View Full Version : Suggestion/Request to Moderators!!

21st September 2005, 07:54 PM
I thought this could be useful in case someone wants to suggest some change/modification or give feedback to the moderators. It saves them time in going through different threads.

If it is not appropriate, please feel free to delete this thread.


21st September 2005, 07:55 PM
I think this thread has to become sticky. These are exclusive Kerala /Palghat recipes?

I think Sowmya has been doing a wonderful job!!


21st September 2005, 07:57 PM
Is it possible to delete posts requesting for recipes after a week or so? I have seen so many requests that they fill up page numbers and you are going through them to look for a recipe.


21st September 2005, 08:18 PM
This thread is a very sensible and useful one and saves the moderators time and effort of having to go through each thread in person. :clap:

21st September 2005, 08:22 PM
I really appreciate DEV for her effective and active moderation.It was a very good idea to create an index for the threads with recipes.
On behalf of all hubbers... " DEV you are doing a wonderful job!Keep up your good work".

Sowmya :D

21st September 2005, 11:26 PM
Seethab,your request will be considered...

CI,It isn't possible to delete a post completely...All U can do is to edit it... The max that can be done is to send PM for requesting recipes & thanking hubbers...:)

Thanks for ur compliments,Sowmya...

22nd September 2005, 03:33 AM
I am real happy that the recipe are getting indexed. It was getting hard to find a recipe.

22nd September 2005, 08:18 AM
Yes Dev you are doing a fantastic Job. :thumbsup:
And thanx a ton for the time and effort you have put in indexing recipes with their links. Now it saves us a lot of time. :D

22nd September 2005, 02:37 PM
Dev, you are too fast..saw Dhaba recipes's index too..truly, you are doing an amazing job.

We are all really lucky to have you as our moderator.

Thank u so much for yr services.

22nd September 2005, 03:09 PM
:lol: Thanks for the compliments, R...

22nd September 2005, 07:03 PM
Good job.

23rd September 2005, 12:24 AM
Dear Dev,

Hats off to you


23rd September 2005, 02:44 AM

Thanks...It will be easier for us to pick the recipes now.. Can you please index Mrs.Mano's tamilnadu delicacies...?


23rd September 2005, 03:22 AM
Why doesn't this forum let us post pictures?

23rd September 2005, 05:37 AM
Thanks Dev for your response!! You are def an active moderator. Good gng!!


23rd September 2005, 07:29 AM
Thanks all for the compliments...:)

Mrs.Mano's thread will also be indexed shortly...

Redpepper,refer to FAQ...

23rd September 2005, 05:31 PM

This is too much to ask; but, would be nice if someone index Karnataka recipes thread which was started by CI(the question is who, I know). What do u think about it, CI? Already, Dev is doing too much of work for all of us and hence, it is not fair to ask her.

Many hubbers are interested to try her recipes too, any solution??

Thanks and Bye.

23rd September 2005, 05:32 PM

This is too much to ask; but, would be nice if someone index Karnataka recipes thread which was started by CI(the question is who, I know). What do u think about it, CI? Already, Dev is doing too much of work for all of us and hence, it is not fair to ask her.

Many hubbers are interested to try her recipes too, any solution??

Thanks and Bye.

23rd September 2005, 06:20 PM
Thanks all for the compliments...:)

Mrs.Mano's thread will also be indexed shortly...

Redpepper,refer to FAQ...

Dev, I tested as explained in FAQ. It just shows a link to the picture instead of showing the picture itself.

23rd September 2005, 06:28 PM
Yes...It'll show the image location only... There is no option to post pics directly...

23rd September 2005, 06:48 PM

This is too much to ask; but, would be nice if someone index Karnataka recipes thread which was started by CI(the question is who, I know). What do u think about it, CI? Already, Dev is doing too much of work for all of us and hence, it is not fair to ask her.

Many hubbers are interested to try her recipes too, any solution??

Thanks and Bye.

There is too much of conversation in that thread, not just the recipies. It is a good idea if I can clean it up and then start an all new thread for it. Let me work on it first (don't know how long it is going to take with my schedule) then I can create the index myself.

Thanks for the interest.


23rd September 2005, 06:53 PM
You are welcome..but, the thanks goes to Sowmya & one more hubber too who PMed about yr recipes collection. Had the entire collection of yr recipes and unfortunately, got deleted while reinstalling. So, I am total helpless now.

I know about yr busy schedule; so, take yr time, ok..Thanks for the prompt reply.

24th September 2005, 10:33 AM
Hi all,

Tamilnadu delicacies is being indexed... It's half done... Make good use of it...:)

24th September 2005, 05:05 PM
Good job dev. Looks like I'm going to try a lot of new recipes now, since it is so easy to locate them. :D

26th September 2005, 11:29 PM
To those who are indexing the recipes:

You are doing a wonderful job. Thanks a million.

If it is not too much work, can't you alphabetize the recipe index?

27th September 2005, 08:05 AM
Hi redpepper,

You can always search for a recipe using the edit--> Find in this page function... alphabetizing needs another lot of time & effort... & am sry to say...The threads I'm indexing cannot be alphabetized due to time constraints... But, if someone can volenteer to do it for me,I'll be glad to update the index...

27th September 2005, 08:49 AM
If it is not too much work, can't you alphabetize the recipe index?
There's an idea to auto-create the alphabetical index, but it needs help from you all. Want to give it a try?

All you need to do is: whenever you are posting a recipe, enter the name of the recipe in the 'Subject' field as

[Index] name-of-the-recipe

That's it. I can write a script that'll read the subject fields and sort them into a nice alphabetical index. Automatically! The name-of-the-recipe can be anything, but the '[Index]' is a must.

All existing posts' subjects can also be edited to make this work. If the posters can start doing it, we can soon make a comprehensive sorted index for each thread. And save time for dev.. :)