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View Full Version : Chinese TV series (Singapore)

2nd April 2007, 10:10 AM

There was this chinese tv series on Ch. 8 called "Shanghai Love Story" starring Marcellino Zhang, Wu Chien Lien & David Wu, aired sometime in October - November 2006. I watched initial few episodes but could not continue due to time constraints. The episode which I saw last was the concluding part of the series.

It was a feel-good story. Now I am hunting for the DVD of the series which to my surprise I am unable to get in the local VCD shops.

Can fellow-hubbers (Singapore) help me out ??


sivaram ram
17th April 2007, 10:14 PM
Damn u will never find any manjan in singapore looking for Indian serial u joker.... dont pollute this forum with chinese crap

18th April 2007, 02:53 PM
Damn u will never find any manjan in singapore looking for Indian serial u joker.... dont pollute this forum with chinese crap

Thats what you think !! If you dont know, just dont reply.

Chinese serials are not tear-jerkers like tamil mega serials which just portray women as either a " Villi " Maamiyaar / Sis in law,or any other relative for that matter, or else they will portray women as silent sufferers of abuse and violence... There are hardly any feel good entertainers. You want women to always sit in front of TV and weep or what ?? Tell me, Man ??

If you dont know abc of what I am referring to, just keep your mouth shut.

18th April 2007, 03:02 PM
Damn u will never find any manjan in singapore looking for Indian serial u joker.... dont pollute this forum with chinese crap

I am not tilling your land and polluting your farm.. This is an open forum.. That too topics from movies on any part of the world can be discussed. If you all can discuss heroes dancing with girls of their daughter's age, romance them on-screen and go ga-ga over them and make poojai... What can be more STINKING than that ???

1st August 2007, 07:50 AM
you try those dvd/cd shops that are in shoppin centres. they shld have