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5th March 2006, 12:22 PM
one of my favourite topics ..

there was a short story of this title ..by E M FORSTER ( i am not sure ....)

It talks about how ..... two twin brothers are both tried in the court of law ...

one of them is a murderer and has a committed a crime with 7 witnesses ..... All come forward to testify against him ..... and after wards the defence lawyer brings in the other twin ..none of the witnesses are able to tell who is the exact killer

due to lack of evidence .(though there were 7 witnesses ) they lucky criminal is off ...

as both the brothers walk out of the court room ..one falls on road and a car drives over it by mistake ..and his brother cries on the injured dead brother
The question is : was the innocent brother killed or the actual brute who got his punishment from GOD ...

and has any one observed any cases of DIVINE VENGEANCE ..where people get off situations ..but in the long run get punished ....it could be because ..god makes them realize their crime ?????????

5th March 2006, 12:45 PM
ANOTHER CASE ... in a village in india.. a zamindar hit a young man with his slipper because .the young man went on the street wearing slippers and the zameendar was also passing the street ...it was considered disrespectful to the zameendar who hit him with his slippers

immediately the son of the zameedar got leprosy and his daughter(married to anothe Zameen family )never concieved ..
The zameendar died of some rare disease years later ..

but till today ..the people say ....the young man did some black magic

5th March 2006, 12:49 PM
doesnt any one have a TRUE STORY or myth to share ?

5th March 2006, 01:48 PM
hmmm ..... ???

5th March 2006, 02:26 PM
Nice thread Pooja.

5th March 2006, 02:37 PM
one of my favourite topics ..

there was a short story of this title ..by E M FORSTER ( i am not sure ....)

It talks about how ..... two twin brothers are both tried in the court of law ...

one of them is a murderer and has a committed a crime with 7 witnesses ..... All come forward to testify against him ..... and after wards the defence lawyer brings in the other twin ..none of the witnesses are able to tell who is the exact killer

due to lack of evidence .(though there were 7 witnesses ) they lucky criminal is off ...

as both the brothers walk out of the court room ..one falls on road and a car drives over it by mistake ..and his brother cries on the injured dead brother
The question is : was the innocent brother killed or the actual brute who got his punishment from GOD ...

and has any one observed any cases of DIVINE VENGEANCE ..where people get off situations ..but in the long run get punished ....it could be because ..god makes them realize their crime ?????????
The short story is : The Case for the Defence by Graham Greene.

He leaves it beautifully open ended and does not force us into conclusions like justice is finally served. It plays on the readers sense of justice. As you have correctly pointed out: we don't know who died. Which is why the story was aptly titled what it was.

5th March 2006, 03:05 PM
rite prabhu ram ...thanks ... :) :) :)

5th March 2006, 03:49 PM
people continue

5th March 2006, 09:59 PM
well isnt any 1 thinking abt this

6th March 2006, 08:58 AM
Hey Pooja....

Justice always emerges ! But do u think think tat vengence by itself is divine ? For every mistake you do, u r punished, some way or the other ... is it wat it says ?

Well it does happen that way, but sometimes i believe the good that u do saves you. For instance, you catch a seat in the bus, still knowing that u as an young person can stand, giving a seat to little older ppl. This is a mistake, but the same day,you help a blind person to cross the road....Now can i judge a righteous person or a selfish person ???

Well MISTAKE is termed as a MISTAKE when it really affects others ! is wat my humble ideology ! Any thoughts ?

6th March 2006, 10:36 AM
well ..catching a seat on a bus and helping people ...

these are petty things

well def. if there is a handicapped next to me ... i will give ..oldies ?? depends ...if they look healthy to me ..i wunt ...

helping a blind man ..again depends ..
there are so many guys around ..wh uact blind .... so i wud ..may be help a blind woman ..

LOL ....

but these are NOT MISTAKES ...

well u would have earned some punniyam by doing it ..but it is nto a sin ..not doing it ..

and there shud be NO question of vengence ...

but here the case is ...

sometimes ...law is not just ...
i mean .. law doesnt punish the actual criminal ..so many people pay and get the desired verdict !!!

even if it was some lawful judgement ...many times ...it could be wrong ..

FOR EXAMPLE ....DEATH SENTENCE ..many people are against it ..

killing is unlawful ...but
death sentence is wat ? lawful killing ...??
many people say .... we should keep the convicts in a rehabilliation centre and treat them ...

it is afterall a human mind .....which is always controllable .....

Well ...it could be a news to u

here DEATH SENTENCE is not hanging ..

they shoot the guy ..

they send them to the military school were cadets are training to shoot ..and they are shot down ....

but mostly ...they are shot in the jail ...

WELL THE WORD "DIVINE VENGEANCE " wat i am talking about is when ....people , law , government and the society makes a false judgement and the VERDICT is given by heaven ,.....

which we never generally realise ......

Many times the court is not fair ...
the verdicts are in favour of the "larger pockets "
there is no justice ..


6th March 2006, 11:11 AM
Absolutely Pooja, no doubt abt it....
Tis just Court of Law !

The petty things(i meant, we do not know,even they are sins).... We dont say only killing is a visible sin...... it is a bigger sin, whereas these petty are petty sins, as the name suggests ...

FOR EXAMPLE ....DEATH SENTENCE ..many people are against it ..

I guess you must have seen Kamal Hassan's film Virumandi .... The initial 15-20 mins of the movie talks about Death Sentence.... He has beautifully directed many views about the same.

Death Sentence ! Rehabilation center treatment would work for ppl, who did crime due to some unavoidable circumstances ...
But what will u do with Serial killers, n ppl who kills for money and Psychos(atleast, these ppl can be cured) ... U cant do anything to ppl who commit crime knowingly ....... They have to be tried under the court of law, n not court of justice ...

Many times the court is not fair ...
the verdicts are in favour of the "larger pockets "
there is no justice ...

I would say, nearly all are not fair .... for obvious reasons they have to support ppl with big pockets .....

6th March 2006, 11:44 AM
well ..that is not rite ...

places like FINLAND ...there is no question of corruption ..

it is the least corrupt country in the world ..

even the middle east ...has very less corruption in government services ..

i think democracy ...... is a root cause ....

but in india ... bribing has existed ..even under monarchy

6th March 2006, 12:41 PM
places like FINLAND ...there is no question of corruption ..

Well, there is self-discipline there ....

even the middle east ...has very less corruption in government services ..
If they try, they ll just have to be prepared to lost either their hands or their legs ;-)

i think democracy ...... is a root cause ....

Well, we always do whatever we like doing ... we misuse democracy ! If we are enriched with Self-Discipline, nothn can be best like Democracy.... Tis not the Govt, nor the Democracy, nor the politicians .... Tis just "WE" who are the main reason for our probs

Think, arent u always happy, when u get two tickets for your favourite star's movie on the first day, when u r standing behind 200 n odd ppl.... u wil always be tempted to pay for a coolie who puts a seat for u in the crowded unreserved compartment, while u know tis on a FIFO basis .....We dont want to wait for things ... but we are ready to blame Democracy ;-)


9th March 2006, 03:29 PM
hmm ..carry on

9th March 2006, 03:34 PM
Carry on what ?????

dont u want to punch at my comments ???? dont u feel like intercepting and giving ur comments ????

hmn ... am i boring :-(

9th March 2006, 04:13 PM
pooja interesting thread.

Hey I remember reading a short story, not exactly for vengence, but how out of 2 twin brothers, one is a con, yet gets lucky enough, lures ppl with his charm..... and gets off :), whilst other honest elder one, just manages to lead a decent cream of life BUT WITH HELL-A lot of hard work to couple with it.

it was written in a very hilarious way. Wuz worth reading it.

Pooja I believe therez something called PREVIOUS birth, and blah blah........

do u believe? I dunno. Looks like sometimes its true :?

9th March 2006, 04:22 PM

Shakthi ....

Experience LIFE after DEATH n co ... in
A LEARNED YES - a story based on the concept déjà vu

I will be discussing a real life story, in case i finalize that to be true one ... am planning to talk some studies on the same - Life After Death !


Well Life after death is a concept very strongly believed ! i repeat BELIEVED n not completely proved !

We see a lot of mentions reg the same in Manu Sastram - Principles of a HINDU" ......
The movie Nenjam marappadhillai is taken based on this theme, also when the movie starts, the director says that a real incident was an inspiration to this movie .... but as such we cannot completely believe it, coz of certain mismatches .... in the film

but studies n researches are goin on ..... [/tscii:9d2cb64eff]

9th March 2006, 05:07 PM

do me a favour.

when u find time,

GO TO............. thread titled


in history section (tamizh history)

looks like....... i owuld be interested in talks like these.

I, the so saying agnostic, frantically want to believe the concept of GOD. :)

10th March 2006, 12:12 AM
Hey I remember reading a short story, not exactly for vengence, but how out of 2 twin brothers, one is a con, yet gets lucky enough, lures ppl with his charm..... and gets off :), whilst other honest elder one, just manages to lead a decent cream of life BUT WITH HELL-A lot of hard work to couple with it.

it was written in a very hilarious way. Wuz worth reading it.

Sp, I think u referring to "Ant and the Grasshopper" by Somerset Maugham. Among my favourites. http://inicia.es/de/edfabra/SomersetAntGrasshopper.htm

10th March 2006, 01:15 PM
yesssssssssss PR. thx .

awesome story. I CHERISHED EVERY WORD OF THAT STORY :) :thumbsup:

10th March 2006, 09:37 PM

11th March 2006, 06:05 PM
doesnt any one have a TRUE STORY or myth to share ?
Hmm well, yea I herd this one, many yrs ago! from my parents who herd it from a Malyali gent back at Hyd. then......I still donno if I shud believe it as fact or myth! :oops:

I donno wher this hap'd, maybe very long ago but no idea how long.....I don't rem. the beginning of the 'story' as clearly now but ther wer these 2 families, neighbours.......one of them had a son, a young man....the other had a daughter also quite young.....so hap'd this guy used to keep whistling standing out of his house, often hap'd to do tat whenever the neighbour's girl wud be seen coming out of/going into her house......so one day her parents took the issue up w/ the guy's parents, warning him, explaining at first tat it wasn't right for him to whistle when ther was a girl around......
Still, he continued to do so after tat.......this time, he began to do it everytime the neighbours' girl was around!
So her parents got really annoyed & one day her father caught him red-handed, convinced tat this guy was eve-teasing ther daughter & beat him up!
So the guy, angry, complained to his parents who foolishly supported him! :evil: :roll:
& they decided to take revenge on the neighbour so discretely went to sum 'mathravaathi' who was said to hav done sum kinda powerful black magic upon the neighbours!
Thereafter the neighbour (girl's family) never had ne happiness! This'll sound unbelievable, but from the next day onwards ther hap'd to be sh*t, cowdung & all sorts of refuse dropping down all over ther place from the ceiling, in every room of ther house! :shock:
No attempt at fixing the problem met w/ luck, they jus cudn't figure out how this was happening!
Eventually the girl's father lost his sanity & thereafter his job (was working in Pfiezer or sum co. I herd).......they werent able to sell tat house bcos of this abnormal problem....so they jus locked it up & moved away from tat locality......donno wat hap'd after tat....!
Sounds more scary rather than strange to hear this!