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22nd June 2005, 05:48 AM
Has anyone tried spring rolls? need a recipe for that.

Hi Kz,

Sorry for the late reply, here the spring roll receipe :

250 gms of minced chicken (if you are veg omit it)
10 rice paper (you can find it in chinese stores)
2 small finely chopped onions
1 egg (if veg omit)
1 carrot gratted
1/4 cup of gratted black dried mushrooms (chinese store) you soak them a bit on water and then grate
1/4 cup of white transparent rice vermicilli soaked 1/2 hr in water and cut into small pieces
1/4 cup sprouted soy seeds
2 Tb sps chinese fish sauce (Nuoc Mum)

Fry all the ingredients in oil apart EGG for about 10 minutes take off fire and ad the egg make a paste with the egg. soak the rice papers in a bit of water (poured into a big plate) when they are bit soft place a spoon of the chicken paste at the bottom of the round rice paper and spread it to the shape of small carrot bring the three end either sides and the bottom (small place left on the bottom area) on the paste and then roll them (the soaked rice papers are quite sticky and wil stick togather easilyan deep fry. If you do not get the rolls correctly just tie them with a small thread around the rolls to hold them at first.

Let me know if you get it right

Solona (shanthy)

22nd June 2005, 06:09 AM
hi Shanthy
Thanks for the recipe, dont worry abt the late reply. ur recipe looks different. i will try it and let u know. long back i tried using cabbage, carrot and some other veg along with noodles as a filling. but i dont remember now.

27th June 2005, 10:46 AM
Anyone has recipe for kadalai urundai(Groundnut balls)? Pls post it if you have.

Hi Kavitha!

I dont have a recipe for kaldalurunda, but I have what we call in Kerala "kadala chikki", which is nothing but the flat cousin of the urunda :D . If you would like to try, here's the recipe & procedure:


Roasted groundnuts 1 cup, remove skin once cooled
Sugar 1/2 cup
Butter 1/4 teaspoon
Bicarb of Soda 1/4 teaspoon

Crumble groundnuts into small pieces-I use a rolling pin to crush.

Brown sugar in a heavy bootomed pan and add butter.

Add bicarb of soda. When the mixture begins to froth, add groundnuts. Remove from fire and mix well.

Pour contents into a greased tray and level.

Cut into rectangle pieces before the mixture hardens. Store in airtight containers.


1. As always keep the flame at low-medium
2. If the chikki is exposed too much it will become soggy, so try and take required numbers and do not put back uneaten ones into the same jar. Always keep the jar closed tightly.


28th June 2005, 01:18 PM
Sigh! Another attempt & failure of Paneer making!

I get the texture rite but it always crumbles into pieces.

How many litres of milk should one use for 250 grams of Paneer? Another question. Is it worth the attempt? Buying is a lot easier. :-)

28th June 2005, 01:38 PM
Sigh! Another attempt & failure of Paneer making!

I get the texture rite but it always crumbles into pieces.

How many litres of milk should one use for 250 grams of Paneer? Another question. Is it worth the attempt? Buying is a lot easier. :-)

Pls check Dhabha recipes thread. Fellow hubber Bharghavi has posted some tips on making paneer.
Is it worth the effort?
I don't think so. Since you are in India rt now, fresh paneer will be easily available to you, so why waste your time. :wink:

28th June 2005, 02:09 PM
Thanks tomato.
Yes, we get a variety of paneer here. Amul & Milma are the best. But costly, in Indian rupees. A 250 gm packet costs around Rs35-40/-
Its just 4 Dhs (dirhams) but I've developed th habit of converting after I reached here!

28th June 2005, 10:51 PM
Hello Shoba, thanks for the recipe. :D

8th July 2005, 03:20 AM

I am able to make soft chappaties , but the problem is only the edges become dry. What is it that makes them dry. And what is the best way to heat chappatis.



18th July 2005, 08:06 PM
I would like to know if anyone has been using the tortilla makers to makers to make chapatis. Are they good. Any feedbacks


19th July 2005, 01:10 AM
Bought some frozen green peppers (capsicum) and okra (ladies finger). Does anyone know, how to cook them without the sogginess you get from frozen veggies?

- D

20th July 2005, 01:36 AM

You have to first keep the frozen veg in the refrigerator overnight.
Then get them to room temp by keeping the veg in warm water for sometime & then wipe out the extrawater from the veg with paper towels..This way you will find them fresh & not soggy..

21st July 2005, 10:44 AM
From my experience, depending on the kind of vegetables, if you let them thaw, they will become soggy due to the amount of frozen fluid already there. What I usually do is place them in a colander or vegetable boiler (so they don't come in direct contact with water) and let them steam a while. Then, I use them. For those who use the microwave it is even faster. Just place them in a microwave safe bowl, sprinke or spray very little water on them and nuke them for a while. If I am sauteing, that is sort of stir-frying, like for poriyal or kootu, then I chop them frozen and use them as such.

25th July 2005, 09:36 AM

Can anybody post the recipe for cheese parathas?


27th July 2005, 12:10 AM

I got some dry urad flour (ulundhu maavu). I want to know what snacks can be made using it?

I don't have murukku achchu here :( , so please suggest something that can be done by hand without using any equipment.

Thanks in advance.

27th July 2005, 12:47 AM
I got wheat laddu flour , can anybody tell me how to make wheat laddus


27th July 2005, 01:43 AM
Hi Priya,

U can mix powdered sugar( confectioner's sugar) to the wheat flour according to ur sweetness. then heat up ghee and add it to the wheat sugar mixture and make small balls when it is hot.

take 1/4 cup flour each time and a couple of tbsp ghee and make little each time. if they become cold then u wont be able to make laddoos.
u can also add toasted cashews, almonds to the laddoo if u like. it is similar to making maavu laddoo using paasiparuppu maavu or rawa ladoo.


27th July 2005, 07:47 PM
Thanks a lot Kz

I am going to make them this week end


27th July 2005, 07:56 PM

Can anyone let me know the measurement & procedure to make idlis from roasted rice flour & urad flour?...

29th July 2005, 08:56 AM

Can anyone pls let me know from where I can get pacharisi/pongal rice in Singapore... I've not been able to locate it in mustafa so far...

29th July 2005, 09:19 AM

Can anyone pls let me know from where I can get pacharisi/pongal rice in Singapore... I've not been able to locate it in mustafa so far...


I'm wondering about "pacharisi/pongal rice"...

If you are looking for pacharisi for making ponggal, then any Thai fragrant rice varieties would do. Our neighbourhood provision shops will have them. Golden Phoenix is the one I use.

Hope this was what you meant in your query!


29th July 2005, 09:34 AM
Thanks Shoba...that's what I wanted to know... pacharisi for making pongal...:)

30th July 2005, 07:36 PM
hi shoba
is our pacchai arisi & thai jasmine rice the same ?because here each time i ask for pacchai arisi at our indian grocery store they give me thai jasmine rice :(
and when i insisted for pacchai arisi from india , they said that they dont import it & moreover the thai jasmine rice & pacchai arisi were the same ! is it true? can i use thai jasmine rice to make aappams?


30th July 2005, 08:09 PM
hi shoba
is our pacchai arisi & thai jasmine rice the same ?because here each time i ask for pacchai arisi at our indian grocery store they give me thai jasmine rice :(
and when i insisted for pacchai arisi from india , they said that they dont import it & moreover the thai jasmine rice & pacchai arisi were the same ! is it true? can i use thai jasmine rice to make aappams?


Yes, Shreya, you can use Thai Jasmine rice for appams. It comes out well.

I suppose the Indian paccharisi would differ from their Thai counter parts in a 'botanical' sort of way...but suffice it to say that Thai rice gives good results for Indian recipes calling for the use of pachcharisi.


30th July 2005, 11:03 PM

Can anyone pls let me know where I can find dhalia/broken wheat in singapore... Shoba,any suggestions on this?...

30th July 2005, 11:25 PM
thanks shoba :D


31st July 2005, 07:13 AM

Can anyone pls let me know where I can find dhalia/broken wheat in singapore... Shoba,any suggestions on this?...

Dev, I found them in Mustaffa, where the sooji/ragi/kadala maavu etc etc are kept. Also RN Trading (cambell lane) quite sometime back.


31st July 2005, 12:42 PM
Hi Shoba,

Thanks for the info...I too bought it from Mustafa sometime back...but these days they don't seem to stock it... I visited Mustafa twice especially for this...:(
Will try at RN trading...

1st August 2005, 10:19 PM

I got the brown Basmati rice by mistake.
I tried making pulavo like the regular white basmati rice.I tried using water ,rice in the ratio 2:1 in the electric rice cooker..it was not cooked properly.So cooked again in the pressure cooker for 4 whistles.
Does anybody know what is the dirrefence bwtn WHITE and BROWN basmati rice and what is the propotion of water :rice to cook it.


3rd August 2005, 01:03 AM
Texmati, or brown basmati rice, is a cross between long-grain brown rice and basmati rice.

Brown Basmati is more nutritious than White Basmati Rice. I have never cooked brown basmati in the rice cooker - but I generally cook 1 cup of rice with 2 cups of water for 30 - 45 minutes on the stovetop which yields about 3 cups of cooked rice. If you are using a pressure cooker, 30 mins should do.

3rd August 2005, 01:51 PM
Do I use Atta or Maida for Aloo Paratha?

4th August 2005, 09:14 AM
Do I use Atta or Maida for Aloo Paratha?

U could actually use either of them, or a combination of both. But I always use atta for all parathas like aloo, mooli, methi, gobi ect.
Using atta will add more nutrtion to the paratha.
Using maida(all purpose flour) will give better texture.
Using a combi of both will give u both nutrition and texture.
The choice is yours. :)

8th August 2005, 03:08 PM
Thanks Tomato! U r a darling!

8th August 2005, 03:10 PM
Another doubt-
I tried to make cutlets with maida batter. That is instead of eggs. But it didn't come out as nicely as the ones with egg. Any tips?

12th August 2005, 11:11 PM
After dipping in the maida batter, did you dip it in bread crumbs? Haven't heard of using maida batter instead of eggs, but I guess if you make a thin batter and dip it in, and then dip in bread crumbs, it might work......... no guarantee :)

15th August 2005, 02:44 AM
Any tips to reduce the acidity of the fermented idli/dosa batter ? My mother-in-law is having severe stomach problems including acid reflux. But even mildest food like idli, sometimes aggravates her bile & causes migraines even [like pitha headache].
So any suggestions like adding besan or something to the batter to reduce it's fermented effect, are most welcome.

15th August 2005, 09:02 AM
Any tips to reduce the acidity of the fermented idli/dosa batter ? My mother-in-law is having severe stomach problems including acid reflux. But even mildest food like idli, sometimes aggravates her bile & causes migraines even [like pitha headache].
So any suggestions like adding besan or something to the batter to reduce it's fermented effect, are most welcome.

One of my cousins had a similar prob-acidity & acid reflux. She found that drinking a small cup of green tea after a heavy meal-of rich gravies and fried items, helps a lot. Now she reg drinks green tea and oolong tea. May be u can suggest it to ur MIL if she is willing to try it. Would like to add that the sugarless, milkless tea will take a little time to getting used to.

16th August 2005, 03:33 PM
If your MIL like icecream whenever she eats the food that affects her acidity ask her to have a scoop of plain VANILLA icecream I am sure she will not complain and will enjoy her food too....Sweet remedy for your sweet MIL..... :wink:

17th August 2005, 02:43 AM
Thanks for replying Tomato, green tea seems a good idea, will give it a try !

Thanks ash_970, for the 'sweet' reply; yes, my MIL will be delighted to try it .

22nd August 2005, 09:14 PM
Can we freeze white pumpkin( poosanikai) kootu and brinjal curries? will they taste good after thawing? what are the vegetables that wont be good to freeze?


Suja Rajkumar
23rd August 2005, 06:30 PM
Hi Kz,
I have frozen bhagara baingan, kathrikai masiyal and ennai kathrikai. They turn out pretty good. You cannot tell a difference. Thaw it overnight in the fridge, and reheat either in microwave (if it is small quantity) or oven if it is large quantity. Chow Chow doesn't taste good once it is thawed. Tried chow chow kootu a couple of times, but it turned out mushy. Hope this helps.


23rd August 2005, 08:47 PM
Thankyou Suja! I will freeze the brinjal curry. i tried freezing kovakkai poriyal and it was good.

24th August 2005, 12:49 PM

You know there is this prasad, they give in temple made of banana, dates and honey..does someone know how to prepare at home..

Thanks heeps

24th August 2005, 12:55 PM

Can anone tell me where I can get frozen methi leaves in singapore?... I got it last week(after about a year) but when I went to the same shop Y'day,I couldn't find it...:( I just love aloo methi & am missing it very badly...It's very rarely that we get methi here,guess...

24th August 2005, 03:21 PM
Hi all,

Have anone of you tried the recipes from sify downloadable recipes... they have a huge collection in .pdf format... If anyone has tried, pls share ur experience here...For those of whom would like to try,here's the link... http://food.sify.com/fullstory.php?id=13609083

25th August 2005, 11:12 AM

Can anone tell me where I can get frozen methi leaves in singapore?... I got it last week(after about a year) but when I went to the same shop Y'day,I couldn't find it...:( I just love aloo methi & am missing it very badly...It's very rarely that we get methi here,guess...

Hi dev,
U get ashoka frozen methi leaves in the frozon veg sec of mustafa. But I must warn u the packet contains more methi stems than leaves. I have treid using it in aloo methi with dissapointing results. but u may use the frozen methi quite sucessfully in methis theplas.
I simply love methi leaves, but have always found it diff to find in sing. Once when I did find them, I tried freezing a handful of the picked washed and towel dried leaves. It was definately not as good as fresh but was a lot better than the Ashoka packet. :)
Hope this helps.
Eagerly waiting for fellow hubbers to asn ur gardening Q on methi leaves. Would like to give it a try though not very interested in gardening. :wink:

25th August 2005, 11:15 AM
Thanks for the info,tomato... Will try Ashoka methi & let let u know...:)

25th August 2005, 04:43 PM
Hi Dev,
It is not very hard to grow methi leaves at home. Problem is they don't give you as big leaves as you get in the store.

Fill a planter with soil and take a spoonful of methi seeds (more for a larger planter) spread them nicely with hand. See to it that all seeds are covered with soil. Water the planter once every day until the seeds germinate. Then probably you can water checking the soil wetness as often as needed.

These methi plants need good temperature but they don't like too much of hot sun exposure. So, try to keep them in shade if possible. I used to grow very fragrant methi when I lived in Houston where weather is hot. Now, no chance of anything of that sort.

Hope it helps you.


25th August 2005, 05:02 PM

You can also sprout the methi seeds and put in the pot and this will help the plant to come out quickly.

25th August 2005, 06:57 PM
Thanks CI & R,for those useful tips... Will try it out soon... :)

25th August 2005, 10:15 PM
hello R & mysorehudugi,

that's interesting.....growing methi in pots.the thing is all i have is a deck so i wonder if this can work out in my case.i am fond of methi too but it's not readily available here.:(
cud u please tell me wat kind of soil needs to be used for the seeds and do i need to use fertilisers like tea leaves?
i have an unused med sized plastic pot.wud that be sufficient for growing some 20-25 seeds.
one more thing,u said too much sun is not good.does that mean the plant is to removed inside the house after keeping them in sunlight or is it sufficient to be moved to a shadier spot.
lot of questions here,i know.hope it's not a bother for u to address them.
thanks in advance,


25th August 2005, 10:22 PM
Hi Rain,
U can use any good potting soil like miracle gro, i too have a deck and i grow all my plants in pots. they do good with enough sunlight and good soil. now u can keep them in the deck itself with partial shade or few hrs of sun. in winter u can either try to grow them inside the house, near a sunny window( south facing window) i have not tried growing them in winter inside the house, but my other plants do well in winter near a sunny window. if u use miracle gro no need to fertilize the pot for first 3 months, but later u can fertilize it. hope this helps!


25th August 2005, 10:57 PM
Hi Rain,
As mentioned by Kz, it is possible to grow on the deck. No problem there. When I said too much sun is not good, I meant hot sun like Houston weather. If you are planting now, it should be ok since it is the end of August and summer is almost over.

Try to keep it in a place where the afternoon sun light does not fall. It should be good enough.

If you use miracle grow potting mix, you don't need any other fertilizer.


26th August 2005, 12:10 AM
Hello mysorehudugi,
I figured out that you were from karnataka and hence might be able to help me with a kannada term-
I would like to know what is Suvarna gadde called in english in usa? Where can i find these?
and do u know where i can find the triphala powder or capsules(an ayurvedic preparation) here in usa??
any stores in texas or any online stores??

responses most welcome from anyone...
thanks a lot

26th August 2005, 07:43 AM
Hi Binal,
Suvarnagedde is Yam. Check this website if interested.

You can get this in indian stores. You get frozen ones. Haven't seen the fresh one in all the Indian stores.

Don't know where to get Triphala powder. Best thing would be to get it through someone coming.


26th August 2005, 10:13 PM
Thank You so much

27th August 2005, 09:42 PM
hello KZ & Mysorehudugi,

thanks for taking out time to post all the suggestions.i hope to work this one out.only one more thing,i checked some containers with ready soil inside but it had holes underneath.do u think the water will drip out?or shud i go for a plain solid bottom container to grow the herbs?i saw some which were a foot high.shud this work or do i need to get a bigger size?

thanks in advance for any valuable input.


28th August 2005, 12:33 AM
How to make mustard powder at home ? Should we dry roast & powder, or oil roast or just powder them straightaway ?

28th August 2005, 03:22 AM
Hi Rain,
Any size planter is fine. Use your judgement about quantity of methi seeds to put in depending on the size of the planter. All planters have holes and it prevents the roots from getting rotten due to more water.
If you water more than the soil can absorb and hold, it will drain through that hole. I would personally use the one with holes. You might want to do otherwise.


28th August 2005, 03:23 AM
Mustard can be powdered as it is. If you dry roast it, then you will have to use in the recipes where dry roasted mustard powder is called for. Easy to do is to get the mustard powder from Indian stores. One pack comes for a very long time.

Hope this helps.

1st September 2005, 01:21 AM
Thanks for response, CI.

Any tips on how to make medu-vada, crisp & hot for 50 people. Have tried freezing some fried vadais, then reheating once the guests have arrived, but the vadas simply ooze out oil & it was a very bad experience.
Any better solutions please, instead of freezing, will simple refrigerating yield better results ?

Suja Rajkumar
1st September 2005, 06:32 PM
Hi Yamuna,
I have tried freezing vadas for Dhahi bhalle. The reheating process is simple. You fill a skillet, with water. Arrange the frozen vadais, in a single layer, and heat it. Just before the water begins to boil, switch off the stove, flip the vadais, and close the skillet with the lid. After five min remove the vadais, squeeze well, add to yogurt mixture. They turn out pretty good.

To make medhu vadais crispy add a 1tsp of rice flour to 1 cup of urad dhal batter. I have refrigerated the vadais, and reheated them in the oven. Results were pretty decent. If you want the real authentic taste, fry it 1-2 hours before your company arrives. Hope this helps.

Suja Rajkumar

3rd September 2005, 02:27 AM
Thanks Suja; will try the rice flour tip.

10th September 2005, 06:36 PM
Dear friends ,
I heard deep frying in Canola oil is not good,but cooking in Canola oil is good for health.Pls. give me your suggestions...

14th September 2005, 04:20 AM
Can anyone post some broccoli recipes?


15th September 2005, 08:16 PM
I once bought a packet of soya beans(not chunks or anythings but real white dry beans) after hearing a lot abt the goodness in Soya.
But i don't know how and what kind of dish i can do with this.
So can anyone pls guide me with some real good recipe.
I have 2 kids (6 yrs and 18mths)...i wanna make them consume this soya bean. So some recipe plsss...

Thanks in advance,

15th September 2005, 11:22 PM
hi kz,

i didn't find any recipe using broccoli alone but here's one simple bhaji recipe using broccoli and cauliflower.broccoli and cauliflower seem to go together in most dishes.

cauliflower and broccoli pcs(bitesized)- 2cups each
grated garlic-3 large
green chilis-2
oil for cooking-2 tbsp

besan-1 tbsp
garam masala-3/4 th tsp
cumin pwdr-1 tsp
salt- to taste

heat the oil in pan and fry garlic and chilis for a few seconds.add the vegs and stir fry on med-high heat until specks of brown start showing.mix the remaining ingredients together and sprinkle evenly on the vegs.stir. then bring the heat to low,cover the pan and cook for 5 min.
open the pan.if the vegs lack water sprinkle some water.stir,cover and cook for furthur 3 min or until the vegs r done.take care the vegs don't get burned at the bottom of pan.serve.


16th September 2005, 11:19 PM

I bought this custard powder a few days back. I made fruit custard using many fruits. Is there any other receipe with this custard powder ??

17th September 2005, 12:36 AM
Hi Rain,
thankyou for the recipe, will try it.


18th September 2005, 04:26 PM
I have become an addicted viewer of the hub forums recently....and was busy going thru' Mrs.Mano's and Mr. Hemanth Trivedi's topics. Just today i read that Hemanth ji wld no longer participate in the food section. Is it true!
Can anyone pls tell me what abt the site he was to host called NAIVEDHYAM.COM also can anyone pls mail me a copy of his collections to vekala@gmail.com.


18th September 2005, 04:49 PM

Can anyone let me know what amaranth (chawli) leaves is called in tamil/english/chinese?... a pic of it too would be helpful...

18th September 2005, 08:21 PM

Can anyone let me know what amaranth (chawli) leaves is called in tamil/english/chinese?... a pic of it too would be helpful...

Any of the wet markets or Sheng Siong or even Mustaffa will have what we call 'bayam' in Malay. There are two varieties-green and red, may be more from a botanical point of view.

More details on this link:


Hope the above info is helpful..


21st September 2005, 12:53 AM
hi vekala,
u can make sundal with soya beans (soak it overnight, pressure cook it and season with mustard seeds, chilly, u can also add scraped coconut)

or, u can make a sidedish for chappathi
soak soya bean overnight and then pressure cook with some salt.
grind tomato, onion, green chillies, garlic, ginger together and fry them in a little butter or oil till the fat seperates out. now add cooked soya beans to it. garnish with coriander.

i havent given the measurements, coz u can change the proportions according to ur taste.

21st September 2005, 01:28 AM
Please tell me the best ratio of water:rava for making uppuma
thank you

21st September 2005, 02:14 PM
Please tell me the best ratio of water:rava for making uppuma
thank you

I use 1:1 ratio.

Tip: Fry the rava in a bit of ghee-say 1 cup rava and 1/2 teaspoon ghee. The uppuma will come out tasty, fragrant and very soft. Low flame once you have gradually added the rava and started stirring.


21st September 2005, 02:17 PM
Anybody has any suggestions for left over fried pappadams? They have lost all crispiness.


21st September 2005, 03:23 PM
Hi shoba,

Have you checked the recipe for Mrs.Mano's appala kootu ? For a recipe, upto 8 fried appalams or appalapoo can be used. Why dont u try that?

Or while making vathal kuzhambu or kaara kuzhambu, take a appalam, break or cut into 4 pieces and while doing seasoning, add 4 or 5 appalams to the same.

I have seen a recipe using normal appalams dipped in water and stuff with vegetables, seal and fry in oil. Tried only once and it is too much of oil more than we fry in oil. So, the above two methods will be ideal.


21st September 2005, 03:28 PM
Depending on the rava size, can add water. For a well coarse rava like we get in India, can add upto 2 cups of water. Later if you need, can sprinkle some more water. This time, by mistake bought a rava which is very small like a flour more or less. It is taking only one cup of water!!

Dry fry rava till it gets hot and prepare upma. Will also come out good.

21st September 2005, 04:23 PM
Hi shoba,

Have you checked the recipe for Mrs.Mano's appala kootu ? Though For a recipe, upto 8 fried appalams or appalapoo can be used. Why dont u try that?

Or while making vathal kuzhambu or kaara kuzhambu, take a appalam, break or cut into 4 pieces and while doing seasoning, add 4 or 5 appalams pieces to the same.

I have seen a recipe using normal appalams dipped in water and stuff with vegetables, seal and fry in oil. Tried only once and it is too much of oil more than we fry in oil. So, the above two methods will be ideal.



Thanks a lot!


21st September 2005, 11:17 PM

Can anyone let mw know how to season a new non-stick tawa?...

21st September 2005, 11:36 PM

Can anyone let mw know how to season a new non-stick tawa?...

You don't have to season a non-stick tawa. You might just want to heat it up for 15 minutes or so under medium/low heat so that the manufacturing oils get burnt. Wash them well with soapy water and the tawa is ready to use.

Hope this helps.


22nd September 2005, 08:57 AM
Any of the wet markets or Sheng Siong or even Mustaffa will have what we call 'bayam' in Malay. There are two varieties-green and red, may be more from a botanical point of view.


What is Sheng Siong

22nd September 2005, 09:13 AM
You don't have to season a non-stick tawa. You might just want to heat it up for 15 minutes or so under medium/low heat so that the manufacturing oils get burnt. Wash them well with soapy water and the tawa is ready to use.

Hi CI,
I remember seeing some tip to season a nonstick tawa...I guess it was given in the manual that came with the tawa I bought in India... It was something like apply oil to the tawa & heat until it starts smoking...let cool & wipe it off...repeat the same 2/3 times... I couldn't recollect it fully well... So wanted to confirm if this is the right procedure & is it mandatory to do it...

22nd September 2005, 09:33 AM
Pls don't let ur non-stick tawa smoke. It is not good for the tawa and more importatntly it is not good for ur health. Non-stick tavas should never be heated to high temp when they r empty. Also it is always better to use a med-low flame while cooking in non-stick.

22nd September 2005, 09:56 AM
Thanks Tomato... :)

22nd September 2005, 05:00 PM
You don't have to season a non-stick tawa. You might just want to heat it up for 15 minutes or so under medium/low heat so that the manufacturing oils get burnt. Wash them well with soapy water and the tawa is ready to use.

Hi CI,
I remember seeing some tip to season a nonstick tawa...I guess it was given in the manual that came with the tawa I bought in India... It was something like apply oil to the tawa & heat until it starts smoking...let cool & wipe it off...repeat the same 2/3 times... I couldn't recollect it fully well... So wanted to confirm if this is the right procedure & is it mandatory to do it...

You have to do that for a non non-stick iron tawa. I have never heard of seasoning a non-stick tawa. I could be wrong. When I bought my breadmaker which had a non-stick bread pan, the manual instructed to run it on empty cycle before first use and then wash with soapy water to get rid of manufacturing oils. I thought the same could be used here. Sorry, don't know much about this.


27th September 2005, 05:36 PM
Any of the wet markets or Sheng Siong or even Mustaffa will have what we call 'bayam' in Malay. There are two varieties-green and red, may be more from a botanical point of view.


What is Sheng Siong

Sorry Tomato, I didnt see this post till now :(

Sheng Siong is a chain store which is slowly but surely opening up branches all over S'pore selling house hold items and fresh & frozen food items. They are located at the basement level of Tekka Mall, and there are, I think a couple of smaller outlets at St Georges's Rd and some other place which escapes my memory right now.


28th September 2005, 09:03 AM
Thank You Shoba, will check it out on my next vsit to Little India.

29th September 2005, 02:06 AM
Hello Friends,

For a long time(yrs?!)..I have been looking for Varuki(plain or Ooty or finger) but couldn't find the recipe in the web. Its flat like chapati and crisp and brown in color. It taste wonderful with tea/coffe/milk. Also heard its other name is porai(in madurai side?) Pls give me the recipe if any one have. Thanks in advance.

4th October 2005, 09:19 PM
I got some peerkangai (Ridge gourd) .In India we used to taste it a little bit when it is raw and buy..
yday my husband got some and its bitter.
do u cook that or just throw them..

if u cook does the subzhi comes bitter??
how do u avoid the bitterness

5th October 2005, 09:05 AM
Hi sri2005
Why don't u chop a tiny piece, sprinkle a little salt and chilli pow and microwave it for 1-2 mins. Then taste it and decide whether to cook the rest or throw it.
Hope this helps.

12th October 2005, 12:33 AM
I have some basic doubts abt vinegar and the various types/brands available....
Can anyone pls tell me the difference between apple cedar vinegar and ordinary vinegar? I think there are some more kinds available(Not very sure).
Can apple cidar Vinegar be used for cooking?

Would appreciate if anyone can clear these doubts!!! :roll:


12th October 2005, 09:35 PM
I tried making almond burfi for the first time.
How long do we have to boil and stir it to get the right consistency? The recipe said to cook it until the ghee separates. I stirred, and stirred, and stirred for about 40 minutes(my elbow hurts!) but the ghee didn't sepearte. The mixture got thicker though. I stopped at the moment when I thought I cannot stir any more. I just poured the mixture to a greased plate. Do you think it will set to a cosistency so that I can cut into squares when it is cold? Or is it going to be creamy?
I wanted to use the extra almonds I had in the fridge for a very long time. I should have just toast the almonds and eat it as a snack! :evil:

12th October 2005, 09:40 PM
I have some basic doubts abt vinegar and the various types/brands available....
Can anyone pls tell me the difference between apple cedar vinegar and ordinary vinegar? I think there are some more kinds available(Not very sure).
Can apple cidar Vinegar be used for cooking?

Would appreciate if anyone can clear these doubts!!! :roll:


I have seen some recipes calls for apple cider vinegar. So it can be used for cooking. I have ordinary vinegar, apple cider vinegar, and balsamic vinegar in my pantry. I don't remember why I bought apple cider! I bought balsamic vinegar for making cranberry chutney for last thanksgiving. Other than that, I only use ordinary vinegar for pickling and cleaning purpose.

13th October 2005, 03:05 AM
hi all,

cud anyone tell me how to carry cut fresh fruits like apples pears and bananas to the office. the cut friuts turn brown esp. apples and is very unappetising :(

is there a method to keep them cut and fresh for 4-5 hrs? will be glad to hear ur suggestions.


13th October 2005, 05:03 AM
Hi all,

I want to buy something for my friend's baby shower, but not sure what to get? can anyone plz give me some ideas?

I wasn't sure where else to put this query to get a quick response. I need to buy it before saturday. plz help

Thanks in advance ,

13th October 2005, 07:37 AM
Hi Rain,

Try sprinkling a pinch of salt on the cut fruits... I don't know if it'll delay the browning process for 4-5 hrs but for around 1/2 hr, it works fine...

13th October 2005, 06:46 PM
Thanks for the response Red pepper! :)


13th October 2005, 09:04 PM
I've been seeing Kalonji seeds everywhere. I have no idea what they are. Anyone?

13th October 2005, 09:44 PM
thanks dev, for ur response. i wonder if ziploc containers and freezer bags r also good for keeping cut fruits fresh outside the fridge for longer hours.has anyone been using it?


13th October 2005, 10:07 PM
hi alan,

i believe kalonji is also called onion seeds in english.it's like any other condiment like saunf or methi to be used in very small quantities.it's one of the ingredients in the spice 'panch phoren',that is used in bengali cooking.


16th October 2005, 02:03 PM
Thanks Rain. I haven't been able to find them in the Supermarkets. And onion seeds...........well does onion have seeds? Its a bulb, right?

17th October 2005, 11:15 PM
hi alan,

that's my understanding too.i guess it's a common term like how one says aniseed to indicate saunf.

18th October 2005, 05:48 PM
Onion is a bulb but it has seeds too. I've grown onion from seeds. You can get onion seeds when the onion plant starts to flower. I haven't tried that bit though!

18th October 2005, 07:40 PM
thanks, anoushka for the info.


19th October 2005, 10:02 AM
How to make rasmalai , using the rasagoollas from the Haldirams tin ? Earlier someone had posted it, a very easy method actually, but no idea which thread ?
Can anyone please tell ?

19th October 2005, 11:09 AM
Here's how I make it...

Take as much milk u want... add sugar & a a few cashew to it... let it boil to the desired thickness... Meanwhile, heat up some water until warm... Take the rasgollas from the syrup, sueeze very lightly & put it into the warm water & let it sit for 3-5 mins... Now take it out from the water & squueze it to take off as much water/ syrup from it as possible... be careful not to break it.... Add it to the milk & simmer for a couple of mins... Add cardamom powder & desired nuts to it & serve chilled... Very easy...takes hardly 15 mins(excl cooling time) to make this... Can add some saffron dissolved in warm milk for a better flavour & colour... In this case, I use lesser/ sometimes no cardamon powder...

hope this helps...

22nd October 2005, 05:08 PM

Didn't know where to put this query...so am posting it here...

Does anyone here know details of Bharatanatiyam classes in Singapore?... If yes, please let me know the contacts & other details...

Thanks & regards

24th October 2005, 02:34 AM
i tried the murukku recpie which is in the diwali thread.
It was not cripsy.
COuld anyone please let me know..how to fry the murukku.
1) Should the oil be too hot like for making puri,
2)ow long should I keep the murukku in the oil.
3)SHould I pour lots of oil in the pan so that the murukku immerses..
Please somebody let me know..I am planning ot make it for diwali.


24th October 2005, 08:35 AM

Didn't know where to put this query...so am posting it here...

Does anyone here know details of Bharatanatiyam classes in Singapore?... If yes, please let me know the contacts & other details...

Thanks & regards


A good place with talented & dedicated teachers would be the Fine Arts:

Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society
2A, Starlight Road
(do you know the traffic light at the komalas fast food out let[next to a KTV lounge] along serangoon rd? komalas is on right hand side. take the road on the left hand side of the traffic light, walk all the way down and you will come to Starlight Road. Difficult to miss Fine Arts)


24th October 2005, 09:52 AM
Thank you very much. Shoba...:)

24th October 2005, 01:23 PM
We also have a 'Bhaskar's Acedemy of Dance', 'Kala Mandir', 'Nirtaalaya Society', and various other schools and individuals teaching 'Dances'..

24th October 2005, 01:36 PM
Thanks Idiappam...

27th October 2005, 01:16 AM
Can any one tell me what to do with "manathakkali" kaai? It doesn't seem to ripen naturally in winter... Anyone know how to make manakthakkali vathal with it?

Thanks in advance :)

27th October 2005, 01:21 AM
If manathakkali = Sukkuti keerai, the kaai can be used to make kuzhambu...

27th October 2005, 01:26 AM
Thanks Dev, I am not sure if manathakkali is sukkuti keerai, but yes, manathakkali keeri is edible and is infact good for stomach and mouth ulcers.

27th October 2005, 02:21 AM

manathakali=sukutti=karunchukutty=milaguthakali keerai. all are same.

27th October 2005, 03:30 AM
Thanks Kavitha. Dev, can you give me a recipe for the kuzhambu please?

27th October 2005, 08:48 AM
Mom used to make the kuzhambu same like we make pavakkai kuzhambu & other normal kuzhambu... but she adds a bit of jaggery towards the end... I have never tried it so far... Will try to get the recipe when I talk to mom next time...:)

27th October 2005, 03:02 PM
Thanks a million Dev :) I really appreciate the help!

29th October 2005, 01:21 AM
Any recipes for using up Condensed milk, other than in payasam or microwave sweets ?

29th October 2005, 05:24 AM
Any recipes for using up Condensed milk, other than in payasam or microwave sweets ?

Just eat it. Yummy!!! :P

If you can eat egg, you can make caramel custard. I got the recipe from the label of a condensed milk can. It was something like 3 eggs + 1 can of condensed milk + 1 can of water (use the same can to measure). Spread caramelized sugar on a baking dish, then spread the above mixture. Bake it at …..I don’t remember the oven temperature or time. Sorry. But I would bake it at 350 until it gets done. I would check the doneness by inserting a toothpick.

You can also try coconut macaroons. Here is the recipe: (Dev, I acknowledge that this recipe is copied from the web, but I don’t remember the source.)


These are so easy and they store well frozen. They never really freeze so you can eat them right out of the freezer.
14 ounces sweetened, shredded coconut
14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract
3 egg whites; room temperature
1/4 teaspoon salt
Heat oven to 325°. Combine coconut, milk and vanilla in a large bowl. Whip egg whites and salt at high speed of an electric mixer to medium-stiff peaks. Carefully fold egg whites into coconut mixture. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and drop batter, using a 1-inch ice cream scoop or 1 tablespoon. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until golden. Cool on racks.
Store macaroons in an air tight container or a plastic freezer bag in the freezer.

I have also seen recipes for coconut macaroons without eggs. But I have no problem eating egg, so I tried the above recipe and it came out well.

4th November 2005, 12:40 AM
It's very hard to use the usual murukku press for making snacks,idiayappam,etc.. Can anybody suggest me anyother easy tool that can be used instead of murukku press?


4th November 2005, 01:10 AM
Hi everyone,

i recently bought a bag of Laxmi brand 'Seeraga Samba rice'- very aromatic but when cooked in the microwave with 1:2 - rice- water for 18 mins turns out mushy and sticks together! :( i tried reducing the water but the rice doesn't cook properly!

any suggestions/tips to get fully cooked but not sticky rice?
i want to know for regular plain rice- not for biryani/pulao etc!

4th November 2005, 06:18 AM
It's very hard to use the usual murukku press for making snacks,idiayappam,etc.. Can anybody suggest me anyother easy tool that can be used instead of murukku press?


I haven't seen any substitute for murukku press so far. I think using it is very easy, the hard part is cleaning it after the use. That makes the whole part difficult. This is one reason I make murukku or idiappam very rarely. It will be wonderful if there is an easy tool...

4th November 2005, 03:49 PM
Anybody has the recipe for making Dates Syrup by Mallika badrinath, please post it ?

4th November 2005, 08:11 PM

Didn't know where to put this query...so am posting it here...

Does anyone here know details of Bharatanatiyam classes in Singapore?... If yes, please let me know the contacts & other details...

Thanks & regards

Hi Dev,

When i was in s'pore, I had a friend who was learning carnatic vocal and I know they were also teaching dance classes. I don't exactly remember the name but it's located in the excelsior shopping ctr / hotel oppposite (probably 2nd level) to Komalas near City Hall MRT station.


5th November 2005, 07:47 AM
Anybody has the recipe for making Dates Syrup by Mallika badrinath, please post it ?

I too would like to have the recipe of date syrup and any other recipe using dates. Had once tasted dates pasayam at a wedding; any knows the recipe?

5th November 2005, 12:57 PM
I woke up very late today (I'm on leave) and decided to have a brunch of Uppma. I put in onions, potato, carrots, greenchillis and it all came out delicious except for the salt. It is too salty to eat & there's nothing left in the hse to eat. Please help!

6th November 2005, 02:15 AM
Hi alan
if it is too salty.. u could add some potatoes to it as it eats all the salt.. i hope that helps

6th November 2005, 03:40 AM
Sorry this has happened to you in the morning. :(

Once my uppuma turned out salty(it was without vegetables). What I did was I boiled about a cup of water with a little semolina(2 tbsp, I guess, just enough to make a creamy texture), when it started boiling/cooking, I dumped the salty uppuma to it and mixed very well until all the extra water evaporated.

6th November 2005, 09:09 AM
Thanks Kritica & Red Pepper- There was already potatoes in it, which were already so salty. I put in some grated cocunut. Didn't make much of a difference- I'll be careful next time. Got to go. Bye!!

6th November 2005, 02:27 PM
Hi Inimai

I have heard that there is an electrical idiyapam machine available in Canada. I am not sure its good for household needs or its industrial one. Could any hubbers from canada help us please?



7th November 2005, 09:14 AM

Can anyone tell me what is the best way to clean mushrooms? The ones that we get here in bombay tend to be a little grimy, so I keep the mushrooms in water while I scrape off the top layer and then give it a final rinse under running water.

But I have heard that soaking in water leads to high water absorption. And I have also found that the mushrooms leave a lot of water while sauteeing and shrink considerably.

So any inputs would be welcome.



7th November 2005, 11:13 PM
hi thattai,

i clean the mushrooms by wiping them with a damp paper towel.but first i dislodge and clear all the grime with a brush.u get the mushroom brush for it but any thick and soft bristled brush does well too like an unused paintbrush.

ya,as u said too much moisture can make them soggy.so i clean them right away on buying and store them loose(without any plastic) in the crisper compartment of the fridge and try and cook them as fresh as possible.

hope this works for u too


8th November 2005, 08:17 AM
Thanks rain... will try this the next time I'm stocking mushrooms


8th November 2005, 09:08 AM

Any tips on prolonging the freshness of bananas? I dont buy huge quantities, but even with a minimum of 5-6 fruits, by the 2nd day the skin begins to blacken. I keep bananas in a cool place, in an open basket.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


8th November 2005, 06:13 PM
I've tried keeping the bananas in the fridge ( the Kerala variety -its called Nentra Pazham- which is boiled & eaten. I hope you know what I am saying, because I spotted this variety just recently.

Rest everything blackens esp Robesta.

8th November 2005, 08:45 PM

Any tips on prolonging the freshness of bananas? I dont buy huge quantities, but even with a minimum of 5-6 fruits, by the 2nd day the skin begins to blacken. I keep bananas in a cool place, in an open basket.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


When the bananas get a lot of black dots, I make banana bread and keep it refrigerated. It is very easy, the preparation time is about less than 10 minutes until it hit the oven. Banana bread recipe requires very ripe bananas with black dots on the skin. Good for snack, and I even use it for my breakfast.
Oh I hope you didn't mean plantains, did you? The above tip is for the regular banana we get here in the US. If it is plantains, I think you can make halwa with it and keep. But I don't know how to.

9th November 2005, 03:24 AM
hi red pepper,

never knew we can make banana bread at home.it will be nice if u can post ur recipe for the same too.

will be glad to put blackened bananas to good use as otherwise they always end up in trash :(


9th November 2005, 06:18 AM
hi red pepper,

never knew we can make banana bread at home.it will be nice if u can post ur recipe for the same too.

will be glad to put blackened bananas to good use as otherwise they always end up in trash :(


I use the recipe from this website: http://www.cookingforengineers.com/article.php?id=108
I love this website because of its graphical presentation of the recipes, just the way I would like to see a recipe! Looking at those pictures makes me try recipes from that site. Click on the Recipe File link on top, and you will find some more beautifully presented recipes. They don't have that many. :cry:

Well, the only difference I do with this banana nut bread recipe is that I use food processor for mixing ingredients. I mix all the wet ingredients in the food processor, then take the dry ingredients in a big bowl and pour the wet mixture over it and mix well using a whisk.

Hope you will enjoy it.

9th November 2005, 02:51 PM
Some good links...

9th November 2005, 10:18 PM
Can somebody please tell me the english/tamil word for "bhatua leaves"?

Sowmya :D

10th November 2005, 11:50 PM
Hi Shanthy and Red Pepper,

Thanks for your inputs regarding murukku achu!

11th November 2005, 12:47 AM
bhatua leaves-

11th November 2005, 01:29 AM
Hi guys,
I was wondering if you guys know what mahani kazangu in english.....
its a kind of root, of which they make pickle with curds.....

11th November 2005, 02:58 AM
Thanks a lot Binal.

Sowmya :D

11th November 2005, 04:23 AM
Hi Hubbers,

I heard lot about Aromatherapy and Aroma oils. I want to buy lavender,almond oils. But I don't know which is the best/well known brand in Aroma oils. Could anybody let me know about this?


11th November 2005, 01:51 PM
I had bought some til to use for Bagera Baingan.

Can you give me other recipes that include til?
Thanks in advance!

11th November 2005, 04:15 PM
I've tried keeping the bananas in the fridge ( the Kerala variety -its called Nentra Pazham- which is boiled & eaten. I hope you know what I am saying, because I spotted this variety just recently.

Rest everything blackens esp Robesta.

Nenthran, coz of it's thicker skin survives in the fridge, but the other varieties dont.


11th November 2005, 04:19 PM
Hi guys,
I was wondering if you guys know what mahani kazangu in english.....
its a kind of root, of which they make pickle with curds.....

It's called sarsaparilla in English.


12th November 2005, 12:03 AM

Can anybody post the receipe of tamarind rice....i tired some receipes, but not getting the exact taste..thanks in advance....


12th November 2005, 09:44 AM
What is the purpose of frying the sooji for uppma? Adds to the taste?

12th November 2005, 09:51 AM
What is the purpose of frying the sooji for uppma? Adds to the taste?

This is done for two reasons.
One is to prevent sooji from becoming sticky mass and second is, as you said it correctly, it adds a special flavour.

12th November 2005, 09:58 AM

Can anybody post the receipe of tamarind rice....i tired some receipes, but not getting the exact taste..thanks in advance....


You can try the following recipe.


I will post Iyengar Puliodhirai (Karnataka) if you want.

12th November 2005, 11:44 AM
Hi Nichiro,

I've been looking for the recipe for the dhal(with greens or vegs in it) served with meals in Andhra restaurents in B'lore... I've tried many recipes but nothing matches it... In case U've a recipe for it, pls post it... Would be greatly appreciated...:)

12th November 2005, 11:55 AM
Hi Nichiro,

I've been looking for the recipe for the dhal(with greens or vegs in it) served with meals in Andhra restaurents in B'lore... I've tried many recipes but nothing matches it... In case U've a recipe for it, pls post it... Would be greatly appreciated...:)

You mean Pappukura with greens in it ?
Or you mean Pulusu which has vegetables in it ?
Please let me know.

12th November 2005, 01:23 PM
What is the purpose of frying the sooji for uppma? Adds to the taste?

This is done for two reasons.
One is to prevent sooji from becoming sticky mass and second is, as you said it correctly, it adds a special flavour.

Thanks Nichiro!

12th November 2005, 04:24 PM
Dear Nichiro,

I don't know what it is called... It usually contains greens but I remember it once had some vegs in it... but the taste was the same... I believe that they add some kind of masala powder to get that taste,same as we add sambar powder to sambar....

Please post the recipe for pappukura & pulusu when time permits... I've tried a few pappukura recipes but nothing matched the taste I'm looking for...

Thanks a lot for the quick reply...:)

12th November 2005, 05:31 PM
Can SoyPaneer be used instead of Paneer as in Shahi Paneer etc?

13th November 2005, 08:01 AM
Hellooooo????? My queries are unanswered?????????????
I've one more query that requires an urgent solution. My mixie is not working but some friends are coming over for dinner. I there any kind of Egg biryani I can make which does not require grinding?
Thanks in advance!

14th November 2005, 09:03 AM

read this tip from angithi.com...

Storing ripe bananas: Banana skin turns black when kept in the refrigerator - to avoid that put the bananas in a black bag and they will come out yellow even after two weeks. I use the ordinary garbage bag.

14th November 2005, 02:35 PM

read this tip from angithi.com...

Storing ripe bananas: Banana skin turns black when kept in the refrigerator - to avoid that put the bananas in a black bag and they will come out yellow even after two weeks. I use the ordinary garbage bag.

Ayyoh, serious? Got to try this right now!! Thanks Dev :D


14th November 2005, 02:44 PM
I've never tried it, Shoba... if U try it, let me know how well it worked for you...

14th November 2005, 06:41 PM
Is there any kind of Egg biryani I can make which does not require grinding?
Thanks in advance!

15th November 2005, 04:14 PM
I had bought some til to use for Bagera Baingan.

Can you give me other recipes that include til?
Thanks in advance!

Alan, my mother makes "ellu podi" which can be mixed with rice or taken with idli/dosa using til.

Generally she uses black til, I have never tried it with white ones, but I guess you can use them too...

Wash and dry black til (white til I guess can be used just like that).

Dry fry till and red chillies (as per requirement) till 'til' starts to crack (like mustard), cool it add a small block of tamarind and salt to it and grind it to a paste....

15th November 2005, 04:21 PM
Is there any kind of Egg biryani I can make which does not require grinding?
Thanks in advance!

Alan, I make a kind of biriyani where no grinding is required, but this might not be what you are looking for, here is the recipe anyway...

Fry in oil cinnamon sticks, bay leaf, cloves and cardomom till the lovely aroma starts coming, add thinly sliced onion, finely chopped ginger and garlic and fry till the raw smell vanishes, to this add chopped tomato, chopped green chillies, corriander leaves and a handful of mint leaves, to this add the washed and drained rice, add the required amount of water and boiled eggs, salt and cook.

Maybe someone else has a better recipe for you, good luck :)

15th November 2005, 07:04 PM
Thanks Anoushka for both the recipes. I'll def try them both & let you know.

16th November 2005, 12:27 AM
Thanks Nichiro...i'll try out the receipe in the link...but please do post the Iyengar puliyodharai receipe too...thanks again.


17th November 2005, 03:29 AM
hi kate,

tried the snow peas.they r crunchy and tasty.it goes very well in veg-pulao in place of plain beans. thanks for the tip.


17th November 2005, 01:46 PM
Hi Rain,

Good to know that you liked the taste of snow peas.Hereafter,I will also try using those in pulav .

Hi Friends,

I made double ka meetha yesterday & added a lot of sugar syrup.It is very sweet now.Can anybody suggest something to make it milder & eatable. I don't want to throw away the lot.Please help.Thanks a lot in advance.


17th November 2005, 04:48 PM
I've never tried it, Shoba... if U try it, let me know how well it worked for you...

It didnt work Dev :-( ....


17th November 2005, 05:03 PM
I'm sorry abt it, Shoba... :(

18th November 2005, 01:38 AM
Hi shoba,
thanks for your reply... i was wondering if we get them in north america....
thanks once again

18th November 2005, 01:40 AM
Hi Nichiro,

I've been looking for the recipe for the dhal(with greens or vegs in it) served with meals in Andhra restaurents in B'lore... I've tried many recipes but nothing matches it... In case U've a recipe for it, pls post it... Would be greatly appreciated...:)

Hi dev,
did u mean palakura pappu or tamata pappu... i can let u know what the recipe is.... nothing fancy.. its the same basic pappu let me know if u want it

18th November 2005, 06:27 AM

sry...I don't know what it is called... so, pls post both the recipes... All I can rememebr is it contains dhal, greens/vegs,tomato & garlic...I don't know what else will be addded...

24th November 2005, 04:04 PM
Hi shoba,
thanks for your reply... i was wondering if we get them in north america....
thanks once again

Sorry dear, I have no idea sorry...


25th November 2005, 10:12 PM
Has anyone here tried Instnt Uppma? I want to try. Any opinion?

26th November 2005, 10:28 AM
:))... Upma by itself is an isntant food... Just fry some onions, tomatoes, vegs(optional),chilies etc... add hot water,let it boil & add the rawa... it'll be ready in 5 mins... Y go in for instant upma???!!!

27th November 2005, 07:42 PM
:lol: But cutting up the veggies etc in the morn............................................I feel so lazy sometimes. I hate being a Bachelor when it comes to food. :)

27th November 2005, 09:02 PM
You get frozen veggies these days... cleaned & chopped... :)

27th November 2005, 09:15 PM
Ah! That's my problem _ I hate frozen stuff.

27th November 2005, 09:18 PM
I made Pav Bhaji yesterday evening. It was not so good. Shakthi Pav Bhaji Masala is horrible. Its not powdered well. And it stuck to my throat. :-(

27th November 2005, 09:23 PM
try Everest Pav Baji Masala...its The Best...

27th November 2005, 10:13 PM
Is it, really? Thanks sk.

28th November 2005, 06:54 AM
For north Indian masalas(garam masala, channa masala, pav bhaji etc etc) always try north Indian brands... For south Indian masalas(sambar powder,rasam powder, etc) always go in for south Indian brands... & even region wise it varies... for ex, i don't like MTR sambar powder... I always buy tamilnadu brands or kerala brand... & bisibele bhat... always karnataka brand...like iyenger(best bisibelebhat masala I've ever tried) ,MTR.... garam masala is MDH or everest... Even pakistani masalas are good in case U don't get the north Indian brands...

If U don't like frozen vegs, chop all the vegs(for a week) on a weekend(if U can find time) & keep in in the fridge in ziplock bags or airtight containers...even the potatoes, I chop it & put it in a bowl of water & keep refridgerated...keeps good for a week... Dhals, I soak it & sprout the few that can be sprouted,keep refrigerated... I generally use it within 4-5 days...

28th November 2005, 08:45 AM
Thanks dEv, that was a very useful tip about masala powders. I had never thought of it that way.

28th November 2005, 09:18 AM
I made Pav Bhaji yesterday evening. It was not so good. Shakthi Pav Bhaji Masala is horrible. Its not powdered well. And it stuck to my throat. :-(
Wow! Ur int'd in cooking huh?? :shock: :D
Cool man, I guess ur Mrs. wud be lucky (ie, once u get it right! :wink: )
I learnt how to cook curry (altho Aloo is only one I cud cook properly!) and also rasam....I had to when I was living alone at Singapore & cudn't find much to eat outside, being a veg'n......
However, after being back I've been dependant on my mom (altho I do cook whenever she goes out of town) :)

28th November 2005, 09:53 AM
Well, since I have no other choice, I have to cook, LS. I can have hotel food once in a while but if I have it everyday, it gives my tummy troubles. And I am kind of paranoid about health & hygeine! LOL!

Yes, Aloo is a very flexible vegetable. A chef's delight! U can bake it, fry it ,boil it & mash it, add it to upma, masala stuffing, parathas, koftas, take it with rice, puris, chappatis anything .

I love Aloo.

28th November 2005, 10:16 AM
Well, since I have no other choice, I have to cook, LS. I can have hotel food once in a while but if I have it everyday, it gives my tummy troubles. And I am kind of paranoid about health & hygeine! LOL!
So am I! :D
Oh, and sorry I hadn't read ur earlier post where u said ur fiancee can't cook.....if I had, I guess I wudn't hav found it surprising tat ur into cooking... :)

Yes, Aloo is a very flexible vegetable. A chef's delight! U can bake it, fry it ,boil it & mash it, add it to upma, masala stuffing, parathas, koftas, take it with rice, puris, chappatis anything .
I love Aloo.
Me too......and so does my sister! Only I heard tat it tends to make u fat (or maybe only when u fry it/cook it oily?) & even gives u constipation.....! :?

28th November 2005, 03:39 PM
Potato is full of starch but if u have the right amt of exercise, aloo won't make u fat.

I love Masala Dosas! I go at least once in 10 days to Sri Balaji Restaurant in Delhi for their exclusive Dosas esp Masala Dosas.

28th November 2005, 06:21 PM
Can someone help me on how to cook Nenthran Pazham in the microwave?

29th November 2005, 07:46 PM
[quote=Alan]Well, since I have no other choice, I have to cook, LS. I can have hotel food once in a while but if I have it everyday, it gives my tummy troubles. And I am kind of paranoid about health & hygeine! LOL!
So am I! :D
Oh, and sorry I hadn't read ur earlier post where u said ur fiancee can't cook.....if I had, I guess I wudn't hav found it surprising tat ur into cooking... :)

Even if she's into cooking, it wouldn't be helpful for me right now, as we are not staying together. Our marriage is in next May only.

30th November 2005, 05:20 AM
Thats a good tip about keeping potatoes in a bowl of water, Dev. Thanks. I always found that the potatoes turn black if we cut it ahead of time.

Also what other dals do you use to make sprouts? I have only tried moong. I would love to know about other sprouts and the recipes using it.

For north Indian masalas(garam masala, channa masala, pav bhaji etc etc) always try north Indian brands... For south Indian masalas(sambar powder,rasam powder, etc) always go in for south Indian brands... & even region wise it varies... for ex, i don't like MTR sambar powder... I always buy tamilnadu brands or kerala brand... & bisibele bhat... always karnataka brand...like iyenger(best bisibelebhat masala I've ever tried) ,MTR.... garam masala is MDH or everest... Even pakistani masalas are good in case U don't get the north Indian brands...

If U don't like frozen vegs, chop all the vegs(for a week) on a weekend(if U can find time) & keep in in the fridge in ziplock bags or airtight containers...even the potatoes, I chop it & put it in a bowl of water & keep refridgerated...keeps good for a week... Dhals, I soak it & sprout the few that can be sprouted,keep refrigerated... I generally use it within 4-5 days...

30th November 2005, 06:34 AM
How do I make PIzza? Anyone? Is the readymade pizza base ok to use?


30th November 2005, 07:37 AM

I usually sprout green moong, horsegram dhal, brown channa, green peas & black eye dhal... Except for green moong, the other dhals take a longer time to sprout...soak overnight & then I put it in a strainer & close it with a lid... Horsegram,peas & balack eye dhal sprouts only if the quality of the dhal is good... & I'm not sure how to determine the quality of the dhal...so most of the times it doesn't sprout properly...

I've already posted a few recipes(a salad & a curry) using green moong...

Horsegram-I don't have any interesting recipe other than the usual mashed dhal(cook the dhal... fry some jeera,curry leaves,onions,garlic & add it to the dhal...grind everything together with salt...make a coarse paste...u can use a bit of tamarind juice if U wish... the water in which the dhall is cooked can be used to make rasam...) U can do the same without sprouting the dhal as well... Tastes heavenly with rice & a bit of ghee or coconut oil... I've once tasted something like horsegram kurma in one of our friend's place... It went along very well with chapathi & pulao... But couldn't get the recipe as yet...

Brown channa can be used to make curry the same way we make moong dhal curry...u can make sundal as well...If u sprout kabuli channa, u can make many salads...like channa & potato salad,channa chaat etc...

Peas- I make peas masala...

Black eye dhal- my husband make a good curry with it using the dhal,potatoes, capscicum & sometimes carrots as well...I'm not sure of the exact recipe...

30th November 2005, 07:50 AM
How do I make PIzza? Anyone? Is the readymade pizza base ok to use?


Yes,readymade base is ok... Here is the recipe for chicken pizza that I make..Cook some boneless chicken pieces & make it into thin strips or howere u want it to be...take some oil in a pan...put some onions& mushrooms(cut into thin slices) salt & pepper(freshly crushed...not the powdered stuff)... cook for a min... add capscicum strips & chicken..mix well...if u r adding any other vegs, add it ...spread some tomato & red chilli sauce on the base or use pizza sauce(after defrosting,if u r using frozen base)... spread the tomato strips, veg, & chicken mix evenly on the baze... add shredded mozarilla cheese & cook it in the microwave until done... usually takes 3-5 mins in my oven,depending on the size of the pizza... I take it out when the cheese on the corners starts browning...

the cooking on the tawa shouldn't take more than 2 mins... the vegs should be just 1/4 done... add capscicum towards the last so that it is still crunchy...
& I usually cook the base a bit on the tawa before using it...this is optional...

30th November 2005, 01:40 PM
Thanks Dev!
I'm a vegetarian. So,I'll leave out the chicken & add the veggies along with mushrooms, olves & lottttts of cheese. Thanks again, Dev!

30th November 2005, 07:43 PM
Dev, thanks for all those wonderful ideas for using sprouts. When you use them in salads, do you cook them in anyway? I was thinking that since we keep them wet for long time, any bacterias would have developed in it? :roll: So a quick steaming for a few minutes will kill those bacterias? :idea: I know that cooking will decrease its nutritional values. What do you think?
I have yet to find the recipe you have posted.

30th November 2005, 07:56 PM
How do I make PIzza? Anyone? Is the readymade pizza base ok to use?


Please check out if this can be of any help to you.

1st December 2005, 07:30 AM
Green moong - I use it as it is... no cooking...You can try steaming if u want to...
Channa & other dhals if used in salad)- cooked...

You should be able to find the recipes in the 'Sprouts recipes please' thread...

1st December 2005, 10:27 AM

Ur blog looks good... Would be even better if u could post the recipes as well...

1st December 2005, 01:34 PM
How do I make PIzza? Anyone? Is the readymade pizza base ok to use?


Please check out if this can be of any help to you.

Thanks Red Pepper! U r a darling! :D

1st December 2005, 03:07 PM

I've reposted the recipes in Healthy lifestyle thread...

1st December 2005, 11:37 PM

Ur blog looks good... Would be even better if u could post the recipes as well...
Thank you. Too lazy to type the recipes, hopefully in the near future! :oops: But if you want any, I can.

Thanks Red Pepper! U r a darling!
I went to that website again, it seems the page has changed. Years ago when I used that site for making pizza, it had all the basic instructions a beginner needed. Now it looks like we need to purchase a book?? :o
Did you find it useful?


I've reposted the recipes in Healthy lifestyle thread...
Thanks I will check it out.

2nd December 2005, 06:35 PM

Would be great if you could post the recipe for dal & pumpkin curry & the veg curry... & if possible the squash & broccoli stir fry...

3rd December 2005, 03:12 AM
How do I make PIzza? Anyone? Is the readymade pizza base ok to use?



Here is something for you. http://www.pizzamaking.com/
They even have a pizza discurrion forum! http://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php

3rd December 2005, 02:27 PM
Thanks RedPepper, I'll check that out & let you know.

Can you tell me if its ok to mix Khoya & malai together? I have been making some Khoya (when there was extra milk) , but I put it in the fridge along with Malai. Anyway, I need both for making KajuMasala Kurma.

3rd December 2005, 07:20 PM
I checked out the pizza making site, RedPepper, but its too detailed & I didn't understand the stuff . For eg: what's high gluten flour?

Can you tell me in simple words how you make Pizza? U use maida, rite?

Thanks for your efforts, RedPepper!

3rd December 2005, 07:59 PM
I checked out the pizza making site, RedPepper, but its too detailed & I didn't understand the stuff . For eg: what's high gluten flour?

Can you tell me in simple words how you make Pizza? U use maida, rite?

Thanks for your efforts, RedPepper!

Sorry that you were confused. I am not a user of that site either. Just came up with it when I was looking for something else so I thought I could post it for you.

OK I will post the way I make pizza. Just give me some time. Yes I use maida/All Purpose Flour.

3rd December 2005, 08:49 PM
Take your time, Pepper. No hurry. I'm trying out stuff on my micro-time's a big constraint for me, esp in the mornings.

So, these days, I have boiled "nenthra pazhams'. They don't make me hungry at all until lunch time!

3rd December 2005, 09:01 PM
Alan, if this will be of any help to U...


4th December 2005, 01:12 PM
thanks Dev. I'll try that out.

4th December 2005, 01:37 PM
Can you tell me if its ok to mix Khoya & malai together? I have been making some Khoya (when there was extra milk) , but I put it in the fridge along with Malai. Anyway, I need both for making KajuMasala Kurma.

5th December 2005, 07:47 PM

Would be great if you could post the recipe for dal & pumpkin curry & the veg curry... & if possible the squash & broccoli stir fry...

Dev, I don’t have the measurements here. When I want to try out a new recipe, I want the exact measurements in cups and spoons. But when I give out a recipe, especially if it is Indian, I cannot say the measurements. Not fair, right? But that’s the way I cook Indian!

Dal and pumpkin curry

Toor dal
Pumpkin(peeled and cubed)
Small Onion
Green chilly
Turmeric powder
Cumin seeds

Cook dal with turmeric powder. When it is 3/4 done, add the pumpkin pieces and salt, and cook again until the pumpkins are soft and dal is completely cooked. Mash the pumpkins. Grind coconut with cumin seeds, green chilly, and small onion. Add this to the pot and bring to a boil. Tampering - Mustard seeds, Curry leaves, Whole red chilly
Stir-fried squash is made by high heating a cast iron pan. In hot oil, saute some crushed garlic, don't let it brown. I love garlic in almost everything, you may avoid garlic if you wish. You can add crushed red pepper flakes and onions. Then add sliced squash and salt. I would add some dried oregano or basil too. Fry them with occasional stirring until they are soft and starts to brown.

The stir-fried broccoli in the picture is made by sauteing mustard, onion, garlic, curry leaves, and crushed red pepper flakes in hot oil. Then add turmeric and chopped broccoli with salt and cook until tender. No water added.

I will post the vegetable curry later.


5th December 2005, 07:51 PM
Take your time, Pepper. No hurry. I'm trying out stuff on my micro-time's a big constraint for me, esp in the mornings.

So, these days, I have boiled "nenthra pazhams'. They don't make me hungry at all until lunch time!

Here’s how I make pizza. I sometimes use the readymade pizza base. My friend told that if you ask in the pizza shops like pizza hut, they will sell you the prepared dough. You can just take it home, roll it, add your favorite toppings and bake!! I don’t know if this is possible in India.

All purpose flour - 2 cup
Yeast - 1 pkg
Olive oil - 1/8 cup
Sugar - 1 tsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Warm water - 3/4 cup

Mix yeast and sugar in a cup. Add 1/4 cup warm water and mix well. It will activate and foam in 5 mts if it is good quality.
In a mixing bowl, add flour, salt, olive oil, 1/2 cup warm water and the yeast mixture. Knead well. You can do this in a food processor if you don't want to get your hands messy. Place the kneaded dough in a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and cover with a damp cloth. Let it rise for an hour. After an hour punch down the dough and let it rise another 45 mts. Roll it to desired shape. Transfer it to a pizza stone. Add the toppings of your choice - Tomato sauce/ crushed tomatoes, crushed garlic, mushrooms, peppers, pineapples, red onions, olives. Add the seasoning you like - salt, pepper, basil, oregano. Add cheese - parmesan and mozzarella.
I bake it at 500 degree preheated oven for about 12 to 15 minutes.

Since you use microwave, i don't know if you can use the pizza stone in a microwave, or what to use instead.
I am not sure about the baking time as well. Please check your oven’s manual.


5th December 2005, 08:39 PM
Thanks RP... Measurements doesn't matter as I always adjust the spices & stuff to my taste when trying out a new recipe...

7th December 2005, 12:10 AM
Thanks for the Pizza recipe, Red Pepper! Yes, we do get ready made pizza base. But olive oil- hmmm.........I'll have to find that out

7th December 2005, 12:12 AM

Would be great if you could post the recipe for dal & pumpkin curry & the veg curry... & if possible the squash & broccoli stir fry...

Dev, I don’t have the measurements here. When I want to try out a new recipe, I want the exact measurements in cups and spoons. But when I give out a recipe, especially if it is Indian, I cannot say the measurements. Not fair, right? But that’s the way I cook Indian!

Dal and pumpkin curry

Toor dal
Pumpkin(peeled and cubed)
Small Onion
Green chilly
Turmeric powder
Cumin seeds

Cook dal with turmeric powder. When it is 3/4 done, add the pumpkin pieces and salt, and cook again until the pumpkins are soft and dal is completely cooked. Mash the pumpkins. Grind coconut with cumin seeds, green chilly, and small onion. Add this to the pot and bring to a boil. Tampering - Mustard seeds, Curry leaves, Whole red chilly
Stir-fried squash is made by high heating a cast iron pan. In hot oil, saute some crushed garlic, don't let it brown. I love garlic in almost everything, you may avoid garlic if you wish. You can add crushed red pepper flakes and onions. Then add sliced squash and salt. I would add some dried oregano or basil too. Fry them with occasional stirring until they are soft and starts to brown.

The stir-fried broccoli in the picture is made by sauteing mustard, onion, garlic, curry leaves, and crushed red pepper flakes in hot oil. Then add turmeric and chopped broccoli with salt and cook until tender. No water added.

I will post the vegetable curry later.


Oh yes, I know this one. Its called 'mathanga ellussheri" It tastes yum with rice & greenmango chutney/ Chamanthi is the correct word.

7th December 2005, 12:54 AM
not quite,'mathanga elisseri', Alan, with the exception of onions and some of other ingredients that go into it. if u enjoy kerala dishes u can also check the palakkad cooking thread,there are some good recipes u may like.


7th December 2005, 01:13 AM
I think it is mathanga erisseri!! :)

7th December 2005, 01:17 AM
Thanks for the Pizza recipe, Red Pepper! Yes, we do get ready made pizza base. But olive oil- hmmm.........I'll have to find that out

Olive oil is what the Italians use. It needs to be "extra virgin olive oil". It is added for that real italian taste. Maybe they are using something else in India.

7th December 2005, 02:04 AM
You do get Extra Virgin Olive oil in India..Ive seen it in stores like Nilgiris the last time I was there.But they are expensive though :P.

I guess you could substitute some nice canola oil or vegetable oil since they dont have a distinct flavour.

7th December 2005, 06:36 PM
Veg oil is what I have atm.

Rain, what are you saying? Red onions are added to it, no? Anyway, its yummy yummy yum. But the pumpkins need to be really ripe.

Thanks Rain, but I don't like cooking Kerala stuff myself. I hate all those grinding the coconut stuff. Moreover, I feel Kerala food tastes best when cooked in Coconut Oil for that distinct taste!

7th December 2005, 09:02 PM
We add red onions to mathanga errishery. but my in laws side, they dont. so i guess its different on different parts of kerala. instead of tur dal, if you add van payar ( red chori dal) it also tastes good.


7th December 2005, 09:09 PM
Hello Anju,

Tried errishery at friend's house. It was awsome. It has tuvar dhal,mango and drumstick(i am not very sure abt drumstick--i forgot). We had it with puri. It was just fantastic. My husband and me don't like puris that much but that day we had many many number of puris. The errishery was that much good with puri. The friend is a tamil lady only. Have no idea how she made that much tasty.

Okay coming to the point..can you post me the recipe of errishery like the one i mentioned. I will be happy. Thanks in advance.

7th December 2005, 09:24 PM

i dont know about the one you have metioned. never tasted erishery with mango.

we usually use drumstick + tur dal erishery, pumpkin erishery, raw banana + tur dal erishery. there might be other varieties, but these are the ones usually my amma makes at home. i can post the recepies for these. shall post it before evening.


7th December 2005, 11:13 PM
If there is mango dhal & drumstick, it is not "erissheri' anymore. Its called parippu maanga curry . But I don't like it that much. Its again served with rice. But puris????? No idea!
Btw, was it green mango or ripe mangos?

7th December 2005, 11:42 PM
Thanks anju. Looking forward.

Its raw mango and murungai kai. And its called erishery and not somethingelse alan.By the way, i guess she prepared murungai kai+dhal errishery but also included mango pieces for her taste?!!!.

8th December 2005, 12:08 AM
Thanks anju. Looking forward.

Its raw mango and murungai kai. And its called erishery and not somethingelse alan.By the way, i guess she prepared murungai kai+dhal errishery but also included mango pieces for her taste?!!!.

It could be a 'variation of erisseri' then? Not the real erisseri.

Just my two cents. :)

8th December 2005, 01:20 AM
we have had elissery w/o onions and dal but as anju says i guess this varies from person and place.

alan, some authentic kerala dishes ask for 1st and 2nd coconut milk which can take a while,but u can still manage some with just ground coconut(which shud not take long i.e. if u get ready shredded coconut ).if u like,u can cook in standard oil and top the dish with only the seasoning in coconut oil and still keep the taste distinct.


8th December 2005, 02:42 AM
pumpkin errissery

this is how my mom makes pumpkin erissery.

cut pumpkin into small pieces. pressure cook this with little water, salt, chilli powder and turmeric. i usually cook it for 1 whistle. once its cooled down, open the cooker and put it in low heat. mash the pumpkin with a spoon.
grind some grated coconut, 1 or 2 shallots,3-4 pepper and cumin coarsely. Add this to the pumpkin mixture and mix it well. season this with mustard, red chillies and curry leaves. i usually use coconut oil for this. Also, you put some grate coconut in oil and fry it till golden brown and add this to the pumpkin mixture, it will taste really good. but i try to avoid that step as i dont want to use too much oil.

My mother in law adds 1/4 cup tur dal while pressure cooking pumpkin.

Another variation is adding cooked vanpayar(red chori dal) once pumpkin is cooked and do rest of the steps.

for raw banana errirsery

pressure cook 1/4 cup tur dal with little turmeric for one whistle.
Cut one plantain into small cubes. put this in water mixed with half teaspoon turmeric for ten minutes. Drain and cook the plantain with little turmeric and salt.When almost done add dal and salt and little pepper.

Grind the coconut with cumin and add to the cooked plantains. Let it simmer. Season this with mustard, red chillies and curry leaves.

kavitha, i am sorry, i dont have exact measurements for all these. maybe if you google on erissery, you might get some recepies with exact measurements.


8th December 2005, 04:04 AM
thanks anju. I like to try drumstick errishery. So can i use banana erishery recipe and omitt banana and add murungai kai? sorry for the truble.

8th December 2005, 05:21 AM
sorry kavitha. i forgot abt that. you can use drumstick instead of banana and follow the same steps. sorry for not giving measurements also. i just follow everything based on the taste. maybe u should refer palakkad thread also. i remember sowmya posting an errissery recepie.

thanks and let me know if you have questions


8th December 2005, 06:46 AM
Hi everyone,
I live in the US and i would like to know if there is a easy way to break coconut . I tried to break in the backyard , but sometimes its very cold to go out. Wondering if hubbers have an easy method to do that

Also which olive oil is good for cooking? Extra virgin or Regular Olive oil?


8th December 2005, 07:23 AM
Hi everyone,
I live in the US and i would like to know if there is a easy way to break coconut . I tried to break in the backyard , but sometimes its very cold to go out. Wondering if hubbers have an easy method to do that

Also which olive oil is good for cooking? Extra virgin or Regular Olive oil?


Do you have a cleaver? Then here is the method of cracking a coconut(including the video!!)
I think you can use a hammer also.

8th December 2005, 11:43 AM
we have had elissery w/o onions and dal but as anju says i guess this varies from person and place.

alan, some authentic kerala dishes ask for 1st and 2nd coconut milk which can take a while,but u can still manage some with just ground coconut(which shud not take long i.e. if u get ready shredded coconut ).if u like,u can cook in standard oil and top the dish with only the seasoning in coconut oil and still keep the taste distinct.


Thanks for the tips, rain.

Cocunut milk is used for making Olan, right? I remember aunty saying that- but I didn't like it so much. I prefer Erisshery with rice.

I also like Avial ( a dieter's delight???- lotts of veggies but can't mix with rice-lol!) and Pumpkin Pullingari . She used to make Garlic chammanthi with Pumpkin/mathanga pullingari . Yummy but bad breath! I can have it as long as I am single! lol!

For my friend's birthday, she made 'sadhya' But I personally feel one curry at a time or a maximum of two is better for the palate than sooooooo many dishes.

She made Sambhar, Avial, Kootukari & Stew ( Ishtu) & cabbage toran- Soo many different tastes. It was good anyway.

8th December 2005, 08:44 PM
Thanks a lot anju. Don't worry for the measurements. I can manage to make it without measurement. I make it today and let u know the outcome. :)

9th December 2005, 01:38 AM
Someone -- I think Shoba had asked how to store bananas to prevent spotting. I always store them in a brown paper bag, and they stay like that itself for a very long time, sometimes even 2 weeks !! They also ripen very very gradually, so we don't have to rush up and eat before the entire lot rots !! I always buy only the 'Chiquita' bananas, the smaller Indian ones, my kids don't like at all, so never purchase them.
Just don't store bananas in the fridge or alongwith any other fruit.


9th December 2005, 01:56 AM
hello anju,
tried murungai errisery. Tasted good. Had with rice. Thanks a lot.

9th December 2005, 06:03 AM

I am looking out for a (tried & tested) recipe for set dosa..
Thanx in advance...


9th December 2005, 06:53 PM

check out the palakkad thread. pearl has posted an erissery recepie in which he has mentioned that it can be eaten with puri. may be its quite similar to what you had in your friends place. i never thought abt puri and erissery combination. i am from a place called kottayam in kerala and there people think of only non veg dishes for puri and chapapthi :-)

10th December 2005, 12:04 AM
but Puri & Aloo Bhaji is the best combo!

10th December 2005, 01:12 AM

The recipe u have given closly matches my frien'd recipe. So no worry of other recipes. i am not a puri fan so i won't have it with puri. I just wanted the recipe to eat with rice. thanks again.

11th December 2005, 05:03 PM
Can you cook Egg in a microwave? Has anyone done this before? How long?

11th December 2005, 08:09 PM
Hi friends,

I would really appreciate if any of you can post yummy recipes using oats or oatmeal (by the way what's the difference between the 2) .I have got bulk bags of those & i am bored of the oats porridge,payasam etc.Would love to try different varieties .Thanks in advance.


14th December 2005, 05:39 AM
Can someone help me with this issue? I am looking for a website that would allow me to order cooked,delicious Sri lankan tamil food and be able to ship to the United States ( Boston). Unfortunately, there are no Sri-Lankan Tamil restaurants or stores in the Boston area. I know there are plenty in Toronto Canada but I am not aware of any that is willing to ship via UPS to other parts of the world.

Please help

Thank you 8-)

15th December 2005, 06:33 AM
Thanks for everyone who wrote abt breaking coconuts. but where to buy cleaver in the US?
Also where to find see lemon juice press ?


15th December 2005, 06:50 AM
Thanks for everyone who wrote abt breaking coconuts. but where to buy cleaver in the US?
Also where to find see lemon juice press ?


GV, I bought a cleaver from Ebay. It is Dexter brand. Very good.
These are very expensive here. I saw them in Linens n Things, and I guess in Sears too. But they were very expensive, thats why I shopped at ebay.

You can find a citrus juicer at Target, K-mart, Macy's etc. First check their website and make sure they have it before you go.

15th December 2005, 08:03 AM
Thanks TFM lover for the detailed explanation

15th December 2005, 08:26 PM
GV, u can buy lemon juice press in walmart too. it is small hand held one.
