View Full Version : dalliy receipes

5th May 2006, 04:26 PM
hi ,i am chef in delii rest, so i will give u guys one one recipes ;

Soon Kueh

Ingredients for filling:
1 turnip - shredded
5 shallots
15 dried shrimps

1-2tsp of light soya sauce

dash of pepper
chicken stock

Ingredients for the dough:

300g rice flour
30g tapioca flour
300ml cold water
300ml boiling water

Method (filling):
1. Fry shallots till they are dark brown in colour.

2. Add the dried shrimps, white pepper and soya sauce to shallots.

3. Add turnip. Final filling should look slightly moist in texture and light brown in colour. Set aside.

Method (dough):

4. Mix both flour together in a big glass bowl.
5. Pour in cold water & mix smooth paste/liquid is formed.
6. Heat up 300ml water till it comes to a boil. Pour the dough into the boiling water, stirring at the same time. When dough is almost done, remove from heat.
7. Grease the palm of your hands and knead dough for about 10 to 15 mins until the dough is smooth.
8. To form the wrapper, pinch some dough, size of a ping pong ball. Sprinkle some tapioca starch on your hand (prevents sticking). Work it into a flat circle.

9. Spoon some filling onto the wrapper and seal the edges, forming a semi-circle.

10. Steam Soon Kuehs for 10mins.

11. Brush some garlic oil over kuehs - prevents sticking.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
12. Serve when hot.

pls try , give me answer