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17th May 2006, 09:14 PM
A very Highly expected movie..

I HEAR IT's Banned in India?!??!?!?! WTF?!??!??! :banghead: :huh:

17th May 2006, 09:18 PM
athu enna di vinci code

Heroine subject ah?

17th May 2006, 09:19 PM
Haven't u heard the bood DA VINCI CODE by Dan Brown?

It's a movie now starring Tom Hanks.

AND NOW IT'S BANNED?!??! :banghead:

That too only in INDIA! :banghead:

Other countries like the US, England, and many other nations have said it's ok!

Now India decides to ban it while they let almost XXX movies like C u @ 9 screen in Theaters! :hammer: PURE IDIOTS, HYPOCRATES, and VOTE BANK POLITICIANS! :roll:

17th May 2006, 09:20 PM
i knoe but u started the topic as DI vinci code..

17th May 2006, 09:21 PM
Oh....SEMMA KADI! :lol2: :cry: :P Fixed. :oops:

17th May 2006, 09:23 PM
Really is it banned?

They censored last 10 mins here..
Bodoh Punya Peoples..

17th May 2006, 09:26 PM
:roll: I don't get it...Xtian Nations have let the movie to be screened. :roll: India and Singapore cencorign and banning??!?! Doesn't make ANY sense! :roll:

Yeah it's banned in India for the moment. They might reconsider it and release it later on..but what bothers me is that it's actually an issue..

The Da Vinci Code is one of the best Novels ever written, with a different and very interesting Imagination, I think that it should reach everyone, but Religious Extreamism is getting in the way of that. :roll:

It's FICTION! Even the Writer, Dan Brown has accepted it, it doesn't defame or offend any religion...SIGH!...It's just stupid. :roll:

17th May 2006, 09:28 PM
India vavathu paravalla..

They even banned Daredevil here...

17th May 2006, 09:29 PM
Daredevil?!? :huh:

What was wrong with that? :? What was the reason?

17th May 2006, 09:30 PM
devil means syaitan in Malay..
Syaitan is a no-no word for Malay people..

Mada sambraninga...

17th May 2006, 09:32 PM
The reviews for this movie is really bad..Check it out in rottentomatoes.Too bad :( it was a much awaited movie.

17th May 2006, 09:33 PM
i watched first 30 mins, onnum vilanga illa...

Must wait it download 100%....

17th May 2006, 09:39 PM
The reviews for this movie is really bad..Check it out in rottentomatoes.Too bad :( it was a much awaited movie.

Depends on the views of the person who wrote the review.

I'm gonna wait for a review from Yahoo...they're quiet neutral. 8-)

17th May 2006, 09:54 PM
who said its banned in india :evil: , i guess they would cut few hours of the movie :lol: except for the title :banghead:

17th May 2006, 09:55 PM
Guys its not banned in india they have just taken stay hope fully it would be out soon .But i would enjoy the movie in DVD :thumbsup:

17th May 2006, 09:58 PM
yahooA :roll:
Rottentomatoes doesnt write its own review..lots of critics reviews are displayed there.so far there have been 5 review and all of them are bad.ITs rating is 0 :(
check it out here

18th May 2006, 12:14 AM
Jeez...Guess it isn't very good.

Too bad..The book was just awesome though. :thumbsup:

18th May 2006, 12:47 AM
looks like the movie had a cold reception at cannes too :( :( . I recommend that people read this classic book instead of trying to watch this half-baked affair.

18th May 2006, 12:57 AM
Well...I'd stil watch it in the theaters, just to see it. It is a very famous controversial subject, and also I love the book, so just for that I'd see it.

Anyone who's loved the book would prolly see this no matter what. But they're prolly gonna be dissappointed also. :oops:

18th May 2006, 08:36 AM
The Da Vinci Code has become popular mainly because of word of mouth and readers' curiosity for this topic....there was little advertising when the book was first published....

I'm hoping to watch it this weekend...I agree with Surya...ppl will watch the movie whether they like or not; it's all about curiosity and interest....but I don't think they will be disappointed....I believe in Ron Howard movies and Tom Hank's acting....

this may be similar to when Passion of Christ was released with controversial reviews and protests...but Mel Gibson walked out rich...audience is intrigued by these topics...

never know....let's wait and see for ourselves....:)

18th May 2006, 08:40 AM
Da Vinci Code gets GREEN light for release in India :clap:


18th May 2006, 08:41 AM
My thoughts exactly. :)

Bingle...:o AWESOME!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clap: :clap: Finally! :D :D

18th May 2006, 08:42 AM
:thumbsup: yup finally ! :-)
trying hard to get tickets for tomo first day first show !

18th May 2006, 08:48 AM
I"m going on SAT! :thumbsup:

18th May 2006, 08:51 AM
SAT ticket irukku en kaila :thumbsup: but the prob is am travelling tat day to Tirupati :-) so probably tomo or Monday paakalaam !

18th May 2006, 08:52 AM
Super!! Have a good Dharshan @ Thirupathi!!

I went there in March when I came to India...did u know that they can no longer say "Jarugandi Jarugandi"?? :o Now they say "Govindhaa Goovindha" :) :thumbsup: I had an excellent Dharshan. For almost 10 seconds! 8-)

18th May 2006, 08:56 AM
thanks Surya !

:-) Great Surya ! nowadays ... as many things are streamlined ... we can have peaceful darshan of the lord :-)

18th May 2006, 09:03 AM
Yup. :)

18th May 2006, 11:25 PM
am watching the movie tonite at 23:45 :) :)
cant wait to compare it with the film.

19th May 2006, 01:21 AM
Well many would see for the hype the movie created the last few months. Ron Howard-Tom Hanks factor add to it.

I've been hearing that the movie is so-so too. Donno how well one has to read the book to understand the movie like Harry Potter.

19th May 2006, 01:53 AM
on sun tv news.....:shock: about da vinci code....seems like ppl are against it there :roll:

19th May 2006, 02:57 AM
Im somehow apprehensive about watching this movie.I am usually never satisfied with books made into movies(exceptions being Harry Potter and LOTR).Am not sure if I am going to catch this movie in the theaters.Will wait for the DVD(unless ofcourse my hubby absolutely wants to see this movie in the theater!!)

19th May 2006, 05:39 PM
i saw the film and it was trully dissapointing...

the film is like 2 1/2 long and in the beginning they have cut so many scenes in the lourve.
not good!

19th May 2006, 06:14 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I am so sad. Here in Singapore, this movie is only for people above 16. Today, I went to the theatre and tried to lie that I was 16 years old but they didn't believe me.

Anyway, what is so mature about that movie?

20th May 2006, 02:54 AM
:rotfl: once i got into a 18 year old film in america :lol: da vinci code...after exams :thumbsup:

20th May 2006, 02:55 AM
:? :? :? great :? :? :?

i saw the film and it was trully dissapointing...

the film is like 2 1/2 long and in the beginning they have cut so many scenes in the lourve.
not good!

20th May 2006, 05:14 AM
i saw the film and it was trully dissapointing...

the film is like 2 1/2 long and in the beginning they have cut so many scenes in the lourve.
not good!

Depends on where you live...if u live in India, then the movie has been chopped up here and there becase they don't want to anger the xtian poppulation in india....I don't understand this logic, the US is letting it be screening without any chops, same with UK, and these are Xtian Majourity Naitons. Why India? :?

20th May 2006, 05:15 AM
on sun tv news.....:shock: about da vinci code....seems like ppl are against it there :roll:

People who don't see this movie as just fiction are against it, if they see that it is just fiction, no one will be against it. :)


Can't wait to see it tommorow. :D

20th May 2006, 05:37 AM
yupppp, they had big signs saying...DA VINCI CODE IS FULL OF LIES!
:rotfl: i was like...its JUST A BOOK FOR HEAVANS SAKE!

oo u watchin it 2moro..gr888!

20th May 2006, 06:39 AM
yupppp, they had big signs saying...DA VINCI CODE IS FULL OF LIES!:rotfl: i was like...its JUST A BOOK FOR HEAVANS SAKE!

Hmm..:rotfl: Someone should give them an elementery course on ENGLISH and teach them what the definition of FICTION is! :rotfl:

20th May 2006, 09:10 PM
Guys, people are not stupid to protest for no reason. While DVC is a work of fiction, Dan Brown had also made a claimer saying that the organisations, rituals and descriptions are accurate.

And then you have historians (Teabng and Langdon) actually discussing moments in history. A lot of it are theories, but cannot be dismissed as total fiction.

The premise of the novel is definitely a big threat to the basic beliefs of Christians, and surely they would protest.

I was expecting the movie to be banned or heavily censored in Malaysia, but neither happened! The board just gave the movie a 18 certificate and was released one day ahead of international release.

I watched the movie today....

20th May 2006, 09:35 PM

The following “review” is for people who have read The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown and understand not only the plot but also the various theories he has put forth.

OK, I admit I went for the movie with apprehension as books do not convert well into celluloid and till now only the first Harry Potter movie has satisfied me with its complete interpretation. My theory on this is any book-to-movie effort has to compete with our imagination which is far more vivid and boundariless. My recommendation therefore is to always watch such movies with little expectations.

So, did Ron Howard do justice to Dan Brown’s novel? Well… It could have been worse. J For one thing the movie is not a 100% interpretation of the novel. Avid readers would spot even minor changes, which starts right from the beginning. Langdon is not woken up from sleep but instead gets summoned when he is autographing his book! Such differences prepare us for more major differences later in the movie.

Another burning question; did the respective actors do justice to their roles? Not nearly. Tom Hanks appeared blur throughout the movie. He brought on a totally confused Robert Langdon and for the life of me, I don’t understand his perpetual frown. Audrey Tautou did well as Sophie Neveu and acted “royally.” The albino monk Silas, was brought menacingly alive by Paul Bettany and his penance scenes were terrifying. While Ian McKellen was sufficient as Sir Leigh Teabing, towards the end he appeared like a comedian. The butler role was a let down for two reasons – one the guy was too young and secondly he was made to appear sinister right from the beginning thus giving away an important part of the story. The Bull Fache, was not so convincing in the beginning as I had actually imagined a hulky person, but soon enough he made amends. The grandmother looked so old that she would have fitted well to be the mother and not the wife of Sanuire. Bishop Arinngarosa is not what I had imagined but was still adequate.

OK, now to the differences between the novel and the movie. One gets the feeling that the whole movie was being rushed through, although it runs for nearly 2.5 hours. Many of the nuances of the novel is missing in the movie,

Some Minor differences:

Langdon uses his own phone to retrieve Sophie’s message.
The codes are immediately solved at the Louvre.
The taxi ride escaping from Beau is not there, they threaten a drug addict to discuss and the duo WALK into the Swiss bank!
Teabing’s secret attic with advanced tracking systems is missing.
Cryptex – there is only one. The one that is supposed to spell SOFIA doesn’t appear.
The reverse text in the cryptex is immediately spotted by Langdon.
How the group fools the English police, in the plane is incomplete. The part where Teabing challenges them and threatens to sue is missing.
The Teacher reveals himself differently.
The library search scene is omitted and instead they ldo the search on an Indian boy’s computer in a bus. :)
The sex ritual is not explained and ordinary audience may wonder what is happening.
The butler tries to kill the duo, but is stopped by a flock of birds. Hilarious!

Major differences:

Fache and Aringarosa are in this together! Aringarosa lies about Langdon making confessions!
The ending is changed completely and the two leads find a library at Rose Chapel that has several newspaper cuttings and maybe even the “Sangreal” documents!
Langdon goes on “damage control” and makes a lengthy comment, that is obviously an appeasement for the Christian community
Sophie is NOT Sanuere’s grand-daughter and there is no reunion with her brother.
The entire Priory of Scion members gather at Rose Chapel to welcome Sophie.
In the epilogue, the tomb of Mary Magdalene is shown!

All in all the move was quite enjoyable and we can hardly feel the 2.5 hours. The ending was a surprise, which is not bad considering the rather anti-climax of the original novel. Would I see it again? I think I can wait for the DVD. ;)

21st May 2006, 12:51 AM

wow NOV! longg review! kewl...da vinci code is very famous in my year group at school....everyone dieing to watch it :lol: me too :oops:

yupppp, they had big signs saying...DA VINCI CODE IS FULL OF LIES!:rotfl: i was like...its JUST A BOOK FOR HEAVANS SAKE!

Hmm..:rotfl: Someone should give them an elementery course on ENGLISH and teach them what the definition of FICTION is! :rotfl:

21st May 2006, 01:41 AM
Good Review! :) Nice to see atleast one good review for the movie. :D

21st May 2006, 04:17 AM
Nice review, NOV :)
it impels me, compels me ....
nay even propels me to go and see it !

21st May 2006, 07:47 AM
nice review NOV....

I've just started reading a novel called 'Daughter of God', by Lewis Purdue and it's somewhat similar to The Da Vinci Code. I haven't read all of it though....

21st May 2006, 09:08 AM
Thanks Gayini, Surya and Sindhiya

Nice review, NOV :)
it impels me, compels me ....
nay even propels me to go and see it !Sure. Anyone who has read the book will definitely want to watch the move, and needs no compelling.

So dark the con of man. :D

21st May 2006, 09:50 PM
Actually it was'nt bad to be said so-so, nor was it the super kind. Not the typical suspense, no adrenaline rush, no great acting, pretty slow and probably very less emotions (I mean I didnt see any genuine fear or surprise on any of the artist's face. In that factor it was pretty dumb) and style(the only scene that would come closer is the scene where Audrey Tatou drives reverse, but was pretty badly picturised IMO) for a suspense movie.

It looks like NOV quoted otherwise ;). But the fact that its a 2 1/2 hour movie was'nt a big factor, the narration and acting was'nt as good, but was'nt bad to kick you out of the cinema hall.

certainly watchable once for a person who hasnt read the book :thumbsup: But if you are looking for a pacy script, you'll be (highly) disappointed.

hould read the book sometime :roll:

22nd May 2006, 12:55 PM
Nice review NOV..
Wud try to watch it soon (Hope I get T. DVD)

22nd May 2006, 01:30 PM
Brilliant Review NOV !

Every single difference has been brought to light ! u deserve :clap: and more than this!

Hmn ... so pretty cinematic ! I guess the changes have been made to escape from the scissors and threats !

I am really :shock: to hear about Tom Hank's performance ! He is an excellent artiste and if he has been possessing a blank face ... i wonder it was a wrong choice for that character !

Well would add my review points once i see that movie ! :-) ofcourse in theatres ...

btw hows the sound effect ?

23rd May 2006, 12:47 AM
The very same combo Ron Howard-Hanks worked very well in Apollo 13. No noticeable sound effects AFAIK

23rd May 2006, 03:30 AM
'Da Vinci' Has Second-Biggest World Opening
May 21, 6:08 PM EST

The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES -- Moviegoers gave their blessing to the "The Da Vinci Code" over the weekend, spending an estimated $77 million to see the Tom Hanks religious thriller.

While the film didn't set a domestic box office record, it was the largest weekend opening of the year so far and became the second largest worldwide release after "Star Wars: Episode III." It garnered some $224 million worldwide, according to Sony Pictures.

The film also was the best domestic opening for both Hanks and director Ron Howard.

The movie's performance, combined with the family film "Over the Hedge" debuting in second place with $37.2 million, was a welcome contrast to the last two weekends that saw disappointing results from "Poseidon" and "Mission: Impossible III."

The total box office was down about 2.8 percent from the same weekend last year, according to studio estimates released Sunday. But that's a tough comparison given that last year's numbers included the record-setting debut of "Star Wars: Episode III."

"'Da Vinci' opening this big just tells you that people do want to go to the movies, they just need the right movie to go," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of box-office tracker Exhibitor Relations.

Sony Pictures took a risk in the marketing of "The Da Vinci Code," keeping the adaptation of the Dan Brown best-seller under wraps until a few days before its opening.

The film received mixed reviews and protesters picketed outside a number of theaters, upset over the story's suggestion that Jesus Christ was married and had a child. But the controversy did little to deter moviegoers, who packed theaters in almost every country the film debuted.

"You had a built-in audience from the book and the awareness levels were so high from this film," Dergarabedian said. "You would have to live under a rock not to know this movie was opening."

The movie also set opening-weekend records in Italy and Spain, Sony Pictures said.

"This is a fantastically great surprise for us this morning," said Jeff Blake, vice chairman of Sony Pictures.

It was good news for the studio, which had been struggling of late and had been counting on "The Da Vinci Code" to boost its fortunes.

"This is starting out to be a very good year," studio chief Amy Pascal said.

The animated film "Over the Hedge" had a strong showing with its $37.2 million as part of a counter-programming strategy from distributor Paramount Pictures.

While the opening was slightly low for a computer-animated family movie, the studio believes the film will hold its own next weekend as children have the Memorial Day holiday off.

"We thought we could very easily coexist with `The Da Vinci Code' and I think the numbers bear that out," said Dan Harris, executive vice president at Paramount.

The Tom Cruise action film "Mission: Impossible III" crossed the $100 million mark in its third weekend with a total domestic box office take of $103 million.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Exhibitor Relations. Final figures will be released Monday.

1. "The Da Vinci Code," $77 million.

2. "Over the Hedge," $37.2 million

3. "Mission: Impossible III," $11 million.

4. "Poseidon," $9.2 million.

5. "RV," $5.1 million

6. "See No Evil," $4.4 million

7. "Just My Luck," $3.4 million.

8. "An American Haunting," $1.7 million.

9. "United 93," $1.4 million.

10. "Akeelah and the Bee," $1 million.

link: http://movies.msn.com/movies/article.aspx?news=223802&GT1=7701


Controversial issue creates a buzz......:).....

23rd May 2006, 05:04 PM
i have seen that movie!
it was so great!

24th May 2006, 12:48 AM
People who watched it told me it's best to watch the movie then read the book if you haven't =|

24th May 2006, 08:09 AM
my short review....:)

The DaVinci Code is a really good movie...i had no expectations....i expected something different from Ron Howard and I was pleased most of the time. It's not easy to fit it into a 2.5 hours movie...they missed out some parts that I would've liked to see (ie. Robert Langdon lecture memories about Leonardo Da Vinci and his different art works, discoveries, etc.)...but overall i really enjoyed the movie...

a surprising ending, that i expected while reading the book but never came...but it's interesting to see it in the movie....:o....

in my view, Tom Hanks did justice to his role because in the book, Robert Langdon's character was always puzzled and confused, somewhat an introvert, while Sophie's character was more bold...so their acting in the movie is justified....Paul Bettany as the monk was good too....

favourite scene....the last part when he leaves the hotel to find the grail...(i was waiting for that scene for 2.5 hours!)...

OK...now i have to say this....i'm reading this book called Daughter of God by Lewis Perdue...as I read this book, I'm finding some similarities to The DaVinci Code....this book is about a group within the Vatican that tries to prevent the Western culture from finding about this Messiah named Sophie and involves an art collector and her husband, a Philosophy professor....i'm hooked on this book...if anyone gets a chance, check it out....


24th May 2006, 08:28 AM
:clap: Sinthy ! Nice work ! good effort !

well i even felt the same when i was reading Angels n Demons .... it has the similar story telling like tat of DVC !

DOL, hmn, will try to get that book !

24th May 2006, 08:38 AM
thanks BG....

i actually liked Angels & Demons over DVC....because it was fast-paced...

Dan Brown wrote A&D before DVC....so it's easy to the similarities.....especially his interest the Vatican...

24th May 2006, 09:15 AM
Ys true ... interest on the Vatican :-)

Probably he has started them both at the same time !

AnD ... am reading thru it now ... have not read the complete book :-) u have given me more enthu

24th May 2006, 09:36 AM

you know i came to know how a Pope is selected though A&D...so when the new Pope was being nominated in Rome, i had a good idea of the process....

A&D was released before DVC, but it was re-released after the success of DVC....

have u read any of his other books? there is Deception Point and there is Digital Fortress....

24th May 2006, 09:42 AM
Ya .... am reading that part only ... the starting part i guess ! Pope selection !

Oh is it ? i knew that it was written before DVC ... but that re-released stuff ... i knew only now!

No yaar ... i ve not read Deception Point and Digi Fortress !

24th May 2006, 10:09 AM
i have Deception Point and Digital Fortress at home to read....but haven't got around to reading them....soon enough....

Digital Fortress is about a cryptologist, which shows his interest in crypotology...and Deception Point about a discovery by the NASA....

25th May 2006, 07:48 AM
'Da Vinci Code' success sparks 'Angels & Demons' plans
24/05/2006 1:26:17 PM

After the opening weekend success of The Da Vinci Code, producers are set to send another of Dan Brown's novels to the silver screen.

Columbia Pictures said Tuesday that it has plans to turn Brown's first bestseller, Angels & Demons, into a movie.

Oscar-winning screenwriter Akiva Goldman, who adapted Brown's The Da Vinci Code for the current film, has signed on for the new project. Although Brown wrote Angels & Demons first, the upcoming film project is being proposed as a sequel to The Da Vinci Code movie.

In addition to receiving an Oscar for his adapted screenplay for A Beautiful Mind, Goldman's Hollywood writing credits include boxing drama Cinderella Man and the super-hero action flop Batman & Robin.

Published in 2000, Angels & Demons introduced Brown's Harvard professor character, Robert Langdon. Actor Tom Hanks portrayed the crime-solving symbologist in The Da Vinci Code film.

Hanks and Da Vinci Code director Ron Howard have not yet signed on for an Angels & Demons movie, but a Columbia spokesperson told Reuters that the two would be approached first for the project.

The Da Vinci Code received its gala premiere at the Cannes Film Festival and debuted in theatres worldwide last week. Despite being generally panned by critics, the film had the second-best opening weekend ever for a movie premiering around the globe. (The record is held by Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.)

The Da Vinci Code took in $224 million US worldwide, despite a wave of protests and calls for boycotts against it from religious groups around the globe.

25th May 2006, 08:22 AM
:clap: this would surely prove more thrilling than DVC, i believe !

Lets see if Ron n Hanks join hands again !

Thanks Sinthy for the valuble info ! :clap:

25th May 2006, 08:25 AM
few of my friends said that digital fortress has the dumbest ending of all dan brown's novels! anyone has read it b4?

25th May 2006, 08:25 AM
i have Deception Point and Digital Fortress at home to read....but haven't got around to reading them....soon enough....

Digital Fortress is about a cryptologist, which shows his interest in crypotology...and Deception Point about a discovery by the NASA....

Hmn .... but ths Decep P seems to be too technical n scientific based ... Even AnD, i found it similar ... certain things i ve not even heard of ! When they explain the guys lab ... man everything was nearly beyond greek n latin ! Well even am not knowing still what this antimatter is all about ! Any Physics guys around ???

25th May 2006, 08:27 AM
few of my friends said that digital fortress has the dumbest ending of all dan brown's novels! anyone has read it b4?

As such no novel of Dan has an understandable ending :lol: well probably he is one more Da Vinci, to have a catch in every writing of his ! who knows ?

btw how r u thamizh !

25th May 2006, 08:29 AM
oh deception point talks abt antimatter too!!! :shock:

25th May 2006, 08:32 AM
very fine BG anna! :D, you are right, DVC had a lame ending! :lol:

25th May 2006, 08:37 AM
Hmn ! Anti matter in DP too ! Great

What i could see is he has a purview for linking his novels ! Every novel of Dan has a link with another ! For instance DVC n AnD had many things n common - Vatican base, Langdon, Cryptology, Scientific facts
Similarly AnD and DP - Antimatter, Science .. probably much more !

Well he probably has a unique style of silently linking a novel with another of his :-)

is anybody having a similar view ?

25th May 2006, 08:41 AM
I dunno, I havent read any of his other novels.

I remember reading a topic on antimatter in miscellaneous thread. BG, u may want to check in there!

25th May 2006, 08:51 AM
Can u gimme the link Thamizh !

25th May 2006, 09:03 AM
you're welcome, BG...

definitely, he seems to have some interest in puzzles, secrets, history, etc...:roll:...A&D and DVC are somewhat similar, but like you said, A&D movie would be far more thrilling than DVC....:)

haven't started read DP or DF, so i will not say much...

25th May 2006, 09:06 AM
Hmn ... i too have a copy of them ! but first AnD ... then the rest :-)

25th May 2006, 01:10 PM
few of my friends said that digital fortress has the dumbest ending of all dan brown's novels! anyone has read it b4?

TV no it was quite intresting at the end!
the ending was good, indeed!

26th May 2006, 04:55 PM
Saw the movie yesterday and it was ok-ok.
I think the characterization of the Bull and Sophie were a big let down. Definitely Tom Hanks will not count this movie as one of his best performances and good God what did they do the pace of the story.
What i enjoyed most in the book is the fast paced chase which made it a page turner. The movie was not as fast as the book.
The 2 chasers in the book Teabing and Fache were really worthy characters. But the movie did not depict them as worthy and that changed the face of the movie totally..........
On the whole it belongs to the 'so-so' category, one of the run-of-mills that comes out from the Hollywood factory.

26th May 2006, 05:35 PM
:clap: Thanks for the review dsath

27th May 2006, 08:55 AM
dsath...nice review...:)

i agree that the Tebang and Fache characters were not well etched in the movie...

28th May 2006, 10:09 PM
What i liked most about the whole thing (book-movie) was the liberalism of the West. Inspite of all those protests, the movie was screened. I don't think the same could have happened in the Eastern world. No one could have got away with a theory like this (both in Islam and Hinduism). Ohh am i triggering a controversy. :wink:

29th May 2006, 04:10 AM
'Da Vinci Code' success sparks 'Angels & Demons' plans
24/05/2006 1:26:17 PM

After the opening weekend success of The Da Vinci Code, producers are set to send another of Dan Brown's novels to the silver screen.

Columbia Pictures said Tuesday that it has plans to turn Brown's first bestseller, Angels & Demons, into a movie.

Oscar-winning screenwriter Akiva Goldman, who adapted Brown's The Da Vinci Code for the current film, has signed on for the new project. Although Brown wrote Angels & Demons first, the upcoming film project is being proposed as a sequel to The Da Vinci Code movie.

In addition to receiving an Oscar for his adapted screenplay for A Beautiful Mind, Goldman's Hollywood writing credits include boxing drama Cinderella Man and the super-hero action flop Batman & Robin.

Published in 2000, Angels & Demons introduced Brown's Harvard professor character, Robert Langdon. Actor Tom Hanks portrayed the crime-solving symbologist in The Da Vinci Code film.

Hanks and Da Vinci Code director Ron Howard have not yet signed on for an Angels & Demons movie, but a Columbia spokesperson told Reuters that the two would be approached first for the project.

The Da Vinci Code received its gala premiere at the Cannes Film Festival and debuted in theatres worldwide last week. Despite being generally panned by critics, the film had the second-best opening weekend ever for a movie premiering around the globe. (The record is held by Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.)

The Da Vinci Code took in $224 million US worldwide, despite a wave of protests and calls for boycotts against it from religious groups around the globe.

Woow, quite long and exellent review.. I have to watch this.

29th May 2006, 09:09 AM
Guys ... i made a mistake yaar !....
i shld have watched this movie ... instead of the PUDUPETTAI :evil: i didnt get the tickets ! :cry:

29th May 2006, 09:15 AM
oh...it's ok....you can watch it next week... :)...

hope you enjoyed PP...

29th May 2006, 09:16 AM
probably TODAY ;-)

31st May 2006, 05:28 AM
Watched DVC last weekend! I liked it, though as stated in NOV's excellent review, it has deviated quite a lot from the book.... but, i found the pace a bit too slow, hence the excitement that i felt when i read the book was not there ......

My husband said it was a good movie but, he was a lot confused with the story line as he hasn't read the book before, so, he had lots of questions after the movie, which I explained.....

31st May 2006, 08:42 AM
i ve got a mail reg DVC, not the movie, but about the facts that DVC claim !

will share them here !

31st May 2006, 09:09 AM
Sound Cool! Let's hear it! 8-)

31st May 2006, 09:16 AM
I am not sure whether this is right or wrong ! just thought of sharing this, n put forth for the ppl who claim that DVC is shaking the very roots of Christianity


DVC Claims:
The Priory of Sion is a European secret society founded in 1099 by Godefroi to protect the bloodline of Jesus and Mary (p.345).

Actual Historical Fact :(as given in the fwd)
>>Pierre Plantard formed Priory of Sion in 1954 to help those in need of low-cost housing (group dissolved in 1957).
>>1960s and 70s Plantard created a series of forged documents on the existence of a bloodline descending from Jesus and Mary through the kings of France to himself.

He and his associates called themselves the Priory of Sion and deposited these documents in libraries all over France, including the National Library.

1993 Plantard admitted, under an oath to a French judge, for this fabrication. The judge issued him a severe warning and dismissed him as a harmless crank.

31st May 2006, 09:17 AM
This might have been something like -> another group which has called themselves as PoS !

31st May 2006, 02:08 PM
well if u r much intrested in DVC and all those stuffs read the book "the holy blood and the holy grail!
i read it, but i really dont care of such things!
read the book in eager to find sth more about the secret societies :roll: but the book hm it was taking a long journey.........................i dont find the book intresting, but try if u like :)

6th July 2006, 05:27 AM
Good film but was quite disppointed with selction of the actos. Sophie and Teaning characters did not really suit the roles (I read the book and had another image on mind. For ex Audrey TAUTOU is nogt as beautiful as I imagined Sophie Neveu character.

This a film pa, a story a fiction based on of course some rumours and theories so don't know why such a contreversy around this movie. i am Roman Catholic and this film did not make me change my beliefs and ideas about Christianity.

It is quite difficult to remake a book, and they have quite suceeded.

8th July 2006, 09:49 AM
Yahoo! the ban is atlast lifted for the screening of 'Da vinci code' in tamilnadu :)

17th July 2006, 08:44 PM
good God what did they do the pace of the story.
What i enjoyed most in the book is the fast paced chase which made it a page turner. The movie was not as fast as the book.

Agree with you dsath. I saw the movie on saturday, and I found that it did not have the pace of the book. The puzzles were solved far too quickly and the scenes with teabing were laboriously long like a history lesson.

I guess they were more intent on being faithful to the contents of the book than to match its fast pace.

Bettany as Silas was the best match to the book character and it was nice to see Tom Hanks after a long gap.

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
23rd August 2007, 11:57 AM
Did this movie release in Tamil translated version?? a small doubt