View Full Version : cutlets

23rd April 2006, 01:16 PM
Hi group,

Y'day I was trying to make a cutlet and taste and smell of the cutlet mix I made was really nice, but I have a great problem with the cutlet shape, that is the final stage, while frying.

I am not able to make the desired shape of cutlets and fry, do anyone here has some trick to follow?

Please share

23rd April 2006, 10:49 PM
dear pink

the cutlet mixture should not be soggy....it must be dry, only then will it not break while frying...and also when dry u can shape them as desired.

23rd April 2006, 10:51 PM
i usually do it by hand... but....have u tried aheart shaped cutter?

24th April 2006, 10:54 PM
i usually do it by hand... but....have u tried aheart shaped cutter?

Yes, i tried to make cutlet with heart shaped cookie cutter. I was frustruated with soggy cutlet mixture which consumed lots of oil, so i converted rest of the mixture as veg. bonda. I feel when the mixture is dry the cutlet breaks and turning and frying becomes difficult. is't?

How to check moisture of the cutlet mixture? any foolproof idea.

24th April 2006, 11:56 PM
if the cutlet mixture is too wet, add bread crumbs to it....the bread crumbs can be added depending on how wet it is !

24th April 2006, 11:56 PM
or if u eat eggs, u can bind the mixture with half an egg!

25th April 2006, 10:18 PM
thanks ayesha,
shall try this weekend and get back to you

27th April 2006, 01:40 PM
I thought cutlet is shallow fried / just roasted on tawa :roll: :oops:

28th April 2006, 08:14 AM
hi pink,
If ur cutlets r too soggy u can add a couple of boiled & smashed potatoes & b4 dipping them in bread crums dip them in a paste made of cornflour with little chilly pdw & salt. hope this helps u.

28th April 2006, 08:16 AM
I thought cutlet is shallow fried / just roasted on tawa :roll: :oops:
u can do it both ways, deap fried ones taste better but add up on ur calories.

28th April 2006, 10:45 AM
hi pink,
If ur cutlets r too soggy u can add a couple of boiled & smashed potatoes & b4 dipping them in bread crums dip them in a paste made of cornflour with little chilly pdw & salt. hope this helps u.

I have used boiled and mashed potato along with grean peas, carrot, beans and beetroot. used a cookie cutter to cut the shape. When I lifted the cutlet to dip in maida mixture, the shape and beauty of the cutlet is lost, it is even worse, when I dip the same in the maida mixute, half the vegetable mixture is left with atta mixture.

so, tried pouring the atta mixture over the cutlets, but again removing from the plate and rolling on bread crumps becomes a terrible job. :x

28th April 2006, 06:20 PM
this usually happenes when ur batter is either roo wet or does not have enough potatoes to bind all the vegies together, may be u can try the round flat shaped cuttlets 1st then if it turns out well u can use a cookie cutter.
heres how i do cuttlets, i boil the potatoes wt the skin on in the cooker cuh the veggis into small cubes & cook them 1/2 or 3/4 then chop some onions, 1st in a pan wt little oil add the onions then some ginger garlic & green chilli paste then fry the veggis 4 sometime & switch off the flame & add the mashed potatoes some salt & chilli pdw if needed thats it i let them cool make desired shapes out of hand dip them roll them & fry them. note i havent added water any where. hope this solves ur problem.

28th April 2006, 06:42 PM
me loves cutlets, esp the one my mum makes, hmmm

29th April 2006, 11:03 AM
kewl grapes. thanks :)

8th May 2006, 11:58 PM
Has anyone tried baking the cutlets ? does it come out good?