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6th January 2006, 03:18 AM
Hi all,
Very recently I had an experience with Nadi Astrology. My parents had seen my nadi horoscope a long time with a specific reading on my 7th and 13th kandam ( where details about my would be husband, his education, profession, his horoscope and sibling info was given). This was done long time ago. And if I remember correctly it was Vashishta Nadi.

Again, after a few years, my father who was highly intrigued by another Aghastya Nadi reader in Chennai and decided to get these kandams read again. Astonishing is the fact that, the details of my would be husband are the same as the reading that my parents had gotten some years ago, like the referenced name, lagnam and stuff. Okay now, the weird part is that the 13th kandam was different.

I am now wondering how future in this life could be the same but the past lives are not and if 13th kandams are so different can the 7th kandam readings (future ones be trusted). Can anybody please throw some light on this topic.?

In addition does anybody know any Brighu Nadi addresses in Bombay?

Thanks in advance.

10th January 2006, 12:09 AM
I don't know about the 7th or 13th kandams.Just i wanted to share my experience with one Nadi Josyar when i was doing my UG.

My friend and I met a Nadi josyar.We had got some information that they will predict the future perfectly.I gave my Right Thumb impression,DoB & name with correct spelling.
He also asked a lot of questions to me before selecting one leaflet.

he told me about my future,but only upto the age of 29(After that I shud meet him with my wife....? for future predictions) .
Upto now nothing that he had said has come true.I had got a lot of negative predictions.
But after that i got to read some good books and poems.

So now my belief is "From this second onwards it's mine.I can plan and work efficiently and can achieve anything.I may have to reap the results of my previous deeds...but still the future is with me."

So,if u r getting positive predictions,let it motivate u and take care that the -ve predictions doesn't demotivate u.

25th January 2006, 02:03 PM
I don't know about the 7th or 13th kandams.Just i wanted to share my experience with one Nadi Josyar when i was doing my UG.

My friend and I met a Nadi josyar.We had got some information that they will predict the future perfectly.I gave my Right Thumb impression,DoB & name with correct spelling.
He also asked a lot of questions to me before selecting one leaflet.

he told me about my future,but only upto the age of 29(After that I shud meet him with my wife....? for future predictions) .
Upto now nothing that he had said has come true.I had got a lot of negative predictions.
But after that i got to read some good books and poems.

So now my belief is "From this second onwards it's mine.I can plan and work efficiently and can achieve anything.I may have to reap the results of my previous deeds...but still the future is with me."

So,if u r getting positive predictions,let it motivate u and take care that the -ve predictions doesn't demotivate u.

actually i think u met the wrong person nms ...

a lot of people do fake business in this field .and spoil the name of the art .....

trust me ..i have a heard a lot about this and it has been true till dat e...........

25th January 2006, 04:36 PM

I've given my thumb impression & date of birth for predictions... Usually Nadi joshiars don't ask any ques more than this... I'll let U know if my predictions are true once I receive it & as time passes... I know of one of my neighbour whose predictions have been true till date... She says she had taken it around 15 yrs back... & her dad's predictions were true upto the date & time of his death... I gave it for predictions out of sheer curiosity after watching a documentary in Discovery channel...I'm not sure if I'll read my whole predictions once i receive it or I'll believe in it...

25th January 2006, 05:14 PM
its true to a large extent

outline of our story atlest is true.

rest is up to us to reframe or remodel

25th January 2006, 10:30 PM
Well, what is surprising is that some of the references (with references to 7th Kandam) did come true but that match got dropped, so I don't know what to believe and what not

26th January 2006, 10:54 PM
its true ...its all true ....

27th January 2006, 03:58 AM
If I may ask, is it out of personal experience that you are saying it is all true. If so, can you pass the address of the nadi guy you went to.

Thanks in advance.

12th February 2006, 07:15 PM

I just got my nadi predictions... It says that my good: bad is 65:35... they have specified certain periods where I will undergo hardships( at this point in time, I'm not able to accept that one of the incident mentioned could happn in my life... :roll: ) Some of those in the near future... They've also mentioned some parikaarams like visiting certain temples etc... But overall, it's good... Will have to wait & see how things turn out... :)

From what is said, looks like I have carried significant bad karma from my previous birth... :twisted:

15th February 2006, 12:54 PM
if we are not residing in India can we post our thumb impression to get prediction. can anyone pass me the address of good nadi predictor.

20th March 2006, 11:54 AM
Anybody out here