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View Full Version : En Thozhi, En Kaadhali, En Manaivi

25th March 2006, 11:28 PM
Hi Group!

Does anyone in here watch this serial? If so, would you be able to provide an update as to what recently happened? Any feedback would be appreciated :)

3rd June 2006, 10:35 AM
Sadhana : Hi. If you can tell me till which episode you have watched this, I will try to update after that.

1st November 2006, 09:40 PM
Please tell me how the serial AMMU ended. I missed to see the last week episodes.

BR / Gayatri

23rd November 2006, 06:02 AM
i like to know Ammu's end as well. i watched the episode when ammu just discovered that Thiru is dead. ammu think bad of her mother. she is at divya's house and madam asks her to come home and she refused. what happens then. i really like to know.

the Sigaram tv which telecasted this serial is bankrupt. so its stoped. could you please atleast tell me what is the end of Ammu. i really want to know. i couldnt find any other ammu episode guide.

thank you so much