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28th January 2007, 02:39 PM
Poetry Column

- Querida

The Imp

an imp
it stares at me from far;
under the thrushes,
beneath the brambley bushes,
it looks, and looks, and looks,
it pleads for a glimpse back...
yet i fear i will see nothing:
but figment;
or a reality,
in imagination.


There are no clouds, but clouds

the clouds
they do not
make pictures
any more.
all is just fluff,
where no kingdoms
no more are they
pillows for all,
the swiftly swept
the wispy smoke,
of majestic dragons
are no more there...
the cottony changelings
that fly to melt into new beings.
no swirls but cirrus,
all accumulations of wandering visions...
are now still as
the fish of the sea no longer skim the skies...
only stratus aligns along.
no longer,
lend the their lens,
into the heavens above.

pavalamani pragasam
2nd February 2007, 01:32 PM
Bane of 'knowledge' which dislodges beautiful, happy fancies. Imagination stripped of glamour by education. what a pity! :lol: