View Full Version : Beware OF Cheap- Advertisements- Earn money Stuff....

27th December 2006, 03:59 AM
Hi Friends.
it is really a catchy thing, when it comes to earn money. But believe me 99% of the things are part of scams where you do the hardwork and other person will enjoy on the run. YOu wont be getting anything after participation in the program, but your small work, will make the owner rich.

Apart from that some people, in india are also reciving e-mails from the people who are based abroad and they are saying that you have won good amount of money or they need to do the transfer of money to your bank account as there deceased friend or relative left for them. Please for gods sake do not give your account no or any kind of details . They are the people who can hack to your bank account and afterwards you cant do anything as they stays abroad and nonthing can be done.

Besides this, sometimes people wants to make money by participating into various internet programs, where they have been told to earn money by clicking or reading e-mails. Well friends belive me, i am using internet from the year 1995 and till this very moment no body has recvd any kind of payments from these offers. If you really want to earn money, develop your blog and earn money from google. if you want any help , you can read my blog. http://seo-tool.blogspot.com

But friends be beware of the facts that i told you here, because this is internet. You can earn loads of money, however you have to choose right path and move ahead with leaders like Google and not some bad programs where you can land up yourself in Trouble.

27th December 2006, 12:03 PM
So u r gettin people to subscribe to google adsense through ur referral so that u'll get money? :roll:

27th December 2006, 03:31 PM
If you really want to earn money, develop your blog and earn money from google. if you want any help , you can read my blog. http://seo-tool.blogspot.com.
This is wat I'm getting by clicking on ur blog link:

"Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds"

:confused2: :huh: :roll:

27th December 2006, 07:29 PM
Well i am not reffering people and moreover the terms and conditions are so tough that it one cannot fullfil the things, in the normal circumstances.
So nonthing as such of earning refferalls , but yeah it is promising for the people who really waste thier time in going ahead for the false internet programs.