View Full Version : Déjà vu…is it really true?

20th September 2005, 10:11 AM
[tscii:1d6721207e]Déjà vu /deiza ‘vu/
- the sense or illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time.
…Macquarie Dictionary

I find this concept quite fascinating. Doesn’t everyone? I use to be amused by such occurrences but just disregarded them as worthless humbug. However, when I kept experiencing déjà vu, I was startled and to some extent terrified. This topic is so broad it’s unfathomable, that’s why I’d like to know your thoughts on such an idea. What do you think? Have you had similar experiences? Do you believe it’s true?

I went through a period of time, in which I had so many déjà vu endeavours that even I thought I was being a bit farfetched. I know this is a sceptical idea but I foresaw these events through flashes in dreams. They were just simple snippets, moments in time, and to experience them in the coming day, week or fortnight was quite absurd. The most strange one has been where I saw this friend of mine from my economics class – more so an acquaintance – and his girlfriend. I do not wish to disclose what I saw for obvious reasons, (no it was not a dirty dream :p), but the next day I was late to economics and ended up sitting next to him, instead of my normal seat at the group table.

For conversational purposes, I told him casually about the silly dream I had. I was laughing in mockery as I told him but by the end when I turned to face him, he was in utmost disbelief. He asked me a few questions and as I answered each correctly, he was more shocked than ever. He told me no one knew about that day and he made me promise not to tell anyone. (You know brown people/sub-cont. dating behind parents backs, yes that’s why...don’t deny it hehee) Anyways that was early this year. Everyone from our group now knows and we laugh about it but ever since he has been just a little uneasy. I think it is purely coincidental…or is it? Technically speaking, I know that’s not déjà vu but I believe it falls in to a similar category.

Is déjà vu…the result of another ‘us’ (i.e. you/me) existing in a parallel universe? In chemistry once, my teacher randomly spoke about the possible idea that déjà vu could be the result of another ‘I’ in a parallel universe that has already experienced what we are experiencing first hand. Anyone seen Donnie Darko? An excellent science fiction film! The first one I thoroughly enjoyed. Sorry Star Wars fans. I strongly recommend you rent out this film. (Definitely worth its dollar). It’s not an action packed film but is quite intriguing. You will not understand the film merely after the first viewing. That’s the great part - I know that sounds weird but it’s true.

After watching the movie, hop on to the internet and checkout the website Donniedarko.com to make sense of all the additional text/story-line. Browse around the net to see other different perspectives too. When watching the second time around, all uncertainties you had will be cleared and that feeling of “that’s why that happened” is quite gratifying. DON’T read in to the site first, you’re only spoiling it for yourself. However you can if you wish, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. The movie is a little crude by our standards in some areas, so conservative people, be warned. Regardless of which, you know Stephen Hawking even commended this movie. I think it was released a few years back but wasn’t as successful as it should have been. So they re-released it last year as a DVD special>>great!

I know I stand to be corrected about this controversial topic but hey I’m cool with that…holler back if you’re interested!

Food for thought from a Donnie Darko website>>this is history:
Ancient myth tells us of the Mayan Warrior killed by an Arrowhead that had fallen from a cliff, where there was no Army, no enemy to be found.
We are told of the Medievel Knight mysteriously impaled by the sword he had not yet built.
We are told that these things occur for a reason.


20th September 2005, 05:26 PM
[tscii:ac3423adf1]What u have experienced is the interpretation of dreams, I am not getting the exact word for that :( ... Déjà vu ( IMO) is
U see/feel/talk something now
U feel like u have seen this/happened to u before
BTW-- Have u tried Ouija boards?
Anyone out there with more knowledge of this?[/tscii:ac3423adf1]