View Full Version : Kids care

21st February 2006, 08:07 AM
We were travelling long distance to our relatives houses during pongal. My 3 year old nephew was wearing jeans and after 3-4 days of frequent travel, he got small blisters on his thighs. He get this often during travel and heat. Is this any home made remedy for kids having this problem?

21st February 2006, 08:17 AM
try using light, cotton pants/shorts during long trips... This way, U might be able to avoid those blisters...

21st February 2006, 09:53 AM
The best & most effective remedy I have found for all sorts of skin abrasions is the hard brown coloured 'Kadukkai' -- moisten it & grind on a small stone, & apply the brown paste on the skin. Within minutes,the burning sensation will fly away, feels cool & comforting --- but am not sure if it is readily available where you are living now.

So the next best thing is a simple Vaseline !
At night / late-evening, after bath & before bedtime, apply some Vaseline on the affected parts -- better to leave the area open. Otherwise can wear some light pyjamas, etc. You can also apply some Vaseline on the part of the jeans itself ( yes ! I have done it for my kid's new shorts !! ) which is rough & causing the blisters , and then the child can wear it !

Hope this helps,

23rd February 2006, 02:19 PM
thank you very much pushpa, this is exactly the information wanted by me