed, especially their unplugged album :)

shiv sagar
30th May 2006, 05:04 PM
may i jump while u all are on discussive job i am also addict of music of P F will u bear me also sirs.

31st May 2006, 07:39 AM
My favorites of Pink Floyd are - Time, Money, "A Momentary Lapse of Reason", "Dark Side of the Moon", and others.

And after Sting went solo, I like his singing "Money For Nothing" for Dire Straits from their Grammy winning album "Brothers In Arms".

15th July 2006, 12:01 AM
RIP Syd :cry:

17th July 2006, 01:29 PM
Shine On You Crazy Diamond, psychosyd...

13th January 2007, 05:02 PM
Hi there Pink Floyd fans!

14th January 2007, 12:16 AM
Roger Waters "The Dark Side Of The Moon" world tour:


Feb 18 MMRDA Grounds, Mumbai!!!

8th August 2008, 07:37 AM
Hooked on to the Animals album lately. Has three songs which signify three types of people. Pigs - Politicians and generally people with power. Sheeps - Follow the pigs. Dogs - People against the pigs but they are not good either. Was never a big fan of the album. Sheep especially is mindblowing. Aimed at people who live like sheeps, meek, in herds rambling aimlessly, following the orders of pigs. There is a tinge of anti-christianity as well for some reason. Awesome song :clap:

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader

Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you're told
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.

8th August 2008, 06:40 PM
Hooked on to the Animals album lately. Has three songs which signify three types of people. Pigs - Politicians and generally people with power. Sheeps - Follow the pigs. Dogs - People against the pigs but they are not good either. Was never a big fan of the album. Sheep especially is mindblowing. Aimed at people who live like sheeps, meek, in herds rambling aimlessly, following the orders of pigs. There is a tinge of anti-christianity as well for some reason. Awesome song :clap:

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader

Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you're told
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.
Animals - What a superb 'dark' album :notworthy:

Its supposedly inspired by George Orwell's "Animal Farm" [pallikoodathula non-detail la padichadha lighta nyabagam irukku].

My undoubted favorite is Dogs - Gilmour :notworthy:
paatula ethana changes, ethana twists, "moments" - Brilliant. Especially Gilmour's solos and the shattering climax with Water's vocals and Mason's double drumming (this can be heard best only in the studio version)...
Who was born in a house full of pain
Who was trained not to spit in the fan
Who was told what to do by the man
Who was broken by trained personnel
Who was fitted with collar and chain
Who was given a pat on the back [ typical Waters vocals here. The way he says 'pat on the back' is Ultimate]
Who was breaking away from the pack
Who was only a stranger at home
Who was ground down in the end
Who was found dead on the phone
Who was dragged down by the stone

"Pigs on the wings" is a classic :thumbsup:

Sheep - Love the way it starts and the guitaring throughout... Paatukku paattu typically atypical, adhaan Floyd :smokesmirk:

Have you checked out Roger Water's "In The Flesh" DVD?

8th August 2008, 06:53 PM
"Dogs" wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogs_(song) has this trivia:

The main guitar solos are performed on two guitars harmonising, in the original recording both of these were played by David Gilmour and then played over one another.

How i wish i could listen to this album now.. naasama pora office :evil:

8th August 2008, 07:47 PM
Halloooooo yaaro ungalai kasta paduthi ukkara vecha madhiri. Avvalavu kustama irundha kelambaradhu !!! :oops: :lol2: :P :yessir:

How i wish i could listen to this album now.. naasama pora office :evil:

8th August 2008, 08:18 PM
Halloooooo yaaro ungalai kasta paduthi ukkara vecha madhiri. Avvalavu kustama irundha kelambaradhu !!! :oops: :lol2: :P :yessir:

:oops: agarenda naanum oru sales reppu :twisted:

10th August 2008, 11:18 AM
Have you checked out Roger Water's "In The Flesh" DVD?
I own it. Would watch at least once ina month :P Was not lucky to watch the tour live. In fact I have never been to one of their concerts. Been to some sort of a remote concert thingi in which the band (Waters and others) were performing live from London and we were watching it in the USA in a theater. After the *concert* was over people were encouraged to ask questions and it was fun. Btw, In The Flesh DVD is top-class, with extreme close-ups and high quality sound. Extra features is a bit of let down, I was expecting more.

Please continue writing about other albums, especially obscured by clouds. Though there is not much of an audience here, I for one would love to read :thumbsup:

Last song heard: Burning Brides.

1st October 2008, 09:55 AM
You might have already read about it. Rick Wright is no more

9th October 2008, 06:46 PM
started exploring pink floyd and led zeppelin(basically on curiosity created by hubbers)...earlier listened to few of their famous hits like "stairway to heaven"

listening to the recommendations of orkutians and hubbers..

ada..nallathampa irukku :musicsmile:

9th October 2008, 10:25 PM
Good going Vivasayi, I never really liked Pink Floyd at first. But they have fast become one of my favorite rock bands.

9th October 2008, 10:29 PM
Good going Vivasayi, I never really liked Pink Floyd at first. But they have fast become one of my favorite rock bands.

before months i tried once....they sounded odd.

its good now..

thilak i tried to add u orkut..it asks for ur email id...if possible pm me

9th October 2008, 10:36 PM
started exploring pink floyd and led zeppelin(basically on curiosity created by hubbers)...earlier listened to few of their famous hits like "stairway to heaven"

listening to the recommendations of orkutians and hubbers..

ada..nallathampa irukku :musicsmile:


From led zepplin, listen to "Dazed and confused"!! its TERRIFIC!!! (:ty: Bala for introducing this song). Apart from that you have a lot of songs like "whole lot of love","black dog","Immigrant song" to try out (I never had the taste for "Kashmir", you might still want to try it out)

Pink Floyd is more of an acquired taste. Its like listening to ARR's music, one will be wondering what's so great about it, but eventually you will fall for the magic, all efforts to assign cause to its appreciation will escape your reason ... MAGIC is the closest word :notworthy:

Lots of favourites to list out.. Comfortably Numb is an obvious primer, you will fall in love with it no sooner. I was madly in love with Hey you's guitar interlude, used to repeat and hear it over and over again. "Wish you were here" is a close relative to both these songs in terms of likeability.

The real magic starts with "Shine on you crazy diamond" and "Echoes".. listen to them in a dark room on earphones and closed eyes. Soon you will be swaying your head like a lunatic and become an object of ridicule at home. A very minor price I say :P

Then listen to "Have a Cigar" and "Money" (Money especially, just cant get over the sax towards the end tilldate) If you were swaying your head earlier, you will be swinging it wildly with these numbers. Finally my latest chella kutti "Time", sounded very innocuous at first, but its a hellova good track(Why do I have this weakness for songs with a tinge of philosophy :huh:). Especially the godawesome guitar interlude :notworthy: .. Sometimes it feels great to discover something really nice in things which were there all the time infront of you. Wish you a wonderful travel into the world of madness :thumbsup:

9th October 2008, 10:49 PM
You might have already read about it. Rick Wright is no more
Sorry, ippO dhAn pAkkREn. Its been a month I think. A great loss of talent. He was with the band right from Syd days. A TV channel here paid tribute to him in an hour long programme. Showed videos of pink floyd tours. In fact Rick was working with Gilmour not long ago and had toured with him in 2008. Rest in peace.

9th October 2008, 10:49 PM
thanks TM :)

9th October 2008, 10:52 PM
Good going Vivasayi, I never really liked Pink Floyd at first. But they have fast become one of my favorite rock bands.

before months i tried once....they sounded odd.

its good now..

thilak i tried to add u orkut..it asks for ur email id...if possible pm me

check PM. :)

Bala (Karthik)
2nd October 2009, 05:11 AM
What is your take on the album The Final Cut? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp5_Ul-qG0w&feature=related)

Its actually a kind of an extension of the Wall and strangely its mostly a Waters show with the rest of the band not fully buying into it (from my memory) and with Wright being involved purely on a hired basis