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12th March 2006, 06:57 PM
Hi everyone,

I am thinking of writing a drama series about Indhumadhi, a woman who faces many trials in her life. I know this is a repeated theme as with most Tamil series, but I hope that you will all give some feedback.

This is actually loosely based on a true story.

There are some spiritual elements in this story also.

I hope maybe one day this could even be made in a TV series (providing someone is willing to produce it)

All similarities to persons living or dead, locales and incidents are used fictitiously and any coincidences are not intended.
Copyright (C) A.R. 2006

12th March 2006, 07:16 PM
Introduction to the Characters

The main character is, of course, Indhumadhi, who is in her early forties. She is married to Yogendran, a senior government official. They have two children, Madhumitha and Sridharan. Madhu who is a year older than her brother is very devoted to her parents, especially her father. Sridharan on the other hand is the black sheep of the family.

Indhumadhi is the eldest of four children. She has 2 younger sisters, Devaki and Dhanalakshmi, and an estranged brother, Rajaratnam.

In addition, Indhumadhi's father, Maniratnam, favours his son and does not think highly of his daughters. Their mother died soon after the youngest daughter was born.

More characters will be introduced as we go along.

Another important character is Indhumadhi's widowed mother-in-law, Gnaneswari.

12th March 2006, 07:26 PM
Part 1

The story begins with Yogendran receiving a letter of appointment from the Minister who is promoting him to head the Department of Social Welfare of Tamil Nadu.

Yogendran will be moving to Chennai with his wife Indhumadhi and their 2 kids. (They currently live in Tirunelvelli) Indhumadhi's youngest sister is also there in Chennai. The rest of the family seems happy at the news. Indhu's father Maniratnam does not appreciate his eldest son-in-law because Yogendran is more prominent than his son Rajaratnam.

They move to Chennai into a big mansion. Yogendran meets the deputy head of the department, Kandavelan. Kandavelan is a ncie guy, not very upset that he has not been promoted to the top job despite being the assistant for 5 years. However, Kandavelan's wife Thavamany is less than happy. When the paths of the 2 wives cross, it is apparent they know each other


When Indhu was younger, she was engaged to be married to a potentially successful government servant, Kandavelan. However, Thavamany who was the only child of wealthy parents wanted to have a powerful position so she decided she wanted to marry him. Her parents were able to offer a higher dowry and Kandavelan's parents accepted. Thavam married Kandavelan and they had a son soon after (followed by 2 daughters)
However, Indhu had to settle for the 2nd-best Yogendran.

END of Flashback

Now, their positions are reversed - Indhu is the wife of the department head and Thavam's husband is No. 2. Thavam vows she will have that position before the end of the year. She challenges Indhu that I will be the mistress of this grand house (the department head's home) before the next Diwali.

To be continued...

15th March 2006, 04:31 PM
Nice Intro, Mega serial poole...
Please go ahead...

15th March 2006, 04:39 PM
the serial seems to move very faster.
So many names and characters at the same time introduced.
Difficult to remember and get...

it will be better if u go somewhat slower and mention the important characters alone at first.

These much names is really difficult to remember...

15th March 2006, 05:28 PM
too diff to remember :(

15th March 2006, 07:53 PM
Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback. I will try to slowly introduce the characters so as to not cause confusion.

Part 2

Thavam, who is very wealthy since both her parents died and she is an only child, can afford to spend money to further her schemes. She must have her way and currently this means she must be the wife of the Director of the Welfare Department.

A major government welfare project has received money from a public company. Thavam bribes Yogendran's secretary to make it look like Yogendran is corrupt and taking the money meant to help the poor. The secretary is blinded by the bribe and agrees to help her. Thavam hopes Yogendran will be disgraced and then be sacked, leaving the way clear for Thavam's husband to be promoted to director.

Meanwhile, Indhu's youngest sister Dhanalakshmi who lives in Chennai with her husband and son comes to visit her. Indhu's family previously seldom visit Lakshmi because they live in Tirunelvelli while Lakshmi married and moved to Chennai. Lakshmi tells Indhu she is pregnant.

Indhu is happy for her and hopes it will be a girl since Lakshmi already has a son. She asks Lakshmi why she does not seem more happy since she has not had a child for 12 years. Lakshmi assures Indhu she is very happy. But after Indhu leaves Lakshmi looks sad and worried.

Yogendran's secretary comes to tell him that a Swamiji is visiting from Tirupathi. Usually this Swamiji stays at the Minister's house but the house is under renovation. The Minister had suggested Yogendran's house instead. Indhu advises her husband to agree and he does. They prepare for the swamiji's arrival.

To be continued ...

25th March 2006, 10:16 AM
Part 3

The Swamiji arrives and is quite happy with his accomodations. He quickly warms to Indhu who takes every effort to make his stay comfortable.

However, when Yogendran's secretary comes one day to bring papers for Yogendran to sign, the swamiji looks suspiciously at him, sensing some negative emotion. After the secretary leaves, he warns Indhu that the man is very shifty. Indhu is surprised since she always found him quite nice.

The next day, Indhu goes to Yogendran's office to bring a packed lunch since it is the last day of Kandhasasti. Yogendran is not in, but she finds the secretary searching through some documents on his desk. The secretary acts guiltily when she questions him, givin some lame excuse. She pretends to believe him and leaves , but her suspicions are aroused.

However, when she gets home, she finds her youngest sister Lakshmi waiting for her, crying. She asks her what's the matter, and Lakshmi sadly tells her that she miscarried her baby.

Indhu is shocked and asks her what happened. Lakshmi tries to avoid the question, but finally breaks down, admitting her husband is abusive and they got into a fight because he was beating their son. He got angry and pushed her down the stairs, causing her to have a miscarriage.

Indhu is horrified when Lakshmi adds that this has been going on for years. When she first married him, he seemed quite nice , but after their son was born, he started to be abusive. She didn't want to tell her family because she wanted to be a faithful wife.

Indhu tells her there is a limit to being a faithful wife and taking your husband's abuse. But there is also a young son involved and maybe the best option is for her to divorce ....

To be continued...