View Full Version : Mrs. Soma and her recipes

20th December 2005, 10:32 AM
Lets not forget active participants who pass away. I suggest a "memories" area - may be as a sticky - to remember Mrs. Soma. The reason I raise this here is because she was an active participant of the Indian food forum and had to leave because God decided to call her back.

20th December 2005, 01:21 PM
Very thoughtful of you,Kavikavi.May her soul rest in peace!

20th December 2005, 02:59 PM
Hello Kavitha,

My dear sister definately has earned a permanent place in my heart and many a heart.
Please repost her recipes one by one and let us keep her memories alive.
Very few of the present day FHubbers know how beautiful Mrs. Soma was both internally and outwardly.

With her gone, (I am honestly admitting here and not ashamed to say) I lost a major reason to be active in FH.

It was she who goaded me to be creative and was extremely supportive.

Please start reposting her recipes and let us give aher a fitting tribute.


20th December 2005, 07:17 PM
[tscii:dade4ec8ed]From: Mrs.Soma (@ j161.kja34.jaring.my) on: Fri Sep 27 08:47:48



200 grms banana flower
11/2 tsp chilli powder more or less to taste
¼ tsp tumeric powder
1 small marble size tamarind
little asafetida
salt as per taste
oil for frying


Discard 1st 2nd layers of the banana flowers ( It would be a bit tough )
Clean the flowers by removing the stamen and the pinkish petal.
Extract little juice from the tamarind.
Mix all the ingredients with the flowers using the tamarind juice.
Keep aside for about 10 minutes.
Heat a wok with oil, when it becomes hot ,fry the flowers little at a time.
Fry till crisp and remove from the fire.
The flowers will cook very fast and would be very crispy.
It’s best eaten when hot.
It will become soft when cold
It’s a good snack for a rainy day.

20th December 2005, 07:22 PM
[tscii:e631fa4e4b]From: Mrs,Soma (@ ce5.time.net.my) on: Fri Aug 2 08:18:24



500 grms boneless chicken sliced into small pieces
2 tsp light soya sauce
2 tsp oyster sauce
2tsp ginger juice
¼ tsp salt or to taste
1 tbs water
3 tsp corn flour
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp aniseed
1/4 tsp tumeric powder
4 small shallots sliced
4 pips garlic sliced
5 long red chillies ( rinsed and cut into 4 pieces each )
2 tbs oil or more a bit
Curry leaves a little

Mix the seasoning ingredients with the chicken pieces and marinate for about 2 hours.
Put a kadai on fire and add the oil, and lightly brown the garlic and the shallots. Put in the cut chillies and toss for about 30 seconds. Add in the curry leaves.
Add the chicken pieces and stir fry until cooked. The cooked pieces would look like fried chicken, so use oil accordingly.

20th December 2005, 07:23 PM
[tscii:f6b38402c0]From: Mrs,Soma (@ j76.kja34.jaring.my) on: Mon Aug 5 19:00:16


½ kg mutton with bones ( chest bones )
1 cup toor dhal
½ coconut scraped
1 brinjal
1 potato
2 tomatoes
1 small lime sized tamarind
1 big onion
1 tbs meat curry powder
½ tsp tumeric powder
2 tsp garlic paste
2 tsp ginger paste
2 green chillies slit
1 stalk curry leaves
1 stalk coriander leaves chopped
2 one inch cinnamon sticks
2 star anise
4 cloves
4 cardamons
½ tsp aniseed
2 tbs oil or more
salt to taste

Clean the dhal and the mutton, add tumeric powder and cook till the dhal and mutton are cooked..The dhal must be really mashed.( or you can cook separately and mix )
Have enough gravy after boiling the mutton and dhal.
Extract the tamarind juice about a cup
Extract 1st and 2nd milk 1 cup each.
Cut the brinjal and tomatoes.
Cut the potato into big cubes.
Slice the onion.
Heat the oil in a pot..
Add in the cinnamon, cloves, star anise, cardamoms, and the aniseed. When they splutter, add in the sliced onion, and the slit chillies. Fry till the onion turns limp.
Add in the brinjal, tomatoes, potato and curry leaves, and stir for a second.
Now add the second coconut milk, mixed with the meat curry powder, add also the tamarind juice, stir nicely.Let it boil, Now add the mutton dhal mixture, and give it a good stir and let it boil till the vegetables are cooked.Add salt to taste..
( The talcha curry should be a bit watery, not very thick, so add in water, or more coconut 2 nd milk if your curry is thick. )
When the vegetables are cooked, add in the first coconut milk, and boil for a minute.
Sprinkle the coriander leaves and remove from the stove.

20th December 2005, 10:06 PM
I think already there is a thread with all her recipes. I guess the thread name...."In memory of Mrs.Soma". All her recipes were reposted by her in law Kavitha Ravi. So pls search for that thread to get all her recipes and her memories.