22nd June 2007, 10:23 AM
Scenes seen..
Farther sky, following clouds
Fighting and roaring louder
Frieghtening thin 'mercury' lightning
Aligning sky & land with drizzling
Numerous trees, dancing too
Songsby not-so beautiful cuckoo
Incessant rains; just-born bubbles
Pleasant winds' longer whistles
Umbrella held human being
Free fresh water flowing
Calmed air; halted drama
Spreading sunshine; new aroma
Now emerges eye-catchy RAINBOW
Asking everyone about the SHOW.
Farther sky, following clouds
Fighting and roaring louder
Frieghtening thin 'mercury' lightning
Aligning sky & land with drizzling
Numerous trees, dancing too
Songsby not-so beautiful cuckoo
Incessant rains; just-born bubbles
Pleasant winds' longer whistles
Umbrella held human being
Free fresh water flowing
Calmed air; halted drama
Spreading sunshine; new aroma
Now emerges eye-catchy RAINBOW
Asking everyone about the SHOW.