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sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
27th January 2006, 09:32 AM
[tscii:a2de587e79]A short intro for unfamiliar. Mozart is an world famous music composer who wrote his 1st symphony at age of 8. titan music, and lots of ring tones in today’s mobile are mostly mozart’s tunes. Today is his 250th birthday; Still Mozart Mania exists, in this rock\pop world. Just google ‘Mozart 250’ to see how world celebrates his 250th birthday. celeberations are going to continue this full year. Like our 50th Independence day. Can any other composer from India ever dream this?, after 250 yrs????


sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
27th January 2006, 09:33 AM

Date:21/01/2006 URL: http://www.thehindu.com/thehindu/mp/2006/01/21/stories/2006012102500200.htm

Celebrating the maestro
GENIUS PORTRAYED A rare miniature painting of Mozart

In the beginning there was sound. And then, when Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756, there was music. The kind the world had never heard. The stories about Mozart's prodigious genius abound — how he wrote his first symphony when he was five, how as a six-year-old he jumped onto Empress Maria Theresa's lap after a concert and how at 12 he had a two-hour audience with the empress...

Vienna is celebrating Mozart's 250th birth anniversary in grand style with an exhibition at the Albertina from March 13 to August 13. The house in which Mozart spent his happiest days (Domgasse Number 5) will be open to public and Mozart's operas will be played at the Vienna Volksoper from January 27 to December 10. The celebrated producer Peter Sellars will stage the New Crowned Hope festival. There would also be Mozart films between July 1 and September 3 and the Vienna Festival will be on from May 12 to June 18.

The good news for music buffs is that the Austria Hotels International has joined in the celebrations and is offering two nights in a double room inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner with an added attraction of the Mozart Dream Birthday surprise package. The offer is valid till the end of 2006.

For further details log on to www.Austria-hotels.at or call toll-free on 000 800 6501160.

© Copyright 2000 - 2006 The Hindu


sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
27th January 2006, 09:33 AM

Date:27/01/2006 URL: http://www.thehindu.com/2006/01/27/stories/2006012702491400.htm


Mozart from Salzburg to Santiago

SALZBURG (Austria): Some bad news for those who think this year of mostly Mozart is too much Mozart: On Friday, you can run, but you can't hide.

Certainly not in Salzburg, the cobble-stoned and turreted city of his birth as it pulls out all stops to celebrate its favourite son's 250th birthday Friday. Or in Vienna, where dozens of events musical and other are planned.

But it isn't only Austria that is seized with Mozart madness.

Symphony orchestras and opera houses worldwide are going through final rehearsals while radio programme directors line up their Mozart CDs. Piano students are polishing pieces for Mozart marathons and puppeteers are preparing for jubilee performances as hundreds of cities across five continents prepare to pay their respects to the musical genius.

For many, Mozart central on Friday will be Salzburg, the city of his birth and first musical successes.

Among them will be European leaders and Foreign Ministers gathering for ``The Sound of Europe'' — a debate about the future of the European Union — under Austria's E.U. presidency. Always a trove for Mozart souvenirs, Salzburg has outdone itself this year. Store shelves are stocked with Mozart beer and wine, Mozart baby bottles, Mozart milkshakes, Mozart knickers and Mozart jigsaw puzzles — along with the usual T-shirts, calendars, coffee mugs and marzipan-and-nougat filled ``Mozart Balls.''

But on Friday, the music's the thing. Among the most interesting Salzburg offerings: Nikolaus Harnoncourt and the Vienna Philharmonic play Mozart's Piano Concert No. 18, before Riccardo Muti takes to the podium and leads the orchestra — and renowned signers — through their paces in a collage of his works.

Vienna, which claims Mozart in his later years, is staging a new production of his ``Idomeneo'' in one of the city's three opera houses and reviving ``The Magic Flute'' (``Die Zauberfloete'') in another.

Both are offering either musical or culinary tours built around Mozart's works, his favorite restaurants, his friends and enemies, and his approach to art and love.

But Mozart will rule elsewhere as well. — AP

© Copyright 2000 - 2006 The Hindu[/tscii:287157bd8d]

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
29th January 2006, 03:55 PM
[tscii:d0accbf28f]Date:29/01/2006 URL: http://www.thehindu.com/thehindu/mag/2006/01/29/stories/2006012900130400.htm


Music most magnificent


Mozart, whose 250th birth anniversary fell on January 27, was endowed with prodigious talents at an absurdly young age. But he paid a heavy price for his gifts.

Genius: A miniature of Mozart. PHOTO: REUTERS
MOZART can be held up as perhaps the greatest artistic talent the world has ever seen in a child. The words "child prodigy" are altogether inadequate to describe the boy's genius.

It is said Mozart wrote music notes before he could write words. He was endowed with prodigious talents at an absurdly young age. But he paid a heavy price for his gifts, for his personal life after his fabulous childhood was a tragic failure. He died at the age of 35, leaving behind him a body of work staggering in size and of a quality that placed him next to Bach and Beethoven.

January 27 is Mozart's 250th birth anniversary. Mozart is sweet sunshine, said Antonin Dvorak. His autographs sell at the same prices as fine paintings. According to Time magazine, Mozart is one of the top 10 cultural figures of the last millennium.

Film's impact

If interest in Mozart has been revived of late, the source is not concert halls or opera houses, but the stage and the screen. Peter Schaffer's play "Amadeus" and the subsequent film of the same name impacted audiences tremendously. Though titled "Amadeus", it is the character of Antonio Salieri who remains the focus of the film and though powerful, the movie is a study in jealousy.

At times you cannot help draw parallels to T.S. Eliot's award-winning play "Murder in the Cathedral". A lot has been written of Mozart's life, death and his relationships. A good number of myths have mingled with truth though it is clear Salieri did not poison his rival.

Amadeus was added to Wolfgang's name after a trip to Italy. It is Italian translation for Theophilus. The names mean the same thing: Beloved of God. Mozart owed a great deal to his father, Leopold, both for good and bad. His mother was good-natured and full of gaiety and it is from her the illustrious son inherited his high spirits and his love of nonsensical fun.

At the age of three, he began to pick out chords on a clavier. When four, his father began to give him music lessons. Within a year he was composing little minuets. He wrote violin sonatas when barely seven and his first symphonies the very next year.

When Wolfgang was six, his father took him and his sister Nannerl to Vienna where the children performed for the Empress Maria Theresa and her family. Wolfgang slipped and fell on a polished floor in the palace and one of Maria Theresa's daughters, who was but two months older than he, helped him to his feet. Wolfgang thanked her and said, "When I grow up, I shall marry you". The little archduchess was later married, not to the musical genius, but to a dauphin with whom she met an infamous death. Her name was Marie Antoinette.

According to writer Richard A.Leonard, the modern parent who is conscious of a child's need for proper diet, hygienic surroundings and regular periods of mental and physical rest, will condemn Leopold for his ambition.

At Rome when 13, Mozart performed one of his most celebrated feats. During the Holy Week he heard a performance in Sistine Chapel of the famous "Miserere" by Allegri, a work that the papal choir guarded jealously, permitting no copies to be made. After a single hearing Wolfgang went back to his lodgings and wrote out the whole score from memory.

Operatic masterpieces

Mozart wrote six String Quartets, which he dedicated to the master of the form, Haydn; they are not only marked by their variety of expression but also by their complex textures conceived as a four-part discourse.

Lorenzo Da Ponte provided Mozart with librettos for three of the latter's four operatic masterpieces — "The Marriage of Figaro", "Don Giovanni" and "Cosi fan tutte". When "Figaro" was first performed in 1786, the Viennese audience received it with frenzied acclaim. So many of the numbers had to be repeated that the performance ran to twice the actual length and at later performances the Emperor had to forbid encores!

The premiere of "Don Giovanni" took place on October 29, 1787, a date that has become a landmark in the history of opera. Prague received the work with a hurricane of applause; Mozart who conducted was cheered like a national hero. "Don Giovanni" is one of the two oldest popular works still in repertories of the world's opera houses.

Mozart's talents brought him little money and no security. His personal life descended into disorder and finally desperate poverty. Utterly inexplicable is the fact that the music, the outcome of those unhappy years, is a grand testament of beauty. It is unstained by the misfortunes of the man who created it. As Leonard puts it, Mozart's music is perfect in design, exquisite in taste and undying in melodic vitality.

The "G Minor Symphony" is the most often played of all Mozart's symphonies. It is also the most loved, perhaps because in its gentle melancholy it reminds the listener of the fate of its maker — to be divinely gifted, like Keats and Shelley, Raphael and Schubert — and to die young. The great musician died unsung and a pauper.


If you thought poorly of Mozart's fellow countrymen for not giving the due to a music genius when alive, they now seem to be making up for it with a vengeance. Salzburg, the city of Mozart's birth, is cashing in with a mixture of kitsch and high culture and its Mozart industry is going into overdrive this month.

For instance a local dairy has developed a new Mozart yoghurt and a Mozart dessert drink. The yoghurt is one of the hundreds of new products being developed for the 250th anniversary.

More than 75 partner towns spread over 10 European countries have banded together for Mozart's European routes to commemorate the composer par excellence. The Mozart Festival Prague 2006 includes more than 150 concerts, we learn. In London, the Royal Opera House has a special Mozart programme slated this year, including a new production of Figaro.

On his birthday will be the premiere of "Don Giovanni" in Paris. Carnegie Hall in New York joined the celebratory chorus more than six months ago. Their Mozart Festival constitutes roughly 200 varied events at the Hall.

Salzburg city mayor Heinz Schaden says the composer is one of the city's most important sources of income. "Salzburg is hard to imagine without Mozart. He put the city on the map".

© Copyright 2000 - 2006 The Hindu

31st January 2006, 07:29 PM
Check out the movie Amadeus for a perspective on Mozart, his music and life.....

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
22nd February 2006, 05:40 PM
Hindustani Sangeeth Vidhyapeet
69/2 S.Mutt Main Road,
Bangalore - 560004
Tel : 6676737
Keshava Nrityashala
2105, 8th A, Main, R. Nagar,
D. Block, 2nd Stage,
Bangalore - 560010
Tel : 3320903
Natya Priya
Building 7, 4th cross Hutchins Road
St. Thomas Road,
Bangalore - 560084
Tel : 5468866
Sarasavani Music Classes
788/A 62nd Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bhasyan Circle,
Bangalore - 560010
Tel : 3351655
Sri Padmavathy Kalaniketan of Fine Arts
No. 161/B, 2 nd Cross, Gokul,
1 st Phase, 1 st Stage, Mathikere layout
Bangalore - 560054
Tel : 3379968
Vijaya College of Music
42 Sirur Park Road, No. 53,
8th B Main Block, Jayanagar,
Bangalore - 560011
Tel : 6636896
IV Block, (W),No.52, Diagonal Road,
Near Ganesh Temple, Jayanagar,
Bangalore - 560011
Tel : 6549009
Fax : 6548972
Jim Music School
121 6th Cross,
6th Main Malleswaram,
Bangalore - 560003
Tel : 3446011
L.V. Uma Sundhari
77A, Main, Mallesharam,
Between 17th & 18th Cross,
Bangalore - 560055
Tel : 3317469
Sai Arts International
719, Basement, Dr. Modi Road,
West of Chard Road,
Bangalore - 560086
Tel : 3387978
Saraswathi The Music Academy
Bhasyam Circle,
18, Magrath Road,
Bangalore - 560025
Tel : 6678696
Tarangini Institute of Veena
4th Cross Malleswaram,
42, Sirur Park Road,
Bangalore - 560003
Tel : 3361906
Rate (Rs.) 500 ,500
Instruments Taught Guitar
Courses Offered guitar
Duration of Courses 6 - 12 months
Contact Person MIKE
Address1 Sreenivasa Reddy Bldgs,I floor,JP Nagar, Bangalore
Address2 Same as above
City Bangalore
Phone 9886261406 / 9886214406
Email sujamic@hotmail.com

Description The only exculsive Guitar Institute in Bangalore for various styles of Guitaring. 1.Rock, 2.Blues, 3.Jazz, 4. Classical guitar etc. Tutors Profile: More than 10 years of guitar teaching, solo guitarist, music composer who recorded an English solo album, lead guitarist in a leading rock band in Bangalore. We have got 4 branches at prime locations in Bangalore. 1. JP Nager, 2. Koramangala, 3. Jayanagar, 4. Basuvangudi Courses Offered: 1. Regular guitar classes of 6 months duration 2. Crash course & Work Shop: We conduct one day crash course by which guitar learning is made easy for everyone. The course includes: 1. Basic Intro to Music 2. Understanding the Music NOTATIONS ( Music Language) so that, you can be INDEPENTENT in future 3. Practical training 4. 10 popular tunes will be taught to play with Music notations. 5. Demonstration of Guitar solo. The weekly workshops will be conducted at our centres mentioned above. Those who intend to attend the workshop / crash course need to register one week in advance. NOTE: GET A FREE ENGLISH ALBUMN WORTH RS.200/- AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION. FEEL FREE TO CALL 9886261406 / 9886214406 FOR FREE GUITAR DEMONSTRATION.

Name @ABLAZE, Music School, .
Rate (Rs.) 0 ,500
Instruments Taught Drums, Guitar, Keyboard,Violin, Tabla, Flute.
Courses Offered Drums, Guitar, Keyboard,Violin, Tabla, Flute.
Duration of Courses 3 to 12 months
Contact Person SHAN
Address1 1)JP Nagar ist phase. Near oxford college
City Bangalore
Phone 9880 8929 00
Email ablaze@musician.org


Description Ablaze Music School has got two branches in bangalore, one located in JP NAGAR I PHASE, Bangalore (9880 8929 00)and the second at Anjana Nagar, on the MAGADI ROAD, near to East West Group of Institutions In Ablaze Music School, Drums, Guitar, Keyboard, Violin, Tabla and Flute classes are held on a regular basis. Both for beginners and for students who need advanced lessons. The fee structure is monthly Rs 500 for all the disciplines. There’ll be one class in a week. Each class will be of 0ne hour duration Weekend classes are available. The tutors in the music school are professionals in their concerned fields, who are working as teachers and, are regular performers on the Bangalore Music scene. Their band ( FINALSTROKE) having performed for events like the annual FREEDOM JAM in Bangalore, considered to be the Woodstock of South India. For further details regarding the classes you may contact. 9880 8929 00 (SHAN) mail: ablaze@musician.org Feel free to call-up anytime for further details...

Rate (Rs.) 0 ,500
Duration of Courses 1 YEAR
Contact Person JAGADISH
City Bangalore
Phone 9886079085
Email fenjag_rad@yahoo.co.in


Description The school is located at a distance of 14 kms from Majestic on the Magadi Main Road.


Name Niranjan Burke
Rate (Rs.) ,500
Instruments Taught Guitar
Courses Offered
Duration of Courses
Contact Person
City Bangalore
Phone 98860 90549
Email niranjanburke@yahoo.com


Description Niranjan Burke plays guitars for Aatma, well known in the Bangalore rock scene. He is also a professional musician and advertising jingle maker

Name whitefield school of music,BANGALORE
Rate (Rs.) 0
Instruments Taught Guitar, Keyboard, Violin, Western Vocals, Drums
Courses Offered Advanced Guitar lessons in rock, blues,jazz and metal styles.Advanced lessons in keyboard specialising in western classicals.
Duration of Courses
Contact Person Michael
Address1 586/27,4th Main Road,'4c',Vinayaka Layout,Immadahalli Road,WHITEFIELD,Bangalore-66
City Bangalore
Phone 9886261406
Email whitefield_bangalore@musician.org

Name Drum School, Bangalore
Rate (Rs.) 500
Instruments Taught Drums, Mridangam
Courses Offered Drum Lessons (Rock Drumming) Mridangam
Duration of Courses 6 months to; 12 months
Contact Person Shan
City Bangalore
Phone 08026689668
Email shan2434033@yahoo.com

Name Guitarzone
Rate (Rs.) 500 ,700
Instruments Taught Guitar
Courses Offered Basic Guitar Lessons , Advanced Licks , Modes etc .
Duration of Courses 6 months
Contact Person Reni John
Address1 No 3 2nd Cross Benson Town Muthamma Garden Extn Near Grocery shop Nandidurga Road Bangalore , Karnataka 560046
City Bangalore
Phone 9945503061
Email rstevesat@yahoo.com

Website http://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~jvl042442

Description You can learn guitar right from the basics with written material or you can learn from the level you left off .


Name ID Guitar Academy
Rate (Rs.) 0
Instruments Taught Guitar
Courses Offered Please write to idguitaracademy@yahoo.co.in for the complete curriculum.
Duration of Courses 3 modules of 6 months duration each
Contact Person Robert D'Souza
Address1 RMV Extension, Bangalore
City Bangalore
Phone 9945403616
Email idguitaracademy@yahoo.co.in

Website http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/idguitaracademy/

Description The instructor Robert D'Souza is a guitar major from the Los Angeles Music Academy and has been tutored by Frank Gambale.


And the Ultimate one........

Bangalore School of Music
32, Netaji Road,
Behind Coles Park, Frazer Town,
Bangalore Tel : 5484064[/tscii:4b4be8d561]

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
22nd February 2006, 05:42 PM
Anthony School of Music
93, Harish Arcade,
Parambur Barracks Road, Veprey,
Chennai - 600007
Tel : 6400906
Centrestage School of Music
12 Casa Majur Road,
Chennai - 600008
Tel : 8261445 / 8213607
E-mail : promusic@vsnl.com
J. Nehru Memorial Balabhavan
Gandhi Illam Campus,
G. Mount Road, Annasalai,
Chennai - 600002
Tel : 5368905
21, Ranganathan Garden,
Anna Nagar,
Chennai - 600040
Tel : 6267450
Madras Institute of Music
Rathnam Complex,
3rd Floor, 12th Avenue Road, Nungambakkam,
Chennai - 600034
Tel : 8281076
Marks School of Music
18/2, Akbarabad, 1st Street,
Chennai - 600024
Tel : 4812809
E-mail : marks@md5.vsnl.net.in
Musee Musical
67, Mount Road,
Anna Road,
Chennai Tel : 8522780
Vineyard School of Music
110, Nelson Manickam Road,
Chennai - 600029
Tel : 3740774 / 08572846

5th April 2006, 04:00 PM
Hi meet me at www.maxquinn.co.uk


21st July 2006, 08:59 PM

Quite a lot of information about a genius musician. We can surely benefit from it.

"Can any other composer from India ever dream this?, after 250 yrs????". Actually, there are composers like the trinity of carnatic music, who are treated like Gods, for their genius and irreplaceable contribution to the Indian music. Incidentally, the trinity of carnaic music are contemporaries of Mozart.

After 250 years, the western classical word is celebrating Mozart's birthday while in India, we are breaking St. Thyagaraja's residence. What is missing is not "genius composers from India", but acknowledging their contribution and remembering them after 250 years.


21st July 2006, 09:05 PM
I have seen "Amadeus", and also read a movie rating which
rated the movie (among several other Englich movies) very low in terms of factual content. So, I am not sure what to take from the movie. Does any one have any comment about that?

