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15th December 2005, 03:44 PM
Hi guys!
we have seen many stories like autograph all around us. I have a similar story of a friend of mine to share with you all.

In my second year of college I met a person whose father was a friend of my father. From second year of college, we studied in the same group. I didn't like College life so pretty disinterested and didn't mingle out much while my friend(lets call him Sivaraman) is an outgoing personality who sings quite well, so a regular in college culturals. There was a girl whom Siva used to admire a lot. Lets call her Priya. She was one of those quiet and studious girls and also good looking. I had no interest in getting friendly with girls as they were too complicated to understand and difficult to get along. However since I was a friend of Siva, I had to listen to loads of narration of what that girl did on that day and why he likes her. Come one college culturals and Siva came to the finals and sang a melodious SPB song from 80s and became instant hit with all the girls of the college including Priya. Now Siva and Priya had a lot of time to interact and going by what Siva said, the inevitable happens. However as fate would have it, Siva and Priya are from vastly different backgrounds (Siva is a typical South Indian Midle class, while Priya is upper class North Indian) and from some chance incidents both of them realize this.

Now in a normalized population with students from similar backgrounds in the college with a static number of female to male population there is bound to be competition in courtship and true to the dictum, there are two students from the same year who emerge as direct competitors for Siva. One of them (lets name him Shankar) is polished a little bit on the rough side by life. Therefore his methods are slightly intimidatory and violent. Siva narrates to me a couple of incidents where matters came down from head to heart to fists between them. The other competitor is one slimy person who prefers to play wait and watch and also the tricky act of befriending the female friends of Priya and spreading falsified information on the integrity of Siva.
At this point this idiotic love story gets too much on me and I migrate to the farthest corners of my classroom where i let my imagination and creativity take me as far as possible from such politics, electromagmentism, field theory and Digital Signal Processing as possible. So there is a huge time gap before I catch up after the farewell party in the college and everyone is busy with final exams study holidays.......

(To be continued....)

16th December 2005, 05:37 PM
Hei, JG, long time no see!!

How are you? :)

pavalamani pragasam
16th December 2005, 06:02 PM
Sounds quite interesting! And as the saying goes fact is stranger than fiction!

22nd December 2005, 09:42 AM
Hi ar!
I am doing fine! See my blog to know what I had been doing for sometime.
I am really caught up in marital bliss and official work to post regularly. With the latter easing a little, got some time to post this real story here. I caught up with couple of DFers in Bangalore to watch Kamal's kannada movie. It was fun totally. I will continue this story in a couple of days... I am glad that they added the blonk emoticon and also that it is being heavily and happily used!!!!

28th December 2005, 02:59 PM
Hi ar!
I am doing fine! See my blog to know what I had been doing for sometime.
I am really caught up in marital bliss and official work to post regularly. With the latter easing a little, got some time to post this real story here. I caught up with couple of DFers in Bangalore to watch Kamal's kannada movie. It was fun totally. I will continue this story in a couple of days... I am glad that they added the blonk emoticon and also that it is being heavily and happily used!!!!

I am fine, JG. Will drop by your blog when time permits (I have bookmarked both badri and yours).

Good to know about your blissful married life!! :D :D :D
Do keep in touch!

ps. whenever I see the blonk emoticon, I think of NM and the blonked male species. You included, of course!! :wink: