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View Full Version : What policy are you using to close threads?!

30th October 2005, 11:57 AM
What policy are you using to close threads?!

I just started a while back a poll on what fellow Dfers think about a recent article on IR. It was closed.

I am not a Rajini fan and yet i used to check whats hot about Shivaji in Titans Coming Together; That too was closed a while back.

There are lot of stupid threads still running with titles like DEVA IS GOOD AS ILAYARAJA'

Now i am sensing your closing of threads a rude and not so open minded action. The first two threads i mentioned ARE related to Tamil Film Music and deserves better existance than the third one.

If you are making a post to continue in another thread atleast copy paste the last post in that thread so it will be moved UP in current topics so one doesn't need to browse around to find.

If you are not willing to consider my request, please remove my username from this forum i am not intending to visit again, where the threads are just forced to the users like this.

30th October 2005, 06:20 PM
"deva is as good as arr"...thread is locked..

but "deva is good as ir" remains...

what is the reason? :shock:

30th October 2005, 10:01 PM
Kumanan, when there was already a TIS thread to discuss this, you opened another thread on the same topic in the wrong section. And then you are asking as to why it was closed. As to other inane threads still lying around, I guess the moderators can only spend so much time every day removing such threads.

30th October 2005, 11:13 PM
"deva is as good as arr"...thread is locked..

but "deva is good as ir" remains...

what is the reason? :shock:

have u forgotten the thread "vidyasagar vs ARR" is still alive......even we face the brunt of ARR-haters here.....

31st October 2005, 12:44 AM

Do you know there are still a lot of people (like me) who only check the current topics and nothing else? And the two threads i am referring 'wrongfully locked' happens to be in this section and if i post my question(topic of this thread) in some other section it won't reach me or the other people like me who just check current topics or Hot Discussion Topics(Updated Hourly) only! I am sure there are lot of other people who are confused why an active thread like 'Titans come together' was locked!

I appreciate your response BTW, all i want is Titans Together thread and mine(about an IR article) unlocked.

31st October 2005, 07:53 AM
Do you know there are still a lot of people (like me) who only check the current topics and nothing else?
It's almost an year and most regulars like you have got onto the new structure, so 'lot' must be your assumption.

Can't you just scroll up a bit and look at the other forums as well (I mean, from http://tfmpage.com/forum/)? :)

I am sure there are lot of other people who are confused why an active thread like 'Titans come together' was locked!
Well, the topic starter knows why.. If you can't understand, there's already a topic on this in ARR albums, so this is a duplication. Anyway, not much TFM was being discussed in TITANS.

31st October 2005, 10:52 AM
It's almost an year and most regulars like you have got onto the new structure, so 'lot' must be your assumption.
I don't see a 'lot' of old regulars posting much in your 'new' structure.

Anyway, not much TFM was being discussed in TITANS.
And how is 'DEVA IS GOOD AS ILAYARAJA' related to TFM? It just doesn't make sense.[/quote]

31st October 2005, 08:21 PM
To Mr.'RR's credit, I must say that he did inform me of the proposed closing of the 'TACT' thread and explained why too.

As far as the other threads, the moderators can only do so much on a given day.

If you notice the topic Mr.'kumanan' had started was already a hot discussion topic in the TiS thread and having it on the 'Current' section would have been sheer duplication.

Wishing you all a 'serene and quite diipaavaLi' in the wake of recent tragedies!!


*P.S. BTW, Mr.'kumanan', your 'avatar' photo looks nice! :D

31st October 2005, 09:45 PM
The rules for closing threads are simple.If the thread states one thing against the beliefs of the Mods it is then closed.That is why there are dozens of nonsense threads.If you look at the nonsense threads that exist you will see they all have certain topics in common whereas topics that are closed have similair aspects in common. For example: if a topic praises ajith you are allowed as many threads as you want.If you discredit ajith it will be closed in a matter of hours.If you discredit rahman you are allowed at least 10 threads.If you are praising rahman you are allowed 1-2 threads.If your thread invokes thought it will be closed once the mods figure out the thread is over their heads.

Thus, that is why your illaiyaraja thread was closed.And im sure the Titans thread praised rahman too much or maybe ajith got bashed in it some how or vijay arised in it.I will not be surprised if they close this thread as it brings to light the way the adminstration haphazardly close threads.

2nd November 2005, 07:02 PM
The rules for closing threads are simple.If the thread states one thing against the beliefs of the Mods it is then closed.That is why there are dozens of nonsense threads.If you look at the nonsense threads that exist you will see they all have certain topics in common whereas topics that are closed have similair aspects in common. For example: if a topic praises ajith you are allowed as many threads as you want.If you discredit ajith it will be closed in a matter of hours.If you discredit rahman you are allowed at least 10 threads.If you are praising rahman you are allowed 1-2 threads.If your thread invokes thought it will be closed once the mods figure out the thread is over their heads.

Thus, that is why your illaiyaraja thread was closed.And im sure the Titans thread praised rahman too much or maybe ajith got bashed in it some how or vijay arised in it.I will not be surprised if they close this thread as it brings to light the way the adminstration haphazardly close threads.

come on sleperson dunt be so critical of mods.........i think they are pretty clear on their views.......

kum, threads like "deva is as gud as IR" are still alive cos u cannot just shoo away deva as a bad MD.........deva certainly deserves a discussion here......and moreover, "VS and Deva are no way equal to ARR and IR" is the view of hubbers here whereas a lay man in chennai mite disagree with many of our views.......so they do deserve a discussion though cause for starting a thread shuld also be considered......

7th November 2005, 04:42 PM
this thread is bcoming a active one :lol: :lol: .in a way this thread shdnt be locked.whenever a thread gets locked by the moderators,they can give the reason y it has been locked in this thread.

but i feel the moderators r doing a decent job till date.whenever they lock a thread there is always some sense in it