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22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Topic started by radha (@ cs17023-145.jam.rr.com) on Tue May 20 13:12:12 .

To reduce bad cholestrol and increase good cholestrol...can anybody give recipes for this?Daily food for those who are having cholestrol in blood?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi radha,
Oats is extremely beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol levels in the blood. You can make a simple porridge by adding a cup of oats to 2 cups of boiling water (or skimmed milk). Bring the mixture to boil again & cook for further 2 mins. Keep stirring all the while as oats has a tendency to stick to the bottom of the vessel. When it cools down a bit you can add a spoon of honey (which is also good for cholesterol) or even some fruits & enjoy it. Or you can make it more liquid (like kanji) & have it mixed with a bit of rasam or buttermilk. You can also add a few Tbsp. of oats to almost any soup that you make; it thickens the soup without adding any other refined flour & is healthier too!! Oats when consumed regularly is incredibly beneficial.

Apart from oats, garlic is also said to be very good in significantly reducing the cholesterol level in the blood. You can refer to the thread 'Garlic' by Lavanya for more info.

Olive oil is said to be very good to increase the good cholesterol level in the blood but it too has to be used minimally 'cos it is very dense in calories. You can use it for salads, chapathis, dosa or even for the curries & poriyals you normally cook as for these dishes the oil use is a few Tbsps. only; but it is not suitable for deep frying.

Hope this info. is helpful to you.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Can Olive oil be used for Daily cooking?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
hi AJ

olive oil can be used for daily cooking.It's very good for our health.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Revathy,
Thank u so much for ur response and the info u gave.Sorry for my belated reply.If u know any recipes of our daily food(Indian)regarding cholesterol free, let me know

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Probably I am repeating what I have written else where. Just by avoiding Cholesterol in diet one cannot completely reduce cholesterol levels in blood. It might help to a certain extent.

When mice were fed with fiber free diet, zero fat, the cholesterol levels where high. Puzzled?. The reason is that even if you dont take cholesterol in your diet, your body will make cholesterol from carbohydrates. The body will make glucose from starch and this glucose will inturn be used to make fat and from fat it makes cholesterol.

So to superfically reduce cholesterol eat fat free diet or low fat and zero cholesterol. But if you want to handle the root cause, increase fiber in your food. Completely avoid margarine , eat more vegetables and fruits. Switch to brown rice and whole wheat instead of white stuff. Beet roots is a must. Other grains are oats, buckwheat and ragi.

Ofcourse walking everyday for an hour adds up.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
some more information in


22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Pradheep,
Thanks for ur explanation regarding the cholesterol in food.It's really very informative.I think ,you are the one who gave the details about the flax seed oil and curry pattha.Could u pls tell me where we can get flax seed oil?BTW are u doing any Research in this topic?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Radha
Flax seed oil is avialble in health food stores of regular stores too. I get spectrum company oil. I am a scientist (biochemistry cancer biology background) currently in food research, but I am more interested in traditional food practices. if interested visit www.sathifoundation.org

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Pradheep
Thanks for the prompt response.I am not able to reach the URL what u gave.Its nice to have a scientist like u in this hub.I have gone thru ur responses which u shared in this forum hub.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
sorry typing error
please read

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
What about non-vegetarians? Is it true that avoiding all fried items, eggs & red meat can stop cholestrol increase. Eating cooked fish does help in reducing 'bad cholestrol'? How about cooked chicken?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
White oats and oats are the same?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
My cholestrol level is 212 .May I take steps to reduce it.Kindly advice.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Hari,

My Husband had the same choletrol level and doctor advised to reduce by dieting. He had more fibre (natural, reduced oil and salt to the minimum. His cholestrol level and BP is normal now. Also reduced 3 kgs in a span two months also.
Don't forget to walk atleast three times in a week for 1/2 hr to 45 mts

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
hi pradeep
could you pls clarify if red raw rice(which is used in kerala) and brown rice are same.
the red raw rice which I buy says "good for diabetes"
pls clarify

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Suhera Farook is right. Besides regulating the diet, daily walk with swinging arms freely for 40 mts at least, will further reduce the cholestrol level.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Mr. Bala. I have forgotten to write about water. Drink as much water as possible ( min. 3 bottles of 1.5 litres)

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
To reduce cholestrol you can go on protein especially soy products.
Soy flour mixed with wheat flour,soy milk with cereal,extra firm tofu, soy seeds for snacks along with a regular workout really helps.
Deepa Chenny

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Deepa,
It is good to switch over to soy products from other dairy products.For some people it is not.One of my friends suffered with swellings all over her body because of allergy caused by soy protein.So, those who wants to do so should consult their doctor.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
I read somewhere that soya products contain more sulphur (which people with high blood pressure should avoid), Is it true?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
pls. read interesting article on Soy Products and Canola Oil:


22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Devi,
Good to know about that. As you have mentioned anything that we switch on into has to be discussed with our doctors.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
One of the doctors whom I went for consulting told me :

Have 10 overnight soaked almonds daily in the morning (peeling the skin).

Just 10 overnight soaked almonds with skin peeled out...

she said that will reduce the bad cholestrol and increase the good cholestrol..

from then, I am having.. But yet to check my cholestrol level :)

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Hubbers,
If soy is that bad why many people from Asia especially Japanese and Chinese have had it in their daily intake for centuries? Sometimes we have some much contradictory information that we don't really know what to do. What do you think?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
to reduce bad chol take 2 pods of garlic either cooked in diluted milk or crushed added to honey in the maorning with empty stomach.in addition quarter spoon of Vendhiyam either raw or choked in water be taken.see the resuts after a month.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
My father has high cholestrol level 223. His trighrides level is also high ? please advice what should i do ? he is taking zocor 40 daily for it.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
I have very low good cholestrol-25, which should be minimum 50. can anyone of u suggest me of increasing it?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
I have slightly high triglyceride count. It is around 367. The doctor who saw the report that I need to increase my good cholestrol level. What is this good cholestrol and bad cholestrol? How does one increase good cholestrol? Is a count of 367 high?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM

Bad Cholesterol is also known as low density lipoprotein (LDL). This has a tendency to stick to the epithelium of arterial walls and in due course may narrow the path of bloodflow sufficiently to cause angina (chest pain). This may progress to unstable angina, where the chest pain increases in duration and intensity,or even a heart attack if a blood clot forms in the narrowed artery, thereby cutting off blood supply to the concerned part of the myocardium.

Good Cholesterol is also known as high density lipoprotein. Its job is to scavenge for LDL and bring it to the liver where it used to produce bile. So having high a HDL usually means having a low LDL.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Asif,

Your father's cholesterol level is not alarmingly high though it is above the threshold level of 200. In order to reduce the level of cholesterol he could be put on one of the statins such Zocor or Mevacor or the doc might put him on other cholesterol lowering agents such as cholestyramine. All these drugs have side effects, for example statins can cause muscle and liver damage and so screening for these effects might be advisable after taking them for several months.

In addition your father should adopt a heart healthy diet which usually means a diet low in staturated fat, low in cholesterol and high in fiber, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. He should limit intake of red meat and avoid organ meats such as liver, brain and kidney. He should also avoid high cholesterol items such as prawns and crabs. When he takes chicken the skin should be removed and the fat trimmed. Generally, all kinds of fish is good.


22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear SS
Sorry for responding late.
They are different varities. Both are good. But i would say the red rice totally unpolished is the best.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Guys follow the atkins diet.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Pradeep,
Now my daughter is of 4years old.Since i am in emirate i cannot walk continuously because of weather.
Please give some tips to follow.After reading your info i bought white oots for my break fast.
is it o.k?
please guide me

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Megalavairamani
I have helped a few people to lose weight in a healthy way through dialy water therpay, once a week juice therapy an donce a month castor oil cleansing. And of course eating whole foods and avoiding low fats diets (YES LOW FAT DIETS) and walking or doing yoga.

High protein fat diets helps to reduce weight but you have to remember the high protein diets are toxic to the system and shoots up blood electrolytes.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Megalavairamani
I have helped a few people to lose weight in a healthy way through dialy water therpay, once a week juice therapy an donce a month castor oil cleansing. And of course eating whole foods and avoiding low fats diets (YES LOW FAT DIETS) and walking or doing yoga.

if interested visit www.sakthifoundation.org

High protein fat diets helps to reduce weight but you have to remember the high protein diets are toxic to the system and shoots up blood electrolytes.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Megalavairamani!
About reducing cholesterol- In the morning, eat only a pair of whole meal bread slices with low fat mayonise and cucumber-tomato slices. For the lunch, avoid the rice meals for atleast 4 days in a week. Instead eat any wheat diet like wheat uppuma, chappathi[2 pieces with vegetable curry], wheat dosa etc. In the night you can eat three dosa or idlies. In between you can eat some fruit slices especially apples and oranges. By this way you could reduce yr weight much. Avoid sweets, bananas and mutton. Once in a week, you can eat a nice lunch with rice, chicken, and anything you want. But in the night you should take a low calorie food such as bread with salad to compensate the calories you have consumed. My cardiologist approved this diet and it is keeping my cholesterol in the correct levels.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Thank you mr.Pradeep&mrs.Mano
Thanks a lot for your quick responses.Sure i will visit your website mr.Pradeep

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Interesting thread! My cholestrol is on the high side despite being a lifelong vegetarian and avoiding fatty foods. Now, I have been taking Lipitor to control it. The facts about cholestrol are pretty complex and I would recommend people (especially Indians who have a higher risk of CHD) to read up on the latest advances in this ares. The latest edition of Robert Kowalski's book "The New 8-Week Cholesterol Cure : The Ultimate Program for Preventing Heart Disease" does a good job of educating people of this deadly disease. Also, read up on Syndrome-X.

Unfortunately, medical science does not understand all the issues yet. There are tons of studies which prove and disprove many theories. It is best not to rely too much on the theories involving Garlic, Alcohol, zero-fat, high protein etc... What is really important is balanced diet and daily exercise. These do make a perceptable difference and improve the quality of life.

Hope this helps other people who are worried about high cholestrol and CHD.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Can you please suggest can food be cooked in olive oil, minimum amount? Is it good for lowering cholestrol.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Jennifer,

Olive oil is classified as a monounsaturated oil and is better for the heart when compared to polyunsaturated and saturated oils. Avoid saturated oils like coconut oil if you can. Polyunsaturated oils like palm oil or corn oil is okay. Taking precautions on the oil used alone might not reduce your cholesterol level as many other factors are involved. Besides adopting a heart healthy diet and taking sufficient exercise on a regular basis, it might be necessary to add medication to your regimen if the cholesterol level remains unmanangeable or beyond accepted levels.

Always check with the doc on the suitability of the approach you decide to take.


22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
as per above talks many people shared their opinion about cholesterol.Does anybody know about Triglycerides high in the blood.What type of food should be taken.. ofcourse with regular work outs? Please somebody help me out.
Thank you

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Devi,

Okay, I'll give you the skinny on triglycerides.

* It is the main type of fat in our food and
in our body. It's combined from glycerol and
fatty acids. It is also synthesised by the

* High triglycerides (hTG) is a risk factor
for cardiovascular disease, insulin
resistance and pancreatitis. Presently the
acceptable level for fasting TG is 150 mg/dL,
although some docs say something like 100
mg/dL should be aimed for.

* Those who need to reduce their TG should try
to lose weight, do exercise, reduce intake of
carbohydrates especially sugar, reduce or
eliminate intake of alcohol, reduce
consumption of fat in their diet to 30% of
total calorie intake, and increase
consumption of fishes rich in omega 3 fatty
acids such as salmon, mackerel and herring.
Vegetarians can try taking flax seed oil.

* Eat less at any one time, meaning you should
take lighter meals spread over the day rather
than going for one or two binges a day.

* If these things do not bring your TG level
within the preferred limits you could be put
on TG lowering drugs such as niacin (which
is actually a B group vitamin), gemfibrozil
or fenofibrate.

* Always consult with the doc before you try
anything out.


22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Mary,
Thanks a lot.I appreciate you to give such a needed information and suggestions.
Thank u

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Mary,
I heard some of our friends saying that taking red wine increases good cholesterol.Whether Is it true?Is it good to take wine with Indian food?
thank u

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Devi,

Your friends are right about red wine increasing the level of HDL (good cholesterol) in our blood. Recent studies have led to this belief although conclusive results have yet to come. Probably the antioxidants and saponins present in red wine produces this beneficial effect. I suppose taking one or two glasses or red wine a day should be okay for most people, though some docs may advise against taking any form of alcohol for various reasons. I think moderation is the key if you're thinking of taking red wine. As far as taking it with Indian food, well, I haven't tried it and don't really know if it is good. Once I did try champagne with Indian food and it was nice. But champagne is white wine.

One should also bear in mind that alcohol can increase triglyceride levels, it is toxic to the liver, it can damage nerves and heart failure patients should not even touch it.

There are other natural ways of increasing HDL and I'll try to post it later on.


Other alternatives to increasing HDL

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Mary,
Thanks for ur response.These informations, i am gathering for my close friend.She is 46 yrs old.She is diagnised with triglycerides.She has the habit of taking some beers(miller light) during weekends.Having concern about her health i am asking u many doubts.Eagerly expecting the postings from you with more details.
Thanking u

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Use "Take Control" or "Benecol". These are vegetable oil spreads which contain plant sterol esters. They reduce cholesterol quite significantly. It worked for me. Available in any US grocery store. It looks and tastes just like butter so I eat it with toast in the mornings. A delight to have.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
I would like to inform you that from my experience that eating oats everyday for breakfast(any kind like cherrios or the wet one like porridge or the whole grain as long as it oats) and going for a brisk walk for 30 mins at least 3 times a week and not eating too many fried things it is possible to control cholestrol over a period of 2 months.
I have read that the following foods also help in lowering cholestrol,they are
Alfalfa,almond,beans and legumes ,olive oil,onion
soybeans ,seaweed .(i have not tried these)

I also read in a newspaper column that besides oats ,psyllium,eggplant and okra all have soluble
fibre which helps in lowering cholestrol.
Another suggestion in the same column from someone whose cholestrol was 284 was to mix 1/2
cup apple cider vinegar mixed with 4 cups apple and 3 cups white grape and began taking 6 ounces of this tonic every morning before breakfast .
that persons cholestrol dropped to 212 in addition the arthritis pain in that persons knee is gone.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
I would like to inform you that from my experience that eating oats everyday for breakfast(any kind like cherrios or the wet one like porridge or the whole grain as long as it oats) and going for a brisk walk for 30 mins at least 3 times a week and not eating too many fried things it is possible to control cholestrol over a period of 2 months.
I have read that the following foods also help in lowering cholestrol,they are
Alfalfa,almond,beans and legumes ,olive oil,onion
soybeans ,seaweed .(i have not tried these)

I also read in a newspaper column that besides oats ,psyllium,eggplant and okra all have soluble
fibre which helps in lowering cholestrol.
Another suggestion in the same column from someone whose cholestrol was 284 was to mix 1/2
cup apple cider vinegar mixed with 4 cups apple and 3 cups white grape and began taking 6 ounces of this tonic every morning before breakfast .
that persons cholestrol dropped to 212 in addition the arthritis pain in that persons knee is gone.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
I would like to inform you that from my experience that eating oats everyday for breakfast(any kind like cherrios or the wet one like porridge or the whole grain as long as it oats) and going for a brisk walk for 30 mins at least 3 times a week and not eating too many fried things it is possible to control cholestrol over a period of 2 months.
I have read that the following foods also help in lowering cholestrol,they are
Alfalfa,almond,beans and legumes ,olive oil,onion
soybeans ,seaweed .(i have not tried these)

I also read in a newspaper column that besides oats ,psyllium,eggplant and okra all have soluble
fibre which helps in lowering cholestrol.
Another suggestion in the same column from someone whose cholestrol was 284 was to mix 1/2
cup apple cider vinegar mixed with 4 cups apple and 3 cups white grape and began taking 6 ounces of this tonic every morning before breakfast .
that persons cholestrol dropped to 212 in addition the arthritis pain in that persons knee is gone.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear XXX,
Your suggestion about the apple cider vinegar + apples + white grape seems simple and impressive. It is worth trying without much of a problem. But a small difficulty persists - 4 cups of apple and 3 cups white grapes. Does it mean 'cups of juice'? Since natural apple juice and white grape juice are available in the market, can we go for them to make this tonic? Do help us out. Thanks.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
pls take oats poridge every day for break fast and the results would be fantastic from my experience.
other suggestions are :take a teaspoonful VENDHAIYAM EVERY DAY IN THE MORNING.Include Malli Ilai/pudhina leaves in your food on a daily basis.
See the results for yurself in amonth and then cotinue and enjoy good health.

Caution pudhina leaves are slightly pungent.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi. Anbuvasali. Thanks for your suggestion. But how should I take Vendhaiyam everyday. plz.tell me. I shall start taking Malli and Podhina as you suggested. reply.bye.nandhini.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Nandhini,Take half spoon vendhaiyam after removing stones etc and wash.then soak overnightin water.drain water in the morning and take(swallow)in empty stomach.after 5 minutes you can start taking what ever you wish.Another method is clean them and swallow it without soaking.I follow this method.Results will be the same.You may also feel your body heat reduced since it also works as a coolant.

With the above oats and boiled veg/fruits as break fast will reduce the cholestrol.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hello Nandhini!
Consuming Venthayam everyday will also reduce the sugar level. This is a best treatment for sugar patients only. If you are not diabetic, then it is better to take venthayam twice in a week with the instructions that Anubavasali said. You can also mix soaked venthayam with a little yogurt.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Thanks Anubavasali and Mrs.Mano Mam. But I am not a Sugar patient. I need to reduce the weight. Mrs.Mano..two days a week ..is it n.f.? Then give me some suggestions on taking honey in lukewarm water in the empty stomach in morning/ Does it really work? Any experience. please.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Nandhini,
Honey in lukewarm water helps u in reducing weight,With that add 2 sp lemon juice to it.Take only 1 tsp honey don't take more honey than it will make u to gain weight.so in 1 full glass of lukewarm water 1 tsp honey and lemon juice will be good.I have reduced weight by this and exercise.It keeps you fresh.
All the best

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Devi Thanx a lot. I will try.Bye.takecare.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Devi,

Along with warm water and honey, do oyu do excercise and eat only special foods?
Also, when should this warm water be taken?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Aarthi,
Take warm water with honey and lemon juice early morning in empty stomach.After 15 mins.do some exercises u know or go for a brisk walk for minimum 20 mins.Eat food whatever u like in small portions.Drink more water.Try to eat only salads for lunch.Try to avoid oily foods.Our traditional Indian food is good for our health.
Thank u

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
hi everyone

If you wish to loose weight avoid all food in white rice sugar milk curd icecream etc.take raagi food with dhall.Try soya food .have lots of veg salad.add ginger & garlick in your daily food.
do not take take honey in the night as you will increase weight.Do not starve it wont help.walk for 15 to 20 mts or exercise regularly.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Devi,

As you given above the method to loose weight, I have a doubt, you said 2 spoon of lemon juice, is that teaspoon or tablespoon and shall I use lime juice for the replacement of lemon juice. Desperately waiting for your reply to try out.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Gracy,
Two table spoon of either lemon or lime juice will do.
All the best

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Try Himalaya Shddha Gugugulu....its for cholestrol reduction.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
hey you want to loose weight there is a very good solution for it.plz tell me what is ur blood group?i got B+ blood group.i should not eat any wheat flour,tomato,corn oil,prowns,masoor dal.when your cooking make sure your cooking with olive oil or some vegetable oil if you want more plz mail me

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
This is an excellent forum for discussion. I wanted to know how many of you are below 25 and have a cholesterol level of above 200?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Beg your pardon, I am not familiar with Tamil terminology. Can someone please explain what Venthayam means ? Is that methi seed ?
Also what does Malli mean ?
How can one use Malli and Pudina in regular south indian dishes ?
I heard one can use "kakarakaya pudi", kakarakaya means Karela in hindi, bitterguard in English or some bitter tasting things to reduce cholestrol and even help diabetic patients to keep their sugar levels under control. Is this true ? Any recipes for such concoctions or dishes ?
Would appreciate any suggestions,

The homebound

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Indian friends! Thank's for your good advises, i tried Garlick and it did reduce my cholesterol level! jew Alex

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Devi,
Just went thru your tips of reducing weight by taking warm water, with honey & lime juice. I have a doubt, if we discontinue having this, will it increase the weight?? Because I have heard that if we stop having this all a sudden, then we blow up. IS it true?? Also will affect, if we have it while we are pregnant. Please advise. Waiting for your response.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Kavitha,
having warm water ,honey and lemon juice this combination is always good for health and also with 20 mins.exercise atleast.It never happened to me when i stopped and gaining weight depends upon how much u eat and what u eat.It's always good to have an advice of our doctor while pregnant.Thanks !!

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Thanks so much for your advice Devi. Will follow the same.

Bye, Kavitha.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Thanks so much for your advice Devi. Will follow the same.

Bye, Kavitha.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
dear all,
it was a nice medications of house hold..

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Using as little oil as you can while cooking food helps. Also could you please tell me what VENDHAIYAM is? Thanks.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
1. Benjamin Franklin coined the phrase, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Believe him. He was very wise. Apples are very high in pectin (a soluble fiber) that lowers cholesterol. Make it a point to eat one a day. They are very low in calories too.
2. Another tip is to mix 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar with a lukewarm glass of water and drink it 2 times a day. (you may add honey or substitute water with grape juice). This also helps lower cholesterol.
I recommend the "raw apple cider vinegar" for best results. check this url http://www.bragg.com/company/faq_applecider.html for more apple cider vinegar info.
3. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise.
Good luck .

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi palavi,

Vendhaiyam is methi seeds(fenugreek seeds)

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Thanks Anjana.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi friends,
Can anyone of you suggest some home tips (I hate english medicines!!!!!) for increasing good cholestrol and reducing bad cholestrol?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
75% of the Cholestrol is made by the liver. Cholestrol is neccessary for for cell membrane formation. Cholestrol, when not eliminated by the body, deposits on wounds in the arteries.

Its wiser to follow a balanced diet. That is, with around 10 fat (cow's ghee).

Dont fall into the trap of good and bad chlorestrol, since Allopathy is not sure as to the root cause of deposits!

Statistically, maximum heart patients have had total chlorestorol of around 200. The heart attck rate decreases below this level, BUT ALSO DECREASES AT HIGHER LEVELS!!!

Authentic vegeterian Indian cuisine, unblemished by the Moghlai touch (which is however, essential to marinade meats, to make them digestible) is a perfect balanced diet. Avoid ALL fads. Eat according to basic Ayureveda principls, (given in many books) and avoid ALL problems.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
I am reading all the responses above for the topic how to reduce cholestrol. I am also a person with high Cholestrol (252). I am just concluding the tips as below:
Tips to take-optional
1 table spoon honey+1 table spoon lime juice with one glass look warm water before breakfast.
excercise or walk 20-30 minutes.
eat oats porridge for breakfast.
garlic and ginger very important in daily food
for spreads - use take control or benecol
maximise the use of onion, olive oil, eggplant, okkra.
tonic - 1/2 cup apple cidar vinegar with 4 cups apple+3 cupts white grapes. use 6 ounces every day morning before breakfast (nobody given the answer 4cup apple and 3 cup white grapes meant juice or not? pls help)
drink more water
eat food in small portions
eat salads
use whitemeat (chicken)

to avoid :
oily foods
any kind of fries
milk products
seafoods - shell, prawns, octopus, crabs, shrimps
redmeat, pork and sausages
alcohol and smoke

i think the above will help to get some idea of all the above discussion for newcomers. thanks.
please correct me, if wrong.


22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi friends;
I have a remedy which i have tried and my mum with her high cholestrol{in blood} have tried and did work;cos'when she went back for her normal medical checkup[as she have to do every month],cholestrollevel gone down.The remedy is 1 green apple and 2 kiwi fruits[inside should be green],blend into juice{cos'it will be too sour to eat just like that}and drink it in the morning before breakfast or drink it at night for dinner.May be if u feel like skipping your dinner.u can take the fruits or as juice.This remedy can really reduce your weight and your cholestrol level.Bye,see u later.Hope someone will try this.[note:u have to eat or drink the fruits together for at least two weeks to a month to see the result.]

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
i want to know if my dad can take well cooked red meat at least once a week if he hashigh cholestrol... is smoking to be absolutely banned.. because he used to smoke a lot but has now reduced to 5 a day.. will that help or will he have to quit permanently???

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Mallika Badrinath has written a cookbook in Tamil containing 300 recipes with the calorie count. It is available at www.innoconcepts.com/mallika.htm

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM

pls visit www.tarladalal.com for low calories recipes and enjoy the food

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Is 30mg of cholesterol is to much when you eat a cup of ice cream? How low it should be to enjoy?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
try to include soya beans in your diet. at least 2-3 times a week. walnuts, flaxseed and pumkin seeds are also good to get your total serum cholestrol down, HDL up and LDL & triglycerides down

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM

My mum had high cholestrol..and she is very worried. Can u please advise what kind of fishes and meat she can take?
Or which vegetables are suitable to reduce cholestrol? I know that cereles are good.

Hope you can help.
Many many thanks.


22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM

My husband has a little high cholestrol level and he has been extremely restrictive about his diet and constantly excercises too. I normally use Corn oil to cook foods before, but now changed to olive oil. Unfortunately, he doesn't like the taste of olive oil and ny question is how good gingely oil is for cooking purposes (sauteing no frying) with regard to saturated and unsaturated fat levels. Is it safe to use gingely oil as backhome, my mom use only that and no other oils and none in my family has any cholestrol problems. Please provide me the nutritional info on using Gingly oil (Nalla ennai) for cooking.


22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Can some one suggest me that the brisk walk should be done before dinner or after dinner which helps reduce BP and cholestrol?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi geeta
you should use extra light virgin olive oil, frankly you will niever taste the oil at all.
we have switched from corn oil too, yes your dad isright becuse the regular olive oil does have a pungent smell, try the light one i think i have the Berio olive oil . he will never ever complain.
gingelly oil alsohasa strong smell but i dont knowmuch about it because it has 20 odd years since i have tasted anything with it.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
technically you have to take a walk only after you eat becasue it will help to bring the sugar level down .

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
I couldn't open the article at all.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Thanx Suemani,
But does it affect adversaly in case some times one tales walk before the meals???? And to what extent it helps?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Dear Rinchen,

Red meat in any form is to be TOTALLY avoided as it is very high in cholesterol. Chicken and fish (especially those rich in Omega 3, such as mackeral and salmon) are very good, especially if they are steamed or grilled.

Shellfish (such as prawns, crabs etc) are also to be avoided as they are high in cholesterol.

Smoking and alcohol are to be TOTALLY avoided. These are literally poisoning your system. Though there is some research that suggests that moderate consumption of red wine is ok.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
For those who are veg, flax seeds make a good addition to the diet. They can be roasted and powdered. About 2 tbsps are to taken daily. This powder can be incorporated in roti dough, mixed with skimmed milk, or eaten directly. The roasted seeds can also be had directly.

They key is to eliminate saturated fats, which are of animal origin (therefore anything that is solid at room temp), hydrogenated veg oils (found in most processed food - so pls read labels before purchase), any kind of refined foods (Refined flour, refined sugar, refined oils etc). OIls that are from seed sources are the best - olive, sesame, etc, but again in minimal quantities.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Food should be sattvik, ie fresh, seasonal. PLently of fruits and veggies, therefore increasing fibre. Whole grains are ok. No rajma, chole or such heavy beans (at least keep them to a minimum). Less oil, less spice, even less salt. Try to keep all processed food to a minimum. No butter, ghee etc. ONly skimmed milk and its products.

Nuts can be had in moderation - NOT more than 3-4 nuts, individually or combined per day.

And as someone mentioned earlier - exercise everyday, ut don't overdo beyond capacity. Brisk walking is fine BEFORE meals, but definitely not after. After meals, a light stroll is advisable.

My father is a cardiac patient, so all these tips are tried and tested. I hope that they are of help. Also, as a student of Yoga, most of these (the veg parts at least!) are as per yogic guidelines.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
If I can add, avoid all milk products but start taking KEFIR .

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
My mother has got cholesterol total of 295 mg/dl.
She is having fasting blood suger of 145 - 175 mg/dl.
If you can help me for following topics i will be very thankfull to you.

* What are the food she can take?
* Explain some exercises
* Is she have to contact a Cadialogist regarding this?

Please send me an answer. I am not in a good mood.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Shani,

My father is also having Diabities, I can tell you the diet for Diabeties.
1) Take some Methya (Vendyam) in the morning empty stomach and dring a glass of water.
2) Go for a walk, morning 45 minutes and evening 30 minutes, brisk walk with hands swinging (basically to strain oneself)
3) Have chapathi for breakfast
4) Drink sugar less coffee/ tea. Avaoid sugar intake fully, avoid fruits.
5) For lunch take ragi ball (kali), some rice, some raw vegetables like cucumber
6) Dring bitter gowd juice.
7) If you are a non vegiterian reduce intake of non veg particularly Mutton.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Basically the funda is
Reduce food intake, take such foods that make you feel heavy, take more fiberous food so that the food stay in the body for long and finally avoid sweet and fruits...

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
I have noticed that some one suggests Brisk walk before the meals and other says it should be after the meals.
I would like to know what is better? And does the other form (before or after) adversely affects the body?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
I am intersted in knowing about the brisk walk for the purpose of reducing cholestrol as asked in my earlier message of today.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
can anybody explain me about flax seeds? what are they?can anybody tell me what they look like and its local name ..thank u.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hello Nirmala,
I have posted a lot on FLAX seeds in Forum Hub, just type flax seeds in google search at top of this page and enter.
You will get link to whatever I have posted there.
FLAX seeds are a wonderful thing.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
soak Garlic in honey for 21 days, and start consuming one everyday from the 22nd day in empty stomach. You can do this in bulk and store it for up to a month or more. Again repeat by soaking for another 21 days. Little bit of planning is required for this.This drastically brings down the cholesterol level and is a good healthy medication for your heart.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hello hemanth,
thank u for ur information.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hello Sou,

Soaking of garlic in honey sounds good ,but how far is it effective in diabetic patients?as honey is also a type sugar which may increase blood glucose level....can u please provide some information about this...
thank u.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Nirali,
The above recipe(garlic soaked in Honey)is good for those having high Cholesterol. I'm not sure if it'll help those with diabetes. Taking methi seeds (fry lightly without oil, & grind it coarse using a coffee grinder)in empty stomach with warm water will help people with diabetes.
Hope this helps.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Hi Nirali,
I'm not sure if I understood the question right. If a person is suffering from both diabetes and Cholesterol, they can try the garlic soaked in honey recipe, but would eat the garlic only, without consuming honey. The garlic might have little honey absorbed but it is only negligent. They can also have methi seeds.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Thank u

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
sorry to respond so late, well all i can tell you is for a diabetic walkig after the meal is good because it will help you regulate the blood sugar. my hubby does that evryday and i get updates on his sugar depneding what i make for lunch or dinner. he walks immediately after breakfast, then afater lunch he takes a break checks his sugar and then goes to walk for 30 mins not more but briskly, comes bcak takes rest after a while eats his dinnr goes out and agains walks for 30-35 mins for sure on most days.
tht is the only way he can do .
so hopefully these tips willhelp you get started.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
benil,i smoke only one cigarette per day,i eat low fat diet i do exercise ihave littlee bit raised cholesrol level please advice

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
hi, i found out i had cholestrol by chance about 7 years ago at the age of 31.i took raw chopped garlic and it really brought the levels down. but according to ayur doctors it is not good to take garlic as it increases the heat in the body. is this true. a few months ago i found out my triglycerides were 4x the normal range.i hate to go on medication. i exercise almost everyday and take oats every morning. for ur info i am a very small sized person.someone suggested celerysticks and green apple juice.any other homemade remedy. how about taking turmeric?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
My husband had triglycerides. He takes flax seeds with his food and also tofu/soy. His tgl level dropped. Doctor suggested fish oil capsules for my triglycerides. I am also taking flaxseeds.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
i need more information

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
To reduce cholestereol leves, reduce intake of animal fats, especially dairy products. Do not think that there is a magic remedy, you could suffer for a long time believing there is. Honey should not be touched by diabetics, this is so obvious!!!. Any exercise is good, at any time, but maybe directly after food is not recommended, as one can suffer cramps. Try exercise which is a little taxing, to make your heart pump a little faster, and improve metabolism.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
The fresh succulent 'silks' (the flowering parts of the cob) of maize (called Zea Mays, the seeds we use for pop-corn) boiled in water, taken for 10 days will reduce cholestrol tremendously.

Next best medicine is garlic, exercise and avoiding non-veg foods like meat, except chicken.

The extract, called guglipid, comes from the guggal tree and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional Hindu medicine, for nearly 3,000 years. These medicines available in the form of powders and tablets in Ayurvedic.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
hopefully not too drastically, as the body needs cholesterol to function properly. If it cant get enough from our diet, our bodies make it. Our brain is about 3% cholesterol. It is not a bad thing, per se, just an excess is not too good.

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
what is the tamil name for flax seeds?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
will it be possible for me to see flax seeds in pictures as Iam not clear what it is?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
what is the minimum cholestrol in our body?and how to controle our cholestrol?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
what is the minimum cholestrol in our body?

22nd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Can anyone tell me what is the tamil term for flax seeds?
<a name="last"></a>

25th November 2004, 06:14 PM
flax seed is also called linseed in india. we use linseed oil to thin the paints (oil based). to reduce cholesterol, and to remove polyps in the colon, it is recommended to use ground flax seeds (it has a nutty flavour). you can add it to milk, cereal or kanji.

here is the translation as from ammas.com

Flaxseeds is known as San, Alsi in Hindi, Gujarati, and Punjabi, Ali vidai in Tamil. Flaxseed is also known as Linseed, Atasi, and Jawas in Marathi, Tishi in Bengali, Pesi in Oriya, Agasi in Kannada, Avise ginzalu in Telugu, and Cheruchana vithu in Malayalam.

27th November 2004, 01:45 AM
basically there are two types of fats
essential fats
and non essential fats
Many people who are really dumb think that vegetable oil is harmful to health. But the truth is it is not harmful but beneficial to the health.
Fat in chicken and other meat varieties are harmful to health. Again young aged people should/can consume chicken or other fatty itemss.
Only people above 40 years should be careful not to eat too much of chicken or mutton.

27th November 2004, 03:48 PM
Garlic is very good for reducing cholesterol, so is white oats porridge. Pori kadala that we grind for chutney can reduce blood pressure. Also, the coriander leaves we use for garnish is great for cholesterol.