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View Full Version : Is there any hope?????

8th December 2004, 10:54 PM
I am a 36 yr old man from Chennai. I have been having the
most amazing run of bad luck for the last 14 years!!!. I have been
unemployed for the last 7 years. my mother has been a paraplegic
for the last 14 years. My father had a stroke in 1999 and both he and my mother have been falling ill for the last 6 years. I lost 3 or 4 plum jobs in the USA and Singapore. I lost several good opportunities in India too. The astrologers say i have Kala Sarpa dosham and that I have no future at all. Im really worried and cant sleep at night ,also, i dont have any peace of mind as I have no money and my health is not all that good too. I was born on 13 august 1968 @ 10.20 am

Many people are skeptical when I tell them that I have lost so
many opportunities.How can i convinve them????. Is there any end to this nightmare??? :(

Bad Boy
8th December 2004, 11:50 PM
Many people are skeptical when I tell them that I have lost so many opportunities.How can i convinve them????. Is there any end to this nightmare??? :(

I am too sceptical.
In German there is a proverb telling laughing is the best medicine.

Aren't there any missionaries to help you? May be you have to change your religion but you don't have to change your believe. Take the best and leave the rest.

Good Luck!

Go to a catholic church and tell him you really need help. I am 96% sure about that you will succeed.

8th December 2004, 11:54 PM
Badboy!!! :x :x :x All this may seem like fun to you. But you have
not been in my shoes !!! Why should I embrace Christianity or even consider going to a church?????!!!!!. I am comfortable with
Hinduism thank you!!!

9th December 2004, 12:05 AM
Dear Unhappyboy

i was realll upset after reading ur posting...this happens to many of us...we all feel that we r the most ill-fated people at times...but thats absurd...there r so many people who have nothing at all...

u say that ur parents have been sick for a long time... u atleast have them with u...think of all those orphan children who have never known the love of their parents...and how the heck can u be the reason for the physical health of ur parents anyways?...first get rid of such nitwitted thoughts from ur mind...

u must also resist consulting astrologers about ur future...this is a grave mistake many of us do...once we know that we r going through a difficult or black phase, we r doomed...we start relating everything to our bad omen...

Forget about all those opportunities u lost in the past...just the fact that u have even had all these offers shows that u must be an educated and talented person...think of how u can start fresh right now...and stop worrying about convincing a bunch of 'so-called' friends who care a damn...

above all, try to be in the company of very optimistic people whenever possible...that could be a reall boost to u in many ways...

and mothal, mothala ungaloda indha 'unhappyboy'-ngra id-ya maathunga... :)

take ur first step today...

9th December 2004, 12:10 AM
Good Luck!

Go to a catholic church and tell him you really need help. I am 96% sure about that you will succeed.

Bad Boy, u must be joking!!!..what can a Catholic church or a Hindu temple do in deciding anyones future??...grow up BB... :shock:

Dr. Veena
9th December 2004, 01:06 AM
Well, I understand your plight . If the astrologers said you have "kala sarpa dosha"( i have heard only of Sarpa Dosha), why didn't they suggest the remedy to it as well?

Have you heard of Pambumekavu Temple? You could go there and pray and do some poojas.

I'm sure if you pray really hard, everything will be alright.

I do hope your problems are solved soon & you lead a happy life.

9th December 2004, 09:54 AM
Dear Dr Veena

Please tell me where this temple is located and what does one need to do when one goes there???. Im pretty bad at rituals and stuff!!

Its not that I am not positive about life ,because as lonmg as there
is life there is hope ...but for a 36 yr old life can be difficult in India!!!! 8)

9th December 2004, 11:08 PM
Thanks a lot dear Malligai . You touched my heart!. Its nice to know
people like you. Hey , I never used to believe in astrology earlier
but fate has forced me to believe in this mumbo jumbo. Nevertheless, as I said earlier one has to have hope ,but with
age and when you see all your friends settled and living happily it
really sucks!!!. I have not been able to swim aganst the tide ,even
though I did try hard!!! But as you rightly say so one has to keep
ones chin up...but for how long???. Sometimes ,I feel there is not much to live for...

Bad Boy
10th December 2004, 01:04 AM

NO I was not joking!
You can possibly await help from a christian church, priests or nuns; mental as well as finacial and they won't even ask you to get rid of your religion. If they deny you support then they are not christians. There are also good people there among christians. But first try with hinduism.
Here in Germany we have a lot of self-help groups that help people marally and finacially if required. I don't know if you have such institutions there in India.

10th December 2004, 01:14 AM

mmm..i exactly understand what u r going through...esp being in India when everyone is so nosy and scrutinizing about other people's personal issues and ' status quo'...anyone in ur situation would feel the same...

plss do not think that everyone who has a good job is happy, and having fun...everyone has their share of problems...and no one is ever content with what they have...and all ur friends should have struggled to get where they r now...maybe u dint start early like them, but 'it is better late than never'...:)

//But as you rightly say so one has to keep
ones chin up...but for how long???. //---ila, we dont have to put up a show for anyone else...who cares about what everybody else thinks about us...we r what we r, within us...u must start believing in urself first, and forget what ur friends, neighbors or family would think about u...

//Sometimes ,I feel there is not much to live for...//---heyyy, common, all those great people and achievers in this world has been in ur shoes...my dad's friend was around 40, married with a kid...he dint have a job, penniless...uneducated...so he started to sell snacks in the canteen of a movie theatre...he now owns the top chain of restaurants in TN, and is one of the self-made millionaires...

but u seem to be a well educated person...what beats me is, how come u remained unemployed for sooo long??...just forget about all those lost opportunities...why cant u take up something now, to begin with...getting out, making some money, and talking to people will definetely boost ur confidence...

naan solarthu ellam is just a friendly advice ok?...innum neraya 'postive' friends kooda pesunga..it will help...

Bad Boy
10th December 2004, 01:20 AM
Good Luck!

Go to a catholic church and tell him you really need help. I am 96% sure about that you will succeed.

Bad Boy, u must be joking!!!..what can a Catholic church or a Hindu temple do in deciding anyones future??...grow up BB... :shock:

Why should an astrologer design you future. In the past I know for sure the church helped people in need in SL. I still know people stick to their believe when they are in trouble and they run to god.

Even here in Germany people run to church or Caritas or something like that to get help. Even buddist rrun to church ans ask for shelter if they are denied visa and the don't want to go back to their country like it happens here in Germany. Recently a family from Vietnam had to leave to Vietnam. It was not only the priest of the church who shelterd them it was also the christian believers took care of any support for these Vietnamese starting from meals, judicary, finacial, clothings, .....
This is real christianism. So just leep through your closed windows or get a ladder to jump over the wall.

He was telling like I am already dead please come and give me the final shot. So why not thinking and talking of this alternative? Do I say he should convert. I said if he does not get help who all of you better talking hubbers go and lend him a hand or job or take care of his parents, dogs , cats and rats or what so ever? Adress me after that, alright?

Hilf Dir selbst so hilft Dir Gott!
Help yourself then helps you God!

10th December 2004, 01:21 AM

NO I was not joking!
You can possibly await help from a christian church, priests or nuns; mental as well as finacial and they won't even ask you to get rid of your religion. ------we have a lot of self-help groups that help people marally and finacially if required. I don't know if you have such institutions there in India.

Bad Boy,

i can see that u r being sincere in ur advice...but i dont think UHB is in that kind of a situation yet...he is definetely capable of finding a job, and having a good future...he just needs a little moral boost thats all...i hope u'll agree with this...

Bad Boy
10th December 2004, 01:24 AM
OK, Malligai.

10th December 2004, 01:34 AM

//He was telling like I am already dead please come and give me the final shot. So why not thinking and talking of this alternative? Do I say he should convert. I said if he does not get help who all of you better talking hubbers go and lend him a hand or job or take care of his parents, dogs , cats and rats or what so ever? Adress me after that, alright? //

i think when he posted his plight here, he only did it mainly to vent himself, bcos talking to people in real life about such things could be ardous...and in our country, there r hundreds and thousands of youth who r in the exact standing like him..he is not the only one...
what would happen if everyone 'just gives up' and turns to the temples and churches for help...

he has a great potential, which i am sure u realize too...why dont we help him identify that...thats is the least way in which we can help..

Bad Boy
10th December 2004, 01:59 AM
what would happen if everyone 'just gives up' and turns to the temples and churches for help...

I am very much sure the temples and churches and synagogus and pagodas and viharas are ment for mental support and beside that also much more. Each and every priest has to take care of people. This is what i know from christianity to be, nothing else and nothing more.

If there are a lot of people like him then he should launch a self-help group to help themselves as he has the brain potetial I would say.

10th December 2004, 09:12 AM
Dear Bad Boy,
Let's try to help and give out soem ideas to help uhb. Eg - do you have any opportunities for him? Any recommendations?

Dear uhb,
My brother was in a similar situation 3 years ago but luckily for him, we (his immediate family) were able to help him out. He was under the 7.5 yrs Sani influence, and the last 2 years was the worst part of his life. The best thing about him is that he is a firm believer in GOD. He has low self esteem but we managed to find him a job etc etc an d not he's living a better life. What I am trying to say is that, please believe in yourself and GOD. Tell youself "you can do it!" and try something out, even something small like selling snacks or newspaper or magazines or flowers etc. I am sorry I am not in India to help you look out for opportunities but, when I was in India, I did observe that people are into small time businesses. I know being 36 and without a job is hard, a friend of mine is 38 and jobless and we're trying to get him a temporary one. But, pls do not give up and do somethign drastic. It's a good sign that you have posted your sufferings here and it should at least lessen the burden. Will let you knwo in this forum here if I hear of any opportunities for you in India. What kind of field are you looking for?
Take care, don't worry, be happy!

10th December 2004, 11:49 PM
Hi NM .Thanks for your suggestion,but the problem In India especially Chennai is that if I do a small menial job people tend to treat you like an outcast and make disparaging remarks.Being the
son of a colonel my parents are dead against it.

Not only that people here all tend to cheat and lets face it Im very bad at business!!!. Instead, I am now trying to go to Canada
I will be going only if I get a loan otherwise there is no way i will
be going!!!. Remember, 750 million Indians are below the age of 35
and half the opoulation(500 million) are below age 25 . So there
are no opportunities for a 36 yr old man. My friend and I did try th start a small BPO but we fell short of funds!!!

Many people feel a young population is a blessing,well, i certainly dont think so!!!

10th December 2004, 11:56 PM

//Instead, I am now trying to go to Canada
I will be going only if I get a loan otherwise there is no way i will
be going!!!. //

if u want to go to Canada, or US, then why dont u apply for ur higher studies??...thats the easiest visa ie 'F1' (in US) u can get...many banks in India give loans for studies abroad...once u r here u will definetely be able to find ur way around...

just a suggestion, thats all... :)

Bad Boy
11th December 2004, 12:06 AM
Dear UHB,

if you don't mind starting every thing new you can also try for an employment in Norway. I know they need qualified people. The only thing is the language but a very high rate of Norwegians speak English and some more speak antoher foreign tongue like German, French or spanish. Norway is a christian country but one of the friendliest nations on this Globe. And believe me the girls are top! if you got the charme and a light smilie on your face then every thing goes like well smeared. There you will face freedom you don't even can't imagine.
Get in touch with the embassies. But you must know working here is tough and the weather is too atleast for the first years.

11th December 2004, 12:13 PM
unhappyboy,I like your username. :lol: :lol:

12th December 2004, 12:00 AM
Dear Bad Boy

Ohh !!! But I dont know anyone in Norway ,besides , I have already invested some money in going to Canada. I cant say anything for sure!!. I may or may not go

12th December 2004, 02:23 PM
Dear NM

I am a post graduate ib Commerce ,I have also a post graduate diploma in business administration. I have also passed the intermediate examination of th Institute of Cost &Works Accountants
of India. In addition I have done a lot of software courses ie Oracle,Java Oracle Financials. But I am no longer looking for any job in the IT field.I am looking for accounts/finance jobs in BPOs/MNCs

I am trying to go to Canada,but I dont know whether it will materialise
I prefer to be in India though!!!!

12th December 2004, 02:24 PM
Dear NM

I am a post graduate ib Commerce ,I have also a post graduate diploma in business administration. I have also passed the intermediate examination of th Institute of Cost &Works Accountants
of India. In addition I have done a lot of software courses ie Oracle,Java Oracle Financials. But I am no longer looking for any job in the IT field.I am looking for accounts/finance jobs in BPOs/MNCs

I am trying to go to Canada,but I dont know whether it will materialise
I prefer to be in India though!!!! :? :? :?