View Full Version : from the labor room to the grave

4th May 2007, 08:47 PM
From the Labour room to the grave:-
Forty new born deaths were reported in the Sri Avittam Tirunal Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram last month due to infection (KIEBSIELLA BACTERIA) in the labor room!! :oops:
The Health Minister removed the hospital superintendent Dr.Rajmohan!!!
Human Rights Commission chairman N Dinakar filed a suo motto case and demanded an explanation with in a fort-night.
The hospital acquired infection was detected following the microbiology test conducted due to high rate of admissions at the inborn nursery.
Over the past two months the admission of new born babies to the hospital rose to 225 then to 287.
The neonatal mortality at the hospital had always been less than 10. In the past month it increased to 40. :cry:
Over crowding and unhygienic conditions in labor room is the root cause. In the labor room 60 deliveries takes place per day. The labor room was closed down and a new room was set up.
SAT is the referral hospital for the all the private hospitals. Doctors complain that critical cases from private hospitals also bring infection. Also more than five by standers attend each patient.

When the report of death flashed people including party men and women rushed in making the hygienic condition bad to worse.
There is lack of awareness among the patients and the bystanders. They carelessly dispose food leftovers in hall ways.
The LDF governemtn swung into action.
THE central government has demanded a report from the state government.
The Additional Chief Magistrate has ordered the city police to file a case against six including the Health Minister P K Sreemathi for culpable homicide.

pavalamani pragasam
5th May 2007, 05:26 PM

5th May 2007, 05:57 PM
sad :(