View Full Version : COMMON CIVIL CODE

22nd April 2006, 09:01 PM
Dear Hubbers:

Common Civil Code - which means common cavil law for every citizen of the country. Implimenation of this Common Civil Code has been one of the political motto of one party and another party is against this

This means that a set of people, are exempt from common law, while Supreme Court of India itself has asked the Govt. Of India to impliment a Common Civil Code.

At this juncture, DO YOU, a PROUD CITIZEN OF BHARATHAM, think that a COMMON CIVIL LAW, should be there for all the citizens?

Please give your valuable opinion. The pros and cons of one such implimentation...etc., ect.,

23rd April 2006, 10:40 PM
Also, if someone knows the reason, why this was not implimented in the past..