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View Full Version : Are you addicted to the Hub?

30th October 2004, 04:43 AM
Honest hubbers only please? :)

* Are you getting a sick feeling of seeing some variety of sick people (fanatics, highly egoistic but stupid and know-it-all with strange filthy attitude) here rather than "wise yodas" and people those who knowing the real meaning of hub-friendship?

* I think if you are just a reader and not active participant, you can learn and the contents of topics under discussion and understand personalities much better than being an active participant in the debate. Will you agree with me or not? :)

Do you think it is really worth spending your valuable time here? Or Just got addicted and could not run away from this filth-filled forum? :(

P.S. I am out of here for good. All yours hubbers :lol:

30th October 2004, 06:00 AM
1. Why do i get this 'strange' feeling that i know this "mellon" from the old hub?

2. Why would someone "Silently read" and keep 'Silently reading" - if what they are "silently reading" isn't interesting enough to sustain their "interest" in "silent reading"? :wink:


30th October 2004, 11:55 AM
:lol: Nice to have people like you around. :D You add to the fun on hub. :evil: Please come out with more of your serious thinking and educational qualities. :twisted: I am also looking forward to have some education about people like you. :idea:

30th October 2004, 09:07 PM
deleted :)

30th October 2004, 10:46 PM
I consider this Mister "geno" is attacking me personally by doing unwaranted research on the hubber "mellon" in the "new hub" which I thought is being moderated carefully by RR and NOV.

What attack?!!!

I'm sorry Mr/Ms Mellon - i still dont know if you are a male or female.

1. My loud thinking regarding - your participation in the "old hub" was very much relevant to the topic of this title - since only thos who have "participated" to a reasonable extent, spending some period of time writing/reading the forumhub - can even begin to think and raise "deep" questions that you have raised in your beginning post of this thread. :)

2. I was not trying to "research" your identity; It is merely that your "style" of writing seems somewhat close to someone i have known for some period now - i nthe forumhub - i was tempted to wonder loudly about that. There's nothing more to it :)

Would you suggest him to respond to the title of the thread and talk about addiction or not instead of spending his valuable time in figuring out who the mellon is please?

As i have said above - my response was very much related to the topic of the post - and my initial "wondering" was just a friendly enquiry :)

But since you seem to be suspectful of my "intent" - i'd rather not touch upon that aspect anymore :)

...... and you feel that it is me who is provoking him then I suggest you to ban me rather and let him go on harrass all the innocent women in the forum.

"Harassing innocent woman" !!

Where did that come from?!!! I still am not clear about your gender Mr/MS Mellon!

And please realise that in your initial post and subsequent outburst you have nowhere indicated about your gender!

Anyway - since i can see that you don't want me to respond in this thread - I shall hereafter limit myself to a "Silent Reader" - as far as this thread is concerned.

Easy! my friend! :)

1st November 2004, 12:53 PM
To RR,Geno and our dear Mr/Ms. :twisted: Mellon,I think I should also become a silent reader.Continue the women's rights thread.

2nd November 2004, 06:25 AM
:lol: Nice to have people like you around. :D You add to the fun

I am happy that you could see the fun in the posting which even I could not see myself. :o People see different contents in the same posting based on the “angle of incidence” in their "vision", their knowledge and experience. :) You must have a wonderful pair of "eyes" which help you see the positive aspect of the posting. :) I thought the thread would certainly be removed by the moderator since the title itself is indeed discouraging the hubbers to participate in the "new hub”. :shock: I must appreciate the moderator nov’s open-mind. 8)

Quote of the day: If you can make it 'here' in the forum you can make anywhere :D

2nd November 2004, 05:35 PM
Hi boys didn't mean to hurt any one :lol: .Don't take it very personal 8) .Oops!Big boys fight.Don't they? :wink:

3rd November 2004, 12:58 AM
Hi boys didn't mean to hurt any one :lol: .Don't take it very personal 8) .Oops!Big boys fight.Don't they? :wink:

There was no fight here. Just there was some unavoidable misunderstanding. Now it has been settled as we know how to respect each other's feelings 8)

Quote of the day:

Never worry, you are not the only one who has always been misunderstood in this forum. Me too :)

4th November 2004, 06:28 AM
:lol: It was Florida then, it is Ohio now! But the result is same. :lol:

May God Bless "whomever" :)


If you are in the forum and actively involved you may often come up with the same question in several occasions especially after a big argument, provided you have a good conscience, which is,

Am I part of the problem here?

The honest but rude answer would be, of course, yes! We don’t usually see our back properly because of the scarcity for mirrors in the forum. We give lot of room for misunderstanding as we don’t have all day to explain what we exactly mean. Please note, here “We” is anybody (no exceptions).

But there is another polite answer (lie) which will make you feel better though. That is, No, the “other guy” with whom you just had a heated argument is really a well-known bonehead and heartless. He/she never understands anything properly. So, don’t worry. Trust me, you are not the first one who feels this way.


Quote of the day:

An intelligent hubber knows his/her secret admirers without being explicitly told. 8)

4th November 2004, 01:27 PM
:lol: That really was the quote of the day boy! :twisted:

pavalamani pragasam
4th November 2004, 05:41 PM
Perhaps the converse of the quote is also true!!! :)

5th November 2004, 10:33 PM
You know, you are the only one hubber who has the same first and last names (in the handle) in the whole Hub. 8)

Sure you are unique Blah blah :)

5th November 2004, 10:41 PM
Dear new "hubbers"

Dont ever be so cocky about your extraordinary communication skills, outstanding vocabulary skills and your linguaphilic "patriotism". I know there is a place called forumhub where you will eaily be challenged and certainly proved that your notion is wrong. Because quite often your post will be "correctly" understood only by yourself. 8)

Quote of the day:

The Truth will never speak in favor of you unless you create an opportunity for It to speak. :(

6th November 2004, 11:07 AM
Mellon,So you think I am unique. 8) You too are unique since this is the only thread you visit :lol: .What's the difference between the words 'unique' and 'odd'? :twisted: Is it only the way we look at it? 8)

nirosha sen
8th November 2004, 07:48 PM
The topic is certainly interesting - I guess one is addicted if it offers that much sought after sanctuary, where one could easily find like-minded friends to share our hearts with. Real life could be so tormenting sometimes, that we may never be at total ease to be ourselves day in and day out. So we playact our roles thru the day - as wives, mothers,husbands, employees etc. How many of us really choose to speak our minds? And when we do, who listens???

At least in the Hub, one is at ease with so many others in their own agony but free to speak their inner monologues in peace! We're all nameless, faceless entities caught up in the eye of the storm, one way or the other. At least here, we could all huddle to draw strength and solace from eachother.

9th November 2004, 06:16 AM
How many of us really choose to speak our minds? And when we do, who listens???

We're all nameless, faceless entities caught up in the eye of the storm, one way or the other. At least here, we could all huddle to draw strength and solace from eachother.

Your positive response and thoughtfulness are appreciated. Your post does give strength to this thread and to some like-minded hubbers who think and feel just like you do .


Dear Blah Blah:

A BIG SMILE for you :) . Trust me I got your "message" :)


Quote of the day:

Unfortunately in the forum it is our friends who often be dishonest with us and spoil us by giving so many undeserved compliments to please us and strengthen their hub-friendship.

On the other hand our enemies often finger at our prejudices, weaknesses honestly and give us an opportunity to look at our negative qualities as well and straighten out ourselves for the future discussions.

9th November 2004, 09:07 AM
It's true that we get addicted to this hub
after a while we start using this.

9th November 2004, 09:17 AM
Unfortunately in the forum it is our friends who often be dishonest with us and spoil us by giving so many undeserved compliments to please us and strengthen their hub-friendship.

Yeah true!! and I very well understand your point! I remember some discussions that went on in a thread called 'Puthiya MaathavikaL" a couple of months back and some other threads where 'WE' friends had discussions on Rajinikanth's political move during the May elections. All what you had said is true mellon! There's no two words about it :wink:

You definitely sound an 'experienced' hubber and I presume you had gone through all those discussions which I'm referring to :wink: If not, I'll be pleased to provide you the links for your reference ( only if you are interested :wink: )

On the other hand our enemies often finger at our prejudices, weaknesses honestly and give us an opportunity to look at our negative qualities as well and straighten out ourselves for the future discussions.

'Finger out the weaknesses honestly' - Oh!! Really!!! ?? :o When was that!! ?? How come i missed it :o Could you please give some references to such HONEST posts My dear friend??

You know, I too am an 'experienced' hubber and I do not remember that kind of HONESTY from any of 'OUR' enemies ! May be I 'too' have got some kind of 'selective amnesia' I guess :wink:

Never hold grudges with your friends ! ! That's the worst kind of disrespect you could bring into a friendship!!

9th November 2004, 10:19 AM
Hi mellon&Roshan,so are there real friends and enemies even here? :o Thats news to me :? .We are quick to make friends and foes! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bdolf Hilter
9th November 2004, 03:33 PM

9th November 2004, 03:49 PM
Hi Roshan,

what is going on here? Is this mellon allergenic?

Oh! NO!! NO!! NO!! Bdolf!!! Please do not jump into conclusions!! It's just a 'friendly' conversation between two good 'experienced' hubbers :wink: It is a kind of tet-a-tet as well. Nothing to get confused :)

9th November 2004, 03:51 PM
Some say it best when they say nothing at all

hmmmmm! that's what i thought until I came here this morning :lol:

9th November 2004, 04:00 PM
Hi mellon&Roshan,so are there real friends and enemies even here? :o Thats news to me :? .We are quick to make friends and foes! :lol: :lol: :lol:


It's better for you to experience it and see :) But I can say it's really a great experience being here :) As our friend mellon said once, 'if you can survive here at this hub you can survive any where' :lol:

9th November 2004, 08:58 PM
deleted :)

10th November 2004, 10:13 AM

Coooool !! 8) Your response is as cool as your nick :) I really appreciate it :) And my sincere thanks to you :)

It is best not to quote anything unless you look for any "friendly-trouble" in the forum :)

Certain things that happened in the past are all just 'friendly troubles'. It's unfortunate that some individuals who are supposed to be 'matured' could not understand that :x They are wasting their precious time and knowledge in taking 'potshots' at others . Sad that they dont realise, that they are going beneath their standard by doing such things and bringing disrespect to their own selves :( Poor souls !!! :(

PS: Dear Mellon, the above message is certainly NOT meant for you :) I hope you'd understand that :wink:

OK from now onwards let me try following Bdolf's quote made yesteday :lol:

11th November 2004, 05:18 AM
deleted :)

11th November 2004, 04:30 PM

Sorry friend!! You are contradicting your own statement. Your earlier quote said something about the enemies and NOT opponents. And my question to you - to which you have replied now was also about enemies and NOT opponents. Why this sudden change friend ?? :o I'm sure you know the difference between an opponent and enemy :wink: If you are interested in talking about the 'opponents' and not enemies then I too can provide you a very long list as to how some indiviuals tried to attack certain 'excellent', 'innocent' and 'nice' human beings like Urmila. :wink:

Friend, almost every hubber in this forum are opponents to each other at one time or the other. No two individuals agree with each other all the time. As an experienced hubber I'm sure you must be aware of that. I have not seen any knowledgeable or decent opponents being destroyed by any one in this hub. Any one can survive here as long as they are decent, 'genuine' and capable of contributing something useful. But at times I have seen some opponents - either go missing for sometime or take potshots at their opponents in other unrelated threads - when they find difficult to counter their opponents' arguments :wink: They simply dont like to accept their defeat but try various other avenues in a shrewd and sometimes , childish way to attack their opponents. Hope they correct themselves and try to be more matured if they are really concerned of having some healthy discussions here :)

Any ways I'm not interested in continuing here any more as i see some inconsistency here :( It's better to be a silent reader as long as this thread is concerned :)

11th November 2004, 08:27 PM

Bdolf Hilter
11th November 2004, 11:34 PM

11th November 2004, 11:56 PM
Our ’legend Siddardh’ justifies how cruelly the “reservation system” forces to create ever-complaining victims like him.

I am waiting for the first tony siddarth doctorate here in the new hub. I wonder if he joined the new club. :lol:

Mister Hitler:

Siddarth has always been CONSISTENT and HONEST and so has much higher standards than some "rats" like me :) We all should respect him at least for that. He never ever *crossed the line of humanity* which I always liked in him.

I think., Siddarth knows that there are more inportant things in our lives than this Hub, may be busy with his real life. You just have got to wait for his arrival. But I am sure he will be here to say Hi to you :)

Bdolf Hilter
12th November 2004, 01:21 AM

12th November 2004, 03:17 AM
Sorry, hiLTer please

You forgot a Nila that was driven out by a Nasty RC, remember?

Jeez, you are HILTER! :? huh? :)

No wonder I misspelt your New handle! :)

Dont forget, I was given a doctor degree by Mr. Siddarth too. 8)

Here is my plan. I will seriously work on winning "prestigious" fellowship using the that generous gift of Siddarth. It will help me earn a free ticket to visit germany. 8) There I will learn all the german nomenclature including adolf, bdolf, hitler and hilter and etc and become a master in german nomenclature. Then I will challenge you for sure. How about that? :) Thanks to Siddarth anyway for letting me qualify for an undeserved fellowship :)

12th November 2004, 01:50 PM
Well, I think it is good for you to find sensible hubbers rather than inconsistent half-boild hubbers like me.

Thanks for your concerns friend :)

I know I can never match the HIGH standards and the high intellectual level of you and that is why I humbly kept away in my own way.

Now you want me to tell that openly. It is okay. I tell you openly here,

I dont feel shame of being myself and this is what I am.

Easy my friend easy!! :lol: Why get so heated up? :o Mellon-nu nick vechchuttu ippadi soodaanaa eppadi :wink:

Thanks for wishing me good luck ;) Anyways I was not interested in continuing here, coz, as I said before, I see no consistency here overall. Besides, I simply do not want to spoil a 'friendly opponent's' kids party. Happy partying friend :) Wish you good luck always :)

There is nothing more satisfying than having someone take a shot at you, and miss. - Murphy's Law

12th November 2004, 11:27 PM
deleted :)

13th November 2004, 12:11 AM
when you go to Germany please don't hesitate to contact RC. Siddardh's wife and daughter are already in Germany working for him in his XXL-Commune. His best cows in his stall I came to know.

RC: why did you become JK today?! :lol:

I hope you dont ask me to join as a "pair of hands" with your other two slaves who bull-work for you already? :roll:

:roll: Let me first find the "doctor degree" awarded by the "siddarth university" on whatever subject, then I will see how to sell my siddarth-awarded potentials in Germany :roll:

nirosha sen
14th November 2004, 08:31 AM
Hi RC, Wondered when you would make your grand entrance anywhere in the this Hubsite! You made it at last but with only 4 postings to date? :lol:

Love to see more of your anecdotes in other threads too!! Cheers!

16th November 2004, 03:27 AM
deleted :)

Bdolf Hilter
16th November 2004, 09:26 PM

17th November 2004, 08:31 PM
Nevertheless, this quote would definitely be a SADISTIC or CRUEL Murphy's law if the statement , *someone trying to take a shot at YOU*, were just an ACCUSSATION on someone who is innocent. :cry:

Dear Mellon, I agree 8) and I simply dont want that quote to be a sadistic or cruel one, coz, it was not meant to be so :) Sorry if i had sounded rude by quoting it :(

Anyways like RC said I and the 'other' friends too want our 'Unique-Kind-Warrior' back :)

17th November 2004, 09:00 PM
deleted :)

17th November 2004, 09:06 PM
One can only change the handle but fortunately not the dna-s . What is there in a name of a handle when you know that there is no gene-transplant-therapy had been done :roll:

hahaha that was a nice one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bdolf Hilter
17th November 2004, 10:47 PM
Let us see how the FUTURE goes 8)

Yeah Yeah, yippi yippi yeah yeah yeah :D :D :D :D

Yabadabadooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :D :D :D

The future can come tomorrow. I am eagerly waiting for the future! How about some bouquets full of words from a specialist? :wink: :wink: :wink:

I'm still standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah (Elton John)
feeling like a true surviver
feeling like a little kid

Thanks Mellon. The best thing that happened to me today. I really thought I have to give up. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bdolf Hilter
18th November 2004, 04:07 PM
I hope you both come together once again even more closer!

More details in Ulagam thread.

Sorry, I would have entertained you for the rest of your life.

24th November 2004, 04:01 PM
hub gub tub
yep im adictd but to my fav topics only

27th November 2004, 03:02 AM
hey man bdolf
just change ur avatar to something similar to that cute ratchasi
hitler is a psycho and ignorant about everythin

27th November 2004, 03:38 AM
yes so very addicted i think...there is so much to express from just commenting on replies, retorts, answers, questions, compliments, and of course this Hub had brought out my sharing nature...for better or worse that is... :P :D

pavalamani pragasam
30th December 2004, 09:29 PM
confessions of a hopleessly hooked hubber:
"Are you addicted to the hub?" Yes, I plead guilty, mellon! No amount of happy, hectic, human interactions as in the past few weeks seems to have weaned me from the hub! So much is here to laugh about, to think about, to talk about....

31st December 2004, 12:58 AM
confessions of a hopleessly hooked hubber:
"Are you addicted to the hub?" Yes, I plead guilty, mellon! No amount of happy, hectic, human interactions as in the past few weeks seems to have weaned me from the hub! So much is here to laugh about, to think about, to talk about....

Good to see you, Mrs. PavaLamaNi Pragaasam! :)

:roll: Let me tell you a secret, PP, we recently learnt that The Hub is addicted to your postings too. It has been diagnosed and confirmed that the Hub has been infected with a disease called "PP-holic". :roll:

:roll: So better be around if you care about the HUB, PP :roll:

Welcome back, PP! :)

pavalamani pragasam
31st December 2004, 01:13 AM
Thanx for the warm welcome!
Such flattery could spoil me, let me warn you!!!

31st December 2004, 05:03 PM
I feel that the forum hub is being used primarily for hurling abuses against one another. The topic gets forgotten within a few posts.Also, abuses tend to go overboard.

Hinduism & brahmin baiting have become the order of the day. Nothing meaningful comes out of the discussion simply because one of the posts starts getting abusive & the topic gets diverted. Also reading some of the posts shows that some guys have time to kill & hence post some nonsense.

There can be no better example of misuse of the net than this forum hub. It would be in the interest of all if this hub is closed.

The stench emanating from the filth posted in the hub is unbearable.

17th February 2005, 11:44 AM
I am new to Hub but old to many other forums. Hub forum is also good.

pavalamani pragasam
3rd December 2005, 10:16 AM
[tscii:e24fa1750a]From today’s “The Times of India:

New disease:Net addiction disorder

As destructive as drug addiction, symptoms include lying about time spent online

The waiting room for Dr Hilarie Cash’s chamber has the look and feel of many a therapist’s office, with soothing classical music, paintings of swans and colourful flowers. But along with her patients, Cash-who runs Computer Addiction Services in the home city of Microsoft- is a pioneer in a growing niche in mental and addiction recovery.

The patients are what Cash and other mental health professionals call “onlineacholics”. They even have a diagnosis:internet addiction disorder.

..Cash and other professionals say people who abuse the internet are typically struggling – with other problems- like depression and anxiety. But, they say, the internet’s omnipresent offer of escape from reality, affordability, accessibility and opportunity for anonymity can also lure otherwise healthy people into an addiction.

On a list of 15 symptoms of Internet addiction used for diagnosis by Internet/Computer Addiction Services, Mike, who is unemployed checked off 13, including intense craving for the computer, lying about how much time he spends online, withdrawing from hobbies and social interactions, back pain and weight gain.

…There is at least one inpatient program at Proctor Hospital in Illinois which admits patients to recover from obsessive computer use. Experts there said they see similar signs of withdrawal in those patients as in alcoholics or drug addicts, including profuse sweating, anxiety and paranoia.

3rd December 2005, 11:01 PM
Yes. I am.

I should saY to addicted to internet....??!?

hmm.... nopes...ADDICTED TO HUB TOO.

nah..I am not ashamed of it. :grin:. I ENJOY EVERY BIT OF MY ADDICTION.

4th December 2005, 08:40 AM
A google search of Dr. hilarie Cash gave links to several articles on internet 'addction'. From the first of these:
"The Net's draw to potential addicts is its "intermittent reinforcement," Cash explained. Addicts trawl the web, chat rooms, MUDs, or, more recently, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, or MMORGs, such as the hugely popular Everquest, in hopes that they'll get rewarded. Web addicts crave the positive feedback they get from a game or fellow chat-room buddy, or from finding the exact bit of information they were looking for. "So much of Web activity is unpredictable," said Cash. "You never know what you're gonna get [online.] You get that high, you want that again, you keep working at it. It's like gambling."
According to addiction counselor Jay Parker, Cash's partner and cofounder of ICAS, "The reason we call it an addiction and not a compulsion is we believe with addiction there is a euphoric component, euphoric recall, and with compulsion there is no euphoria.""

I myself feel that I am addicted and try to keep off after a couple of hours a day and following different sites instead of getting too familiar with one.

4th December 2005, 07:52 PM
The hub is addicted to me.

7th December 2005, 08:15 PM
Yes, I'm addicted esp the food section! LOL!!!