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View Full Version : novels on audio CD

11th September 2005, 07:36 PM
I have seen ads of novels being read by some theatre actors on audio CDs.But I have not heard any of it.
Has anyone heard the audio? How is the experience of listening to , say, Da Vinci Code on tape . Do we have the same excitement , or do we lose the intimacy of reading?
Can you share your experience?

11th September 2005, 08:47 PM
Audiobooks are good only if you are too lazy to read, or a young-at-heart who likes story-telling.. :P

12th September 2005, 06:25 PM
Audiobooks are good only if you are too lazy to read, or a young-at-heart who likes story-telling.. :P
In, India there is "Karadi " tales series narrated by Nazar in tamil and Nasrudin Shaw in Hindi, but those are for children .
I,m just wondering how novels, or literature like "war and Peace" would sound in audio!
It obviously takes away the imaginatiion a bit.