View Full Version : Rational Story

13th January 2007, 07:57 PM
A lot is being discussed about God and Atheism in some other forum.
I just composed this poem and am posting it here too.
I would love to know your reactions.


"God", said my grandpa,
Was made of Truth,
And Goodness.
He was all powerful.
He had endless form.
Un surpassed beauty.
He was always with people
As their Friend and Guide.
With people's Love,
He grew and remained Almighty.
But he always had
To depend upon
People's Faith
People's Goodness
And their Truth,
To be that way.

"Then why can't we
See Him now?" I asked.

"Because," said Grandpa,
"Now God is
An ethereal form
As collective goodness
Faith and Truth
Which people possessed,
Have vanished .
They can't see Him

Now they have established
A new faith.
A product of Unseeing eyes,
Unfeeling heart,
Unbelieving mind,
And an absent conscience.

In that they believe,
They call it


I have changed my signing name as Nichiroojii, as I have become a grandpa.

pavalamani pragasam
14th January 2007, 08:05 AM
Congrats, ji, on your promotion!

The grandpa speaks the truth!


15th January 2007, 04:43 AM
Thanks PP Madam.

I had to pen this poem in a story telling fashion so I had to become grandson.But in reality, it was the other way round. I had become Grandfather and younger generation of today who think that they know everything under the sun, were my targets.

They continue discussing qoting western thinkers and writers about religion and God or absence of Him.
when they find themselves powerless or clueless at one stage in life, they will seek Divine intervention.
Till then, they will continue vithanda vadham.


pavalamani pragasam
15th January 2007, 10:25 AM

20th January 2007, 03:03 PM
I have changed my signing name as Nichiroojii, as I have become a grandpa.
That's really great. congrats.

21st January 2007, 11:13 PM
Congrats sir :) on u becoming grandpa.

//"God", said my grandpa,
Was made of Truth,//

//Faith and Truth
Which people possessed,
Have vanished .//

you yourself has explained logically why younger generation is into ATHEISM :)

21st January 2007, 11:16 PM
I have changed my signing name as Nichiroojii, as I have become a grandpa.
That's really great. congrats.

oh congrats :)
indeed very beautiful poem :clap: