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View Full Version : "C" - MUKHI - Updated May 23rd

27th September 2005, 10:40 PM
Thanks for all your feedback, support and encouragement to the earlier movie Thirupaachi :) . I have taken the feedback and implemented certain things here, but even this would be more lengthy and full of IT funda only. . Kindly adjust :) Thanks.




Buoyed by the success of Chandramukhi, distributors and producers decides to remake this film in some other languages to cash in on this success. But since already Chandramukhi and other Rajini films had been remade in almost all languages, the producers are left only with cyber languages like "C", "Java" etc., Since our Superstar is so popular across all languages , they decide to try in computer languages too. Hence Chandramukhi is remade as C-Mukhi with certain scenes from Rajini's earlier films like Baasha, Padaiyappa also lifted here and there.

IT village,Siruseri, Chennai.

The camera flashes at the sign board of the company which read "VTPR Web Technologies". The company wears a deserted look. The doors of this World Wide Web technologies company were locked and upon the ceiling one can see a company wide web, woven by an artistic spider. It had been 2 months since the company's top management decided to close its operations and sell or merge with any other IT company. But why would anyone sell a profit making company? Thatz a secret...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........Come let's go inside the room. The door opens (Graphic Effects) and the camera takes us into each of the rooms. Inside one dark room, suddenly a PC switches on automatically and shows up some fearful screensavers with terrorizing musical effects. <CLICK> (Scene ends)

2nd Scene opens with a light music

Prabhu is driving a car. His mobile rings and he attends the call. At the other end was his P.A, Mr. Thyagu. "Sir, as u desired, I have successfully compeleted the dealing. VTPR Software company will be merging with us soon. We have won 75% stakes in the company". Prabhu smiles. "Thatz a good news Thyagu. My Joe will be very happy to hear this news. She was the one who advised me to take over this software company.". A delightful Prabhu switches off the phone and the scene ends.

3rd Scene opens

"ABCD" Software company in Ekkaduthangal, Guindy. All employees are busy working on a Friday morning. Jyothika a.k.a Joe is one among them. You can hear typing sound everywhere. So that implies people are busy coding for their project. Suddenly a group of testing people, Ravi, Ramu and Suresh, comes running to the Project Manager Neelambari's cabin who was busy playing Roadrash. As they come unexpected, Neela lost control over the bike and was pushed to second place. A irritated Neela shouts at them. "Dont you have any manners? Is this the way you come to a PM's cabin? Whatz the matter?". One of them "Sorry Madam, we found a bug in the Banking project that threw a javascript error. Thatz why...." and they reproduced the bug at Neela's machine. Neela's face changes at seeing the bug. "O.K, so track down the bug immediatly and fix it at once.". Jyotika, whose cubicle was next to Neelambari's, comes running to her place, holds Neela's hands and pleads to her "Maa'm. Please dont change the code now. That bug will not affect the flow of the project. It has caused due to other reasons and not because of the code". Neela's face changes to red. She slaps jyotika. "Afterall you are a software engineer working under me and you dare to advice me", shouts neela and turns to the Testers and says, "Why are u still waiting. Go and do necessary code changes to fix the bug".

So the testers sits down at Neela's system and debug the application to find out why the bug occurs. After some time, Ravi says, "Madam, the bug is likely due to this security module." Neelambari responds "Go ahead, break the module and find out the cause of the bug". The testers hesitate, "Maa'm this is legacy code. It has been the part of project for so many months. If we break this, it might lead to other problems."Neelambari shouts "I dont care about the effects. Just go ahead and do what i say".

So suresh proceeds to delete a piece of code which he thought would have caused the bug. Jyothika who was witnessing all these incidents happening was sincerely praying that the code change should not happen. It was she who coded that module, toiling day and nights, weekends to compelete it. Suresh was about to press the DEL button, when a hand grabs Suresh's hand and pushes it away. A Intro music with heavy beats starts playing. The hand fixes the network cable in its place, which was unplugged while Neelambari was busy playing Roadrash, and reruns the program. The bug does not occur now. As the camera moves from his hand to the face we find it is none other than our Superstar Rajini. He flashes a smile at the audiences (whistles and claps) and bang, starts the intro song.

[ Tune : Padaiyappa starting tune...]

"Work hard and go to onsite..........
already onsite? (then) work for ur sight*...."

*sight - one's boy friend or girl friend (in Taminglish)

A brief pause and there is silence everywhere. Superstar waits for somebody to ask "who are you man?" so that he continues the song. But everybody seemed to know our superstar and hence nobody asks anything. At that moment in another room an interview was taking place and interviewer was asking the candidate. "Tell the simplest form of datastructure in C"

Super star continues the song

[Tune : Devuda Devuda tune]


"Chicago, Florida,
Software means India..
Java or .NET
we are the king yaar....
English strong-u
We can work for long-u

You please continue outsourcing..

chorus -- REPEATU

knowledge - vast (u)
less is our cost (u)

We are the IT super power

chorus -- Sabashuuu"

Intro song ends thus and Rajini goes to meet Jyothika .


28th September 2005, 11:45 AM
Hi Subbu,


Intro songs soooooooper!!!!

28th September 2005, 12:12 PM
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Am eagerly waiting for the next part.

29th September 2005, 04:31 PM

A peeved Neela who was waiting for the song to finish, to outburst , starts shouting at Jyothika now......... "How many mails do u need me to forward regarding Personal visitors. Dont u have any sense..where is that security....Security....Security.." . Rajini "Relax Relax...cool, why are u getting so angry.. I am Network security Consultant of your company. Here is my visiting card". Neela glances at the visiting card and what Rajini said was indeed true.

Rajini continued in an advicing tone, "Why are u getting too much irritated, Project Manager means, commitment should be there, not commotion, pressure should be there, but should not be panicky, softness should be there, should not shout like this........ On a whole a manager should be a manager, not a damager. You know one thing, Faulty Design document is the root cause for all Bugs". Rajini starts to leave the place but turns once again (Whiskkk..... special effect) LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST!!.... Highly tensioned Project Manager or a lengthy coding Programmer can never able to complete a project successfully".

Amidst a roaring BGM, Rajini walks off from that place. Jyothika also using this opportunity leaves the place and they both meet at FC.

"Hey Rajini, it was a surprise to see u here today. Thank god u saved my code, otherwise they would have simply spoiled my entire work"."hahaha" laughs rajini turns to the screen and tell, "When I come, how I come, nobody can guess, but whenever needed I would be right there". "OK OK, I know, Prabhu would have sms-ed you about the new venture we are upto". Rajini replies "yeah yeah, i got his message.I have come to help you to set up the new office. I have a small work to be completed here, let's go to Siruseri today evening. Prabhu too would be there at that time".

<4th Scene
Location - Siruseri IT park>

Prabhu, Jyothika and Rajini arrive in a car to look at their newly acquired office, VTPR Software company. Since the doors were locked, Rajini goes to the security cabin and asks for the key from Security Vijayakumar. Vijayakumar inquires as to why he needs the key. Rajini informs him that Prabhu has acquired the company and from next week he would be the Managing Director of VTPR Software company. Vijayakumar is shocked. "VTPR Company???.......... you mean you have bought that one". Rajini "Yes, that company only...Why?". Vijayakumar replies "Sir, that company is haunted. ".
All of them were surprised. "What do you mean" asks a puzzled Prabhu. Vijayakumar continues "yes sir, that company is haunted by some bio virus. Dont you see that company remaining locked for months. There is a tale behind it. ". Vijayakumar starts narrating the story behind the mysterious VTPR software company.

"This is a MNC company which has its corporate head office at US. Some years ago, one Mr.Raja was appointed Divisional head for this company. Raja is a good administrator and a excellent manager. The company's profits increased multi fold under him. You might have heard about the World level conference of Programmers. Two years ago, an Indian came 1st place in that and it is Chandramukhi who is just brilliant when it comes to 'C' and PERL programming. If she starts coding in C, one can watch it whole day, (so much complex code she will write, that it is hard to debug :) ) Raja wanted to have Chandramukhi in our company. But she was already working for GSKRN software company though at a lower pay. Raja tried all his tricks to get Chandramukhi in our company but Chandramukhi was steadfast in her decision. Finally Raja pressurized the consultancy through which Chandramukhi got into her company and made her join VTPR software company. Chandramukhi joined here, but at nights, she would stay in the company, coding for her old company and send it through internet to them. Raja found it one day when he was analyzing why there were so many Night Taxi requisition from Chandramukhi. One day He called the old Project Manager of Chandramukhi, Mr.Sekaran to his company, and infront of Chandramukhi he made the MD of GSKRN company dismiss Sekaran. Chandramukhi was also fired from our VTPR company and her name was blacklisted so that she could not join in any other software company. The project that Chandramukhi was involved in here was dropped and the entire code she has written then had been packaged and dumped in a old computer we have at the Storage Room. Soon after this incident Raja went to onsite But those who are working here began to get so many problems, frequent virus attack, hacking attack etc., It was also rumored that Chandramukhi had coded a virus in that project she was last working in. The virus is said to so dangerous that when executed it also attacks the person who is in front of computer through the mouse. and develops into Pasteurella pestis virus (Mouses infected with this virus causes plague). One by one the workers shifted to another company and hence the head office was forced to shut down its operations in Chennai. The virus in Chandramukhi's computer is said to be still active and can cause problems to anybody who enters this office".

Vijayakumar finished this lengthyyyy flashback as Rajini and Prabhu completed another yawn. But Jyothika was listening so carefully to this story.........

- To be Continued....

29th September 2005, 04:33 PM

You will finish it in the next part no :)

30th September 2005, 01:18 PM
"The virus is said to so dangerous that when executed it also attacks the person who is in front of computer through the mouse"


3rd October 2005, 05:20 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

3rd October 2005, 03:46 PM
Thanks for all who had commented / replied.. it was so nice of you to take care to reply....

3rd October 2005, 03:49 PM
[tscii:876a52c83b] "C" - MUKHI PART III

….Jyothika patted on Prabhu “Prabhu… wake up. The flashback is over.Come lets go inside. See rajini, how nice he is pretending to listen to the story, yet day dreaming . Wake him up also….” She turns to vijayakumar, “Sir your story was very nice, now give the keys, we would go inside.”

Vijayakumar shrugged his shoulders. “O.K it is upto you to believe. Whatever I said were true to the best of my knowledge.”. Rajini interrupted, “Ok ok enough of you writing resumes and give such declaration statement. Come, letz go inside”. Vijayakumar accompanied them with the keys as they went inside the company. There was dust all round the place. All the systems wore a dirty look. It seemed as if the place was abandoned for years. Rajini went through all the rooms including the room where the system containing Chandramukhi’s abandoned project is housed.

Prabhu : The company interior is fine except for the dust and dirt all around. I think once we clean this place would look great. (turns to Vijayakumar) Sir , arrange for people to clean this place. We would be occupying this by the end of this Aadi** month

[Aadi * - Tamil month, considered generally inauspicious for any new events, occasions such as marriage, house warming etc.,]

[Vijayakumar looks unsatisfied]
Vijayakumar : Sir, so you have decided to occupy this place. Isn’t it? I think you would have got this company at Aadi special discount price. Havent u read papers regarding the frauds related to Aadi purchase?

Rajini : ok ok vijay. Cool down. Do what Prabhu says. Come on Prabhu let’s go. I think Joe has to night out today in office. Is it not Joe . So let’s hurry?

Prabhu : Hey jyo, have u put ur papers to your office for resignation

Jyo : I would do that on Monday pa.

[ And so they leave the place….But none of them noticed Vijayakumar's eyes as it turned devilish for a moment and then returned to normal]

At this point let us take a break and get to know something about Prabhu – Jyothika ‘s flash back for a moment.

Both Prabhu and Jyothika were software engineers working in different companies. Jyothika as u know works for ABCD company while Prabhu is working in XYZ company. XYZ company is a client to ABCD Company and outsources some of its works to ABCD. Once while Jyothika visits XYZ company for deploying the software, she not only deploys the software in the machine but deploys her heart in Prabhu’s memory system as well. Hence they decide to get married. Only after marriage they realized the problems that could be faced by a software couple. But then it was too late. So they decided to at least work in the same company. Jyothika proposed a idea “Instead of working in the same company, why don’t we run our own company. That would augur well for our future too…….. We can make our child as Manager or CEO directly , so that he need not have to work much and suffer as much as we do now.” Prabhu liked that idea too and with the help of Prabhu’s father who is a successful industrialist they decided to buy VTPR Software company. Rajini is their family friend and a leading network specialist graduated from Massachusettes Institute of Technology (MIT) in America. He works as a Network security consultant for many companies including Jyothika’s ABCD Software company. His is not a regular job but to give security tips and educate network administrators of the company as to what needs to be done to secure their network. Neela , the other character we have seen, is Sr. Project manager in ABCD Software company. Being the daughter of the company’s CEO , her position , is not a hard earned one.

[ Scene – 5 ]
Location : ABCD Software company, Monday Evening

Rajini, scheduled to work in night shift, walks in to office just as Neela was coming out for the day.

Neela : Hey Rajini, I would like to have few words with you

Rajini : Oh sure, what is the matter

Neela : Rajini, you are very lucky.

Rajini : (confused) : Why?

Neela : You are very lucky. Because Even I admire your skills.. I went through your career profile and was very much impressed. Somebody told that, somewhere in our career when we were freshers, not knowing each other, we have worked in a project. I don’t remember all that. Software and hardware are getting updated daily. In such a rapidly growing software world, only backup administrators will keep a copy of old things.

Rajini smiles and Neela continues

Neela : When you swiftly found out the problem that day, while all of us were thinking it is a software bug, I liked your aptitude. When you fixed the problem for Jyothika, I liked your team spirit. When you took the responsibility yourself and talked on behalf of other employees, I liked your leadership skills, When u dared to talk straightly and honestly to somebody like me, I liked your communication skills. Above all I liked the swiftness with which you fixed the problem. Five characters…. These kind of five characters have impressed me a lot. (Pauses and then continues)

I want everything best for our company. From the security we employ at the gate to the software to secure the network I want everything as best. You are one and the best. Having a productive guy like you in our company, we can proudly show to our clients abroad about what we can do. I would like to have you as Sr.Network Administrator working full time for our company. Now tell , aren’t u lucky. Even I am appreciating you. Come and collect your offer letter from my dad tomorrow. Probably you would feel shy. I would get the offer letter for you and get it to you tomorrow. O.k? Good boy……

Neela starts to leave after saying this. Rajini waits for a moment, then claps his hand and calls out “Maa’m”. Neela stops and wait. “Just a minute”, Rajini stylishly walks to her.

Neela : What?

Rajini says softly but firmly “I don’t want to join your company, full time.”

Neela is shocked as she drops her company ID down which swipes her out. Just as her card swipes off, a smiling Rajini takes his employee ID out and swipes in (BGM and this action is done in a slight slow motion)

Rajini smiles and continues, “You want a productive employee for your company. I want a productive company as my employer (in terms of salary). Your company is not one such like that”

Neela gets angry and frustrated.

Neela : you don’t know about our company. If we plan to employ one we will go to any levels to hire them.

Rajini laughs : Ha, Dudette, you have listed my 5 characters. I have another character too. Sixth character. <Raises his voice> This Rajini’s sixth character. Don’t try to see that. You would feel sorry for that.

Neela : Can I ask you if you are planning to join any other company for full time

Rajini comes near her, and says “Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” and walks into the office.

An upset neela grumbles “ Having rejected my offer, let’s see how you or the company you are gonna join grow”

3rd October 2005, 09:07 PM
[tscii:c38dfbf7fd] "C" - MUKHI PART III

Neela is shocked as she drops her company ID down which swipes her out. Just as her card swipes off, a smiling Rajini takes his employee ID out and swipes in (BGM and this action is done in a slight slow motion)

grt work!

6th October 2005, 01:21 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

6th October 2005, 01:39 PM

Ini yethukku original C-Mukhi pakkanum???

6th October 2005, 02:07 PM
[tscii:d208a2cffc] "C"- MUKHI Part IV

[ A month later………. At the launch of VTPR software company rechristened as VTPRSoft. Only close associates were invited to this simple celebration of the launch.. Jyo’s PM Neela and her father, the MD were called as special invitees. Jyo and Prabhu welcomes them with glee. ]

Jyo : Welcome madam, it is a real pleasure to have you here with us. Please make urself comfortable inside.

[ Neela and her father goes inside]

Prabhu ( to jyo) : Why have u asked them to make themselves comfortable. What would you do if they go and take a nap at the Duroflex cot in the guest room.

Jyo : Stop it prabhu, don’t be childish. Don’t mock at these formal talks.

Prabhu: O.K leave it. Have u collected all the documents pertaining to your work in her company? Hope that doesn’t become a problem

Jyo : oh never prabhu…….. All formalities have been completed, Neela had assured she would get me the papers latest by the End of this week.

[ Just then Rajini arrives in his own style. Jyothika shows false anger at him ]

Jyo : What rajini, We had been expecting you for so long. And you come so late

Rajini (turns towards the screen) : I may be a late fix, but I am always a hot fix.

Prabhu : you just keep delivering dialogues. Those who are lesser talented than you plan big and are going to start their own organization. You are still lagging behind.

Rajini : Ha ha ha. Just wait and See till my next assignment Java-G. Now first let us go and start this one.

[ Formal inauguration gets over ]

M.D (of Jyo’s company) : Hey Jyo. You and your hubby can make this new venture a grand success. Good Luck (shakes hands with Jyo)

Jyo : Thanks a lot sir.

[ Neela and MD were about to leave just as Jyo calls Neela ]

Jyo : Maa’m ……..

Neela : Yes, Jyo, tell me whatz the matter

Jyo : regarding my papers and documents………

Neela : Oh yeah sure, I had forgotten to tell that. Commending your work and Rajini’s work who too wish to get relieved, we have arranged for a grand party at our office tomorrow. You must attend that and at the end of it, I would get you all the documents.

Jyo : oh thanks a lot maa’m. But why all these fanfare?

Neela : oh you deserve it Jyo. I want to hold a function for you. You both are a gem to our company. You are a marvel. You are a treasure

[ Neela adds on as Rajini stops ]

Rajini : Wait maa’m wait. Why do you have to praise so much. Always tell the defects at our face, and tell the positive aspects in our appraisal remarks.

[ A visibly annoyed Neela walks away ]

Prabhu : Why did you stop her Rajini.

Rajini : Kanna, always understand . If somebody praises one a lot before them, it means they are planning a ditch for them.

Prabhu : So do you think she is planning something against us tomorrow?

Rajini : Ha ha ha . Let us wait and see.


7th October 2005, 05:08 AM
Just wait and See till my next assignment Java-G.

Man, you are a killer!!


7th October 2005, 12:50 PM
[tscii:bf837cbef4]Hi, All Thanks very much for all your encouraging responses :)

"C" - MUKHI - Part V

[ Next day evening at Neela's office ]

A grand farewell was arranged at the Office. Since it matched with onam occasion, the whole office wore a festive look. As the folks were requested to come in ethnic wear the environment was like a grand gala fashion show. Some guys and girls mistook the word ethnic wear and were dressed in stone age wears.

Party starts. As usual a song sequence

(Tune : Ra..Ra. ramaiyah)

As Computer first sings in Java language, a singer translates it in plain English

<computer> Public final MarkupLanguage HTML;
<Singer> Only one Mark up language- Around the Web

<computer> Public final float SalaryHike;
<Singer> Only one Salary Hike - Around the year

<computer> Public final SuperStar Rajini;
Only One Super star for entire world........

Only....... One....... Super star for entire world........

After some drum beats, Rajini enters the scene singing

E..E... E.... Engineer.......
Four phases in software career.

(Listen here) E..E....E.... Engineer
Four phases in software Career...

Four phases in software career,
Which phase you are in, think Dear,

[ E..E..Eee Engineer....]

First phase, you will be put in training,
Repeated lectures will leave u feel straining,

Second phase , you will start to test or (bug) fixing,
Late night in office and mindless work will be taxing,

In the third phase , you will be asked to do real design or coding,
By then u realize, ur IT knowledge already fading,

Fourth phase will be when u get promotion,
Any Salary will not satisfy ur expectation.

Four phases in software career,
Which phase you are in, think dear.......

<chorus>Listen here
E..E..E.... Engineer
Four phases in software career.

As the song ends, a huge explosion was heard. System admin Naren comes running

Neela : Relax naren relax, What happened?

Naren : Nothing maa’m. Jyothika’s system crashed.

Neela : oh, it sounded like the World Trade Center crashing. What was that huge sound then?

Naren : Since jyo has not switched off her system for decades , the hardware could not bear the load and hence it crashed.

Neela : Oh, I see (turning to Jyo) What jyo, All the tasks assigned to you is in that system only rite? And you haven’t submitted that to me.

Jyo (now looking worried) : Yes maa’m. But a hard disk crash is not my fault

Neela : we have sent so many mails regarding switching the computer off after a day’s work. You didn’t listen and thatz why it resulted in crash

Jyo : But..but….

Neela : (with a wicked smile) Never mind, take ur own time and complete all the tasks and then collect the papers and documents

Jyo : Maa’ please. I need to start the work in our company tomorrow.

Neela : I can do nothing dear. It is company rules…….

[ Jyo starts crying. To redo all the works that went with the crash will take another 2 months.
Every employee feels sorry for jyo. They know this is Neela’s handwork. Rajini comes to Jyo ]

Rajini : Hey jyo, cool, why do u cry.

Rajini walks towards Jyothika’s system.

[Blaaze gives the build up music for Rajini

Come on, Come on
Come on, Come on
Yo’ I am about to service,
Here I come, I work without fees
N.A (network admin) thatz what they say
C to the C to the N to the A
N.A thatz what they say…

[Rajini reaches near the system. Switches on the system after replacing the hard disk in his system with that of the one in Jyothika’s system ]

Yo ! I am about to login,
For the justice I will win,
Can you stop me you cannot
I’m the admin and you are not
Do you expect me to be here?
Lemme tell u that none has to fear,
I am a magical man, oh yeah

I am a man on the machine with a mission as I have clear vision,
Well, they try to make the system work
The name is N.A , yeah thatz me

To everyone’s surprise, the hard disk Rajini replaced actually contained all of Jyothika’s data. Jyo could not believe her eyes. Tears were rolling from eyes and she could not utter a word. Neela on the other hand was shocked.

Rajini : (victorious smile) Ha ha ha, This is the actual hard disk of Jyothika’s machine and the one that got crashed was the duplicate hard disk I replaced yesterday in this machine

Neela (turns towards Jyothika’s fellow colleague Madhu with anger)

Rajini : ha ha , why do u get angry at Madhu. I will narrate whatever that happened yesterday


Time : Yesterday night

Madhu was returning from Neela’s room all smiles. She straightly goes to Jyothika’s system and logs in with Jyo’s user id and password. Madhavi another colleague comes there

Madhavi : Hey madhu, what are u doing yaar with Jyo’s system? Are u gonna take over this system after Jyo leaves?

Madhu : haha no, I am going to install a software in Jyo’s machine that would screw up her machine leading to a system crash.

Madhavi (shocked) But why?

Madhu : Mhmm.. Neela madam wants to hold Jyo’s resignation so as to distrupt their new company’s operations. This is the only way by which we can hold her back legally.

Madhavi : But but Jyo is our good friend, she has helped us a lot during critical times.

Madhu : haha, In corporate life, only if you are selfish and wicked, you would be called professional. You know I am a true Professional.

<puts in the software CD >

<Smiles> See , she has maintained her system very well. Let us crash it now.

[ At the moment, they both hear a clap sound. Rajini was coming down the stairs]

Rajini : (smilingly)

Crash pannidalame...... Crash pannidalam
Crash panratha kashtam, oru System ah assemble panrathu than kashtam,
Bug kandu pidikkaratha kashtam, athai fix panrathu thaan kashtam,
Virus execute panratha kashtam, Athai remove panrathu thaan kashtam

Hackers irukkara edathula ellam oru Computer Security yum iruppan ma.......

[ Saying this he jumps and lands near both of them ]
[Madhavi and Madhu are shocked]

Madhavi : Sorry Rajini, I am very sorry. Only Madhu is trying to do something silly.

Rajini [gets angry and slightly emotional] : Appraisal point vaanga aayiram vazhi irukku. Thayavu senju oru Employee Exit time ah athukku use pannikatheenga....

Madhu immediately changes heart.

Madhu : I am very very sorry for my behavior. I will not repeat this. Kindly forgive me

Rajini : O.K, get Jyo’s hard disk to me and replace it with this faulty one and go ahead installing the software that Neela gave u.

Madhu : Yes pa


Rajini : (victorious smile) Ha ha ha I hope, now there is no problem in getting Jyo’s and mine documents rite?

[ A heavy BGM is played in the back as an apparently fuming Neela handing over the documents and papers to Rajini and Jyothika. They both leave the Office]

7th October 2005, 01:41 PM
First phase, you will be put in training,
Repeated lectures will leave u feel straining,

Second phase , you will start to test or (bug) fixing,
Late night in office and mindless work will be taxing,

In the third phase , you will be asked to do real design or coding,
By then u realize, ur IT knowledge already fading,

Fourth phase will be when u get promotion,
Any Salary will not satisfy ur expectation.


kaivasam thozhil ready-aa vechirukke!! :lol:

7th October 2005, 04:29 PM
yappa rs,ithu romba two much :D

Innum yetHana partu-Ma kanna,5-a?

12th October 2005, 05:47 PM
[/tscii:69806fc299] C- MUKHI PART - VI

(Few months later)
[Location : VTPRSoft Office]

Business at VTPRSoft had been smooth and steady. With the expertise of Rajini and the management skills of Prabhu combined with diligence of Jyothika, the company had been doing enormously well. Also the recruitment has yielded some best talents that augured well for the company. Within a month after resuming its operations, VTPRSoft earned a good reputation as service oriented company. Owing to Rajini’s efforts, the US Software giant MilliSoft certified VTPRSoft as its most valuable partner and made VTPRSoft as the official Testing center for all the software products that are developed for them by the Indian vendors.

Watchman Vijayakumar’s daughter Nayantara was made the receptionist for the company. Even though she doesn’t like them, as they occupied this building much against her father’s wishes, she took the job since she had no other job. Vijayakumar once arranged for a special lunch for Rajini, Prabhu and Jyo and Nayantara was preparing the menu for it. She queried them what would they like to have, whether vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Jyothika and Rajini settled for vegetarian items, while Prabhu who have a liking for variety in foods replied

“Nirpathuve, Nadappathuve, Parappathuve
neengalellam thinner thaane, aanalum en dinner thaane, “ *

* - [ Anything that stands,walks or flies, he is ready to have it as his dinner]

implying he would eat any kind of living things. Realizing that Prabhu could become a threat to animal kingdom, a terrified nayantara immediately chased away all the birds and animals that were roaming in the campus by singing to them,

“ Kokku para para
Kozhi para para
Mynah para para
Mayilae Para..”

From that day her hatred for them increase but neverthless she decided to keep silent and was doing her work sincerely.

[ Next Scene]

One day Morning, Rajini was going through the company’s Bulletin Board hosted on their Intranet for a doubt in Oracle. Since he could not find any help in Technical forum, he was browsing through other forums. He was surprised to see all the forums being very much active, in particular Sports forum. There was a huge discussion going on in the forum as to whether Saurav Ganguly should be continued as captain for India. Most of the discussions were initiated by Nayantara and she was posting all technical, statistical and personal failures of Ganguly and why he should step down immediately. Rajini got very much irritated over whatever that was going on, and he asked his Network administrator to delete all the posts immediately in the Sports forum and disallow any further activity there.

After some time, a visibly angered Nayantara came to Rajini’s room.

Rajini ( coolly) : Hey lion thara
Nayan (angrily) : Stop it , I am nayanthara. Why did you block access to Sports forum
Rajini : Ha ha ha, you are supposed to be a receptionist and not a sports editor.
Nayan : What do u know about cricket or any other sports? You know only about coding, networking blah blah. You know I am a cricket captain for my college women’s cricket team.

Rajini : Aahanh

Nayan (more angrily :oops: ) : You don’t know about my talent and knowledge in cricket analysis. You can block access to this forum, but you cant stop my writing skills.

Saying this Nayanthara walks away angrily from the room. Rajini starts singing at her ( no no not athinthom song , since he is a national hero, he sings in a hindi tune :) ).

[ Tune : Yeh Tara woh Tara from Swades]

Yeh Tara Woh tara, Nayanthara,
Cricket se, dekho, naan brian lara

Yeh tara woh tara Nayanthara
Cricket se, dekho, naan brian lara

woh young days le,
simply superb i play!!
have to see my batting skills u tara.........

Batting, bowling, all I do, winning too, do u know tharaa tharaa…….

Everybody in the office joins the dance, and Nayantara realizes Super star had been a good cricketer and also one whom John Wright consulted for computer expertise in Team planning.
She feels bad about talking in such manner to him

Rajini : hahaha, A bulletin board shud not be used as a bullet board to hurt others’ feelings and thatz precisely why we blocked the access. I hope you would have understand. Go ahead, the access would return.

[ Nayantara immediately falls in love (no other go boss :) ) with Rajini. So that night both travel to Turkey without a visa just to sing a duet and return back.]


12th October 2005, 09:32 PM
Subbu Anne!! :D :D :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I didnt' think that I'd like it because I'm a hardcore rajini fan. But :lol: :rotfl: :lol: :rotfl: SOOOOOPER!!!!!! :thumbsup: :rotfl:

12th October 2005, 11:18 PM
[/tscii:e2019579f6] C- MUKHI PART - VI

Rajini ( coolly) : Hey lion thara

[ Tune : Yeh Tara woh Tara from Swades]

Yeh Tara Woh tara, Nayanthara,
Cricket se, dekho, naan brian lara

Yeh tara woh tara Nayanthara
Cricket se, dekho, naan brian lara

woh young days le,
simply superb i play!!
have to see my batting skills u tara.........

Batting, bowling, all I do, winning too, do u know tharaa tharaa…….
[ Nayantara immediately falls in love (no other go boss :) ) with Rajini. So that night both travel to Turkey without a visa just to sing a duet and return back.]



:lol: Shivaji padathukku lyrics & vasanam elutha koopidalam unghala :thumbsup: . kalakkureengha :clap: .

Sorry Music is by ARR only, athukku vettu vacheedhadheengha! :roll: .

13th October 2005, 05:06 AM
So that night both travel to Turkey without a visa just to sing a duet and return back.


A bulletin board shud not be used as a bullet board to hurt others’ feelings


23rd October 2005, 10:25 AM
[tscii:fab6a08738] :rotfl:

i regretted not seeing this post before but now I'm glad i got to read so many chapters...really i don't know how to express what talent you need to write like this...it's so like the characters (especially Rajini's speeches!) and hence twice-fold the hilarity!

implying he would eat any kind of living things. Realizing that Prabhu could become a threat to animal kingdom, a terrified nayantara immediately chased away all the birds and animals that were roaming in the campus by singing to them,

“ Kokku para para
Kozhi para para
Mynah para para
Mayilae Para..”

ayyo that was just mean but so funny i couldn't help myself from laughing! :lol: [/tscii:fab6a08738]

25th October 2005, 04:59 AM
[/tscii:6140738451]hey Querida..thanks a lot dude, for visiting so many of the posts and leaving a comment too :) (athuvum enthu vana comment)

as far as C-Mukhi is concerned........ road block maathiri writer's block vanthuduchi..romba naal ithe idathula nikkuthu...... let's see intha part ku appuram ennakku nalla idea kidaikkutha nu :)


[Few days later]

A tensed Prabhu rushes into Rajini’s cabin.

Rajini : Hey Prabhu, why do u have to look so serious and tensed like Saurav Ganguly?. I didn’t ask u to resign, did I?

Prabhu : Oh come on Rajini, we have got a serious problem

Rajini : What is it?

Prabhu : We had been testing the software product by Antony Software Technologies as per our contract with MilliSoft rite? The company chairman Mr.Antony is on the line now. He is warning us to close the bugs that we have logged into Millisoft’s defect tracker for their product… otherwise…

Rajini : otherwise?

Prabhu : Otherwise, he would influence Millisoft’s top management to break our contract with them. Antony Software Technologies had been the partners of Millisoft for more than 5 years and know most of the top management guys. Thatz why I am more worried. What shall I reply to him?

Rajini : hahaha, don’t worry. I will take care of the issue. It is lunch time na. you go and have ur lunch?

Prabhu : so soon? Just now I had my breakfast. I will have it after an hour or so. Now I am having snakes

Rajini : (terrified) : What?????

Prabhu : snakes you don’t know? this chips, biscuits, cakes stuff…

Rajini : oh snacks ah ? o.k o.k continue having it. I would take care of this problem.

<Prabhu leaves>

Rajini : Antony…………

[Antony immediately recognizes Rajini’s voice. Rajini had been Antony’s arch rival for years.]

Antony : waare wah Rajini…………. So Is it my friend who logged in so many defects against our name

Rajini : Hey hey hey , defect count – don’t see, see the effect on client.

Antony: Don’t teach software management to me. If you find defects, does that mean you are a great Tester?

<Rajini smiles>

Antony : (continues) Defects kandupidikkaravanga ellorum Testers aaga mudiyaathu.* Just tell me whether you will close the defects or not.

(* - Not all those who find defects can be called as Testers)

Rajini : Sure, I will give u 7 days time. You close the bugs we have reported, I will close the defects from the defects tracker.

Antony : <in angry tone> Ha, you want me to close is it, I will close your story and your company contracts with Millisoft within the same 7 days time u gave………..

<saying this, Antony angrily disconnects the phone>

(Over the next few days)

Scene : Antony and his team gains illegal access into Millisoft Defect tracker and changes the status of the bugs

<Flash> Somebody takes a picture of it

Prabhu comes and tells Rajini : Antony is hacking into Millisoft’s Defect Tracking system

Rajini : Let him hack

Scene : Antony bribes a VTPRSoft employee to get the official documents pertaining to this work.

<Flash> Somebody takes a picture of it

Prabhu : Antony has got a copy of our official document

Rajini : Let him get

[ After a week]

Antony calls up Rajini

Rajini : Hello, VTPR Soft

Antony : Antony……… Mark Antony…… You had given me 7 days time to finish off the bugs rite. I have taken enough steps to finish your entire career.

Rajini : Ha ha ha. If there is a newspaper near you, just read it Kanna.

Antony reads through the day’s newspaper. In the business segement there was a headlines titled “Millisoft cancels Antony Software Technologies’ contracts for fraudulent activities’ and attached photos which showed Antony bribing VTPRSoft’s employee and him hacking into Millisoft’s website.

An angry Antony kicks the monitor infront of him………. Rajiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Rajini : Yeah yeah yeah rajini………….. Super Star Rajini………….. Enna sonne Enna sonne?

Defects kandupidikkaravanga ellam Testers aaga mudiyathu nu sonne la . True, absolutely true…. But ithellam naanga kandupidicha defects illa… unga mistakes nala thanaa vantha defects…… ithu minor bug illa. High severity bug. Nobody can do anything for this.

Antony grumbles and moans as Rajini continues

Rajini : hey hey hey……. God will give too many compiler errors for good programmers. But he will make his (good programmer’s) code run smoothly without defects in Production. But bad programmer’s code may run perfectly without any errors in offshore. But definitely the product will fail in UAT phase. Your code will be made to fail in UAT phase. Change for the better and that would be good for our nation.

[ A victorious rajini hangs up the phone]

( To be continued)

25th October 2005, 05:26 AM
RS....nee nadathu kanna!!!


Saw your blog too! Glad you are putting this up even there! Surely deserves a round of appplause :clap:

25th October 2005, 10:14 AM
thanks badri, thanks a lot for all the cheering up and encourage ment :)

of course, thanks again for visiting my blog site.... nan link kodukkalam ninaichen ingae..but maranthuten

Kindly visit http://rsubras.blogspot.com :)

26th October 2005, 04:41 AM
:D how odd was just thinking of asking you the link to your blog...i guess dudes/dudettes can think alike at times :P Thanx be sure to share the link and laughter :D

nirosha sen
3rd November 2005, 08:44 AM
:lol: Most entertaining, Subra!! Keep it up, Pa!

Am anxious to see how Jyo's character links up with the ghostly C-Mukhi though??? Could we have her as a real spooker, do you think???? :idea:

23rd May 2006, 11:50 PM
[tscii:7e77179542]Hi all, itz nice to be updating C-Mukhi :) as I am planning to start a new series like this, so athukula mudichidalam nu :p

"C" - MUKHI - Part VIII

On a fine Monday morning, Prabhu calls Rajini at his cabin and informs him about “Hey Rajini, you’ve got a mail from a top US to solve a technical problem. It seems you need to go there immediately”.

Rajini gets tensed, not because he had to leave for US immediately, but, how the hell could he login into his email account and check his mails without his knowledge.

“Prabhu, you are crossing your limits, how can you check my mail?”

Prabhu replies , “ well… Monday morning, I didn’t feel like working. Hence was checking through everyone’s mails. Hey come on, this is how it happens in the original Chandramukhi also. So be cool”

Rajini frowns but he knew very well Prabhu can never be changed, so he leaves the issue there and prepares for the immediate Onsite assignment, after bidding good bye to them and his love Nayanthara..

Business continues as usual with Prabhu and Jyo ably managing the office. As Rajini and Prabhu instructed, no one dared to enter the room where Chandramukhi's PC was locked and other than that room, the entire office was kept clean and nice.

But Jyo was rather curious to browse thru Chandramukhi's system and see what files she had. In her earlier office, between every hour she used to spend time playing solitaire, mine sweeper and other small PC games which gave her the much needed relaxation. Especially, playing the games at office without getting noticed by the PM was thrilling for Jyo. She missed all those. In the hush-hush created by Neela while getting the relieving order, Jyo could not get the back up of her personal data from her old office machine. Thatz why when she overheard the old ppl near the office reminiscing about Chandramukhi that she used to play Prince of Persia, Dave, Paratrooper etc., and the sounds of the missile is still ringing their ears, her curiosity just grew more.

So deciding to ignore her husband's and Rajini's warnings, Jyo unlocks the Chandramukhi room and steps inside.......

At the same time, Prabhu who was typing google.com in his browser, accidentally misses out a word and he is taken to a porn site, while Accounts department aasha while doing online money transfer to her poor uncle, enters an additional zero accidentally and presses enter before she realizes it……

Chandramukhi has thus started to haunt the VTPRSoft Office as Jyo, unaware of these things proceeds to switch on the monitor

With excitement and amusement, Jyo browses thru Chandramukhi's system. She is surprised at the amount of data in Chandramukhi's system, thousands of DOS and Flash games, the Entire volume of Calvin and Hobbes, Tintin, Asterix and Obelix and so much more. And then there was a huge archive of MP3 songs, English, Tamil, Hindi and even Konkani. This PC is surely a treasure, she thought. Jyo was just wondering, how a PM could afford to fire such a hardworking, dedicated employee.

Just at that moment, Prabhu called out for Jyo. So she quickly switch off the monitor closes the door and leaves the room immediatly.

The Next day everyone were busy working on a module that has to be sent to onsite that day. Nayantara logs into a different system that day and was checking in the files into VSS. Prabhu who notices this asks her "why are u doing this, you are supposed to be a receptionist" for which nayantara replies "yes sir, this is anita's system...she is on leave today and it seems she has forgotten to check in the files that she has modified yesterday thatz why i am doing it". "O.K Fine", says Prabhu and leaves that place.

The module was completed shortly and was packaged for the System testing. Prabhu took a look at it before the testers started system testing. He ran the program which was running fine until suddenly, the program crashed and the system hanged. Everyone was shocked. "how could this be" was the question in everyone's mind. Nasser, the Module leader quickly pointed out "the bug should be in the database module only. Anita was handling it, but she ran it in her machine yesterday..it worked..somebody shud have screwed it today..who worked on it today"......... As he asks this everyone's eyes fell on Nayantara.. She gets terrified... "No..no..i didnt do anything. I just checked in whatever code Anita has entered".. Prabhu is puzzled at the sudden behavior of the software product..But he does not mutter anyword but firmly tells to nayantara with a straight face..."Please go away from here to your cabin....Everyone, look why this is causing problem and get it solved immediatly"

From that day onwards, problems seem to coming in plenty for VTPRSoft. Machines crash once too often, Programs throw memory out of exception error and compiling takes unusually longer time than before. Prabhu and Jyo gets upset by this and are worried about the business prospects if the problem continues. Hence Prabhu sends an immediate SMS to Rajini to return to see what is haunting VTPRSoft of late.

(To be continued..)[/tscii:7e77179542]

24th May 2006, 03:57 AM
[/tscii:e407d035f1] C- MUKHI PART - VI

“Nirpathuve, Nadappathuve, Parappathuve
neengalellam thinner thaane, aanalum en dinner thaane, “ *

* - [ Anything that stands,walks or flies, he is ready to have it as his dinner]

implying he would eat any kind of living things. Realizing that Prabhu could become a threat to animal kingdom, a terrified nayantara immediately chased away all the birds and animals that were roaming in the campus by singing to them,

“ Kokku para para
Kozhi para para
Mynah para para
Mayilae Para..”
in the Sports forum and disallow any further activity there.

:) :lol: :lol: :lol: u hv put very apt songs !

24th May 2006, 06:11 PM
Subra sir...unga spoofs ellam orae nagaichuveiya irukku...sirrippu thaanga mudiyulae...continue pennunga...:D..:rotfl:..:lol2:

28th May 2006, 06:37 PM
subras pls continue :lol: :lol: :lol:

30th May 2006, 08:16 AM
Subbu Anne!! :
I didnt' think that I'd like it because I'm a hardcore rajini fan ....
:) :D

30th May 2006, 09:17 AM
It' so funny... :lol: :rotfl: :lol:

waiting for yr next update :D