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View Full Version : Rasamani (mercury bead)

12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
Topic started by Ragu (Ragu_sepm_ppc@sepm.seisea.com.sg) (@ on Mon Aug 30 18:51:19 EDT 2004.

Can somebody gige some explanation about Rasamani (mercury bead)

12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
[tscii:480dd6c1cd]Dear one,
I am using RASAMANI. It will totally make you free from KAMA. It improves concentraction. You will get more time to do regular work and become good citizen. But be careful not to move with cine or political fellows as they will waste your precious time.

12th December 2004, 08:33 AM
The rasamani is a form of fixed mercury. Its confection represents an attainment within the Rasa Siddha tradition. There are said to be a number of ways of preparing this. In consequence there are a number of rasamanis, each of which is said to be associated with particular siddhi or psychic attributes.

Rasa Siddhas make use of elemental mercury in their operations, unlike European alchemists for whom mercury more typically represents an alkahest or highly volatile solvent used in the preparation of mineral elixirs.

The various rasamanis are probably amalgams largely unknown to contemporary chemistry. But they are clearly more than that.

I hope this is helpful.
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