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26th November 2008, 11:34 AM
Ajay'na sorry. It released on 1975.
Directed by Paul Bartel.
Cast - David Carradine, Simone Griffeth, Sylvester Stallone. :)

26th November 2008, 11:47 AM
I see..I didnt know that..I thought its a fresh movie...I like Jason Statham...So gave a try for this movie..

26th November 2008, 12:04 PM
I had a Woody Allen weekend celebration.

a) Manhattan
b) Husband and wives
c) Deconstructing Harry.

Thilak, Manhattan and Annie Hal is in my HDD for a while. How was Manhattan?

Manhattan is one of his best. Annie hall is equally great. One should see Annie Hall, Manhattan, Hannah and her sisters, Husband and wives, and end it with Deconstructing Harry - in chronological order.

There is a beautiful relationship in Manhattan, between him and Tracy. A 42 year old man (Isaac) dates a 17 year old girl, Tracy. He doesn't see that a "serious relationship", and advises her to pursue acting lessons in London, and to forget about him. It will pass, and she will find men of her age, says Isaac. Isaac(played by Allen) has two failed relations with older women, by older I mean they're of his age pool than Tracy's. :P The stunning-looking Meryl streep plays his ex-wife, who turns a complete homosexual after her marriage with Isaac, and she writes everything about Isaac in her biographical book. Isaac meanwhile has a short stint with another woman Mary, his close friend Yale's mistress. I wouldn't disclose what happens in the end, it'd spoil the experience. But I'd say it's not that far from say the impact of "Moondram pirai", it's much more subtle, I love the Irony.

In Husband and wives, there is similar relationship to Isaac-Tracy, the old writer (Gabe, a writer) infatuates about a 20 year old student Rain (a student). I suppose the ending is his re-take on his new-improved outlook about his real-life personal choices (his marriage with Mia Farrow broke because of his relationship with her adopted daughter).

And, I'd be damned if people still whinge Allen is self-indulgent. Why do we have auteurs if not for their indulgence? I'd take indulgence of the writer over whoring for audience indulgence. If that makes sense. Allen is quite self-critical about himself, and although his work is part-fictional and part-personal, it's still his art of writing, and his philosophy that makes one connect to his realms. Allen has his positives, and he understands his weakness..

There is a favorite moment in "Husbands and wives", Rain deconstructs Gabe's book, and critiques the protagonist's (of the book) outlook on women as retrograde and shallow, and trivialization of affairs.., and she asks, "Are our choices really between chronic dissatisfaction and suburban drudgery?".. Gabe like most Allen characters, is a writer (Allen swaps between playing a writer or TV production/writer). I thought the above analysis by Rain holds good for majority of Allen characters in his oeuvre. Gabe stands up for Allen and his charactes, and cuts her back, "I don't need a lecture on writing from a 20-year-old twit.". A bruised ego. :lol:

26th November 2008, 12:54 PM
I had a Woody Allen weekend celebration.

a) Manhattan
b) Husband and wives
c) Deconstructing Harry.

Thilak, Manhattan and Annie Hal is in my HDD for a while. How was Manhattan?

go for it!

26th November 2008, 12:55 PM


interstingly the most funniest lines imho came from the least important charecter of the movie

its from yales wife - well probably because she is the only person among them who doesnt know whats going on really

"i think yale would like to meet her as well"

"if u hadnt introduced her to yale - it wouldnt have happened"

and the face expressions of woody allen whenever he hears something surprisin from the people with him :lol:

26th November 2008, 01:33 PM


interstingly the most funniest lines imho came from the least important charecter of the movie

its from yales wife - well probably because she is the only person in the movie who doesnt know whats going on really

"i think yale would like to meet her as well"

"if u hadnt introduced her to yale - it wouldnt have happened"

and the face expressions of woody allen whenever he hears something surprisin from the people with him.

Yeah, I sympathized with Isaac. Isaac going with Mary to meet him and Emily. That event was exploited by Yale, other wise, it would be much more of a betrayal to Emily if Yale told her of their lousy affair behind her back. He uses this introduction to create this "grand illusion" of new-found crush on Mary, to get out of his marriage with Emily.

Emily pacifies herself by connecting with Isaac's disappointment assuming that both of 'em are ditched by their partners.Emily is the hedgehog and Yale, wolf. Mary might not be the "wolf", but Isaac becomes the hedgehog.

It's also quite interesting to note that Isaac-Tracy "relationship" is similar to "Hannah and her sisters" with Frederick-Lee, Frederick couldn't get along with the world for being too self-righteous, and condescending. He has his relaxed times with comparatively younger Lee, who like Tracy's relationship with Isaac, is mentored, and caressed by Frederick. Similarly, there is another one in "Deconstructing Harry", Harry-Fay relationship...And as I said in a post before, there is also Gabe-Rain in "Husbands and wives".

I liked the way New York was shot in Black and white, the opening introduction as a narrative, which is also Gabe's book opening...

"Chapter One. He was as tough and romantic as the city he loved. Beneath his black-rimmed glasses was the coiled sexual power of a jungle cat. I love this. New York was his town, and it always would be.."

26th November 2008, 01:44 PM
surprisingly the young inmatured tracy is honest with her relationship - while all others are just dishonest in their relationships - she is not involved with anyone with anyone even after isaac has left her and the final lines

"you have to have a little faith in people" - summed it all.

the reaction of isaac for that line reminded kamalhaasan very much. :)

26th November 2008, 01:50 PM
Thanks Thilak, Vivasaayi
I will watch it tonight.

26th November 2008, 03:42 PM
surprisingly the young inmatured tracy is honest with her relationship - while all others are just dishonest in their relationships - she is not involved with anyone with anyone even after isaac has left her and the final lines

"you have to have a little faith in people" - summed it all.

the reaction of isaac for that line reminded kamalhaasan very much. :)

Yes, me too got reminded a bit of KH sometimes. I thought I was the only one. :P

27th November 2008, 01:44 AM
My Sassy girl - Liked it. Havent seen a romantic comedy for a long time, that might also be a reason. The lead actors were brilliant. Genelia should probably take acting lessons from the girl. I thought the scripts the girl wrote were pointless but the director brilliantly connected those with the *future*. I was touched :oops: And the twist has happened so many times in so many movies and I knew for sure the Aunty would have a role to play at some point, but I could not guess it. Probably I am the last from the hub to watch it! Btw, padathula no kissings and they call it a rom-com :twisted:

Saw this movie. I like it too. If i am not wrong, few ppl in hub mentioned about this movie oflate. Just now saw that there is another movie by the same name "my Sassy Girl". Its a korean movie. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0293715/

which movie were our hubbers referring to, the Korean movie or the English one. :confused2:

The avtar you had 2 days back was too good. tharu maaru

27th November 2008, 01:45 AM
Korean. Atleast thats what Me, nerd, pr and LM referred to.

27th November 2008, 01:49 AM
Going by Nerd's writeup, i think what he referred to was the English movie.

27th November 2008, 01:50 AM
I doubt it. Ingulees version was a Blockbuster flop :P.

Going by Nerd's writeup, i think what he referred to was the English movie.

27th November 2008, 01:54 AM
No. I meant the Korean version only. What's the doubt there?
Thanks for the comment on the avatar. The quality was bad so I deleted it!

27th November 2008, 01:58 AM
my bad. aarva kolarula download panni paathuputten. i will download the Korean movie also and see it.

27th November 2008, 06:14 AM
My sooper ex gael brendd - timepass

29th November 2008, 12:19 AM
Gladiator :clap:

29th November 2008, 04:49 PM
Gladiator :clap:
Gethu movie of all time.. No matter how many times I see the film, the feel never gets reduced. Heroism na ithu thaan 8-) Real heroism. :clap:

HBO is so obsessed with the film. :lol:

30th November 2008, 07:57 AM
Charlie Wilson's war/.

30th November 2008, 08:31 AM
My sooper ex gael brendd - timepass

:lol2: :lol2:

30th November 2008, 12:43 PM
Slumdog Millionaire

The movie was very good, imo. You get the realistic depiction of Indian slums,Crude mentalities and the harsh broad day realities happening in Indian cities. From what I have seen Danny Boyle showed me the best INDIAN city portrayal. Cinematography was too good. I Instantly thought that from what i have seen Danny Boyle has surpassed many Indian directors in showing our true life/colors on big screen in just few scenes, IMO.

The movie was never dragging in many places and the whole sequence of events fell in place properly. The actors(The kids, the boys/girls and the adults : Were they first timers??) got it right 10/10. Rahman's BGM was outstanding in few places and good at some places. Irfan Khan and Anil kapoor were good.

Loved this dialog of all the lot that was thrown out in the screen
If there was neither Allah nor Ram, I would have had my mother.Spoiler ends. What a brutal slap on our system.

Slumdog Millionaire :thumbsup:.

2nd December 2008, 07:50 AM
anyone seen twilight, yet? :huh:

2nd December 2008, 07:52 AM
Naan Paakala :P.

anyone seen twilight, yet? :huh:

2nd December 2008, 07:56 AM
:lol:...ok...seems good - haven't read the novel so i may like it...

2nd December 2008, 07:58 AM
Oh thanks for the info. :)

2nd December 2008, 08:56 AM
anyone seen twilight, yet? :huh:saw it on the first day of release last week. ok movie altho nothing as spectacular as Harry Potter.

More of a love story - altho one member is a vampire. :lol:

4th December 2008, 08:30 AM
Anybody here seen Milk???

4th December 2008, 09:08 AM
anyone seen twilight, yet? :huh:

vampire love story :sigh2: not as good as the book but itseems the hero is cute....

anyone seen boy in the striped pajamas? :?

4th December 2008, 11:10 AM
My Sassy girl -

The lead actors were brilliant. Genelia should probably take acting lessons from the girl.

She is good in 'Windstruck' too. It's said to be a prequel to 'My Sassy Girl'. Padam sumaarthan. One of the most expressive actresses I have seen 8-)

Btw, padathula no kissings and they call it a rom-com :twisted:

I thought that was a nice touch :roll:

4th December 2008, 08:45 PM
I thought that was a nice touch :roll:
ada naan summA sonnEn.. Nice touch-nu purinjikkura aLavukku vayasO aNubavamO illai :cry:

4th December 2008, 09:28 PM

5th December 2008, 01:43 PM
Anybody here seen Milk???

Just caught it. IMO the front runner for Best movie among the ones I've seen and I would really like to see the performance that upstages Sean Penn to win the Oscar. The movie is brilliant and multiple aspects worthy of discussion. I will compose a few thoughts. Hope enough people watch it to foment a discussion.

5th December 2008, 02:15 PM
Anybody here seen Milk???

Just caught it. IMO the front runner for Best movie among the ones I've seen and I would really like to see the performance that upstages Sean Penn to win the Oscar. The movie is brilliant and multiple aspects worthy of discussion. I will compose a few thoughts. Hope enough people watch it to foment a discussion.

Sounds good. Btw, did you catch GVS's "Paranoid Park"?

5th December 2008, 07:09 PM
Thanks complicateur

Anybody here seen Milk???

Just caught it. IMO the front runner for Best movie among the ones I've seen and I would really like to see the performance that upstages Sean Penn to win the Oscar. The movie is brilliant and multiple aspects worthy of discussion. I will compose a few thoughts. Hope enough people watch it to foment a discussion.

6th December 2008, 09:17 AM
Wedding crashers :lol:

6th December 2008, 10:30 AM
Wedding crashers :lol:

It was a funny one and an OK movie.

7th December 2008, 06:12 AM
Little children :notworthy:

Kate winslet :clap: :clap:

The protoganist :thumbsup:

Ronnie and his mom :thumbsup:

7th December 2008, 09:43 AM
Meg Ryan and Tomhanks :lol: :lol:

You've got mail :P

8th December 2008, 05:41 PM
Family Guy episodes from the first three seasons this Sunday.
My god, unbelievably hilarious. To call Seth Macfarlane a comic genius would be a severe understatement. An unhealthy dose of dementia makes him unbelievable.

Chris: (on the phone) What are you wearing ?.....wow bet I can see right through that
Lois: Chris, who are you talking to
Chris: ...um....Grandma :rotfl:

Peter: I am never good at interviews (flashback)

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself, five years from now
(interviewer's family photo on the desk)
Peter: (thinking... Don't say doing your wife...don't say doing your wife) Doing your....son
Int: stares in disbelief :lol:

Quagmire: Cheers to the Drunken Clam.....they don't ask for proof of age and neither do I :rotfl:

(when Peter has done something wrong and dreads a call from Lois)
Chris: (answers the phone) Dad, it's mom
Peter: Please be Somerset Maugham Please be Somerset Maugham :rotfl2:

8th December 2008, 06:57 PM
Russel peters - outsourced


more than 1 hour of laugh riot.

8th December 2008, 07:10 PM
The Best Of Friends in Zee Cafe :notworthy:
adikkadi podraan...

One of the very best episodes is the one where Phoebe and Ross have this debate about evolution. Evergreen :rotfl:

And the 'smelly cat' episode :lol: - enna screenplay pa :notworthy:

8th December 2008, 11:52 PM
Sounds good. Btw, did you catch GVS's "Paranoid Park"?
Thilak: No, I've seen only 3 other GVS movies Good Will Hunting, Finding Forrester (a little mushy) and that inexplicable Psycho remake.
Caught Frost/Nixon this week. Peter Morgan is quite adept at humanizing news items. The movie is also butressed by some good acting from the ensemble cast and Frank Langella in particular.

Quagmire: Cheers to the Drunken Clam.....they don't ask for proof of age and neither do I
Giggidy Giggidy! :rotfl:

9th December 2008, 09:42 AM
Quagmire: Cheers to the Drunken Clam.....they don't ask for proof of age and neither do I
Giggidy Giggidy! :rotfl:

Quagmire is unbelievably supreme in his perversion

Stewie ties up the cheerleader Cindi in the locker room and Quagmire walks in to find her bound and gagged: "Dear diary, jackpot". :twisted: :rotfl:

In a state of lawlessness, Peter gets a giraffe from the zoo that sticks its head into Quagmire's house. After some satisfactory noises, there is - what seems like a house of horror. Then Quagmire says: "hey, you are not the same giraffe from last night" :lol:

And he is funny even when he is not there elaborately. In the episode where the Griffins live in the south under the witness protection programme, two FBI officers live in their place. They are having a wild party when one of the FBI guys calls them to tell them their location may have been compromised. The other FBI guy keeps interrupting with a beer funnel :lol:
In the midst of the party din something in underpants flashes by with "giggity giggity giggity".

A couple of friends and I were having lunch and that moment lead to spilt drinks, coughed up food and the room was a mess. A riot if you ever saw one :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

14th December 2008, 12:48 AM
Saw Milk last evening. Very good movie. I will be extremely disappointed if Sean Penn gets denied of the Best actor oscar. Amazing performance. I would not tip Milk for the best picture, I found the dark knight better written and directed in comparison with this one. Haven't seen slumdog, naaansans its not yet released in this town..

14th December 2008, 06:30 PM
The Departed
Good .....irundhaalum romba over-A build-up koduththutaanga.

14th December 2008, 10:32 PM
PR, revisit paneengala illai first time-ah.

MS-ku indha padathukku oscar konjam illa nembavaE over

15th December 2008, 12:22 AM
WALL-E :bow: :bow: :bow:
I was blown away by the creativity of the makers and the writing (characterizations of wall-E, M-O, Eve, Captain) . Even though I watched it in blu-ray, regret missing it in theaters.

15th December 2008, 09:48 AM
Gomorra :clap:

Interweaving 5 different storyline(with interesting characters) to the main plot, gives a plethora of Comorra activity. Think Syriana (the technique), but as a microcosm of Naples. I particularly love the imagery. Acting is superior. And of course, the fashion business and the waste disposal is more of a "global" concern. Overall, it was well worth a watch.

15th December 2008, 12:39 PM
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Epitome of Epic filmmaking. Fincher and Aronofsky are now my favorite visualizers.

15th December 2008, 01:02 PM
Good news :shock:

Aint it releasing on Christmas??. Enge paathenga??.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Epitome of Epic filmmaking. Fincher and Aronofsky are now my favorite visualizers.

15th December 2008, 10:45 PM
Aint it releasing on Christmas??. Enge paathenga??. Fringe benefits of having a connected roommate. :) But I will watch it in the theatre again as it is a visual spectacle.

16th December 2008, 08:29 AM
PR, revisit paneengala illai first time-ah.
Ippo dhaan paakkurEn

MS-ku indha padathukku oscar konjam illa )nembavaE over Yes. aanaa, ellA Oscar-umE Life Time Achievement maadhiri deferred-A tharaanga. Who were the other direction contenders that year ?

I was pretty impressed with DiCaprio's performance. Nearly as good as his role in Aviator (also Scorsese). Matt Damon - kEkkavE vENaam. But was not that impressed with Jack Nicholson. I think people keep giving over-the-top roles and that has become his "style".

"I never needed money since I stole Archie's milk money in fifth grade" (or something like that) These lines should have had a strong impact, it did not. The constant sketching kErattarisation was not interesting. He wasn't even remotely menacing.

di Caprio was lovely. In the scene where he swallows his nervousness and goes over the top to earn credibility - is great.

The last twist about Damon perhaps trying to straighten things up but things going out of hand etc. was the part where the movie got interesting. Too little too late.

16th December 2008, 08:29 AM
WALL-E :bow: :bow: :bow:
I was blown away by the creativity of the makers and the writing (characterizations of wall-E, M-O, Eve, Captain) . Even though I watched it in blu-ray, regret missing it in theaters.
No animation koLgai enna aachchu ?

16th December 2008, 08:30 AM
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Epitome of Epic filmmaking. paaththAchchA. I will see it soon.

17th December 2008, 12:34 AM
Wrong Turn. Gory movie... Enjoyed the movie in parts.

17th December 2008, 09:06 AM
WALL-E :bow: :bow: :bow:
I was blown away by the creativity of the makers and the writing (characterizations of wall-E, M-O, Eve, Captain) . Even though I watched it in blu-ray, regret missing it in theaters.
No animation koLgai enna aachchu ?
I actually posted about the Grave of the fireflies sometime back. appOvE koLgaiya mAthiyAchu. Have seen Beavis and Butthead do America long back (My favorite animated comic TV series) Anyway wall-E was my first 3-D animation experience. Loved it.

17th December 2008, 09:25 AM
WALL-E :bow: :bow: :bow:
I was blown away by the creativity of the makers and the writing (characterizations of wall-E, M-O, Eve, Captain) . Even though I watched it in blu-ray, regret missing it in theaters.
No animation koLgai enna aachchu ?
I actually posted about the Grave of the fireflies sometime back. appOvE koLgaiya mAthiyAchu. Have seen Beavis and Butthead do America long back (My favorite animated comic TV series) Anyway wall-E was my first 3-D animation experience. Loved it.

Welcome to the club :thumbsup:

//Dign: Sports section thavira ella idatthulaiyum post pannittu irukkeenga :twisted: :evil:

17th December 2008, 09:40 AM
WALL-E :bow: :bow: :bow:
I was blown away by the creativity of the makers and the writing (characterizations of wall-E, M-O, Eve, Captain) . Even though I watched it in blu-ray, regret missing it in theaters.
No animation koLgai enna aachchu ?
I actually posted about the Grave of the fireflies sometime back. appOvE koLgaiya mAthiyAchu. Have seen Beavis and Butthead do America long back (My favorite animated comic TV series) Anyway wall-E was my first 3-D animation experience. Loved it.

Nerd, I remember u telling recently that you enjoyed an animation movie for hte first time.. which one was it? was it not 3D? :?

17th December 2008, 09:47 AM
Nerd: If you don't dig Pixars and other Disney stuff. Watch Persepolis, and this year's Waltz with Bashir (haven't seen it yet, but hear it's great) :) Do watch Miyazaki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayao_Miyazaki)'s films. Other instant recommends would be: Waking life, A Scanner Darkly, Animatrix (must-see for a Matrix fan), When the Wind Blows, Whisper of the heart, 5 centimeters per second, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The holy trinity of Sci-Fi Animes - Akira, Ghost in the shell, and Ninja Scroll. There are good OAVs released by Anime television series (like SBU: BLU), my personal favorite is Rurouni kenshin: Reminiscence (wuxia-noir)!

17th December 2008, 09:56 AM
TV: That was Grave of the Fireflies (2-D)
Thilak: Thanks, I was thinking of starting a thread for animated flicks.
LM: I have quit sports section indefinitely. Sridhar illAdha (avarai othukkiya/avaraal othukkappatta) sports section-il post seyya pidikkal.. :)

17th December 2008, 10:06 AM
:oops: OK.

17th December 2008, 10:27 AM
Nerd: If you don't dig Pixars and other Disney stuff. Watch Persepolis, and this year's Waltz with Bashir (haven't seen it yet, but hear it's great) :) Do watch Miyazaki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayao_Miyazaki)'s films. Other instant recommends would be: Waking life, A Scanner Darkly, Animatrix (must-see for a Matrix fan), When the Wind Blows, Whisper of the heart, 5 centimeters per second, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The holy trinity of Sci-Fi Animes - Akira, Ghost in the shell, and Ninja Scroll. There are good OAVs released by Anime television series (like SBU: BLU), my personal favorite is Rurouni kenshin: Reminiscence (wuxia-noir)!

Thilak, neenga solradhu ellam animated flicks a ... apart from Animatrix I have watched none of those. I have seen only the popular ones :P

I have a soft corner for Animated films, over the years I ve loved a lot of those.. even the ordinary ones I dont mind watching couple of times.

From the top of my mind, few films I would recommend include Finding the Nemo (obvious), Incredibles, Madagascar (must watch), Shrek (first part, part II to an extent). Tier II is lil bit more crowded ... Monsters Inc, Hoodwinked, toy story I & II, Happy feet, Cars, Ice age, Monster house and few more which I cant remember now :oops:

17th December 2008, 12:00 PM
Nerd: If you don't dig Pixars and other Disney stuff. Watch Persepolis, and this year's Waltz with Bashir (haven't seen it yet, but hear it's great) :) Do watch Miyazaki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayao_Miyazaki)'s films. Other instant recommends would be: Waking life, A Scanner Darkly, Animatrix (must-see for a Matrix fan), When the Wind Blows, Whisper of the heart, 5 centimeters per second, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The holy trinity of Sci-Fi Animes - Akira, Ghost in the shell, and Ninja Scroll. There are good OAVs released by Anime television series (like SBU: BLU), my personal favorite is Rurouni kenshin: Reminiscence (wuxia-noir)!

Thilak, neenga solradhu ellam animated flicks a ... apart from Animatrix I have watched none of those. I have seen only the popular ones :P

I have a soft corner for Animated films, over the years I ve loved a lot of those.. even the ordinary ones I dont mind watching couple of times.

From the top of my mind, few films I would recommend include Finding the Nemo (obvious), Incredibles, Madagascar (must watch), Shrek (first part, part II to an extent). Tier II is lil bit more crowded ... Monsters Inc, Hoodwinked, toy story I & II, Happy feet, Cars, Ice age, Monster house and few more which I cant remember now :oops:

I absolutely love Toy story. Very nostalgic when I see it now, I was literally blown away when I saw that as a kid. I never saw a Toy the way I used to see before. :P I'm serious! :)

As for animated films from hollywood, I'd much recommend "The Iron giant" if you hadn't seen before!

17th December 2008, 12:07 PM
Guys, DON'T MISS Bolt - amazing and incredibly funny too. :rotfl:

17th December 2008, 12:09 PM
Guys, DON'T MISS Bolt - amazing and incredibly funny too. :rotfl: most probably i might watch it this weekend in 3D 8-) 8-)

17th December 2008, 12:12 PM
Heard good things about "Bolt". I'm yet to watch "Kungfu panda" :ashamed:

Btw, Kannannn is familiar with Jan Svankmajer and such surreal works, he should recommend us some stop-motion animations. :)

18th December 2008, 10:13 AM
Just finished watching The Wrestler. Tough to distance myself from the abject sadness of the movie. I'm gonna have to wait a day or two to gain some objectivity. Great casting from Aronofsky - Rourke single-handedly carries this movie.

20th December 2008, 12:26 AM
Post moved here (http://www.mayyam.com/hub/viewtopic.php?p=1634490#1634490)

22nd December 2008, 06:47 AM
SDM-2nd time :cool:

Breakfast club :thumbsup:

23rd December 2008, 12:49 AM
Milk :) I googled Harvey milk after I heard about this film. But forget that, this film does enough justice to its main character. The key word here is justice, and that cannot be said of its attempts to malign the killer's story (http://www.sfweekly.com/2008-12-03/news/white-lies/).

Sean Penn :notworthy:

I'm yet to see "Times of Harvey milk". Looking forward!

23rd December 2008, 01:30 AM
The key word here is justice, and that cannot be said of its attempts to malign the killer's story (http://www.sfweekly.com/2008-12-03/news/white-lies/).
IMO the movie does nothing to paint Dan White as a homophobe (though I thought the parting shot with the "twinkie" defense was in bad taste). The only possible untrue allegation it levels against White that he was possibly a closeted homosexual. The significance of the movie in my eyes is the accuracy with which it depicts the corruptive nature of power-the dichotomy of an activist/politician. I thought it underscored quite well how Milk's wheeling and dealing left Whit high and dry in the political arena.

Caught Doubt and Grand Torino this weekend.

Grand Torino: An ode to a time when men were men, beer was water and cars meant American. Eastwood shows he can elevate a simple enough script and why his gravelly voice was such a draw back in the day.

Doubt - Meryl Streep :notworthy: . Almost a shoe in for the oscar I think. She is phenomenal. The movie is really good with planting seeds and growing the title in our hearts.

Another good weekend. :)

23rd December 2008, 01:59 AM

I sensed the need of this character hinging on the borderline. It's not homophobia that one finds distrustful. From that interview of White's gay friend, one is pretty clear White isn't really *that* rudimentary and shallow when it comes to homosexuality, thus unjust "character assassination" so to speak. And add showing him drunken and rabble a bit, to add some false emotion into it. There is this clear pattern to make White a sort of antithetical "other" of "Milk". And I read , "The significance of the movie in my eyes is the accuracy with which it depicts the corruptive nature of power-the dichotomy of an activist/politician. I thought it underscored quite well how Milk's wheeling and dealing left Whit high and dry in the political arena. " Well put, and I felt that as well.

Perhaps one should include "closeted homosexual" as an "other" of Milk - "live a lie" line, some explicit ambiguity and vocative doubts in Brolin's act. but I wouldn't dwell into this, as I personally find this recurring dissection "device" quite tiring...

P.S: I'm perhaps overreacting to this characterization. I'm perfectly fine with fictional devices in biography genre. As I said, "I sensed the need". :)

26th December 2008, 10:09 AM
The Man from Earth

Very interesting play...er...movie

26th December 2008, 11:43 AM
Slumdog millionaire :thumbsup: nice mix of entertainment and substance. Arr's music :2thumbsup: :clap:

26th December 2008, 12:08 PM
Kungfu panda

Pixar >>>>>>> Dreamworks. Not to say Kung Fu Panda is bad, but Pixar outscores again..

26th December 2008, 12:12 PM
Kungfu panda

Pixar >>>>>>> Dreamworks. Not to say Kung Fu Panda is bad, but Pixar outscores again..

Saw a few pixar shorts recently.

Knick Knack and Geri's game - very very impressive.

Apprently Oscar winners in their respective years.

26th December 2008, 12:29 PM
Kungfu panda

Pixar >>>>>>> Dreamworks. Not to say Kung Fu Panda is bad, but Pixar outscores again..

Saw a few pixar shorts recently.

Knick Knack and Geri's game - very very impressive.

Apprently Oscar winners in their respective years.

Should watch them both, along with BURN-E, which came out with WALL-E.

27th December 2008, 10:38 AM
BOLT :thumbsup: nice BGM for the movie. had its funny moments esp the superhero scenes. enjoyed it more coz of having a dog at home :P
Went to a 3D version only to find tht the movie had no 3D effects :|

27th December 2008, 10:49 AM
Born into brothels (2004)

Was completely floored. Very interesting film on the lives of kids in Sonagachi. Oscar-winning documentary!

27th December 2008, 11:05 AM
The Good Shepherd....:roll:...Matt Damon, as a CIA agent does justice to the role with a stone face...

28th December 2008, 07:07 AM
Benjamin Button :-|

oru thadavai pArkkalAm

28th December 2008, 11:06 PM
The Lives of Others (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405094).

I was bored for almost half of the film and wanted to stop it. The last 30 mins changed everything. Great film :clap: :clap:

29th December 2008, 05:23 AM

29th December 2008, 06:17 AM
Benjamin Button :-|

oru thadavai pArkkalAm

Did you watch it on a large screen? I thought the technical aspects were quite excellent.

29th December 2008, 07:06 AM
Benjamin Button :-|

oru thadavai pArkkalAm

Did you watch it on a large screen? I thought the technical aspects were quite excellent.

Yeah. I am in San Diego. I watched in a theatre.

Surely it was an interesting movie. The special effects, make-up were outstanding, the acting pretty good and the mild sense of humour was particularly enjoyable. But it was a long (2:45 !!) time dwelling on the singular predicament.

And even with the "reality" of the movie, I felt it was very limited in its portrayal and characterizations. You - I mean I - don't actually feel for Benjamin or Daisy.

A lot of thaththuvam I felt.....Bushman gyAn, Mrs.Abbot crossing the channel and so on. The had-it-not sequence about the Paris accident. I thought they were going for humour there, downright silly. A couple of instances like this.

Was thinking about it yesterday and couldn't help comparing with Forrest Gump. Which is also unreal and 'concept' based, relatively unidimensional characterization. Forrest keep meeting Jenny at various stages (Jenny has moved on and is none the wiser for it), Mama is the source of strength for Forrest, a tattooed Cap'n and a Lieutenant Dan.... But FG very easily drew the audience in to the appreciate the lives of the characters. It looked like an ambitious attempt that wasn't as engaging.

btw kadaisila credits paarthA....screenplay by Eric Roth - whose most famous work is Forrest Gump !

But I largely think my (mild) disappointment is because I was expecting something else from Fincher.It was unlike a Fincher film. arumai perumaiyA vaLAthamE en dEsingu rAsA....ippidi inspirational film paNNa pOyittiyE.

Daisy: (complains BB came without calling)
Benjamin: Yeah....I thought I'd just come in here and sweep you off your feet or something...
Me: You 'talking to me ?

I think I have thus deflated the baloon enough that those who watch the movie after reading this will surely enjoy the film :-)

29th December 2008, 07:26 AM
Slum Dog Millionaire - :clap: :clap: ARR has taken the movie to another level 8-) Danny Boyle :bow:

Pulp Fiction :bow: :bow: needless to say, the dialogues are :smokesmirk:

29th December 2008, 07:29 AM
Surely it was an interesting movie. The special effects, make-up were outstanding, the acting pretty good and the mild sense of humour was particularly enjoyable. But it was a long (2:45 !!) time dwelling on the singular predicament.
Aah yes the fact that the screener was 2 DVD's was something that helped. My buddy and I stopped for dinner in between.

The had-it-not sequence about the Paris accident.
I thought tht was a homage to Amelie' since it was after all, Paris.

Was thinking about it yesterday and couldn't help comparing with Forrest Gump. Which is also unreal and 'concept' based, relatively unidimensional characterization. Forrest keep meeting Jenny at various stages (Jenny has moved on and is none the wiser for it), Mama is the source of strength for Forrest, a tattooed Cap'n and a Lieutenant Dan.... But FG very easily drew the audience in to the appreciate the lives of the characters. It looked like an ambitious attempt that wasn't as engaging.

btw kadaisila credits paarthA....screenplay by Eric Roth - whose most famous work is Forrest Gump !

But I largely think my (mild) disappointment is because I was expecting something else from Fincher.It was unlike a Fincher film. arumai perumaiyA vaLAthamE en dEsingu rAsA....ippidi inspirational film paNNa pOyittiyE.
Reg FG - That was exactly my first reaction when I saw it first. Fincher, I hear/read, was really committed to the technical aspects and the look and feel of the movie. And he does a spectacular job with the Sepia for Russia, the blusih grey for the time spent at sea, the color and life of New Orleans - In fact I thought he made New Orleans look like New Hmpshire in the fall (very pretty btw). For some reason, after Zodiac, I think someone had a talk with him about how uplifting material might serve him better when it comes statuette time :) .

BTW, Here (http://www.readbookonline.net/read/690/10628/) is a link to Fitzgerald's short story. They've reworked it a bit as can be seen.


Yeah. I am in San Diego. I watched in a theatre.

How long you here for? Lemme know if you are up to visiting LA. I am vetti officer for a week. end dign/

29th December 2008, 07:29 AM
DH - oru naaLaikku reNdu padam veedham, marudhanAyagam thavira ellAthaiyum paathutteenga pOla irukku :-)

29th December 2008, 07:36 AM
DH - oru naaLaikku reNdu padam veedham, marudhanAyagam thavira ellAthaiyum paathutteenga pOla irukku :-) :lol: 4 naal leave - i saw 7 movies :oops:

29th December 2008, 09:14 AM
Curious Case of Benjamin Button :)......"Did I ever tell you that I got struck by lightning 7 times?!?"....:lol:....

I hadn't seen Brad Pitt's movie in a long time (didn't see Burn after Reading) so I enjoyed just looking at him throughout :P (despite it being a long movie)...

29th December 2008, 09:18 AM
And even with the "reality" of the movie, I felt it was very limited in its portrayal and characterizations. You - I mean I - don't actually feel for Benjamin or Daisy.

29th December 2008, 09:21 AM
I thought tht was a homage to Amelie' since it was after all, Paris.
Oh ok. I thought it was a general potshot about interlinkages. When they show the misses and cut-to-hospital I thought fine. Then they cut back to the scene and show the hit. duh !

For some reason, after Zodiac, I think someone had a talk with him about how uplifting material might serve him better when it comes statuette time :) :lol: I haven't seen Zodiac actually. But I understand it was a very Fincher film.

Thanks for the link.

29th December 2008, 09:23 AM
Goodnight and Good Luck :?

If I don't like it I am supposedly corrupted by years of bad television.

29th December 2008, 10:33 AM
The Lives of Others (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405094).

I was bored for almost half of the film and wanted to stop it. The last 30 mins changed everything. Great film :clap: :clap:

So, is that the greatest german movie?
I've watched 4 films:
Lola rennt
Der Leben der anderen das
Goodbye Lenin
Der Untergang

I found Goodbye Lenin the best. What about the senior hubbers?

29th December 2008, 10:35 AM

This is the first German film for me. Lola Rennt is still lying in my HDD :oops:

29th December 2008, 10:48 AM
Der Leben der anderen das

means The Life of (the) Others

idhE padam dhaan LM-um solraar

Of the ones listed by you

I've only seen Goodbye Lenin. Lovely film.

29th December 2008, 05:05 PM
Venkiraja: I've seen everything in that list except Goodbye Lenin. I hate comparing movies - but Der Untertang was the movie I saw with the least expectation, So Bruno Ganz's acting and the fact that it wasn't weighted down by expectation made that a better watch.

Watched Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away. I am now convinced that anime' filmmakers either have the most crazy imaginations or are all doing significant amounts of drugs.

29th December 2008, 09:42 PM
I did not like the lives of the others. I mean it was good but definitely not oscar worthy. I also would put GBL ahead of the rest in venki's list. Kannannn made a list of 10 best German movies sometime back in the Good movies you recommend thread.

29th December 2008, 09:48 PM
I did not like the lives of the others.

Who else was up that year ?

Yesterday I saw Good Night and Good Luck had been nominated for Best Picture....and Batman Begins was not. :x

29th December 2008, 10:00 PM
I did not like the lives of the others.

Who else was up that year ?
Pan's Labyrinth and our own (not exactly, it was sent by Canada) water. I would have given it to PL :2thumbsup:

29th December 2008, 11:35 PM
Venkiraja: I've seen everything in that list except Goodbye Lenin. I hate comparing movies - but Der Untertang was the movie I saw with the least expectation, So Bruno Ganz's acting and the fact that it wasn't weighted down by expectation made that a better watch.

My point was not between the 4 movies anyway. But yeah, I felt Der Untergang was much better than Rise of Hitler+ Fall of Hitler or a few other documentaries on Hitler. Especially the scene where those kids try to fight..

Watched Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away. I am now convinced that anime' filmmakers either have the most crazy imaginations or are all doing significant amounts of drugs.

Kadaisiyila oru kootALi... The movie was most of the time 'crazy' and typical fantasy stuff. What was so great about it? Still, have to check out Princess Mononoke. (Kannann sir's rekamandesan)

30th December 2008, 07:59 AM
Venki: I thought it was great that Miyazaki hasn't lost the ability to create completely new worlds and work within the norms of that world. The same way Tolkien or Robert Jordan or Stephen King's Gunslinger series works...

Caught In Bruges - Quite the black comedy with intelligent dialog. I couldn't help chuckling to myself as blood splattered across the screen. Ray Fiennes in a cameo is fantastic. And I guess Colin Farrell can act. :shock:

30th December 2008, 11:12 AM
Valkyrie - Very engaging

30th December 2008, 01:36 PM
grave of the fireflies (konja naal munaadi pathen) - my first taste of an animation(afai remember).

it dint make me an anime fan...padam okthan

30th December 2008, 01:40 PM
Last Anime-ation watched: Batman : Gotham knight.


30th December 2008, 04:04 PM
The curious case of benjamin button - Disappointed. Expected a lot from david fincher something different.But the technical aspects of the film as many have pointed out was great!
:cool2: :clap:

it reminded me of forrest gump too :!:

30th December 2008, 06:32 PM
I did not like the lives of the others.

Who else was up that year ?
Pan's Labyrinth and our own (not exactly, it was sent by Canada) water. I would have given it to PL :2thumbsup:

havent seen water..but pans labrynth was way better than "The lives of others"

I liked a fiction movie rarely.I even hated LOTR.But I loved pans labrynth

30th December 2008, 06:34 PM
kung fu panda - wowwwwwwwwwwww

i loved every bit of it...what entertainment.

Im a bit reluctant to watch animes and watched "grave of the firefles" after heave reccomendation"and found boring.

This one was the second anime and it is just awesome....full of fun.

30th December 2008, 07:12 PM
just recently watched Good Will hunting.

It is really good... I loved it. The writing is a bit corny at places especially where they try to establish Matt damon's genius. Maths, History, Arts and literature., the regular suspects for a genius's obsession. :lol:

But the dialogue is brilliant at places, acting is superb! Good watch :thumbsup:

30th December 2008, 07:26 PM
kung fu panda - wowwwwwwwwwwww

i loved every bit of it...what entertainment.

Im a bit reluctant to watch animes and watched "grave of the firefles" after heave reccomendation"and found boring.

This one was the second anime and it is just awesome....full of fun.

IMO, Incredibles is the best anime as far as style is concerned. The superpower family is a cool concept and that dinner scene is too good! :cool: Parthuteengala?

30th December 2008, 07:31 PM
kung fu panda - wowwwwwwwwwwww

i loved every bit of it...what entertainment.

Im a bit reluctant to watch animes and watched "grave of the firefles" after heave reccomendation"and found boring.

This one was the second anime and it is just awesome....full of fun.

IMO, Incredibles is the best anime as far as style is concerned. The superpower family is a cool concept and that dinner scene is too good! :cool: Parthuteengala?

Incredibles i watched for few minutes on TV once and it dint get me interested.

may be i should comment after watching he full movie....Im not talking abt style but the fun element of the movie.

30th December 2008, 07:35 PM
IMO, Incredibles is the best anime as far as style is concerned. The superpower family is a cool concept and that dinner scene is too good! :cool: Parthuteengala?

The expressions of the baby and mother as she tries to feed it.. it is just a trivial portion of the scene, but the way they make it perfect and enjoyable... simply superb!

I 've grown to like animation films more than any real life films :P

31st December 2008, 10:59 AM
Russell Peters - Red White And Brown :rotfl: :rotfl:
Well this doesnt count as a western movie, still am not making this sh!t up :rotfl2:

31st December 2008, 12:31 PM
kung fu panda - wowwwwwwwwwwww

i loved every bit of it...what entertainment.

Im a bit reluctant to watch animes and watched "grave of the firefles" after heave reccomendation"and found boring.

This one was the second anime and it is just awesome....full of fun.

watched it yesterday! loved it too :D

31st December 2008, 12:33 PM
Russell Peters - Red White And Brown :rotfl: :rotfl:
Well this doesnt count as a western movie, still am not making this sh!t up :rotfl2:

It was blaady awesome :D :yes: :rotfl2:

can u guys recommend some good stand up comedians? like russell peters?

31st December 2008, 04:25 PM
The Wrestler :thumbsup:

Mickey Rourke
:clap: :clap:

2nd January 2009, 06:10 AM
Nicely made....but surely kiddish

2nd January 2009, 06:11 AM

2nd January 2009, 06:13 AM
:x :lol:
ungaLukku kuzhandhai manasu 'nnu sonnEn :-)

2nd January 2009, 08:26 AM
Russell Peters - Red White And Brown :rotfl: :rotfl:
Well this doesnt count as a western movie, still am not making this sh!t up :rotfl2:
DVD or download?? The DVD has about 3-4 deleted scenes and some super cool extra features. One of them is "Women are thinkers" from a different stand up session. Incredibly funny :thumbsup:

Guys have the ability to sit there for like 15 minutes, stare off into space and think about nothing. I mean nothing, absolutely nothing. Like if you were to put a camera in our head to see what we are thinking, it would be a blank screen. At best, at best a f-in screensaver :rotfl:

So true!

2nd January 2009, 08:32 AM
DVD or download?? The DVD has about 3-4 deleted scenes and some super cool extra features. One of them is "Women are thinkers" from a different stand up session. Incredibly funny :thumbsup:

Guys have the ability to sit there for like 15 minutes, stare off into space and think about nothing. I mean nothing, absolutely nothing. Like if you were to put a camera in our head to see what we are thinking, it would be a blank screen. At best, at best a f-in screensaver :rotfl:

So true! :lol: lemme try get this xtended version
download dhaan :oops: also got Outsourced and a couple more of his shows - weekend targets!

2nd January 2009, 08:35 AM
In outsourced he says: Good evening everyone hear and all you b####rds who downloaded it off the net. :lol:

2nd January 2009, 08:37 AM
In outsourced he says: Good evening everyone hear and all you b####rds who downloaded it off the net. :lol: :rotfl: shud remind myself to mute audio when that comes up :oops:

2nd January 2009, 12:19 PM
Hey recommend some good stand up comedians

2nd January 2009, 12:28 PM
Thirumaran :2thumbsup:

2nd January 2009, 12:29 PM

George Carlin (RIP), Richard pryor (Thanks Compli), Chris Rock.

Woody in his short stint:

A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me, she said 'no'.


2nd January 2009, 12:31 PM
:rotfl: :rotfl:

He didnt ask about mokkai comediyans :lol2: :yessir:

Thirumaran :2thumbsup:

2nd January 2009, 12:33 PM
:rotfl: :rotfl:

He didnt ask about mokkai comediyans :lol2: :yessir:

Thirumaran :2thumbsup:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

2nd January 2009, 12:35 PM

George Carlin (RIP), Richard pryor (Thanks Compli), Chris Rock.

Woody in his short stint:

A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me, she said 'no'.


Thanks thilak :)

2nd January 2009, 02:19 PM
Sid: Dave Chapelle's Killing Me Softly is one of the funniest stand up comedies I have heard. And Eddie Murphy's Raw and Hilarious are also very funny.

3rd January 2009, 05:09 AM
Die hard

3rd January 2009, 11:42 PM
The Wrestler - What a controlled performance by Rourke, never once over the top. Borrowing Woody's personal decree in Deconstructing harry, i.e a person who can't function in life but can function in the ring, sums up the protagonist, Randy Ram. The love and applause means everything to him. Nothing wrong with Arnofsky's handheld technique* to shoot, works pretty good. And the best part is, it was never once condescending of faux-Wrestling and Wrestlers.

TCCOBB - If the wrestler's mortality is a matter of concern to the audience, part of this effect is indebted to Rourke's presence. How I wish they had got a better actor than Brad Pitt. Pitt adds presence, but one feels a letdown for a character with scope for nuance and depth. Cate Blanchett with another fine turn. Not a fault of Fincher, an impressively made drama I thought. The length didn't matter at all, I was involved. If you thought lenghthy Zodiac was a change of style from previous works, this again is a nice little divergence from usual stylistics*. A departure from favorite genres.

*Digr: When you talk of stylistics, Aronofsky and Fincher are much addictive among contemporary filmmakers. Not as in Le Samourai or Blowup, but stylish nevertheless.

4th January 2009, 10:04 AM
Watched Taxi Driver and Sexy Beast back to back

Taxi Driver was intense and not the ending i expected...i guess it was one of those movies that was attempting to capture the zeitgeist of the times...

Sexy Beast was slick but it was like putting snatch and ocean's eleven together with no big names besides kingsley...but what's with the fixation on horror rabbits..seen also in donnie darko?

4th January 2009, 12:35 PM
Sid: Dave Chapelle's Killing Me Softly is one of the funniest stand up comedies I have heard. And Eddie Murphy's Raw and Hilarious are also very funny.

Thanks complicateur :)

4th January 2009, 07:37 PM
Revolutionary Road - :2thumbsup: of couples in 50s suburb, and an existential awakening of the lead couple doesn't live long. As it breaks out, the "hopeless emptiness" of life is little hard to get adjusted any more. As the relationship goes through this road, the couple go through a realization, but to what end? The closing shot of Howard Givings switching off Mrs.Givings (Kathy bates with a fine turn) is perhaps the only time one manages to get a grin. As with Winslet in Little Children, there is another impressive performance, she shows depth as dissatisfied wife. The film might so easily seem merciless, but with further evaluation, one finds a great deal of sensibility, and uh uncontrived, yet sort of handled in isolation, without seeming facetious.

5th January 2009, 05:13 AM
Synechdoche , New York

Philip Seymour Hoffman: Have I disappointed you in some way ?
Catherine Keener:.... Everyone disappoints

5th January 2009, 07:38 AM
Synechdoche , New York

Philip Seymour Hoffman: Have I disappointed you in some way ?
Catherine Keener:.... Everyone disappoints
neengaLum ippOlAm LM maadhiri aayittInga :mrgreen:

5th January 2009, 10:23 AM

5th January 2009, 10:28 AM

Watched with our complicateur who thoroughly and visibly enjoyed he movie. Naan konja nEram thoongittEn, avar sirichadhula ezhudhEnnA pArththukkungaLEn :oops:

He will write a detailed post shortly
(annan ippo murugEsikku 1000 roobai moi seyvaar)

5th January 2009, 11:05 AM
Synechdoche , New York

Philip Seymour Hoffman: Have I disappointed you in some way ?
Catherine Keener:.... Everyone disappoints

PArthAchA? :twisted:

5th January 2009, 11:32 AM
PArthAchA? :twisted: :?

5th January 2009, 11:38 AM
PArthAchA? :twisted: :?

Inga innum pakka mudiyaliye.. :evil:

6th January 2009, 05:38 AM
Synecdoche, New York

Adaptation is my favourite Charlie Kaufman film. And it is no coincidence that it is arguably his most 'mainstream' work yet. To be an artist is not do do art but is a state of existence. However the existence needs to manifest itself as 'actions' for the judging world which demands proof of his art. And that pits the artist against the craftsman. They share the praise, their contributions are indistguishable to the consumer, their inner-struggles are inexplicably personal. Even the schizoid framework I am putting it is a dramatization. It was 'crafted' by me in an attempt to communicate what was existing as an obvious thing in my mind, but needed the concoction for clear (?) explanation. That that process was conceived and executed with such excellence was what made me regard Kaufman as a magician.

Malkovich earlier and Sunshine later (and even Confessions, which he disowned) were very clever and deep films. Funny, poignant, incomparably different and fresh. But the one I could relate to the most is Adaptation.
And now I think that was because it was rooted in the mainstream. The lone man swimming against mediocrity and taking himself seriously was appealing in its tragicomic, because at some level the absurdity of it all was underlined. Synecdoche, for all its humour, seemed to take itself a tad too seriously. So much so that I could sleep through parts without compuction.

The movies have slept through include celebrated works like, Abbas Kiarostami's "Taste of Cherry", Ingmar Bergman's "Cries and Whispers". So perhaps Synecdoche is too

Urges me to make the blanket statement that film is NOT the medium for philosophical musing. Events, visuals, imagery to drink in, references to infer, moments to kindle emotions are things that cannot be done away with. I don't pronounce this as a rule, but as an inference.

Let me quote from - what is IMO on the finest short stories of all time: PGW's Clicking of Cuthbert. It is about the works of a Russian litterateur.

Vladimir specialized in grey studies of hopeless misery, where nothing happened till page three hundred and eighty, when the moujik decided to commit suicide.

The structural humour of Adaptation becoming an event filled movie with "drugs, sex and car chases and guns" was Kaufman sniggering at the earnestness of the one who swam 'against the tide'.
The high points in Synecdoche do not invite you to linger and ponder. Can an eventless musing on possibilities be enchanting ? Unlikely. It tries to be funny in many many places. Some places genuinely are. But in many places the 'absurdity' comes across as forced, the humour in conversation disappointingly superficial, lampooning carboard characters all of which seem to be quite appalling.

I am beginning to be cruel so I will cut short. It is not without its high points and disturbing profundity, but all that if you are engaged enough to enjoy it in the first place.

6th January 2009, 08:08 AM
Looking for comedy in the Muslim world

6th January 2009, 10:09 AM

6th January 2009, 10:39 AM
PR: :rotfl: at that post subject. Composing my thoughts... A lot of directions to go. viraivil post varum.

Caught Revolutionary Road - I couldn't help shaking the feeling that it was an evolved pirivOm SanthippOm. Sam Mendes' theater background is obvious but only from the minimalism in the character usage and the amount of time we dwell on the lead characters. An interestingly depressing movie.

6th January 2009, 10:45 AM
viraivil post varum. aavaludan edhirpArkkiREn. karuththukkaLum, edhirvinaigaLum.

Caught Revolutionary Road Release date for lesser mortals is Jan 23. ...:x idhellAm aniyAyam

MarudhanAyagam paarthAchchA ?

6th January 2009, 12:34 PM
KavuththittiyE thalaivA


Urges me to make the blanket statement that film is NOT the medium for philosophical musing. Events, visuals, imagery to drink in, references to infer, moments to kindle emotions are things that cannot be done away with. I don't pronounce this as a rule, but as an inference.

Interesting statement PR. At the very least, an event-filled screenplay helps my short attention span. Idhai patri piragu pesuvom. Oru Panchayat koottanum... :)

Vladimir specialized in grey studies of hopeless misery, where nothing happened till page three hundred and eighty, when the moujik decided to commit suicide.


6th January 2009, 01:01 PM
[tscii:b967874357]I am not sure if I am doing it justice. But here is a quick and dirty dissection.

Synecdoche, New York

Hazel: The end is written into the beginning….

Charlie Kaufman is nothing if not solipsistic. And in Synecdoche is his attempt at pantheistic solipsism. In some ways it is Kaufman allowing his devices to turn on him. His principal Caden Cotard might as well be named Charles Stuart Kaufman. And the world revolves around him. His self-obsession results in a dysfunctional marriage and love life. The scene where he is unable to make love to Hazel because he is so in his head, was to me the first stand out scene of the movie – very telling. And then there is the typical insecurity related to death and his hypochondriac nature that is the source of much humor in the initial parts (Hope Davis as his suggestive shrink is quite funny in a throwaway role as is an eager to please male actor in the troupe). That is the ultimate selfishness, to be so obsessed with one’s lack of longevity that it manifests it self as psycho-somatic illness. Ultimately all the characters seem 2 dimensional to the viewers because we perceive them as Caden does, just aspects in what makes his world go around. And maybe one could say he is rewarded for his obsession with watching his creation die before him – not really the best end. But before this end he realizes that an artists work is complete if and only if he surrenders ownership of the art to someone else. (handing over the reigns to Dianne Weist’s character).

In another, very related, take Caden Cotard is just the symbol of an artist more in love with the idea of “something really true” than “something truly real”. As Kaufman starts assembling his play within a movie one is aware that the play within a play iterations are coming but by the introduction of Dianne Weist’s character he is able to insinuate subtly that what we are viewing might be itself one of the iterations and this bit of writing elevated the movie for me.

In total I must say however that Synecdoche works far better as an idea than as an emotional cinematic experience. The puppet master pulls the strings quite deftly but you can still see them tugging at the marionettes.

7th January 2009, 12:53 AM
In another, very related, take Caden Cotard is just the symbol of an artist more in love with the idea of “something really true” than “something truly real”. As Kaufman starts assembling his play within a movie one is aware that the play within a play iterations are coming but by the introduction of Dianne Weist’s character he is able to insinuate subtly that what we are viewing might be itself one of the iterations and this bit of writing elevated the movie for me பழனிச்சாமி....

At the very least, an event-filled screenplay helps my short attention span. It is not about attention span alone. How do you communicate in the film medium. "He was helpless, he was feeling alone in this absurd world, he takes his artistic struggles personally". How do you translate them on to screen ? The near impossibiltity of the struggle to do so was brought out in Adaptation.
Charlie:"How do you plan to achieve this ?"
Donald:"Trick photography"
Charlie: " That's not what I meant....I mean in the reality of this film, where there is only one character.........(gives up) Mom is right.....it is psychologically taut"

Idhai patri piragu pesuvom. Don't bother waiting to watch the film, my question is broader and general,we can discuss now.[/tscii:7749f9fa13]

7th January 2009, 01:04 AM
Idhai patri piragu pesuvom. Don't bother waiting to watch the film, my question is broader and general,we can discuss now.

Sure PR, I think I'll say what I wanted to, as I reply to Compli's post.

7th January 2009, 01:34 AM
Compli, I like the sound of the write-up. Personally, I'm addicted to musings of the self, musings of an artist, and any little figment of imagination from the filmmaker, expressed in the medium that he strongly believes in.

Synecdoche works far better as an idea than as an emotional cinematic experience

Should Cinema be canonized to evoke a certain experience? Who comes up with canons of filmmaking anyway?

PR, when you made the specific statement reg. philosophical musings being undesirable. You certainly didn't pass it as a rule. But I'd find this a little problematic if you had inferred it with a general distrust towards the medium, and also because you "expect" certain attributes (Events, visuals, imagery to drink in, references to infer, moments to kindle emotions). The expressiveness of the auteur need not be governed by canons, sometimes, a thought might be expressed with no emotion, or events. The visual imagery is of course important. A VO in favour of a dialogue is again down to the filmmaker.

Tarkovsky would say the medium is for "sculpting in time", a canon that he so strongly believed and followed, that censored frames would mean the whole sequence being chopped off. He rebuked the numerous cuts and "grotesque" editing as he often refers, and thought the medium was pandering a little too much for the audience. While I agree with the latter, I'm amused by the former, because once again, I believe such is the expansiveness of this medium that it allows every bit of irreverence to pass off one's vision. Ultimately, it's the subjective reaction to it that varies. How could that be taken off as an inference of how this medium should be in an objective sense. (knowing fully well that your statement isn't objective)

7th January 2009, 01:45 AM
In another, very related, take Caden Cotard is just the symbol of an artist more in love with the idea of “something really true” than “something truly real”. As Kaufman starts assembling his play within a movie one is aware that the play within a play iterations are coming but by the introduction of Dianne Weist’s character he is able to insinuate subtly that what we are viewing might be itself one of the iterations and this bit of writing elevated the movie for me பழனிச்சாமி....

:lol: Caden keeps repeating he wants to create something "really true" in a play. Only ideas are really true - People hardly ever are. It might actually tie into your opinion of why Film/Plays might not be he best medium for philosophical musing.
To explain the entire paragraph I need to present some spoilers so... POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT
For the most part Caden's "real life", the one with Adele and Olive his first wife and daughter, (I call it real because he attempts to recreate it with his fangirl heroine so that he could incorporate that in his play) and related events (such as him going to clean Adele's apartment) seem independent of the this big play he is mounting. In that play I knew I was going to see play within play within play etc... (to infinity) and it was amusing to see how he was going to do it. And he did it as i expected with that map of the warehouse within map of the warehouse within map of the ware house etc... (to infinity).
In mathematical terms, if we consider Caden's life a one-sided infinite series A1, A2, A3, A4.....,An...... We assume of course that we are watching Caden's A1 of the series on screen.
But then Diane Weist comes along. And Caden even says something like "You are curiously close to the character I am looking to cast" or something like that. And in what we think is A1, Caden has been performing that character's job unknown to anyone except the lady in the apartment and so he thinks he can get away with lying in the play. He doesnt keep his promise of creating something true. But ultimately various terms in the series interact with each other altering A1 to the point where his truth is altered to Diane Weist's character's truth where he is cleaning Adele's apartment reducing the first term in his series to some Bn term in someone else's life series B1, B2, B3....Bn where he is a forgotten character. Romba kozhappurEnO? END POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT

7th January 2009, 02:04 AM
Perfect. I understand now.

Cut to Annie Hall.

Alvy breaks up with Annie. We are the rehearsal of a play where Alvy recreates the final break-up encounter with Annie as a scene and he makes it facvourable to him. He has a nicely wrotten finish line and Annie decides to stay with him. We - the audience - are his witness to 'truth'. Alvy turns to us and says : "What did you expect ? It is my first play ?"

That was really a lump-in-the-throat moment. But it is enjoyable precisely because he presents it lightly. That is what was conspicuously absent in Synecdoche

7th January 2009, 06:34 AM
MarudhanAyagam paarthAchchA ?
Missed this. nAn enna Premgi-yA? :lol2: :enddig//

7th January 2009, 08:09 AM
oh geez this thread has been hijacked by Connoisseurs! Le sigh...anyways watched the dark knight...finalemente! :oops: impressed but felt some parts just plain unbelievable...such as the make the other boat go boom part...i have to admit most of the time i couldn't even believe that it was heath under all that smear...

7th January 2009, 08:10 AM
Russell Peters' Outsourced :rotfl:
Underdog - Kid stuff

7th January 2009, 10:52 PM
Gran Torino - Disappointed a bit. Of course, Clint Eastwood much understands his own iconic presence, that the twist in the end works better. There are other interesting things about his character, racist demeanor and his annoyance by nature (and not necessarily senility). If you like Clint Eastwood, you could like this film. But if you wanted a "Mystic River" from the director, you'd be much disappointed!

8th January 2009, 01:56 AM
Gran Torino - Disappointed a bit. Of course, Clint Eastwood much understands his own iconic presence, that the twist in the end works better. There are other interesting things about his character, racist demeanor and his annoyance by nature (and not necessarily senility). If you like Clint Eastwood, you could like this film. But if you wanted a "Mystic River" from the director, you'd be much disappointed!

Yeah disappointed like u have said i expected a mystic river too.. but nonetheless its a good film atleast like above average for sure.. film is sometimes hilarious.. andt tragic too..It deals with disturbing issues like racism,gangs nd stuff.. clint eastwood as expected was good 8-) . but some of the acting in the movie was pathetic :x
This film still proves that eastwood is no way done with the movie business.He sure does make interesting movies. Hoping to catch up changeling and expecting more from him.

8th January 2009, 03:06 AM
Russell Peters' Outsourced :rotfl:

I saw parts of it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: omg :rotfl:

is it true that he got beat up by chinese? :?

8th January 2009, 03:41 AM
Gran Torino - Disappointed a bit. Of course, Clint Eastwood much understands his own iconic presence, that the twist in the end works better. There are other interesting things about his character, racist demeanor and his annoyance by nature (and not necessarily senility). If you like Clint Eastwood, you could like this film. But if you wanted a "Mystic River" from the director, you'd be much disappointed!

Yeah disappointed like u have said i expected a mystic river too.. but nonetheless its a good film atleast like above average for sure.. film is sometimes hilarious.. andt tragic too..It deals with disturbing issues like racism,gangs nd stuff.. clint eastwood as expected was good 8-) . but some of the acting in the movie was pathetic :x
This film still proves that eastwood is no way done with the movie business.He sure does make interesting movies. Hoping to catch up changeling and expecting more from him.


8th January 2009, 03:43 AM
Russell Peters' Outsourced :rotfl:

I saw parts of it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: omg :rotfl:

is it true that he got beat up by chinese? :? :confused2:

I think you're referring the KFC episode in Beijing, this kid says "nega" in Mandarin to his Mom, but this african woman in the line hears it as "nigger", and asks Russell to beat the kid. :lol:

8th January 2009, 04:18 AM

I think you're referring the KFC episode in Beijing, this kid says "nega" in Mandarin to his Mom, but this african woman in the line hears it as "nigger", and asks Russell to beat the kid. :lol:


no, not this one.

One of my friends told me that a few Chinese got offended. He wasn't sure either, so I wanted to confirm. Maybe not :)

8th January 2009, 11:28 AM
Russell Peters' Outsourced :rotfl:

I saw parts of it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: omg :rotfl:

is it true that he got beat up by chinese? :? :confused2:

I think you're referring the KFC episode in Beijing, this kid says "nega" in Mandarin to his Mom, but this african woman in the line hears it as "nigger", and asks Russell to beat the kid. :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :mrgreen: :lol:

11th January 2009, 11:03 PM
Watched Kikujiro. Not bad. A children's film. No wonder Mysskin loves this film because visuals play an important role in moving the screenplay. Cinematography and the BGM were excellent. This film can't be remade scene-by-scene, I guess Mysskin is just going to borrow the plotline.

12th January 2009, 09:22 AM
Mickey Rourke wins best actor Golden Globe for The Wrestler.

13th January 2009, 12:15 PM
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Another Winner from Fincher & Pitt..The sequences showing chaos/butterfly effect were stand out..

13th January 2009, 12:56 PM
Mickey Rourke wins best actor Golden Globe for The Wrestler.

Well Deserved! :thumbsup: :clap:

14th January 2009, 05:35 AM
7 Pounds

* Very intense movie that a number of my friends couldnt handle. I kinda liked it though! 8-)

* But I wonder why Will Smith is taking this "serious" route in his movies since Hitch! :cry:

15th January 2009, 05:19 AM
Lucky You

Eric Bana, Drew Barrymore and Robert Duvall :)

16th January 2009, 01:27 AM
SlumDog Millionaire..It was written that a British Director had to make the first Bollywood masala that claimed world recognition..

16th January 2009, 09:34 AM
neengaLLAm masala padam pAthirukkInga :confused2:

16th January 2009, 05:00 PM
The Untouchables [1987] - Vigneshwaran aNNA's recommendation.
What a performance from De Niro! :notworthy: But, was Sean Connery speaking an Irish accent? :huh: enna irunthAlum, climax AhA OhO range ellAm illa. sapp-nu pOyiduchu. :( Or was it otherwise? ;)

16th January 2009, 06:23 PM
The Untouchables [1987] - Vigneshwaran aNNA's recommendation.
What a performance from De Niro! :notworthy: But, was Sean Connery speaking an Irish accent? :huh: enna irunthAlum, climax AhA OhO range ellAm illa. sapp-nu pOyiduchu. :( Or was it otherwise? ;)

I like brian de palmas movies..his build ups,punch lines and style.All four heroes are wonderful esp. sean connery and kevin costner.

16th January 2009, 06:56 PM
The Untouchables [1987] - Vigneshwaran aNNA's recommendation.
What a performance from De Niro! :notworthy: But, was Sean Connery speaking an Irish accent? :huh: enna irunthAlum, climax AhA OhO range ellAm illa. sapp-nu pOyiduchu. :( Or was it otherwise? ;)

I like brian de palmas movies..his build ups,punch lines and style.All four heroes are wonderful esp. sean connery and kevin costner.

I've watched only 2: Scarface and this one. Andha padathilayum performance oNdi thAn attagAsamA irundhuchu...
De Niro's dialogue delivery in this film - kalAsal! The camera work was impressive. Especially in the railway station sequence. Also, during the initial scenes, we see how the camera moves between the primary characters- Costner, Connery and the other two cops in the same scene: Superb! Ennio Morricone needs no appreciation from brats like me. :notworthy:

16th January 2009, 08:25 PM
watch carlitos way- one of my most most fav movies.

16th January 2009, 08:28 PM
10 things I hate about you

16th January 2009, 09:09 PM
watch carlitos way- one of my most most fav movies.

athulayum Ennio Morricone composer? :p

16th January 2009, 09:20 PM
watch carlitos way- one of my most most fav movies.

athulayum Ennio Morricone composer? :p

nope!...but al pacino at his best!A must watch for gangster movie lovers :)

18th January 2009, 09:58 AM
Defiance- just Okay

18th January 2009, 01:46 PM
Slumdog Millionnaire - Back to back twice and in parts third time.

Intha padathai niRaiya pEr innum pAkkAthathAla - I shall refrain from posting my views until 23rd.

"Music composed and Produced by A R Rahman"- nu titles varumpOthu koncham emotional aayittEn. AthayE rewind paNNi oru 6 muRai pArthEn :D

He stands a high chance for Oscars :2thumbsup:

18th January 2009, 02:10 PM
The curious case of Benjamin Button - Not bad at all. The visuals were stunning like other Fincher films. I had no complaints about the length, it was perfectly fine. OTOH I personally hated Zodiac and its length. Brad Pitt was OK, but he could have done a lot better. An academy award worth role but Pitt did not do full justice to it. I was reminded of Dasavatharam in that Paris sequence. A quick and dirty demonstration of chaos theory perhaps. I could not stop myself from comparing this with Roth's Forrest Gump. There are so many characters but unfortunately, unlike FG, none (except may be a couple) of them are interesting. But Benjamin and Daisy's characters were superb. I was able to empathize with BB, the last 5 minutes were too much. Lump in my throat and all that :cry:

PS1: WTF was those scenes in India? Showing India in poor light. And Cate says 'Kismat' in one scene, isnt it a proper hindi word? Don't know if English inherited that.
PS2: Dark Knight is certainly the best of 2008 8-)

18th January 2009, 08:56 PM
He stands a high chance for Oscars :2thumbsup:

PS2: Dark Knight is certainly the best of 2008 8-)

Now, people please give your choices for the Oscars '09. Do mention these at the minimum.

Best Film
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Actor in a supporting role
Best Background score (ithu kittathetta confirmed)

18th January 2009, 10:10 PM
David Fincher is overrated. Agree? Disagree?

(I haven't seen TCCOB)

18th January 2009, 10:19 PM
David Fincher is overrated. Agree? Disagree?

(I haven't seen TCCOB)

Disagree (After Zodiac and TCCOB). :D

18th January 2009, 11:44 PM
David Fincher is overrated. Agree? Disagree?

(I haven't seen TCCOB)
Definitely disagree - Zodiac by itself is testament. One might say Fight Club's brilliance resided in Palahniuk's writing, but Zodiac is all class.

19th January 2009, 10:01 AM
Ocean's 11

The coolest film series.

19th January 2009, 11:37 AM
David Fincher is overrated. Agree? Disagree?

(I haven't seen TCCOB)
Definitely disagree - Zodiac by itself is testament. One might say Fight Club's brilliance resided in Palahniuk's writing, but Zodiac is all class.
Haven't seem Zodiac.

Even in FC, I think he took the material to great heights. The novel's a bit of a bummer if read after watching the film.Palahniuk's second novel - Choke- was apparently supposed to be directed by Fincher. enna aachchu'nnu theriyalai.

CR, ungaLukku se7en pidikkalaiyA ?

Even a dabba film like Panic Room - was presented quite interestingly by Fincher IMO.

19th January 2009, 11:41 AM
Princess diary :D

(watched 2nd time)

I am the only weird creature posting all romantic, choco movies here :lol2:

19th January 2009, 12:03 PM
Transpotter 3 :thumbsup: (Looks like we have a competitor to Bourne series) :)

19th January 2009, 02:32 PM
David Fincher is overrated. Agree? Disagree?

(I haven't seen TCCOB)
Definitely disagree - Zodiac by itself is testament. One might say Fight Club's brilliance resided in Palahniuk's writing, but Zodiac is all class.

nAnum oru 3 Zodiac padam pArthutten. oNNu kooda thERala. nejamAthAn solreengaLA? Testament? "athu ennathu unga mAstar pLANN?"

But agreed, Fincher is a great director.

20th January 2009, 01:40 AM
End of Days - One of those better performances from Arnold. A personal fav of mine.

20th January 2009, 02:05 AM
nAnum oru 3 Zodiac padam pArthutten. oNNu kooda thERala. nejamAthAn solreengaLA? Testament? "athu ennathu unga mAstar pLANN?"
I felt everyone in the movie Ruffalo Downey, Gyllenhall, his wife, even Dermot Mulroney was exceptionally well characterized and he did an excellent job of capturing the fear that gripped San Francisco in the 70's that made catching the killer very difficult. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit.

20th January 2009, 08:13 AM
Slumdog Millionaire- I can't get enough of this movie :| :oops: :)

21st January 2009, 12:59 AM
V for Vendetta.....finally

padu sumaar

Stephen Rea (inspector FInch) is very impressive.

21st January 2009, 01:04 AM
Loved FC, liked Se7en and Zodiac aana (The Game wasn't all that great), makkal remba pugazhndha madhiri thonuchu...

David Fincher is overrated. Agree? Disagree?

(I haven't seen TCCOB)
Definitely disagree - Zodiac by itself is testament. One might say Fight Club's brilliance resided in Palahniuk's writing, but Zodiac is all class.
Haven't seem Zodiac.

Even in FC, I think he took the material to great heights. The novel's a bit of a bummer if read after watching the film.Palahniuk's second novel - Choke- was apparently supposed to be directed by Fincher. enna aachchu'nnu theriyalai.

CR, ungaLukku se7en pidikkalaiyA ?

Even a dabba film like Panic Room - was presented quite interestingly by Fincher IMO.

21st January 2009, 01:11 AM
Palahniuk's second novel - Choke- was apparently supposed to be directed by Fincher. enna aachchu'nnu theriyalai.
Got made but not by Fincher. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1024715/)

21st January 2009, 01:12 AM
FC - league of its own. adhai vittiruvOm.

I kinda liked "The Game". Not that it was a great plot etc. He managed to make the whole things look scary. The scene where Sean Penn rushes into the car as a "hunted man". kaNNukkuLlayE irukku. We don't know what to fear, what he has gotten himself into, what perhaps we (Michael Douglas) are likely in for. Many things like that. Quite spooky.

Zodiac innum paakkalai

21st January 2009, 01:16 AM
Palahniuk's second novel - Choke- was apparently supposed to be directed by Fincher. enna aachchu'nnu theriyalai.
Got made but not by Fincher. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1024715/) Oh ! Doesn't look very promising. Shoddy novel, impressive in parts. Fincher would have made it good.

21st January 2009, 02:12 AM

21st January 2009, 10:08 AM
பெஸ்ட் பிலிம் ஆஸ்கார் விருதிற்கு இந்த திரைபடத்தை நான் சிபாரிசு செய்கிறேன் (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/)

21st January 2009, 11:02 AM
I watched "The Prestige" last week.. nice one to watch... :)

21st January 2009, 08:19 PM
V for Vendetta.....finally

padu sumaar

Stephen Rea (inspector FInch) is very impressive.

itha neenga 'tamizhil' pArthirukkaNum. Dubbing sema kodooram. athanAlayO ennavO english-la padam innum nallA irundhuchu. Still, 8 on 10.
Children of Men pArthuteengaLA? :P

22nd January 2009, 12:03 PM
Kill Bill- Vol. 1 and 2.
Thaaru Maaru. Tarantino... manusanAyyA neeyi? :notworthy:

22nd January 2009, 12:10 PM
Tarantino... manusanAyyA neeyi? :notworthy:

:shock: hollywood engEyO pOyiduchchu :2thumbsup:

22nd January 2009, 01:06 PM
Tarantino... manusanAyyA neeyi? :notworthy:

:shock: hollywood engEyO pOyiduchchu :2thumbsup:

Enna achu? What happened?

22nd January 2009, 09:09 PM
Pochae pochae, Naaminesan pochae :cry2: :cry: :lol:

பெஸ்ட் பிலிம் ஆஸ்கார் விருதிற்கு இந்த திரைபடத்தை நான் சிபாரிசு செய்கிறேன் (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/)

22nd January 2009, 11:37 PM
Pochae pochae, Naaminesan pochae :cry2: :cry: :lol:

பெஸ்ட் பிலிம் ஆஸ்கார் விருதிற்கு இந்த திரைபடத்தை நான் சிபாரிசு செய்கிறேன் (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/)
Feddy, naan indha varusham Oscar-ai purakkaNikkiREn.

22nd January 2009, 11:54 PM
Maria Elena - Nominated :yes:

22nd January 2009, 11:56 PM
Maria Elena - Nominated :yes:
Oh irundha prachanaiyila idhai gavanikka vittuttEn.

indha ferfAmans-kku thalaivikku atleast reNdu oscar kudukkaNum. IppOdhaikku onnu kudunga adjust paNNikkirOm.

22nd January 2009, 11:58 PM
Seriously if she wasnt nominated nAnE oru thrisanku oscar committee niruvi avangaLukku kalaivizhA koNdAdi iruppEn. As you and she said before: Not talented, 'genious'! 'Genious'!

23rd January 2009, 11:22 AM
Kill Bill again.
This movie isn't getting out of my mind only. Tarantino has become my favourite director second only to Kubrick. Kill Bill OST, Kill Bill wallpapers.. Kill Bill Quotes.. abirAmi..abirAmi..

24th January 2009, 08:01 AM
Robert Downey Jr. nominated for Best Supporting Actor for Tropic Thunder? :o...he was really funny, but still...very odd nomination, IMO

24th January 2009, 08:44 AM
28 Weeks later - adengappa enna visuals :clap:

24th January 2009, 11:29 AM
Donnie Brasco(97)- pacino and depp-combi rocks. :)

24th January 2009, 02:22 PM
On the waterfront (1954)
"I coulda been a contender. I coulda had class, I coulda been anybody instead of a bum which is what I am."
Very good film. Performances, Music and B/W cinematography at its best.

25th January 2009, 01:53 AM

Never seen chaplin being so serious. Enna padam idhu??

25th January 2009, 02:00 AM
Scarface once again :twisted: thalaivar al pacino chance ila enna oru gethu! :notworthy:

25th January 2009, 02:06 AM
Irunga irunga Inglorious Basterds varudhu :D.

Kill Bill again.
This movie isn't getting out of my mind only. Tarantino has become my favourite director second only to Kubrick. Kill Bill OST, Kill Bill wallpapers.. Kill Bill Quotes.. abirAmi..abirAmi..

25th January 2009, 02:26 AM

Never seen chaplin being so serious. Enna padam idhu??
The Great Dictator :?

25th January 2009, 02:27 PM
The president is coming - Hilarious satire. Excellent writing/acting. Many scenes had me in splits. Could guess one of the two twists in the climax though. And thankfully the stereotypical (well not that much) south Indian character was not a Madharaasi. Highly recommended.

25th January 2009, 02:55 PM

Never seen chaplin being so serious. Enna padam idhu??
The Great Dictator :?

Yes :)

25th January 2009, 05:25 PM
Frost/Nixon - Eminently watchable. Inspired performance(s) by Langella as Nixon, and Sheen as Frost. An adaptation from the play, with the lead actors reprising their original roles.

25th January 2009, 05:27 PM
Frost/Nixon - Eminently watchable. Inspired performance(s) by Langella as Nixon, and Sheen as Frost. An adaptation from the play, with the lead actors reprising their original roles.

Ron Howard nominated - Chris Nolan not

Your comment....

26th January 2009, 01:44 AM
Note pannikurein. Thank Yu :P.


Never seen chaplin being so serious. Enna padam idhu??
The Great Dictator :?

Yes :)

26th January 2009, 11:53 AM
Frost/Nixon - Eminently watchable. Inspired performance(s) by Langella as Nixon, and Sheen as Frost. An adaptation from the play, with the lead actors reprising their original roles.

Ron Howard nominated - Chris Nolan not

Your comment....

Farcical. TDK still stands out for me. But then of course, we're speaking of Oscars. That's Ron Howard's ballpark (Au contraire TDK is more likely to be a favorite for MTV awards :lol2: ). I half expected a nomination for "Da Vinci Code" because of Ron and Hanks. :lol: The academy loves mainstream stars, mainstream American directors, and big budget studios. Although adaptation from comic books doesn't appeal to them..

28th January 2009, 07:40 AM
Red Cliff 2

The movie unfolds with a rather helpful and stylishly executed recap of the events of part one. Then, we are thrown immediately back into the thick of the action. The story progress as each troop planning to bring down the other by ancient war tactics.
Arrows, typhoid, fish oil, wind etc etc played very big role. Gripping stunt sequences with fantastic back drop and music wil keep one glued to the seat wondering what would happen next.
John Woo deserves a pat. :bow:

30th January 2009, 09:42 AM
Jurassic Park

30th January 2009, 09:58 AM
Red Cliff 2

The movie unfolds with a rather helpful and stylishly executed recap of the events of part one. Then, we are thrown immediately back into the thick of the action. The story progress as each troop planning to bring down the other by ancient war tactics.
Arrows, typhoid, fish oil, wind etc etc played very big role. Gripping stunt sequences with fantastic back drop and music wil keep one glued to the seat wondering what would happen next.
John Woo deserves a pat. :bow:

can u pm me the links of the torrent please(as i need the torrent of good quality) :).very eagerly waited for the second part.

first parta vida bramandama? :)

30th January 2009, 01:04 PM
Red Cliff 2

The movie unfolds with a rather helpful and stylishly executed recap of the events of part one. Then, we are thrown immediately back into the thick of the action. The story progress as each troop planning to bring down the other by ancient war tactics.
Arrows, typhoid, fish oil, wind etc etc played very big role. Gripping stunt sequences with fantastic back drop and music wil keep one glued to the seat wondering what would happen next.
John Woo deserves a pat. :bow:

can u pm me the links of the torrent please(as i need the torrent of good quality) :).very eagerly waited for the second part.

first parta vida bramandama? :)

I'm sorry, I watched in theatre and I don't have any online links. :) India-vulE theare-la release AgalayA??? :roll:
IMO, this part is as much grand as the previous part. I think u won't say one is better than the other. Both parts are terrific. If u loved Part 1 and eagerly waiting for the Part 2, John Woo won't dissapoint u. Pls do share what u think once u watched it. :)
I guess this is the final part. :cry:

P.S "RED CLIFF 2 smashes past Chinese B.O. milestone." - Variety Asia Online

30th January 2009, 07:58 PM
ok thalafanz.

I really doubt it would be released in chennai - as first installment was not released in chennai.


31st January 2009, 09:38 AM

Racy thriller... However i couldnt figure out y the caller targets Stu.

1st February 2009, 12:11 PM
deer hunter
cinema paradiso
pulp fiction
once upon a time in america
bicycle thief
good bad and the ugly
dog day afternoon
king of comedy
life is beautiful
godfather 1 and 2
aparajito (watch it after pather panchali)
carlitos way
kill bill
saving private ryan
schindlers list
seven samurai
and a lot

very serious movie buffs who watch films of tarkovsky,fellini types would recommend u more :)

Working through this list. Bolded ones remain. Cinema paradiso yesterday. Thanks for the birthday gift Nilavupriyan aNNA!

1st February 2009, 06:50 PM
Philadelphia :2thumbsup:

Original DVD thEdi alenchu - ippOthAn kedechithu.

Tom Hanks - :notworthy: IdhuvallavA performance ! He would always remain as one of my very few most favourite actors :notworthy:

Denzel Washington :thumbsup:

2nd February 2009, 08:50 AM
Sconosciuta, La (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0494271/) - Very good. A psychological thriller. Tight script, flawless screenplay and great acting. Absolutely recommended.

2nd February 2009, 09:23 AM
watched seven pounds....so very depressing...Will does a good job part of the time doing the whole "full of pain and sorrow" look but at times he looks constipated....there's apart of me that feels that i shouldn't have watched such a movie...even though i have seen a very much drawn out cry-fest version in tamil...i think it was with Narain...nenjirukkam varai...but well another part of me makes me feel happy that I watched such a movie...because it is supposed to be inspirational.....

Love and Death with Woody Allen....after watching tongue-in-cheek comedy/drama...it took a little getting use to seeing just Woody goof around...the philosophical banter back and forth was smirk-worthy...can't say i laffed out loud but i did enjoy that feeling of i understand why this is funny....intellectually funny i guess..

2nd February 2009, 01:09 PM
The Reader - Disappointing. Concealing on basis of ignominy, and thus ridden with guilt. We have seen it before. The characters aren't all that interesting, and rakishly constructed. Acting was impressive. Winslet excels a expected.

Doubt - Acting was impressive. Although I enjoyed the film, it doesn't function more than abstract sketches, and oblique skepticism. "I have doubts"

2nd February 2009, 02:06 PM
silence of the lambs
hopkins- brilliant.

2nd February 2009, 02:07 PM
silence of the lambs
hopkins- brilliant.

I loved it.

2nd February 2009, 02:09 PM
What makes his character great?

2nd February 2009, 05:35 PM
What makes his character great?

Anthony hopkins u mean?

2nd February 2009, 07:38 PM
Sconosciuta, La (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0494271/) - Very good. A psychological thriller. Tight script, flawless screenplay and great acting. Absolutely recommended.

Torrent link?

2nd February 2009, 07:45 PM
What makes his character great?

Anthony hopkins u mean?

No, Hannibal Lectur.

2nd February 2009, 07:59 PM
The Visitor - Richard Jenkins gives a terrific performance in an underrated gem. As with the filmmaker's debut film "Station Agent", the (emotional) alienation of the protagonist is overcome as he bridges the ethnical by the "visit". In the sense the character works as a combination of Fin and Olivia from "Station Agent". Fin's visit recovers Olivia from her mourning of a deceased son. Here we have Walter mourning his wife, and his "visit " brings in an inherent change. Although, the ending opens up a new lead-in.

2nd February 2009, 08:11 PM
Sconosciuta, La (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0494271/) - Very good. A psychological thriller. Tight script, flawless screenplay and great acting. Absolutely recommended.

Torrent link?

Available in isohunt I believe.

I'm not really sure I would like this. Never liked Tornatore's films all that much in totality (None more so than his thriller, A pure formality) . Although it has to be said he has rarely disappointed with cinematography and background score.

2nd February 2009, 08:53 PM
RK, torrents illa.. Got the DVD from an Italian colleague here..

Malena was OK and cinema paradiso was poetic. This one's entirely different from those two.. Haven't seen any other movie of his..

2nd February 2009, 08:58 PM
Any body have watched his "Everybody's fine"?

3rd February 2009, 09:04 AM

Semi Pro.

5th February 2009, 11:21 AM
Flight Plan.
Engaging. foster at it again.

5th February 2009, 11:23 AM
& stylish Travolta starrer
The General's Daughter. Man, he rocks. :clap: