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View Full Version : BBC documentary on IR's music, with interview (audio)

28th July 2005, 12:59 AM
Tamil film music through the decades:


From part 37, it statrs to talk about IRs music.
Also has interview with IR.
All audio in real audio format.
Very interesting, must listen for all IR fans.

29th July 2005, 04:38 AM
Thanks Ananth for the link. Must listen for IR fans.I hope they will have more IR interview segments in the coming weeks.
Bumping up the thread.... for great link.
Ananth where are u located?


29th July 2005, 11:48 PM
Thanks Prabhu. Please check your PM.

I encourage everyone to listen to it.
I loved part 38, where IR's works on mayamalavagowla were studied.
And also part 43, interesting the way IR talked about composition on avatharam, and liked the way he played keyboard and sang.