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View Full Version : Instructions - Your Submissions

28th August 2005, 01:40 PM
Your Submissions

The TFM Page Magazine is an effort to publish creative and quality works on TFM so as to better appreciate the music and enrich our knowledge. Are you looking for an outlet to publish articles related to TFM and get wide readership? Do you have an excellent TFM related blog, but wished your stuff was read by more than a trickle? Or, did you wish to write a detailed account about a song/album that you recently listened to? TFM Page Magazine is the answer! Submit your stuff - articles, lyrics analyses, perspectives, reviews, song appreciation or raga based songs, or any good creative material (e.g. multimedia presentations - we'll assist in realaudio hosting) related to TFM, and reach out to a huge audience at the TFM Page, the No. 1 Tamil film music portal. Please send your submissions to [html:5da0f61c2e]<script language="javascript">emaillink('rrprivate-magazine yahoo.com','this address')</script>[/html:5da0f61c2e] (rrprivate-magazine AT yahoo.com). Submissions can be in English or Tamil. If you are sending in tamil, we prefer it to be in TSCII or UNICODE.

Please note that all submissions are reviewed and only quality materials will be accepted for publication. Editor(s)' decision is final.

Terms & Conditions
You truthfully assert that material being submitted is your own creation and that you are the lawful copyright holder to this work. Further, you truthfully assert you have not infringed on anybody else's copyright in the creation of your submission.
You grant publication rights to this site, while retaining copyrights for publication on your own in the form of a book, other print media or on any other websites. Depending upon the topic of your submission and its approval by the team of our reviewers, it will be published by us on this site. Topics deemed controversial/offensive topics will NOT be published.
We are not responsible or liable for loss if visitors to the site violate your copyright and distribute your creative works without your permission.
There will be no monetary compensation for your submission. (Ours is a totally non-profit effort.)
You grant us the right to organize, categorize, collate the submitted materials and present them on the website in any manner we see fit.