View Full Version : a small anecdote

8th March 2007, 09:08 PM
I read the following piece just now and wish to share with you readers:- (you might have heard this before)

A guru was living in an ashram, with his disciples. A sick cat one day strayed into his place and he tended it and brought it back to normal health. The cat became his pet. As time went on it began to take liberties and started disturbing him while meditating. So he tied the cat to the cot. In due course the guru passed away. The senior disciple took charge of the ashram and tying the cat to the cot became an important ritual before meditation. The accent shifted to tying the cat than meditation. Soon the cat died. How can one start meditation without tying a cat to the cot? They caught hold of another cat and gradually meditation was reduced to tying the cat to the cot.

9th March 2007, 01:10 AM
I read the following piece just now and wish to share with you readers:- (you might have heard this before)

never read before, but there is a tread for anecdotes :) i think u could or should have posted it there
anyway thanks for sharing :P

9th March 2007, 01:15 AM
:lol: Good One!! :D

That's why "Guru Moolamaithaan Yellam Payirchiyum Varanum." I guess. :P