View Full Version : Raw pappaya recipe

29th August 2005, 10:35 PM
Hi all,

I would like to try out dishes using raw pappaya... I know that we can make thayir/moore kulambu using pappaya...In case anyone of you have any other recipes that call for raw pappaya,pls post it here...

30th August 2005, 07:22 PM
Hi dev,

There is a very tasty Thai salad called somtam. It is made of raw papaya, and has both veggie and non-veg variations. I have tasted the veg version and it is great. Am sorry I will not be able to give you a credible recipe for this. I hope some one else on this forum will be able to come up with it.

I did find some links to the recipe on the net, dont know if that wd help.


30th August 2005, 10:43 PM
Hi Aaram,

thanks for tht info...I've never tasted that salad...It would be great if you could post the links...I too will google & try to find some recipes...:)

31st August 2005, 08:35 AM
Here's a link for Thai Green Papaya Salad


31st August 2005, 08:44 AM
Hello truebluemoon,
How have u been? always remember u when I make ur hariaayli dal. It has become quite a reg item in my home. Do spare some time to post recipes in ur thread 'delicious dals'. I've also tried the quick masoor dal and liked it. Thanx for the recipes.

31st August 2005, 08:47 AM
Hi tbm,

Thanks for the link... But I don't think I'll try it coz neither do I eat shrimp nor crab... I thought it's a vegetarian salad & that's the reason I asked for the recipe...Anyways, thanks a lot for taking pains to get the recipe for me...:)

pavalamani pragasam
31st August 2005, 11:44 AM
Raw papaya is wonderful to add to our traditional south Indian 'sambar'-peel them, dice them & cook along with any other vegetables of your choice. Next it makesa tasty curry when the small diced pieces are cooked with a little jeera powder, chilli powder, salt & a pinch of turmeric. Coarse rice powder may be added before removing from fire.
My favourite is 'pineapple' jam with raw papaya! Pressure cook the flesh & mash it. Transfer it to a thick-bottomed pan, add sugar, a pinch of citric acid saute till the puree solidifies to a jelly consistency. When cool, add a few drops of pineappleapple essence and a very delicious pineapple jam is ready!

31st August 2005, 12:14 PM
Hi PP mam,

Thanks a lot for those recipes... Will try out the sambar & pappaya curry & let you know how it turned out... But pineapple jam... I'm allergic to pineapple & it has turned into a phobia now...I don't even near pineapples & I dread the smell of pinapple...Maybe I'll try the same recipe by adding some other flavour to it...

Thanks again,PP mam...:)

31st August 2005, 12:16 PM
PP mam,

It was a pleasant surprise seeing u in food section... Thanks for dropping in... :)

pavalamani pragasam
31st August 2005, 02:59 PM
Thanx, dev :D Cooking interest is second nature to us women, esp. Indian women. I gave in the 'quotes' thread how from times immemorial women have been cooking food for their men. When our children were in the growing stage with a healthy appetite cooking gave me genuine pleasure. Now I opt to retire from culinary activities :lol: All the children & grandchildren are far away :( What do 2 old people need to give incentive to extensive cooking processes :?

31st August 2005, 03:47 PM
"Cooking interest is second nature to us women, esp. Indian women"

Primary or secondary interest doesn't matter... but that shouldn't be their only interest...:)

Even though there might not be the incentive to cook elobrate meals for just the two of you,it's better to cook easy to make,healthy stuffs...I'm sure U would be following this...& the recipes that you gave proves tht my belief is true...:)

Anyways,I find many ppl eating as much junks as possible & later when they fall sick ,they say with a paavam face that 'I never harmed anyone & why am I made to suffer like this'... I wish they realise that though they never harmed anyone,they were harming their own body very badly by eating all those unwanted junks like coke & fries & vadas & bajjis & bondas etc etc... This is especially true with aged ppl who give a justification that since all their responsibilities are over & it doesn't matter what they eat at that old age... I wonder Y they don't realise that their kids can be happy only if they see their parents healthy & happy!!!... :?

pavalamani pragasam
31st August 2005, 07:30 PM
What you have said is quite true, dev! As we age our metabolism rate gets lower at last it is time to count one's calories :( What was once harmless, easily digested, for example some favourite oily snacks like murukku, pakoda become a bit undesirable for cholestrol level maintenance :( If I won't stop them I must take more exercise, at least a small walk, my kids have dauntingly ordered me! I share your opinion about junk food. The TV ads are seducing growing kids :( And adults in some homes! I am for combining taste & nutritive value. A lot depends on the sensible food habits we inculcate in our children.

31st August 2005, 08:10 PM
Hi dev,

Here are some links to veggie version of somtam.


I have not tried it, but it seems pretty much the same as what I ate at a friends home.


31st August 2005, 09:53 PM
PP mam,
Good to know that you r trying to balance your meals... & what you've said is very true... It's better to inculcate healthy eating habits in kids right from the start... I've always had lots of opposition when I say that kids shouldn't be served deep fried food often ,coz most parents feel that it is the age to eat anything & everything... But my feeling is that once kids get used to such foods,they'll find it diffi to get rid of the temptation to eat fried stuffs when it's time to count calories...the saying " 5-il vazhaiyaathathu 50-il vhazhaiyaathu" holds good in this too...

& I really pity the youngsters of today ... coke in one hand & a bowl of chips in the other is what they do to show that they r 'cool'... & girls find it stylish to say that they love sweets,candies,cookies & icecream... I've seen many of my friends having atleast 1 bar of chocolate in their purse always!!!... Our traditions that is against smoking,alcohol etc doesn't bother much abt bad eating habits,which is even more dangerous(Ex: eating more of fatty & coconut rich food can lead to high cholesterol ,which inturn can lead to blockage of blood vessels & finally can lead to cardiac arrests)... i wish there was a tradition that says eating junkies is ill-manners... If it was so,atleast a few who follow the traditions strictly even now might've been saved from the devil... :wink: :)

31st August 2005, 09:55 PM

Thanks a lot for the recipes...Will try out & let you know...:)

1st September 2005, 04:34 AM
Hey Dev,

The link also has veggie substitutes for shrimp and fish sauce....just add soy sauce instead :-)

pavalamani pragasam
1st September 2005, 07:19 AM
So glad to find a like-minded person in you, dev :D

1st September 2005, 10:02 AM
Hi tbm,

Thanks for informing... Though I'm not a complete vegetarian,I've started moving more towards vegetarianism after I started reading a few pearls of
Swami Sachidananda... :)

PP mam,

Glad to note one thing that we both agree to... :wink: :)

pavalamani pragasam
1st September 2005, 11:20 AM

2nd September 2005, 11:43 AM
I added a few cubes od pappaya to veg kurma & it tasted really good... the pappaya was a bit ripe...so I wouldn't be able to make the salad,sambar or curry this time...I'll try out the jam...:)

pavalamani pragasam
2nd September 2005, 11:57 AM

25th September 2005, 04:40 PM
I came across this recipe from Tarla Dalal's email newsletter.


A sweet and hot clssic Thai salad of raw papaya, tomatoes and long beans in a nutty tamarind chilli dressing.

Preparation Time : 15 to 20 min.

Serves 4 to 6.
3 cups raw papaya, grated
1 tomato, quartered and sliced thin
1/2 cup long beans (chawli), sliced finely
3 or 4 green chillies, pounded
1/2 cup roasted peanuts, crushed
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 tablespoon soya sauce
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped coriander
salt to taste

Toss the all ingredients together.

Serve chilled.