View Full Version : Fish Recipies please

1st November 2005, 09:59 PM
Hi everyone,
My husband and I are new to fish meaning we are just trying to get into seafood.After trying to get into it we realised that we found it difficult to overcome the fishy smell of seafood.Just cant get used to it.I have heard about the healthy aspects of fish and would definitely like to try it out more.I would really appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction as to what kind of fish to buy (We live in the US) and also give me some nice and easy recipies to follow.
Mrs.Mano,Bhargavi mam.. I have read with interest the recipies you have posted all along.The varities of recipies you post just boggles the mind.Please advice me on this.


3rd November 2005, 08:14 PM
Does this mean that no one eats fish much?

3rd November 2005, 09:32 PM
sorry cannot help i am a veggie....

4th November 2005, 03:20 AM
We buy:
Salmon(from american grocery stores or farmer's market), king fish(fresh from farmer's market or frozen from indian grocery stores), Butter fish(from american grocery stores), shrimps(frozen from american stores or farmer's market)....... I think thats all the seafood we use here in our US kitchen! In India we use a variety of seafood, but here I cannot find any of those. Indian stores have a lot of varieties in their freezer section, but I am only satisfied with their king fish.

Well, I fry the king fish, bake, make biriyani, or make curry with coconut milk.
I roast the shrimps or make biriyani.
I fry or grill the butter fish.
I fry, grill, or bake the salmon.

I do the frying on my outside grill-side burner to avoid the smell. If the weather is friendly, I do all my fish cooking outside.

Thats all I remember now. :)

4th November 2005, 06:27 AM
Salmon is one fish I've never been able to enjoy because of it strong flavour... I usually buy Vanjiram or they call it Batang here in Singapore... I make curry or shallow fry it... If it's very fleshy, I make fish tikka or finger fish... Will post the recipes if req...

've tried leather jacket as well...pretty good for the grill...

4th November 2005, 11:31 PM
try making fish cutlet with Vanjiram, it doesn't smell much and it is lovely. I can give you recipe for prawn and coconut fry if you want

5th November 2005, 12:04 AM
Thanks guys..but what is vanjaram called in the US???!!!Anyone know?Would love the recipies for my collection though.
I dont think I'll cook shrimp(prawns)My husband doesnt like the way it looks :D.

7th November 2005, 10:45 AM
Hi ssanjinika,

As far as the smell of the fish is concerned, I don't know if u're already doing this - but you can try rubbing the fish with a mix of rock salt and haldi before washing it prior to cooking. Even though you don't plan to make prawns, the same thing works with prawns as well. Just add the rock salt and haldi to the shelled and de-viened prawns. Nicely rub them altogether so that it gets a little slimy and rinse well under running water.

I usually find that this eliminates the 'fishy' smell almost completely once the fish or prawns are cooked.

My mum-in-law even adds some lemon to clean the fish, but that u can take as optional.

Hope this helps.


7th November 2005, 07:58 PM

i always make fish for my husband ( i dont eat fish), so when i made salmon, he too felt that salmon had a strong flavor. then i heard from my friend that if you bake salmon, it really comes out well. so i marinated salmon ( cut into small pieces) with chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric, salt, pepper powder and ginger garlic paste and baked it in the oven for 30 mts in 400 F. it came out like fried fish ( not even a single drop of oil) and my hubby loved it. he said it tasted very good..try it, may be you"ll like it

7th November 2005, 08:00 PM
Also, i have tried king fish, tilapia, pomfret, star butter fish, spanish mackeral, blue gill, flounder etc. per my hubby, all were good except spanish mackeral. For blue gill, we say karimeen in kerala which is a very ppular fish. star butter fish was good when fried. Flounder is also good, but expensive. let me know if you guys have tried any other fish?


7th November 2005, 08:52 PM
Hi Sanjinika,

after cleaning the fish or prawns, mix them with rock salt, tumeric n 2 tsp curd, after 5 mints wash them well. u won't have any fishy smell. i have tried it n it works well.


9th November 2005, 01:04 AM
Do you mean Kallu uppu when you say rock salt or am I totally way off the base here?

9th November 2005, 07:20 AM
Thanks for the tip,a_gopinath... But I wouldn't be able to try it coz I don't have an conventional oven... I don't think it'll turn out that good in the microwave oven...

9th November 2005, 11:09 AM
Yes, rock salt is kaluu uppu

9th November 2005, 05:37 PM
Thanks for the tip,a_gopinath... But I wouldn't be able to try it coz I don't have an conventional oven... I don't think it'll turn out that good in the microwave oven...

I think if your microwave has the convection feature, it will come out good.

9th November 2005, 06:17 PM
Nope, my microwave doesn't have tht option... Any other ideas???...

10th November 2005, 04:15 PM
What is 'angoli' mean called in English --- it is a popular fish for making the fish-head curry, speciality of Singapore ??

10th November 2005, 07:11 PM
I have heard that inorder to get the oven baked feel you can get a duch oven(its a vessel) and bake right on a stove top.Dont know if its true though

11th November 2005, 01:04 PM
Hi everyone,
My husband and I are new to fish meaning we are just trying to get into seafood.After trying to get into it we realised that we found it difficult to overcome the fishy smell of seafood.Just cant get used to it.I have heard about the healthy aspects of fish and would definitely like to try it out more.I would really appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction as to what kind of fish to buy (We live in the US) and also give me some nice and easy recipies to follow.
Mrs.Mano,Bhargavi mam.. I have read with interest the recipies you have posted all along.The varities of recipies you post just boggles the mind.Please advice me on this.


here are some interesting fish recipes http://www.chefs.com/Recipes/SearchResults.aspx?search=fish%20recipies & http://www.bangalinet.com/fish.htm

11th November 2005, 07:38 PM
Alana thanks a million.
Looks like a great link with lots of good recipies.

11th November 2005, 07:51 PM
you are welcome!

11th December 2005, 09:42 PM

1.To reduce the smell of the fish, after cutting the fish, sprinkle lots of rock salt one handful quantity over the fish .Then mix well. Now you have to clean the fish in the running water and drain the water before cooking.
Make a thick basen flour paste with water.Spread that over the fish and mix well.Then you have to clean the fish in the running water and drain the water.

13th December 2005, 08:48 PM
I made fish with spinach the other day. Picture of the completed dish is in my blog. If anyone is interested I will post the method.

14th December 2005, 06:57 PM
[tscii:83a2a4fe66]Here's a very tasty fish recipe 'Fish Rolls'

Fish – 2 lbs
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
˝ tsp chilli pwd
pinch of turmeric

For the filling:
3 medium onions chopped
1 tbsp of chopped ginger garlic
3 chopped green chillis
2 tbsp oil

For pan cakes:
2 cups maida (all purpose flour)
1/1/2 cups of water (enough water for a flowing consistency)
1 egg

For frying:
1 beaten egg
Bread crumbs for coating
Oil for deep frying

Marinate the fish with some ginger-garlic paste, chilli pwd, turmeric pwd and salt and keep aside for 15 mts.Now deep fry them or grill them and crumble into small pieces. Keep aside.

Heat oil in a pan.Add onions and green chillis along with chopped ginger garlic and fry till onions turn brown.Now add the crumbled fish pieces.Mix well and keep aside.

Now mix maida, egg, water and salt such that the batter is like a thin pancake batter consistency.Heat a non-stick tava and spread some batter like a thin pancake.Cover with lid and leave on low flame for 2 minutes.Remove lid and invert it onto a plate.Dont fry the other side.

Now spread the fish filling on cooked part of the pancake and roll it covering all the sides and the stuffing is tight…tuck the corners.
Dip the rolls in the beaten egg and coat it with bread crumbs like cutlets.Deep fry till golden brown.

You can use any fish which is not bony..king fish,hammour..
Alternately you can grill the fish in the initial part of the recipe....if you want to reduce the deep frying.

14th December 2005, 07:57 PM
Thanks guys..will def try something out this weekend.
RedPepper ur fish with spinach looks yummy.will let you know how it went once I try it.

28th December 2005, 01:26 PM
Is there any fish recipe which goes well with chapathi/phulka. I've always had fish with rice, so just wondering........

28th December 2005, 07:02 PM
hi tomato,

fish molie goes well with chappathi. we have it with appam too.


29th December 2005, 07:56 AM
hi tomato,

fish molie goes well with chappathi. we have it with appam too.


Thanx Anju. Could u pls post the recipe of 'Fish Molie'. Also indicate which type of fish is suitable for this dish.

29th December 2005, 10:29 PM

check out this recepie posted in this website. its pretty similar to what i do.


Also i dont remove the spices from oil. i just add spices and then add onion and other ingredients. Also i dont add vinegar and never done the garnishing part. also after adding turmeric, i add tomato.

let me know if u have any questions.

you can use pomfret, blue gill ( karimeen in malayalam). any fleshy fish should do. i also make it with tilapia fillet for my toddler. in kerala, karimeen is more popular for this dish

Also, if you dont want full fat coconut milk, try with light coconut milk. that also comes out well. i have also tried with maggie coconut powder



30th December 2005, 05:29 AM
hey all

i tried out this recepie


it came out very well