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15th December 2004, 12:09 AM
There is a growing preception that violence, criminal activities, and lack of law and order is increasing around the world.

Why is that ? Are we getting more civilised or less.

15th December 2004, 12:18 AM
There is a growing preception that violence, criminal activities, and lack of law and order is increasing around the world.

Why is that ? Are we getting more civilised or less.

for one the age at which crime is committed is younger..this i mean pertaining to North America..and more crimes committed by immigrant youth who have nothing better to do than kill each other over 'territory/area/land" that is not even theirs besides the fact they live there.... :evil:

15th December 2004, 12:29 AM
UN Study shows 14% deaths amoung men and 7% among women are homicides.

Every minute one person is killed in the world. And for every one person killed 20-40 are seriously injured.

In some countries, health care expenditures due to violence account for up to 5% of GDP.

In some countries about 20% of women and 5-10% of men suffered sexual abuse as children.

And all this is based on official data only. Moreover death in war and from acts of terrorism are also not included

15th December 2004, 06:46 AM
Those stats are sad. :( Really makes you feel fortunate for the life god has given you.

15th December 2004, 06:19 PM
Resently I saw a TV discussion in which police department heads from various countries where discussion about crime and the common opinion was "Law and Order" is loosing the war against "Crime". That a new and global strategy is required for combating this menace.


One consern by a police head was that people dont actually do anything about crime until it reaches them. As long as it doesnt affect your niebhourhood or family no one cares. But the problem is once the other niebhourhood are saturated with crime it comes to yours.

16th December 2004, 12:39 AM
so very true Sandeep i see it all the time here...we read the news and spread it as well...we all shake our heads in pity/sadness/empathy at the tragedies..and even if it comes close by we express concerns and say 'what is the world coming to" but then quickly recover and pat ourselves on the back that atleast we picked a good safe neighbourhood and thats that...and it also goes so far as denying the seriousness of crime..like yeah there has been marijauna busts here but that is not as bad as stabbings in downtown...or yeah vandalism and petty robbery are always a problem but it's not the same as shootings or gang fights...sad really...metal detecters, cameras and 'in the event of a shooting' drills, plainclothes policeman and 'turn in your gun and get a prize' (no questions asked) events at schools :(

16th December 2004, 12:51 AM
Those are pretty good points.

21st December 2004, 01:18 AM
Global Violence is indeed one of the HOT TOPICS of the Contemporary World Society, because it is growing day by day as also escalating with new dimensions and methods alongside cropping up in the new Regions and countries as well.


There are several causes.... the Salient amongst them are....

(1)Overall Psycho- deteriration of Mankind to-day, ignoring Human- Values coupled with the Sense of the Society around.

(2.)Growing trend of SADISM amongst certain sections of the people, who take LAW IN THEIR HANDS and find pleasure in others sufferings..

(3)Growing Trend of IRRESPONSIBILITY amongst certain sections of Society who wants TO EARN EASILY, with putting forth least Efforts. Such people fall prey to the Sadistic Leaders.

(4) Growing Trend of SELFISHNESS, ignoring the interests of ones own brothren, Parents, Wife and Children too, who want to DOMINATE over others unreasonably. Eventually some people form groups to achieve this Negative-Objective by means of HEGEMONY.

(5) Growing trend of FANATICISM on individual Faiths Beliefs or Regionalism or the likes.

(6) Growing trend of SICK-MINDEDNESS and DEGRADATION OF BRAIN APPLICATION on the Realities of Life.

(7) Growing trend of DETERIORATION OF HUMAN-SPIRITS of Universal-Love and Collective-Advancement as Mankind emulating the other Successful Creatures like Monkey, Parrot, Crow and the Cow.

(8) Growing Trend of deterioration of INCLINATION TOWARDS HIGHER EDUCATION.... even by the Wise humans.

(9) Growing trend of degradation in SELF-REALISATION being the SUPREME CREATURE on Earth highest previleged with Moral-Values, Subtle-senses of Life-pleasures towards Peace of Mind, by means of innate Spiritual-Might., coupled with the God-Realisation.

21st December 2004, 01:31 AM
But what is the reason for this kind of degradation in almost all aspects our human society.

Why is Sadism, fanatism, irresponcibilities increasing. After all these where part of human nature from time immortal, but why is it on a increase now. Why this de-civilization

21st December 2004, 02:34 AM
Hi Mr.Sandeep.

Thanks for your prompt response.

//But what is the reason for this kind of degradation in almost all aspects our human society. Why is Sadism, fanatism, irresponcibilities increasing//

Yes, a GOOD QUESTION.... It needs deep analysis by Sociological Scholars. In my Opinion,.... the Basic Reasons are....

(1)Because WRONG OR UNSUITED PERSONS .. like Duryodana.... are allowed to occupy the HIGH SEATS OF POWER AND AUTHORITY. in Politics, Religions, Governments, and even in the Non-commercial Service Organisations established totally with NOBLE- OBJECTIVES.... like Hospitals, Educational-centres and Religious Institutions.

(2)Indeed the Evolution of Scientific Uprisel should be encouraged and applied towards the Collective advancement of Mankind, which is possible by the proper Political- Will of the individuals in Power. But in Reality we find in general that the People are getting lazy day by day,due to rapid Advancement of Science, resulting in Superficial functions of responsible leaders, as also perfunctory decisions by the Intellectuals even on important Factors and Vital issues.

(3)Ignorance and Innocence of the common public in certain sections of Society, whose delicacies, deficiencies and the Helpless state of affairs are unduly exploited by the Wicked Self-centered Leaders,
which deleterious trend can be corrected and set right only by the Sincere and Trustworthy Social Service Organisations with broad Universal outlook of Global Humanity..

//After all these where part of human nature from time immortal//

No... It was NOT so.... but a WELL-PROVEN FACT.... that the Indian Civilisation vas the MOST ADVANCED AND ANCIENT one, ensuring the COMMON WELL-BEING of the Society as a whole., being lead by Emulative leaders as Kings and Social-Heads of Large Heart and Broad Mind ensuring PROPRIETY and SELF-DISCIPLINE bound by MORAL VALUES coupled with God-sense.

//... but why is it on a increase now. Why this de-civilization?//

My above reply contains the answer for this Question too.

Now.... the only Question.... remains UANSWERED is.....


21st December 2004, 02:41 AM
Mr.R Srinivasan,
Excellent responce. :D

21st December 2004, 02:54 AM

Lets go by the reasons for the degradation and may be we will be able to find the answer to this

(1)Because WRONG OR UNSUITED PERSONS .. like Duryodana.... are allowed to occupy the HIGH SEATS OF POWER AND AUTHORITY. in Politics, Religions, Governments, and even in the Non-commercial Service Organisations established totally with NOBLE- OBJECTIVES.... like Hospitals, Educational-centres and Religious Institutions.

Here the degradation seems to have come from "top to bottom". So is the 'cat' at the top. If yes how can we at the bottom reverse the degradation from "bottom to top". So should we simply sit saying someone will come at top and change it.

(2)Indeed the Evolution of Scientific Uprisel should be encouraged and applied towards the Collective advancement of Mankind, which is possible by the proper Political- Will of the individuals in Power. But in Reality we find in general that the People are getting lazy day by day,due to rapid Advancement of Science, resulting in Superficial functions of responsible leaders, as also perfunctory decisions by the Intellectuals even on important Factors and Vital issues.

Are you here mentioning towards a lack of challenge in life. If I have calculator why learn multiplication table. Are you mentioning that with science making things that we do easier we should try to do things which we couldnt even dream of doing earlier and now have become a callenge. But here again where is the leadership going to come from.

(3)Ignorance and Innocence of the common public in certain sections of Society, whose delicacies, deficiencies and the Helpless state of affairs are unduly exploited by the Wicked Self-centered Leaders, which deleterious trend can be corrected and set right only by the Sincere and Trustworthy Social Service Organisations with broad Universal outlook of Global Humanity..

Common public like their leaders are deaf to anything wrong as long as it doesnt hurts him. Where are the Organizations going to come from.

21st December 2004, 06:32 PM
The concept of value of life and human right to live with dignity, is quite recent in history (perhaps except in Ancient India)
History is full of unimaginable killing and torture. Any invasion of army, or tribe would result in mass killing, rape, torture, abduction, slavery... you name anything vile, it was there.
In any ancient 'Civilization' human life had no value, it would be dispensed off at the whims of the rulers. I have read, that in Egypt the rulers would gouge out eyes, chop off hands at the slightest mistake of slaves.
Inspite of Hitler, Idi Amin, Ayatolla khomeini, Pol Pot..we are far more humane and civilised.. It is the proximity to violence which makes us feel we are no better than people in midieval times.

22nd December 2004, 04:30 AM
(R)Lets go by the reasons for the degradation and may be we will be able to find the answer to this//

Answer is ALREADY THERE.... and even beyond..... the SOLUTIONS too .... but my Question is ... WHO ? I don't say it is impossible. It can be MADE POSSIBLE by the United and Concerted Endeavour from EVERY HUMAN at each Home first... developing the same spirit towards the broad Spectrum of Society close around.... within the Locality of Street or Village and furtheron step by step towards the Nation on the whole. .. That was the Tamilian Social Culture in the Historical days, when those Kings were God-fearing and Moral- bound true to Conscience like Manu-needhi Chozhan and Paari.

It is NOT EASY... indeed ! ! But IT HAS GOT TO BE ACHIEVED by all the HEALTHY MEANS....

Since we cannot and should not be allowed to be over-powered or SUBDUED by the wicked elements anymore.... leading towards greater Annihilation and Loss of Peace around. It is a GREAT CHALLENGE for all the HUMAN-BEINGS.

For which the starting point is..... REALISATION OF FACTS and REALITIES by the dedicated wise men first, taking up further towards the Common public who in general are either OPTIMISTIC....or... INNOCENT... or.... IGNORANT.

//(Q)(1)Because WRONG OR UNSUITED PERSONS .. ...even in the Non-commercial Service Organisations established totally with NOBLE- OBJECTIVES.... like Hospitals, Educational-centres and Religious Institutions.
(R)Here the degradation seems to have come from "top to bottom". So is the 'cat' at the top. If yes how can we at the bottom reverse the degradation from "bottom to top". So should we simply sit saying someone will come at top and change it.//

No I never meant so. My above reply applies here too.

One more important Truth in the present days we find is, that the Professional Experts' counsels are not given adequate consideration by the Rulers at the appropriate due time but very late in most of the cases.

//(Q)Indeed the Evolution of Scientific Uprisel should be encouraged and applied towards the Collective advancement of Mankind...... But in Reality we find in general that the People are getting lazy day by day,due to rapid Advancement of Science,....//
(R)Are you here mentioning towards a lack of challenge in life. If I have calculator why learn multiplication table. Are you mentioning that with science making things that we do easier we should try to do things which we couldnt even dream of doing earlier and now have become a callenge. But here again where is the leadership going to come from.//

Please go through my initial wordings once again. In spite of my careful POSITIVE STATEMENT at the commencement of my point, you are taking it in the Negative sense ! Here I clarify further....I don't mean that we should revert to the BULLOCK-CART-AGE ! ! Scientific Advancement has done a lot for the uplift of Mankind. ... Mainly the TIME-SAVINGS and GLOBAL- WEALTH at our easy reach culminating in mutual advantage to every section of the World Society by means of the Intellectial potentialities which is the exclusive privelege of Mankind...... So more and more SCIENTIFIC ADVANCEMENT in every field are the MUST for the BENEFIT OF HUMANITY .... But due to want of Self-Realisation and Sense of Responsibility by some people at Power(on whom the whole Mass of Society is depending upon) take their commitments LIGHT.... which has to be brought to LIGHT and get corrected.

//(Q)Ignorance and Innocence of the common public in certain sections of Society, whose delicacies, deficiencies and the Helpless state of affairs are unduly exploited by the Wicked Self-centered Leaders, which deleterious trend can be corrected and set right only by the Sincere and Trustworthy Social Service Organisations with broad Universal outlook of Global Humanity.
(R)Common public like their leaders are deaf to anything wrong as long as it doesnt hurts him. Where are the Organizations going to come from.

If the Public-awareness is duly developed and if the Common Man is adequately educated on the Realities, even a group of illiterate people can become a great Might to combat such Hypocritics in power.

The Anti-Hindi agitation in Tamilnadu leading to the OVERNIGHT REVERSAL of Power in Tamilnadu is the best Example. But we should not resort to Violence under any Circumstances... Nor any sort of CLANDESTINE ACTIVITIES.... Not all Necessary for it.

//(R)The concept of value of life and human right to live with dignity, is quite recent in history (perhaps except in Ancient India)
History is full of unimaginable killing and torture. Any invasion of army, or tribe would result in mass killing, rape, torture, abduction, slavery... you name anything vile, it was there//

People have learnt enough of Lessons from such History...occurred in some Pockets here and there. But the undue elevation of Wrong persons to power was the Main cause.

//(R)Inspite of Hitler, Idi Amin, Ayatolla khomeini, Pol Pot..we are far more humane and civilised//

Whom do you mean as WE ?.... We the common people or our Present Rulers?... People in the past and present have always been HUMANE.... Even in those days of callous rule by such Sadists, people were not VIOLENT nor Revolutionary until the last. Silappadhikaara Kannaki, a soft-natured woman became so Violent to curse the King as also to burn the whole city... because that Innocent Positive-thinking Ideal Lady was dragged towards such an extreme step beyond her Tolerance-limit. .... Saadhu mirandaal kaadu kollaadhu.

//(R)It is the proximity to violence which makes us feel we are no better than people in midieval times//

But are we the cause in any way?.....Kings days have gone.... Now it is the PEOPLE'S DAYS.... So We have to Lead towards the Healthy Solution and REMEDY.... at the earliest before it escalates.

Let us ENLIGHTEN OURSELVES first... then towards the Society around step by step.

UNITY of GOOD HEARTS is the GREATEST MIGHT to drive away the Evil-Forces.! ! !.

23rd March 2005, 07:18 AM
Easiest way to... DRIVE OFF THE DARKNESS... is to Bring-in Light there.

... Immediately the Darkness will RUN AWAY.... of its own accord.

10th December 2008, 10:02 PM

Offensive Violence on us.!.. by Anti-Humanity.!

...Positive Indication of our DEFENSIVE WEAKNESS.!

...by Deterioration of Human-Values.!.

Easiest way to... DRIVE OFF THE DARKNESS.?.

...Bring-in Light there.

... Immediately the Darkness will RUN AWAY.... Of its Own accord.!


By EMPATHY... Think of Others Interests at par with you.!

Life is NOT A MATTER OF RIGHT... but the Duty...

.. Sacramental Commitment... towards others in Your Family and the Society too.!

Yes.. Similar towards every Limb of Your Body.

(R)Lets go by the reasons for the degradation and may be we will be able to find the answer to this//

Answer is ALREADY THERE.... and even beyond..... the SOLUTIONS too .... but my Question is ... WHO ? I don't say it is impossible. It can be MADE POSSIBLE by the United and Concerted Endeavour from EVERY HUMAN at each Home first... developing the same spirit towards the broad Spectrum of Society close around.... within the Locality of Street or Village and furtheron step by step towards the Nation on the whole. .. That was the Tamilian Social Culture in the Historical days, when those Kings were God-fearing and Moral- bound true to Conscience like Manu-needhi Chozhan and Paari.

It is NOT EASY... indeed ! ! But IT HAS GOT TO BE ACHIEVED by all the HEALTHY MEANS....

Since we cannot and should not be allowed to be over-powered or SUBDUED by the wicked elements anymore.... leading towards greater Annihilation and Loss of Peace around. It is a GREAT CHALLENGE for all the HUMAN-BEINGS.

For which the starting point is..... REALISATION OF FACTS and REALITIES by the dedicated wise men first, taking up further towards the Common public who in general are either OPTIMISTIC....or... INNOCENT... or.... IGNORANT.

//(Q)(1)Because WRONG OR UNSUITED PERSONS .. ...even in the Non-commercial Service Organisations established totally with NOBLE- OBJECTIVES.... like Hospitals, Educational-centres and Religious Institutions.
(R)Here the degradation seems to have come from "top to bottom". So is the 'cat' at the top. If yes how can we at the bottom reverse the degradation from "bottom to top". So should we simply sit saying someone will come at top and change it.//

No I never meant so. My above reply applies here too.

One more important Truth in the present days we find is, that the Professional Experts' counsels are not given adequate consideration by the Rulers at the appropriate due time but very late in most of the cases.

//(Q)Indeed the Evolution of Scientific Uprisel should be encouraged and applied towards the Collective advancement of Mankind...... But in Reality we find in general that the People are getting lazy day by day,due to rapid Advancement of Science,....//
(R)Are you here mentioning towards a lack of challenge in life. If I have calculator why learn multiplication table. Are you mentioning that with science making things that we do easier we should try to do things which we couldnt even dream of doing earlier and now have become a callenge. But here again where is the leadership going to come from.//

Please go through my initial wordings once again. In spite of my careful POSITIVE STATEMENT at the commencement of my point, you are taking it in the Negative sense ! Here I clarify further....I don't mean that we should revert to the BULLOCK-CART-AGE ! ! Scientific Advancement has done a lot for the uplift of Mankind. ... Mainly the TIME-SAVINGS and GLOBAL- WEALTH at our easy reach culminating in mutual advantage to every section of the World Society by means of the Intellectial potentialities which is the exclusive privelege of Mankind...... So more and more SCIENTIFIC ADVANCEMENT in every field are the MUST for the BENEFIT OF HUMANITY .... But due to want of Self-Realisation and Sense of Responsibility by some people at Power(on whom the whole Mass of Society is depending upon) take their commitments LIGHT.... which has to be brought to LIGHT and get corrected.

//(Q)Ignorance and Innocence of the common public in certain sections of Society, whose delicacies, deficiencies and the Helpless state of affairs are unduly exploited by the Wicked Self-centered Leaders, which deleterious trend can be corrected and set right only by the Sincere and Trustworthy Social Service Organisations with broad Universal outlook of Global Humanity.
(R)Common public like their leaders are deaf to anything wrong as long as it doesnt hurts him. Where are the Organizations going to come from.

If the Public-awareness is duly developed and if the Common Man is adequately educated on the Realities, even a group of illiterate people can become a great Might to combat such Hypocritics in power.

The Anti-Hindi agitation in Tamilnadu leading to the OVERNIGHT REVERSAL of Power in Tamilnadu is the best Example. But we should not resort to Violence under any Circumstances... Nor any sort of CLANDESTINE ACTIVITIES.... Not all Necessary for it.

//(R)The concept of value of life and human right to live with dignity, is quite recent in history (perhaps except in Ancient India)
History is full of unimaginable killing and torture. Any invasion of army, or tribe would result in mass killing, rape, torture, abduction, slavery... you name anything vile, it was there//

People have learnt enough of Lessons from such History...occurred in some Pockets here and there. But the undue elevation of Wrong persons to power was the Main cause.

//(R)Inspite of Hitler, Idi Amin, Ayatolla khomeini, Pol Pot..we are far more humane and civilised//

Whom do you mean as WE ?.... We the common people or our Present Rulers?... People in the past and present have always been HUMANE.... Even in those days of callous rule by such Sadists, people were not VIOLENT nor Revolutionary until the last. Silappadhikaara Kannaki, a soft-natured woman became so Violent to curse the King as also to burn the whole city... because that Innocent Positive-thinking Ideal Lady was dragged towards such an extreme step beyond her Tolerance-limit. .... Saadhu mirandaal kaadu kollaadhu.

//(R)It is the proximity to violence which makes us feel we are no better than people in midieval times//

But are we the cause in any way?.....Kings days have gone.... Now it is the PEOPLE'S DAYS.... So We have to Lead towards the Healthy Solution and REMEDY.... at the earliest before it escalates.

Let us ENLIGHTEN OURSELVES first... then towards the Society around step by step.


...... to drive away the Evil-Forces.! ! !.

Since imbued with the True Spirit of Human-Values...

...approaching Others with Universal-Love, Sincerety and Purpose of Human-Birth...

...without any Narrow outlook... within the respective Mosaic- Circle of Society...

...irrespective of other Factors or Basis for Social-Segregations.