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19th September 2005, 08:57 AM
Poetry Column

By Querida

verbing nouns

let then go
so now may come
when that has been
left alone to wince...
at what's
crippling blow!
some many will leave;
without its weary where.
until why does see:
whom since have gone with too...

pane vision

A twice-headed horse did abound from itself
ripping its airy centre to let the
sombrey sunlight spill full.
Breath spied the dew before the eye
could catch its drop.
As runny as a rivulet
down a view glass.
From nitty needles to sputtering spit...
A tear from high told another of each tier below
a secret so clear and ponderously
laden that it could only slide
to spread as such tales would.

15th October 2005, 08:18 AM
Dear Querida,
The Pane Vision pervades the normal views , adding other dimensions. I had read it two -three times to feel the inner depths it offers. Just poignant and pure. The last 4 lines are excellent.
Kudos for projecting a sublime , hitherto unseen emotive stimulant.

19th October 2005, 06:22 AM
Dear K. Sudhakar,

Thank you for your comments...sublime was exactly what I was trying to convey..funnily enough I was reading Edmund's Burke's Essay on the "sublime and the beautiful" when i gazed out the window and saw that horse of a cloud...anyways those last four lines are my favourite lines too :D