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1st December 2005, 06:51 PM
I am new to US . What sort of items can be given as christmas gifts, when are they given. Is it a custom to give christmas gifts to school teachers and office collegues.

Thanks for the clarifications

4th December 2005, 02:48 AM
I am new to US . What sort of items can be given as christmas gifts, when are they given. Is it a custom to give christmas gifts to school teachers and office collegues.

Thanks for the clarifications

Its not a custom, but it is a good idea to give your kids' teachers something before the holidays. I give gift cards to the teachers and they seem to love it.

4th December 2005, 03:48 AM
your child will have alot of teachers so it is best not to overspend...for some reason i have only seen women teachers receive such gifts...male teachers usually get cards and that from female students...things such as a tree ornaments, chocolate and of course cards are always the best way to go

as for office colleagues it depends...sometimes only those who you are close to exchange presents...sometimes you get secret santa where everyone gets a name of a fellow worker and buy something for them...here it gets harder cause you don't know what the other person will get so you don't want to over/under spend..you're new so stay with it and see how things are done...if you want ask how it works from a friend from work...if you get any gifts and return them or see if it is a office ritual to give most colleagues especially the boss something

hope that helps :)

21st December 2005, 01:39 PM
Yest I got chritmas tree and decor items for the tree. My daughter was so dissapointed last year, as I pormised her I would GET HER christmas tree, but later did not keep the promise.

The tree, decor items, etc, brings back the happy memories of my school days. Here in our colony, all kids are gonna exchange gifts and celebrate it (with one of the elder kid dressing up as santa)

Here in INDIA,

Exchanging gifts during christmas is a nice gesture of warmth and good will. Purse pinching gifts are not necessary.

Just a card, chocs, small mementos are ENOUGH. Gifts are just ways of expressing our love, affection and regard. It can even be a small ROSE. Thts bout india.

REg US, I suppose red pepper and querida HAD informative things to exchange.