View Full Version : my baby's bowel movement

4th October 2005, 06:26 PM
hi everyone

i need immedate help, pls..

my daughter is one month old. whenever she is having bowel movement she has to give lots of pressure for it. when we asked the doctor she told us, shez learning to do it.

but for the past 2 days, she didn't have any bowel movement and shez suffering from it. shez trying to go, but couldn't do it . So almost the whole day shez giving a lot of pressure and grunting the whole day and her sleep is bothered by it.

i am very much worried. can u all suggest any recommendation to this matter and what can we do to have her bowel movement

immediate help required.


Suja Rajkumar
4th October 2005, 06:33 PM
Hi Gayathiri,
My daughter used to have difficulty with bowel movement. My Dr said that it was normal for babies to be constipated. We tried giving gripe water and it helped. But be sure to check with your doctor. I guess it is a learning process for the baby. Hope this helps. Good luck with your little one.


5th October 2005, 08:55 AM
My child too had this prob when he was about a week old. My doc suggested to give him 1tsp-2tsp of 'sweet lime' juice. And it really helped. Quantity of juice was gradually increased say 1tsp more every week. By 4 months he was drinking juice of one whole sweet lime.
Sweet lime is also known as 'mosambi'. In India it is available through out the year. But it is not available to me here in Singapore. I hope u get it where you live.

One more thing you could try is, to soak a few ( 3-4) raisins in water for a couple of hrs. Take a soaked raisin and tie it in a clean (strelised) muslin cloth. Mash it slightly and allow your baby to suck on it. I have not tried it. But have been told of this by my coisin who has tried it.

16th November 2005, 09:38 PM
Prune juice 1-2 tsp with 2 parts water would help. Ask your doctor first.

- D

24th November 2005, 08:20 AM
If your baby is 1 month old, anything you do against doctor's advice can be dangerous. Be very cautious with what ever it is that you will try on your baby. Better to go back with the pediatrician or nurse about your concerns. Insist on saying the child is experiencing a lot of discomfort and see what they say. If it is feeding formula, it is normal for babies to get constipated and not have bowl movements for some days, breast milk rarely causes constipation though. Lime juice can be very acid for a one-month old and besides sometimes containing alcohol and high levels of glucose gripe water can be made with non-sterilized water. I'm sure if the physician feels necessary, they will prescribe some glycerin suppository with dosages suitable for infants this small. Please be careful.