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pavalamani pragasam
28th October 2004, 08:33 PM

Words are weird things. they work wonders like a magician's wand. They teach tact; they preach principles; they reach the remotest corners. They caress like downy feather.
Words are at times like swords- they offend; they defend. At once the weapon and the shield. They have an edge, a cutting edge.
Words are a powerful tool in an orator's hand to bend the mind of a crowd; after Caesar's death Brutus weilded words to convince the mass successfully. The same mass somersaulted when Antony's eloquence prevailed upon it. A classic Shakespearean example of what persuasive powers words can have.
Words are bridges to span impassable passes of differences. words are like thebrilliant strokes on a painter's canvas. They bring out the deepest shades of the most unfathomable emotions. they scale the most precipitous heights of imagination.
They can sparkle with wit, sting with sarcasm, sing with cadence and weave kaleidoscopic patterns of all grammatical and ungrammatical, poetic and prosaic possibilities. Are of infinite variety, undefined dignity and indefatigable verve. Can build a surprising strata of unsuspected nuances. Words are the keys to open the gates of the worlds of fact and fantasy.
Unbelievably paradoxical in character- sure bets as both barbs and balms. Unspoken words are at times more explicit than volumes of verbosity. At the same time words not spoken at the correct moment are dangerously damaging.
Words can be traps. Can also give refuge. Can be used as feelers in sensitive zones of human interaction. They can embarrass by tying the tongue. they can enthral by cascading - outpacing the speeding thoughts and imagery of a literary genius.
Words have power to make and break. Can cheat the gullible. Can beat the cynical. Can save the respectful. Bite them, chew them, eat them. Drawl them, relish them.
Humming and hawing, couching insinuations of myriad shades, revealing and exposing, secretive and seductive, charging themselves with all charms of man's best communication strategy parade words the world over.

29th October 2004, 10:27 AM
A wonderful post PP. But I am not surprised, it is expected of you ofcourse!
Some time I read, your thoughts are restricted to your vocabulary. I didn't believe it then. Later on I have realised how true it is.
Thnx for bringing our awareness to vital aspects of some thing we use every day!

nirosha sen
31st October 2004, 11:53 AM
Brilliant words Pavalam!! But it would be better formatted in paragraphs or stanzas.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on something so common yet so profound!!

Dr. Veena
15th November 2004, 01:35 PM
A well- expressed thought!

Bdolf Hilter
17th November 2004, 08:06 PM
Words are nothing without the esprit.

17th November 2004, 08:54 PM
Though I had to look up the dictionary for meanings to most of your WORDS!! I enjoyed WORDS!! Keep up the good work!!

19th November 2004, 09:24 AM
words around you
silence within you
love around you
peace within you
nature around you
god within you

19th November 2004, 10:43 AM
Hi Pavalamani,I don't think I will ever make an attempt to match you with words :( .It was simply superb.All I know about you is that you are a grannie since I have seen that Dictator thread.Are you a teacher?

22nd November 2004, 01:31 AM
Cannot say much to you PP but repeat the sentiments expressed by previous hubbers...truly awe-inspiring :)

As a child i was told when coming home crying after called a racist term:

Sticks and Stones may break my bones,
But names will never hurt me...

nothing is farther from the truth... :(

30th November 2004, 06:53 AM
Hi all...

This one i got from my UG Class room

I hope you may .... enjoy

If you enjoy ... i will get ssss..... cold
If you scold ... i will enjoy by learning .... that should not put rubbish things like this.....

POUR means 'waar'thal in Tamil
WAR means 'pour' in Tamil

Try ... to get a new combination like this .... if you are free....

30th November 2004, 11:23 AM
:? :? :? xlntb...it is so very difficult to do...
all i know is that tamils drink water when it is green...patchai thani! :roll: :wink: :roll:

pavalamani pragasam
30th December 2004, 09:35 PM
Thanks friends for exploring the infinite variety of wordplay!