View Full Version : Parantas

1st May 2006, 09:24 AM
I make fairly tasty parantas, however i have one problem the center somtimes is more harder and then the rest. Can some one please tell me how to make softer and more even parantas. I especially want the center of the paranta to be even with the rest of the paranta. I would love to hear everyones tips. :)

25th May 2006, 02:39 PM
Dear Neha,

There are some things to be considered while making parathas. Always ensure that the flame is on a high. That way you would get even heat all over the tawa. If you make parathas when your flame is on medium / simmer mode, more heat would concentrate on the middle and the corners would take longer to cook. Your parathas would also turn hard as the time to cook will be longer and the longer the parathas are on the tawa, it would only help to make the more heated part crisp - in your case the middle part. Ever left a roti / paratha on the tawa after you've switched off the gas? It would become crisp like a papad. Always remove the paratha from the tawa when it's done.

Hope this solves your problem.


25th May 2006, 02:45 PM
Are Parathas n Parantas same ? or was there a spelling mistake ? :roll:

25th May 2006, 03:51 PM

I guess the south Indian(kerala style)ones are called paratha & the north Indian stuffed ones are called parantas...

BTW, avatar-la irukirathu neengala?

25th May 2006, 10:43 PM

I guess the south Indian(kerala style)ones are called paratha & the north Indian stuffed ones are called parantas...

BTW, avatar-la irukirathu neengala?

Enna dev, antha kutty payan 2727 post panerupanu nenaikarengala? :huh:

25th May 2006, 10:45 PM
Neha, I'm going to make u pay penalty for making me hungary! How dare you? lol! I love Aloo Paranthas- My mom makes the best Aloo Paranthas! And some of my best childhood memories are eating hot , tawa-fresh paranthas while its raining outside!

26th May 2006, 05:53 AM
Illa Kavitha... what I meant was if it's his childhood picture...

26th May 2006, 05:43 PM
Hmmmmmm, rain !!
we have got a little lucky nowadys...we get some good showers in UAE too !!
and believe it or not, Ras Al Khaimah got to see some snow last year :)

26th May 2006, 05:45 PM
back home in chennai, my parents house used to be this old model one , where u have a courtyard in the middle of the house with the rooms built around it...... and when it rains we had a good time
memories...memories mmmmmmmm

29th May 2006, 01:37 PM
thank you for all of your replies, i appreciate it. Sukanya i will definetly try to keep the heat high when i cook the paranta, thank you for your tip. bingle there is no difference btwn paratha and paranta its how ever you say it......"you say potato......I say patato"
alan i cant blame you lol for getting hungry, parantas are definetly appetizing, tasty and most of all filling! I would love to know your mom's recipe on how she makes her parantas. My favorite paranta is muli ka paranta and let me tell you guys as wonderful as the taste of the paranta the harder the work. with muli you have to do squeeze the water out as much as you can, try to put the salt at time you ar emaking the paranta so the muli does not shed water. I would love to hear more suggestions on how to make a more softer and even paranta (especailly a soft center).

29th May 2006, 11:17 PM
back home in chennai, my parents house used to be this old model one , where u have a courtyard in the middle of the house with the rooms built around it...... and when it rains we had a good time
memories...memories mmmmmmmm

We call that as thoti katu vedu. I love that kind of house.

29th May 2006, 11:23 PM
yep...with natural sunlight even ly distributed through out the entire house :)
here, i need to keep my kitchen lights switched on 24 hrs. :(

30th May 2006, 08:10 AM
here, i need to keep my kitchen lights switched on 24 hrs. :(
