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View Full Version : Skies (Sridevi)

25th October 2006, 03:34 PM

- Sridevi

They were waiting for me to look up
With bright garlands of pink, pale violet and light grey
Stretches and stretches of emptiness and peace
Healing the mind and heart.
Friendly lights went inside brain refreshing tired cells.
Aged with millions of years wisdom
They benignly blessed the life around them
Moving in technological speed.

They had the grace to accept the dignified machines
Bearing themselves in straight lines darting across.
Nothing moved them as noble minds are not ruffled easily.
No weakness of soul getting jealous of others’ success.
They had the knack to bear with the winning of man
And waited to see the end of everything.

pavalamani pragasam
16th January 2007, 03:40 PM
Philosophical & true imagination! :D