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View Full Version : TFM Page Magazine - Comments?

5th September 2005, 12:42 PM
Hi all,

Hope you've seen the TFM Page magazine launched on Sep 1st. In case you haven't,

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Page Magazine</a> - Debut Issue!</font></td></tr>
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Editor's note (http://forumhub.mayyam.com/tfmmagazine/?t=4587)

Classical Crossover music by Ilayaraaja: A perspective (http://forumhub.mayyam.com/tfmmagazine/?t=4584) (kiru)

The Screen Turners: Part I (http://forumhub.mayyam.com/tfmmagazine/?t=4578) (Naaz)

SaRiGaPaDhaSa family, Neighbours of Mohanam and TFM (http://forumhub.mayyam.com/tfmmagazine/?t=4573) (RR)

<span style="font-style: italic">en mEl vizhundha mazhaithuLiye</span> (http://forumhub.mayyam.com/tfmmagazine/?t=4447) - A lyrical analysis by Ramki.

TFM Quiz (http://forumhub.mayyam.com/tfmmagazine/?t=4575) - Participate in the quiz and win prizes.

This being the first issue, we would like your comments/suggestions/critiques. For example, how do you find the content? What else do you like to be there? Ideas to make it better?

p.s.: Pls read the 'Editor's note' first. The basic questions are addressed there.

6th September 2005, 09:15 PM
Great work!
I especially loved the article on `mOhanam'! Fantastic job RR in explaining scales in simple, layman terms!...and other articles are enjoyable too...

Keep up the good work! When can we expect the hard-copy edition?

8th September 2005, 07:50 AM

Thanks a lot. Glad you liked my article. I'll try to write more such (and hopefully not bore you!).

We are still looking into making a Hard copy version. But an eBook version is coming out soon. Would need your & everyone's help in distributing it and widening the reach.

8th September 2005, 11:06 AM
Ramki ,

Nice write up on en mel viluntha "... especially the last 2 lines!

8th September 2005, 12:24 PM
Just read the interview by Naaz with Sivasankari. I have never read the novel " 47 naatkal", but I saw the film twice, but never saw the last half an hour. I found the film and its portrayal of characters to be interesting. ( whether is it due to the thing that I am a KB fan ??) Naaz questions especially why did u name it as 47 days and the answer by sivasankari are awesome. Naaz's interviews are always interesting. This is another milestone for both Naaz and tfmpage.

8th September 2005, 09:10 PM
yvsmani -

Thank you for your kind words.

I am happy to hear that you enjoyed the interview, although I am still perplexed by your admission that you missed the final 30 minutes of the film, and two times in a row! How did this come to be? What's your story? Not a Sarat Babu fan-aa?
And do you know how the film ends?

If you want to read the book as a song, I suggest you mix up the verses of Maan Kanda and Thottu Kattiya, and voila, you'll have Kannadasan's lyrical summation of Sivasankari's prose.

Or if you can wait for less than a month, I'll do the mixing for you!

8th September 2005, 09:22 PM
RR, a small suggestion.

While we can spread this URL to the people we know, I'm not sure whether all the registered DF'ers themselves have paid attention to the mag. (I feel so as the postings on this thread are not many)

How about sending a `promotion e-mail' to all those 6000+ registered with the hub...

9th September 2005, 07:58 AM

I'm planning to do that this weekend or Monday.

9th September 2005, 12:33 PM
It's about time to turn on the Anti Spam Filter this weekend or Monday ! :lol:

9th September 2005, 03:15 PM
I watched that movie in vijay t.v. twice ( saturday 4 p.m). We have our Vishnu sahasranamam parayanam at 6.30 p.m in our area. Since I regularly attend that, I watch that movie till 6.10 p.m. Since it is a flashback, I could understand that she was rescued from Paris, but how and the other details, i don't know. In fact, I like saratbabu for his ever young appearance.

9th September 2005, 05:34 PM
RR,your observation about Mohanam sisters is quite interesting and informative.Iam looking forward for your coverage about Hamsadhwani, Bilahari also as they also differ from Mohanam only by a swara. How about ragas like pahaadi, MohanaKalyani which are also close to Mohanam while listening?

9th September 2005, 08:34 PM
Great work guys

Kudos to RR & Ramki

9th September 2005, 10:44 PM
RR,your observation about Mohanam sisters is quite interesting and informative.Iam looking forward for your coverage about Hamsadhwani, Bilahari also as they also differ from Mohanam only by a swara. How about ragas like pahaadi, MohanaKalyani which are also close to Mohanam while listening?
The scope of my article is members of SRGPDS family, and I didn't go beyond that. As you said, it would be interesting to look at other one-note neigbours like Hamsadhwani, Suddha saveri, etc. Why don't you dig up and try an article on this topic? All interested are encouraged to contribute and be part of this effort. PM me if you have any Q's or need any help with hosting, etc.

13th September 2005, 05:27 PM
RR, I have sent you a PM.