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Bad Boy
26th December 2004, 04:24 PM
I phoned to my aunt in Jaffna (St. Patrick's Rd / Main Street) today morning to get more information about the desasterous Wave that happened today Dec 26th in the aftermath of the X'mas 2004. She said "I'm not in the mood to talk to you... it is a big desaster... Sorry.. " in an excusing melodical way and quit. :cry:

What do you know? Who can provide more information?


Mad Max
26th December 2004, 08:44 PM

I hope all your relatives are well.

nirosha sen
26th December 2004, 08:45 PM
Well Bad Boy - 1st I'm real sorry abt what happened in Sri Lanka to your loved ones!! Between 10 am - 11 am (M'sian time), my hubby and son felt the floor sway and my son felt nauseous like a boat swaying!!

The epicentre of the quake is off the coast of Sumatera. Penang has been badly hit with abt 6 deaths reported so far!! Though we felt the tremors along the coast of Peninsula Malaysia, no other casualty has been reported. Surprisingly, the ensuing tsunami has been carried much further into the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal.
There's talk of after-shocks as well!!

I just came back from the beach area just now, the waters are calm as usual. Nothing unusual to report.

Mad Max
26th December 2004, 08:52 PM
A lot of the kuppams in Chennai where the poor people live in have been affected badly. Also people who went for a walk in the beach at that time are reported missing. Even in Chennai some buildings were shaking. This is a terrible tragedy :cry:

According to the NY times, even the earth's rotation was affected slightly by the quake.

From the New York Times:
``All the planet is vibrating'' from the quake, said Enzo Boschi, the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institute. Speaking on SKY TG24 TV, Boschi said the quake even disturbed the Earth's rotation.

26th December 2004, 10:24 PM
Dear Everyone who is affected by this wrath of nature,

Our best wishes and thoughts are with you.

May you find the strength to rise from this tragedy and find peace and comfort!

This is surreal and apocalyptic in a way, "Day after tomorrow" was the first thing that came to my mind for some reason. Why weren't there any warning signs on such a massive earthquake? Or were they not publicized so as to not alarm the people in the Sumatra region?

26th December 2004, 11:46 PM
Im just shaken and as cygnus has put it - it's all surreal for me a huge tragedy for all of thamizhnadu :(

A huge earthquake measuring 8.9 hit the north-west coast of Sumatra island - the center of the quake being in the ocean some 1000-1500 km from the shores of sumatra.

The huge quake produced an explosion equivalent to 32 billion tons of tnt explosives!! according to the BBC.

The quake happened due to the tectonic plate movement and the collision of Indian Ocean continental plate with the Eurasian(Indonesian) Plate.

The collission fissure was more than 1000 KM long and because of this collission Water walls of 10m -30 m were thrown up all along these 1000 KM collission range producing a mind-boggling Tsunami giant killler waves, which then travelled towards the south asian region of srilanka, India, and bangladesh, with a speed of about 900 KMPH to 1000 KMPH.

The waves when neared the shores produced a huge energy with which it hit the Coastline of south asian countires and it was catastrophic and devastating.

In Tamilnadu's coastal region alone - more than 5000 people are already confirmed dead by on the ground estimates(Officail govt. estimates underplay this figure).

It is said that in TN alone the fatality could be over 10,000 people :( most of them being - poor fisherfolk who live right along the coast.

Moreover, thousands of fisherman who ventured into the sea on sunday morning havent returned and they are feared consumed by the massive waves.

Since Tsunamis are virtually unknown in this region (Tsunamis are more frquent in Pacific region only) - people were absolutely had NO idea of what hit them :(

The Killer waves hit TN shores at around 8:35-8:45 am and it was all over in about 20-30 mins :(

Thousands of fisher folk, their children, beach goers, tourists, fishermen in the sea all washed away into the gory death-dance of the sea :(

The administration of the TN govt. was caught unawares and non-responsive until in the afternoon and the homeless survivors of the poor fisherfolk along coastline were left without any food or shelter till about 3:30 pm in the afternoon - they were all lined up half-fainted in teh platforms of the roads :(

Meanwhile dead bodies pile up in govt hospitals and private homes and absolute chaos everywhere and no proper medical facilities are available for the wounded and the gravely injured in the melee of running for their life :(

Dr. Roger Mussan, a seismologist from United Kingdom told on the BBC - that these kinds of Tsunamis do have aftershock effects that is - 2 or 3 more Giant Tidal waves may AGAIN hit south-asia in the next 2 days :( :(

The metrological dept. of India has confirmed that more tidal waves MAY be in store for the south indian coast :( :(

Orisaa is affected, Andhra is hit badly and Tamilnadu's coastline has been devatstaed and the worst hit :( :(

The Indian fatality for this south-south east asian tragedy could be more than 10-15 thousand some say :(

Srilanka's coast has been completely destroyed from Mullaitivu to tricomalee to polanaruwa to colombo to galle :( :(

They are even more worst hit than Tamilnadu :(

Almost 95% of the southern and wester coast beach restaurants and resorts have been washed away :(

Tourists to SL have been washed away in 100s we r told and the Capital city colombo too is iundated with its subuurbs like Unatawuna and Galle terribly devastated from the news sources. :(

The Human Tragedy is unbearable and SL economy has taken a terrible hit :(

I'm worried about Roshan who is probably living near Colombo :(

Roshan plezz immediately give a message abt ur well-being

I donno what to say - im devastated as this tragedy of evil proportions begins to sink in :(( :((

"tharai mEl piRakka vaiththAm
engaLai thaNNeeril pizhaikka vaiththAN
karai mEl irukka vaiththAN
peNgaLai kaNNeeril mithakka vaithtAN


mudinthAL mudiyum thodarnthAl thodarum
ithuthAn engaL vAzhkai"

:( :( :(

karai mElum irukka vidaliyE avargaLai - sathikAra iyaRkaiyE! pAviyE! avargaLai karaiyilum kolkiRAyE :( :( :(

27th December 2004, 12:05 AM
SUCH A SUDDEN ONSLAUGHT by Nature.... on Humanity...

.... Such a Magnitude.... !!........SO..O..O..O.... SUDDEN...


On My Phonetalk to Chennai India, I come to know that the REAL LOSS AND DAMAGES are far more than what is reported in Online.....

.... and the Pathetic plight of the people....!!!!.... HEART-RENDING....!!!!!!!!!!

.... NO WORDS.... TO DESCRIBE.....

Oh! God !!!...Let us all PRAY FOR THE INNOCENT VICTIMS !!!

27th December 2004, 12:15 AM
Why weren't there any warning signs on such a massive earthquake? Or were they not publicized so as to not alarm the people in the Sumatra region?

I have the very same doubt cygnus :(

Was there an international conspiracy behind the kind of silence which is so very eerie now??

Did the sumatran(read indonesian) people were "profiled" an so they were not informed by the "western" advanced scientific nations?

And i want to point out the utter disregard in india regarding "scientific data" that is useful to save lives, property and resources - in times of these kinds of disasters.

There is absolutely no Policy on crisis and disaster management in india it seems now.

The NDTV news channel correspondent interviewd the ISRO chief(Indian Space research Organisation) or may be ISRO' s programmes director? - and asked him this :

India has 6 satellites up there in space orbit - for remote sensing and geological data. WHY didnt even a single one of them was used to find out that such a huge tragedy was about to hit Indian Coast???

The ISRO guy had no proper answer for this :(

He said NONE of those 6 satellites was "designed" to find out about any natural calamities of this nature and they were designed only to look at the "chlorophyll" and other oceanographic features!! :( :(

he actually had the guts to say that! :(

Indian scientific community must surely hang their heads in shame for letting more than 10,000 indians die like sitting ducks when they could have saved almost all of them with a little bit more focus on "life friendly" space projects :(

And one more absolutely scandalous and demoralising thing was revealed by Indian TV media today regarding the "Quality" of indian science and technology :

MOST of the international agencies which measured and recorded the Indonesian Quake reported it to be of richter scale 8.9, while some of them put it around 8.6

And Indian seismographic instruments estimated that quake only to be around 8.0!!!!! :(

It was suggested that Indian tech. is pathetic and completely off the mark and below par! :( - which was shocking and devastating!

I donno what to say :(

27th December 2004, 12:29 AM
And if you are wondering what's the big deal between 8.0 and 8.9 - thing again!

The seismic scale is "Incremental" in an alarming rate and the difference of that 0.9 is absolutely huge! It simply means that a seismic quake of 8.9 scale is like 32 times MORE powerful and lethal than a 8.0 quake!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it is said that this 8.9 quake is the most devastating one anywhere in the world in the last 40 years and the 5th most powerful one in the last 105 years since 1900!

And the last time that indonesian region was hit by a major quake was around 1833 ACE it seems!

That British Seismologist Dr. Roger Mussan also had this insightful info on Tsunamis.

usually Tsunamis occur in the pacific region and so the pacific rim countires and cities are well-prepared to deal with them.

When the Phenomenon of Tsunamis hit a coast - it seems - first just before the Massive tidal hit - the coast would reced for a few 100 metres it seems - coz the Tsunamis would suck in the coastal waters and create a vaccuum before dealing a fatal and devastating blow on that shore!

that is the standard nature of TSunamis he said!

But, unfortunately - ONLY people who KNEW this symptom and recogize it to be of tsunamis would understand the danger and run for their life from the coast.

Others who havent had any real knowledge of Tsunamis would only be fascinated by those final moments - the sea would seem to suddenly recede from the coast for upto half a KM and the sea-bed would be visble to the onlookers near the shore with all the fish species suddenly thrown into the sands.

Ignorant of the impendingdanger, the onllokers would wonder and be curious to flock near the shore - when actually they MUST RUN AS FAST AND AND AS FAR AWAY from the shore - as that sudden receding of sea water is a telling feature of giant tsunamis!
:( :(

Since south-asians have almost never experienced tsunamis - they have perished at the evil phenomenon's mysterious symptoms, due to ignorance :(

27th December 2004, 12:59 AM
Some clarifications :

* Chennai experienced some "mild tremors" and "after shocks" from that HUGE quake which hit the indonesian coast, and indian seismologists discount an independent tremor as i twas definitely caused by that indonesian quake.

* indonesian quake happened around 6:29 am IST and chennai experienced mild tremors and after-shocks due to that huge quake - around 6:45 am IST on Sunday.

* The Tsunamis hit the TN coast around 8:35-8:45am IST - that is almost 2 hours AFTER chennai experienced mild tremors in the morning.

It was clearly an effect of that gigantic Quake in indonesian region and as the ripple-effect of that quake, Tsunamis were formed and hit the south-asian coast.

I heard that "shockwaves" were felt in M'asia and S'pore too. PLz share abt that too here.

27th December 2004, 03:38 AM
geno, I can't begin to fathom the magnitude of this catastrophe in terms of ignorance as you had said and the sheer unpreparedness of the task forces that are in place to provide relief to the victims.

It is simply unacceptable that the seismologists, did not know this was forthcoming. If Sumatra is sitting on a big fault shouldn't it be monitored 24/7? How could this one have flown over their heads???

What the hell is the ISRO guy talking about? Aren't there international satellite programs available to gather weather related data, at least warn of such doomsday happenings??

Thousands of fisherfolk missing, scores of unwitting men, women and young children dead, and the goverment has no grip on the situation. Could this get any worse????

karai mElum irukka vidaliyE avargaLai - sathikAra iyaRkaiyE! pAviyE! avargaLai karaiyilum kolkiRAyE

Roshan, hope that you are safe, please get in touch!!!

27th December 2004, 03:47 AM
Others who havent had any real knowledge of Tsunamis would only be fascinated by those final moments - the sea would seem to suddenly recede from the coast for upto half a KM and the sea-bed would be visble to the onlookers near the shore with all the fish species suddenly thrown into the sands.

Ignorant of the impendingdanger, the onllokers would wonder and be curious to flock near the shore - when actually they MUST RUN AS FAST AND AND AS FAR AWAY from the shore - as that sudden receding of sea water is a telling feature of giant tsunamis!
:( :(

I saw a guy on TV saying "the sea disappeared" and I could not understand what he was saying, oh my goodness!!!! I sure would be fascinated by receding waters too. Cruel, cruel nature, 'death- dance' indeed, as geno put it!!

27th December 2004, 04:26 AM
Is it a natural one? some one tell me it is .. :(

Iran -dec 26,2003

Now this - dec 26 2004.


27th December 2004, 05:27 AM
:( Shattered beyond words

My thoughts are with the fisherfolk innocents who have been slaughtered :( and the unsuspecting morning walkers who were whisked away in a trivial moment :(

One of my schoolteachers who had gone on a holiday to Nagapattinam and her kid were among the casualty :( :(

Hope the FHers and their families in all the affected nations are safe.

27th December 2004, 06:32 AM
Facts and questions emerging....

This tragedy COULD have been prevented, only if India and Srilanka were in the "tsunami watch list".



Although tsunami activity is more prevalent in the pacific, how come India and Srilanka, which have huge coastlines and flourishing coastal cities were never educated about the dangers of tsunamis???

Why don't we (the affected country's govt) have oceanic buoys as part of the meteorological systems, that can detect seismic activity under the sealevel and warn people (especially innocent fisherfolk) of impending dangers?? If they do have such data acquisition capabilities, what happened in translating the data into meaningful warning messages???

Why isn't there an emergency protocol in place to take action in the face of such uncommon catastrophes???

Mad Max
27th December 2004, 07:32 AM
I am worried that this could happen again. It feels as if we are standing under a sword which would fall on our necks at any time.

27th December 2004, 11:45 AM
Langkawi, Kedah, Penang and Perak coastlines are worst hit in Malaysia with 28 registered fatalities in Langkawi as of now.

The tremor was also felt by many high rise buildings in other states.

27th December 2004, 01:50 PM

Me and my family are safe so far. But donno what would happen next with all kinds of anticipations of some more quakes near sumatra. Sri Lanka is the place that has got affected so badly. And we are not in a position to talk or discuss about it right now. One of my relatives family has lost 16 members - attacked by the waves while they were on a trip to the down south area Galle. My collegue's uncle and cousin are missing. My two good friends who are employed in Male- Malidve Islands, had just escaped from the fatal attacks. Male airport is closed and they are unable to leave the country. Please please please friends!! pray for every body's safety. I'm not in position to concentrate on anything .So shoked. This is terrible!!!!!!!

27th December 2004, 02:48 PM
What the hell is the ISRO guy talking about? Aren't there international satellite programs available to gather weather related data, at least warn of such doomsday happenings??

Fatal lack of a warning system:


27th December 2004, 03:30 PM
my heart feels sorry for the victims and their relatives. here in tuticorin the tsunami's effect was not felt much( the east lying sri lankan land could have acted as a barrier for those waves).
yet to think what would have happened if tuticorin had felt the effect more seriously makes me shiver. situated very near to the coast is a thermal power plant, heavy water plant and two fertiliser plants( a vicinity of 1km to the coast). if our indian coasts are susceptible to this kind of tsunamis, then these industries and those at kalpakkam, manali, etc. are no more safe....

Bad Boy
27th December 2004, 03:32 PM
I talked to my aunt today. Jaffna itself is not that badly hit. But in mullaithivu where her son is a parish priest the situation is undiscribable. They are expecting more waves now.

27th December 2004, 04:16 PM
Sad :(

More so that the value for human life varies from place to place!

Wish the Almighty gives us, the mankind of the world, the strength to face, recover and overcome this disaster and many more to come!
Wish He enables the unaffected with goodwill and courage to support the unfortunate victims in all possible ways!

iyaRkaiyin pOr-
niyathiyindri, niyAyamatRu;
muyanRu paarkiRathu,
mudiyumaa engaL aatRal enRu!
thOtRu thaan pOyvittOmO.... ?!

27th December 2004, 06:37 PM
:oops: :oops: :oops: ... very sad...Lets all pray for them... and that no more tragedies...

All children and elderly ppl who couldnt run from the wave...

relief works going on ... we see so many helicopters moving around from morning...

marina beach is totally destroyed...


27th December 2004, 08:02 PM
i think chennai people avoided even worst loss. Imagine what would have happened if tsunami had strucked at evening 5 0r 6 pm. The marina beach would be full of people.
My grandfather used to say stories about sea walloping ancient tamil cities. I used to laugh at him.
Damn its seems true.
Its disheartening to see things in TV. May god provide the mental strength to those who lost near and dear ones. May the souls rest in peace.

27th December 2004, 10:31 PM

Me and my family are safe so far. But donno what would happen next with all kinds of anticipations of some more quakes near sumatra. Sri Lanka is the place that has got affected so badly. And we are not in a position to talk or discuss about it right now.


I am so glad to hear that you and your family are safe. It's been exhausting to even think about this tragedy from 10,000 miles away, worrying about everyone back home. I am sure the impact would be indescribably greater for you. I hope and wish that you find your inner strength to rise from this and find peace.

Take care friend!!!

27th December 2004, 11:16 PM
Dear Friends,

Can any of you let us know....

Are we (You and I) all to.... just wait to WELCOME ....

... or FORBEAR the further ONSLAUGHTS....?

.... anticipating .... FURTHERMORE DISASTERS......?


... such Calamities REPEATEDLY ?????? .

.... Even in the NEAR FUTURE....??????



.... as also.... the UNESCO... ?????

Oh! What a Pitiable World !!!

Thumbai vittu Vaalai pidikkum Arasiyal-vaadhihalh... !!

28th December 2004, 12:03 AM
Dear Friends,

Can any of you let us know....

Are we (You and I) all to.... just wait to WELCOME ....

... or FORBEAR the further ONSLAUGHTS....?

.... anticipating .... FURTHERMORE DISASTERS......?


... such Calamities REPEATEDLY ?????? .

.... Even in the NEAR FUTURE....??????


What do you mean by all this? what do you think we can do now? Most of us are away from disaster sites and doing our best to pass information regarding volunteer contact agencies and raising funds from our indian associations. what do u mean by wait??

Thumbai vittu Vaalai pidikkum Arasiyal-vaadhihalh... !!

what arasiyal?? pls elaborate. solradha rendu varila theliva sollitu puriyaadhadhai polambardha konjam niruthunga!!

28th December 2004, 12:42 AM
How nature humbles us with a single blow :( .

Lets pray for the lost lives and try to help those remaining.

24,000 will soon become a number what matters is how we help our fellow beings.

Lets not forget this when something new comes. We need to prepare for disastor management.

28th December 2004, 01:19 AM
Sri Lanka: 13,000 dead
Indonesia: 4,500 dead
India: 3,500 dead
Thailand: 866 dead
Maldives: 52 dead
Malaysia: 44 dead
Burma: 30 dead
Bangladesh: 2 dead

One man, Rajali, said his wife and two children were killed and he could not find dry ground to bury them. Islamic tradition demands that the deceased be buried as soon as possible.

"What shall I do?" said the 55-year-old man, who, like many Indonesians, goes by a single name. "I don't know where to bury my wife and children."


28th December 2004, 01:54 AM
The indian number is expected to be more as around 3000 more are feared dead in the nicobar islands. The central govt is putting the total number at 7000. :(

28th December 2004, 03:18 AM
A total of around 22000 lives have been lost. Millions have been displaced. :(

28th December 2004, 03:45 AM
Dear friends,
Our memory of our beloved city will never be the same again. We will forever be haunted by the images of helpless ill-equipped people massacred without resistance by the fury of nature. I am sure that henceforth anytime we think of going to a travel resort, beach or pool, the memory of this event will come to haunt us. :cry:

Let us spare a thought for those who for saved money in a trickle - selling corals, simple unsophisticated toys, peanuts, sundal and other items which wont cost very little - earning whatever they could after losing some Rs.5/10 due to the customer bargaining/bullying which goes into every sale - losing not just their earnings but also their roofs, belonging and most of all their loved ones who shared their dismal existence so far.

There is one small thing we can do - we can pass this easy-to-remember link http://tsunamihelp.blogspot.com along to our friends. Those of us who are unmarried and not burdened with cares of life can surely donate one's days earning.

Nobody who listened to the voice of the poor lost anything in life.

Some reliable groups to send our donations:

The Hindu [you can pay NOW using credit card - nothing more needed - whichever part of the world you are]

[For those in N.America - a group of indian student volunteers]

If you want to help contribute by giving used clothes, you can call Kriba Sankar at 91-98415 97744
If anyone is interested in helping out the affected people near the Neelankarai area, please contact Priya at 91-44-25506284


28th December 2004, 06:46 AM
Dear Friends,
It is really frustrating sometimes to watch the news of the massive calamity which has stuck south east asia. There are more than 23000 people dead, more than 100,000 rendered homeless , sick and injured.We all wish we can do something to alleviate the miseries of the thousands of families stuck by this mighty blow of nature.What can we do thousands of miles away from those places?. I can hear some saying I wish I can do something to help these people... I bet some of you residing in the places where the tsunami stuck would have run to those places and given your personal help.. to those who did that, GREAT WORK and We Salute You... for those so many miles away from the region of calamity...

I can hear you saying wish I was there in chennai or srilanka or andaman to help these people... may be that is not the most optimum way to help... there are experienced army personnel/calamity volunteers/Red cross workers to do such activities in the most appropriate manner... may be you are suited for helping in some other way those army personnel cant ... what can we all do? Can we do something thousands of miles away?

We surely can.

One of the ways is to donate money to aid the relief operations. Money is something we all have and can spare some (whatever amount). This wont even take you a minute. Please take time off your busy schedule and do this small thing. It definitely is not going to solve all problems, but definitely would go a long away to solve one of those problems (may be saving a kid's life or a day's meal or a packet of clean water... something...something...)

Here is one of the links I found through which you can donate:

There are other links too. 9 Banks in india have opened a counter for collecting releif donations. Please donate in whatever means you fnd appropriate.But Please do not fail to donate and lose an opportunity to help those in dire need of that. I assure you it would be really fulfilling and satisfying act for you.

Please Please Help These People!!


28th December 2004, 07:05 AM
Dear Walrus/Sridar
Yours posting providing the links for donation is very useful. Good work.

Since many of us are far away from these affected areas, we are not able to do any physical help. However we can organize money collecting program and send reasonable amount of money to the websites which had been mentioned. At my level, I am doing this at this moment.

It is terrible human tragedy... and as you said the beaches are not going to remain the same in our mind. I think we should not waste too much of our time in posting replies at least for few weeks and work for the relief program in a realistic way. If one can contribute 1 day salary, it is equal to assisting our relief effort for one day.

Let each one of us organize some relief effort at best of their ability.

28th December 2004, 07:38 AM
Red Cross is most reliable for the donation to reach the affected People soon.Red Cross is actively helping people now ,

Here are the contacts you can send directly to the affected areas.

And in southern districts of TN, people are sheltered in big churches including Annai Velankanni Church ,Nagai
We can also donate to the Diocese of the churches of affected areas directly.There was interview in Sun TV by Velankanni church Father regarding this.

Indian Red Cross Society,
Red Cross Building, 50 Montieth Road, Egmore, Chennai-600008.
Ph : 044-8554548, 8554117 (R) 4980971, 8511711 BB-8554425
Fax : 8586997
Telegram : "SAMARITAN" email: ircstnb@vsnl.net,

P.S.Ramamohan Rao
Governor of Tamilnadu.

Padmashree Dr.(Tmt.) Sarojini Varadappan
Indian Red Cross Society, 47-A, Warren Road,
Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004. Ph : 044-4992643, 4994443.

Vice President
Indian Red Cross Society,5, 3rd Avenue, Indira Nagar,
Chennai - 600 020. Ph : 044-4912575, 4412329.

Dr. T.K.Shanmuga Sundaram
Chairman & Vice-President
Indian Red Cross Society
147, Periyar EVR Road, Chennai - 600 010.
Ph : 044-8259481, 8255216.

Selvi M. Bhargavi Devendra
Hon. Secretary
Indian Red Cross Society, 25, Dwaraka Colony,
Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004. Ph : 044-4980471.

Tmt. Sundari Mani
Hon. Treasurer

Indian Red Cross Society, 51, Dr. Radhakrishnan Road,
Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004. Ph : 044-8110645.

Chennai District Branch
Indian Red Cross Society
51-B, First Avenue,
100 Feet Road,
Ashok Nagar,
Chennai - 600 083.
Ph : 044-4899662 / 4894283.

Tmt. Ranjini Murugan
Indian Red Cross Society
Chennai Dist. Branch, 9 AVM Ave.
Dr. Radhakrishnan Road,
Chennai - 600 004.
Ph : 044-8583434 / 8526473.

hiru P. Maruthi
Hon. Secretary
Indian Red Cross Society
Chennai Dist. Branch
51-B, First Avenue,
100 Feet Road, Ashok Nagar,
Chennai - 600 083.
Ph : 044-4899662 / 4894283.


Dr. Mrs. Namita Mahammad Ali
Indian Red Cross Society,
New OPD Complex, G.B.Pant Hospital,
Port Blair-744104
Code: 03192
Phone : (O)34512, (R)233331

Shri. I.P. Guptha
President & Lieutenant Governor
Andaman & Nicobar Islands,
Raj Niwas
Port Blair - 744 101.
Ph : (O) 03192-33333. (R) 33300
Fax: 03192-30372. Sri. Bishnu Pada Ray
Vice President
Member of Parliament,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands,
MP House,
Port Blair - 744 101.
Ph : (O) 03192-36835, 31004.
(R) 03192-33375.
Fax: 03192-42916.

Sri Anil Baijal
Chief Secretary,
VIP Road,
Port Blair - 744 101.
A&N Island.
Ph : (O) 03192-33110, 34087
(R) 31535, 33200.
Fax: 32656, 32236.
Dr. Sharat Chauthan
Vice Chairman & Dy. Commissioner,
Andaman District,
VIP Road,
Port Blair - 744 101.
A&N Island.
Ph : (O) 33089 (R) 33253.
Fax: 03192-33089.

Dr. S.K. Paul
Chief Medical Officer,
DSH Office
Port Blair.
13,Gandhi Marg,
Port Blair - 744 101.
Phone : (O) 03192-32417 (R)31391.
Fax: 03192-32910.


The President
Indian Red Cross Society,
Her Excellency,
Raj Nivas,
Pondicherry - 605001

The Secretary
Indian Red Cross Society
Directorate of Health & FW.,
Raj Niwas,

28th December 2004, 09:26 AM
There are some issues regarding how the PM of Sri Lanka is using the money given for this event. :o

That's so unfair! :evil: :!:

28th December 2004, 09:30 AM
Why, What's going on? :?:

28th December 2004, 10:20 AM
The Chennai Corporation on Monday said any individual or organisation who wanted to donate relief measures to the people affected by the tragedy caused by tidal waves on Sunday can contact the civic body at 2538 3783, 2538 1330 and 2538 4670.

Those desirous of donating money may send it to the Chief Minister’s Special Cell at secretariat through Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund’, an official release from the civic body stated.

28th December 2004, 10:29 AM
Red Cross Donation Information for Tsunami victims in Asia

Help those affected by the crisis in Asia by donating to the American Red Cross International Response Fund. Call 1-800-HELP NOW or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish).

Contributions to the International Response Fund may be sent to your local American Red Cross chapter or to the American Red Cross International Response Fund, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, DC 20013.

Also, if you are worried about someone you know in southeast Asia, the State Department set up a hotline you can call for information at 1-888-407-4747.

28th December 2004, 11:11 AM
Some More Reliable ways of Donation



InterAction Members Respond to those Affected by the Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Asia

The InterAction members listed below are accepting contributions for assistance that they or their affiliates are providing to those affected by the earthquake and tsunamis. An updated list of agencies responding, as well as detailed information on their activities, will soon be available at www.interaction.org.

InterAction has also developed guidelines on the most appropriate ways to help those affected by overseas disasters: http://www.interaction.org/disaster/guide_giving.html.

InterAction is a coalition of more than 160 US-based private relief, international development and refugee assistance organizations. InterAction members have agreed to abide by a set of standards to ensure accountability to donors, professional competence and quality of service.


Please support The Salvation Army's work in South Asia. Financial
contributions can be made by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769) or by visiting
our website, www.salvationarmy.ca and specifying that the donation is for the
South Asia Disaster Fund.
For further information: please call: Jim Ferguson, Territorial
Emergency Disaster Services Director, The Salvation Army, Ottawa,
(613) 299-1761

28th December 2004, 12:08 PM
An unpleasant incident has happend in the coastal regions of our state.Accoding to the Latest news around 10000 peoples lost their lives and thousands of thousands are homeless. Rescue operaions are already started in these areas by varous welfare organisations,as a part of our contribution we have to do something.It is not possible for each one of us(in other areas) to go and help,but friends living in affected areas can help on behalf of us.you may help them in the following ways.

1.A group of friends can arrange affordable food packets for the affected people.
2.You can also offer some old clothes to them
This can be carried out directly or thro the channels like Redcross society of the concerned area
Here are some contact numbers of Redcross society for ur kind reference
Indian redcross society
51-B First Avenue,Ashok Nagar,Chennai-83
Note:Please forward this message to all ur friends in affected areas

28th December 2004, 12:53 PM
SOS comes forward to help affected kids
Search for More News
New Delhi, Dec 27: The SOS Children's Villages of India today announced that it will set up emergency relief camps for children in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh badly hit by tsunami.
In a telegram to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, president of SOS India J N Kaul pledged help, saying the NGO would set up relief camps where children of the families, who have lost their means of livelihood due to the devastating tidal waves, could be taken care of.

The NGO also said if children were rendered orphans due to the tsunami in the two states, they could be brought to the SOS Children's Village in Visakhapatnam and Chennai.

In the highly-affected areas of Nagapatnam and Cuddalore, SOS India will provide medicines, food, shelter and psycho-socio counselling to children. (Agencies)





57/ 2, P.S Sivaswamy Salai (Sullivan Garden Road)
Chennai 600 004
Tel 91 (44) 499 6984 and 467 2241/2243/1828
Fax 91 (44) 467 2407

Some More Red Cross from the affected Area to contact and trigger Help by Donation.
Thiru K. Elekkuvan,
Hon. Secretary
Indian Red Cross Society,
Nagapattinam District Branch,
Market Street,
Nagapattinam - 611 001.
Ph : 22922.

Cuddalore District Branch
Indian Red Cross Society,
Cuddalore District Branch,
13, Dhandapani Chetty Street,
Cuddalore - 2.
Ph : 36996.
Dr. S. Narayanasamy M.D.
Hon. Secretary
Indian Red Cross Society,
Cuddalore District Branch,
13, Dhandapani Chetty Street,
Cuddalore - 2.
Ph : 36996.

Indian Red Cross Society,
Kanyakumari District Branch,
O/o Deputy Director of Health Services,
Kanyakumari District.
Nagercoil. Hon. Secretary
Indian Red Cross Society,
Kanyakumari District Branch,
O/o Deputy Director of Health Services, Kanyakumari District.

nirosha sen
28th December 2004, 05:31 PM
Now that the bulk of the horror of the waves are over, the next horror would be that of disease due to lack of proper sanitation! This is one area that the TN govt has to work hard to contain. Otherwise, the devastation would continue to affect the living; including those further from the affected areas.

So, for the sake of containing the spread of deadly diseases, volunteer groups have to help out to come up with proper drinking water and cooked food and proper disposal of trash and excreta!! Otherwise, it's another horror to unfold, people!!

28th December 2004, 08:51 PM
Hello there

The pics on Tv are so devastating. My prayers to friends out there

Dr. Veena
28th December 2004, 10:41 PM
just can't get over the shock- wish it hadn't happened. But as a Doctor, I should be more strong, isn't it?
I want to donate money but I'm apprehensive if it will reach the deserved.
It is wellknown that The Malayala Manorama had coveted most of the money (in crores) from the Lathur Earthquake Relief Fund.

29th December 2004, 12:21 AM
:( This was a disaster ... but this time it was a natural disaster.
What about the other disasters like the sweet little children who
perished in the fire at a local school .Has all that been forgotten??
Then the government promised to look into the matter.They also
said that they would ensure that all schools were made fireproof!!!
But till date nothing has been done and the tragedy has been swept
under the carpet. I only hope this time round the govt acts more
responsibly and ensure that tsunami disaster warning systems are
purchased and put in place at the earliest. :( :( :( :( :( :(

29th December 2004, 12:42 AM
The Malayala Manorama had coveted most of the money (in crores) from the Lathur Earthquake Relief Fund.
Basically all human beings are good. We will donate the maximum amount of money we can donate.
After all we live in this world for nothing right? Letz stop thinking cheap

29th December 2004, 07:22 AM
The Malayala Manorama had coveted most of the money (in crores) from the Lathur Earthquake Relief Fund.

Thats why i have listed some reliable ways of donating ,like Red Cross , Salvation Army please see above and choose

Here is the Velankanni Church from where . Father is helping people with food and medical needs

YOu can call them and verify and send Money

Punitha Arogya matha hospital-Main road, phone 64409

Church Office, Vailankanni 263423
Chief Priest, Vailankanni 263530

If anyone have reliable way of Donating please share here.You can also send a shipment of clothes,packed food,etc., to respective diocese(nagapattinam,kanyakumari church) in which definetly it will reach People.

nirosha sen
29th December 2004, 07:55 AM
Good work you're doing Just Hubber!!

Yes, Veena's misgivings are right under the circumstances. We need to be wary that our donations do not land in the wrong hands, Pa!!

Church groups are very well organised in dealing with the plight of the bereaved families. I would definitely recommend that you guys in India, check them out and offer your help. You cannot go wrong, here!!

Dr. Veena
29th December 2004, 09:31 AM
Thankyou, Just hubber, I had not seen your earlier post.
God bless you for taking so much trouble to type out the address etc.

Best regards,

29th December 2004, 10:23 AM

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29th December 2004, 12:01 PM
Hi guys
This is a very sad news ,Those affected people from (more villages) nagapattinam , Kanyakumari,Kadalur are telling they never get a single help(food or not even one clothe)

Police are not ready to help as they think they may get disease from dead bodies.

In BBC you can see all international help goes to maldives and indonesia,srilanka not for India.
This is the curse on India ?
WHy it is so?
Becase India never anounce it as a National Disaster or never anounce public Mourning
or India never asks for international help?
[in Chennai even Theatres and shopping complex are loaded with People enjoyed the next day , FM radio DJs as usual as loud as every day with joyful voice ]

I saw for other countries [except india] they were getting Full package of relief airflown from australia,US,UK,Japan..

Japan rushed to help Srilanka
Pakistan rushed to help Maldives
Australia sent package to indonesia
European countries send package to indonesia and Srilanka

so who is attending India?????

29th December 2004, 01:54 PM
IF ANYONE WANT TO HELP NAGAPATTINAM !!!!,[almost 4000 people died and lakhs of people are Homeless ]

Please Contact Church Directly

Please address all your Letters, Money Orders and Registered & Insured Articles to the following address:


Shrine Basilica, Vailankanni - 611111,
Nagapattinam Dist, Tamil Nadu State, INDIA.

All the Cheques, Drafts and Postal Orders should be crossed and drawn infavour of the “RECTOR & PARISH PRIEST” and not by his name.

Postal Address:

Very Rev. Fr. G. Arul Irudayam M.A.,
Rector & Parish Priest, Shrine Basilica,
Vailankanni - 61111, Nagapattinam District
Tamil Nadu State, INDIA.
0091 - 4365 - 63530 (Father's personal)
0091 - 4365 - 63517 (Father's Fax)
0091 - 4365 - 63423 (Shrine Number)

email@vailankannimatha.org / email@velankanni.org

You can confirm the Help went to People by calling and verifying .

God bless You all.

29th December 2004, 06:20 PM
Hi guys
[in Chennai even Theatres and shopping complex are loaded with People enjoyed the next day , FM radio DJs as usual as loud as every day with joyful voice ]

In the mechnical city life, it is very painful to know even the worst human digaster is also digested by people very easily - JV

29th December 2004, 10:25 PM
dei dei dei!!! enna da ithu naan kastapattu surya ikkku oru pathilla ezhuthivitein athu ippa kaanum? :( :cry: :cry: :cry:

for those who cant understand my tamil.

HEY HEY HEY!!! what is this.i took my time writing surya a reply and now its gone? :( :cry: :cry: :cry:

whats the reason for that????

30th December 2004, 01:36 AM
Hi guys
[in Chennai even Theatres and shopping complex are loaded with People enjoyed the next day , FM radio DJs as usual as loud as every day with joyful voice ]

In the mechnical city life, it is very painful to know even the worst human digaster is also digested by people very easily - JV

quite true. r_kk.
Most of the time poor people are ignored. Earthquakes mostly affect poor people.
In chennai, each and everyone is bothered only about their own relative or kith and kin.
Thats how the great INDIA is.
Atleast in Gujarat earthquake we managed to get international support, but in this instance even tamil people have ignored this incident.
India helping srilanka is another implausible thing, these indians dont much bother about their neighbouring countries getting affected.
India certainly has enough natural resources to support itself.
Jayalalitha has announced one lakh for deceased families, but i have no idea if all the money will reach all affected poor persons.

30th December 2004, 01:43 AM
Hi guys
[in Chennai even Theatres and shopping complex are loaded with People enjoyed the next day , FM radio DJs as usual as loud as every day with joyful voice ]

In the mechnical city life, it is very painful to know even the worst human digaster is also digested by people very easily - JV

quite true. r_kk.
Most of the time poor people are ignored. Earthquakes mostly affect poor people.
In chennai, each and everyone is bothered only about their own relative or kith and kin.
Thats how the great INDIA is.
Atleast in Gujarat earthquake we managed to get international support, but in this instance even tamil people have ignored this incident.
India helping srilanka is another implausible thing, these indians dont much bother about their neighbouring countries getting affected.
India certainly has enough natural resources to support itself.
Jayalalitha has announced one lakh for deceased families, but i have no idea if all the money will reach all affected poor persons.

30th December 2004, 02:05 AM
and india especially tamilnadu is not so poor
Jayalalithaa announces Rs.153.37-cr. relief

30th December 2004, 02:42 AM
Hello -

I am writing on behalf of a group of med students in Toronto. We are
beginning to stock a crate designated for medical supplies that is leaving
in approximately 2 days. If you have any materials that you would like to
contribute, or wish to refer us onward to sources including clinicians in
our area, we'd be grateful. Please contact us ASAP - any help including
advice is much appreciated.

Kanna Velauthapillai (kanna.velauthapillai@utoronto.ca)
Home: 416-299-0700
Cell: 416-333-8542

Raj Satkunasivam
Cell: 647-895-1451

30th December 2004, 03:41 AM
and india especially tamilnadu is not so poor
Jayalalithaa announces Rs.153.37-cr. relief

So??? What the heck is your point, son ?

30th December 2004, 04:28 AM
and india especially tamilnadu is not so poor
Jayalalithaa announces Rs.153.37-cr. relief

So??? What the heck is your point, son ?
that was a reply to just hubber who mentioned pakistan and bhutan are not helping india

30th December 2004, 04:34 AM
that was a reply to just hubber who mentioned pakistan and bhutan are not helping india

I know your response is for Justhubber. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, son.

nirosha sen
30th December 2004, 01:03 PM
You know guys - India is a big country with enough manpower!! At a time like this, it's a question of how much relief work the individual could do to alleviate the suffering. Bearing this in mind, I would strongly urge many of you, to be in touch with volunteer organisations to lend a helping hand.

1st place to start with would be India's voices of tomorrow - your youth! Many of whom are to be found in your colleges and universities and of course your schools. Appeal to their sense of humanity to mobilise them. Be in touch with the schools' PTAs. Involve the parents and the kids would come, believe me!

To get the word out, be in touch with your television stations to get the ball rolling. All it takes is coordinated effort to get a viable movement going. Time is of the essence here. A search and rescue team by the hundreds is very much needed to sift through the debris. So, instead of wringing your hands in despair, People get down to work.....

Try your TV production houses as well. They might be able to put together something. Don't forget your more popular associations like the Actors Guild - this is the best time to see these celluloid heroes to become real life heroes!!

I'm sure you have the Boy Scouts and of course the Red Cross. Volunteer people, volunteer ......

30th December 2004, 01:15 PM
i found some real pictures of psunami

30th December 2004, 01:24 PM
NO TV OR RADIO in most of the coastal villages of TN coast right now becoz electricity power remains cut-off since sunday.

There is another HIGH alert sounded out for the easter coast of india right now.

Tsunami waves may hit indian eastern coast anwhere in the afternoon IST of thursday it is being informed by the home ministry of india.

It is also reported that this latest tsunami alert was sounded out by Pacific-rim countries' tsunami warning system network.

it is said that Indo-australian continental plate may have another huge jolt anytime in the next 2 days right from now by another quake of high intensity.

Plz if anyone can access info regarding latest status of the tsunami warning plz share here.

Australian region may experience this impending quake in the indian ocean - plz find out more info reg this and share here.

The warning is valid not just for india but all indian ocean rim countries particularly south-south east asia it is informed.

This quake may cause another giant tsunami wave hit to all the regional countires it is warned.

Plz update on this alert...esp ppl from singapore and australia find out more info regarding this.

For east coast of india particularly TN, it is informed that the coast has to be cleared immediately for upto 2 kilometers from the sea.

The relief and rehab for Sunday's tsunami hit ppl is pathetic in TN becoz of the impending e[idemic, ordinary volunteers who are amateurs and not technically qualified will not be sufficient - we need UN's and WHo's help..

Its almost an SOS....

plz post follow up info on the second Quake and Tsunami alert from the pacific tsunami countires.

30th December 2004, 04:02 PM
Toll in Tamilnadu must be over 20,000 - as estimated by on the ground ppl!!! :(

The govt estimates are still saying around only 7000 - but it is 3 or 4 times that figure as independent sources from the ground claim :(

Andamans - over 10-15 thoudsand according to unoffical estimates.

In India alone the tsunami toll should be over 40,000 according to unofficial but realistic estimates. :(

================================================== ========

By the way - Indian home ministry has informed that they got an "advisory" for the East indian coast - from some "foregin scientists(presumable some from the US) - for the need to be "alert" for the next 2 days - since another Quake and/or another tsunami to strike Indian ocean region countires - is very much possibility.

Is there any info regarding this available from malyasia & singapore??

I presume that Singaporeans and Malaysians are in the Pacific Tsunami warning countries system netwok - aint it??

Can you ppl. over there post any Updated info regarding this here?

I also heard some British Seismologists - saying that since the Indo- australian continental plate is "subducted" under the Eurasian Plate - due to the Quake on sunday - there MAY be another huge Volcanic eruption along that region!!! :( :(

Is there a way for us to get the valid authentic geological info - from the govt. sources in malaysia and singapore??

Please ask anyone who can get inside info or any more scientific data to post it in the hub and follow this for the next week or so.

nirosha sen
30th December 2004, 04:12 PM
From past write-ups and my exposure of TV news, I'm somehow more inclined to believe of a volcanic eruption soon, Pa!! Because almost all these incidents are related. Whenever there's an earthquake somewhere, a volcanic eruption follows along the fault lines. So, if scientists believe it's the Pacific Rim, then those countries that are volcanically active, need to be on the alert.

Both Malaysia/Singapore are new to this, I'm afraid! Which is why we've never been prepared prior to this. It's always been somebody else's misery! But now the tables are turned, so ....

30th December 2004, 04:18 PM
lol nirosha
psunamis occur in the sea due to sliding and colliding of those earth plates.
When ever such kind of things occur in the land we have volcanic eruptions due to exposure of the interior soft molten matter to the earths atmosphere.

But in the case of psunamis the earthquake has occured inside the sea.
May be there was some volcanic eruption at that site.
But the fact is lots and lots of volcanic eruptions that occur go unnoticed/considered coz most of them occur beneath the oceans of the world.
Infact the world is covered mostly by oceans. Earthquakes occur on a daily basis, most of them falling below the level of 6
If ur in singapore or japan i think those buildings are/ should be earthquake resistant atleast to a certain degree.

Bad Boy
30th December 2004, 09:10 PM
I guess to know why the "western help" is passing by India and going to Thailand and Sri Lanka! If you look and verify where these european "specialists" are active then you will come to know why they are busy in the tourist site only.

30th December 2004, 11:59 PM
Possibly because in Sri Lanka there are 3.5 times as many people dead then there are in India.

Ocean disaster toll hits 114,000

Indonesia's death toll is close to 80,000.
Sri Lanka's death toll is close to 28,000.
India's death toll is close to 8,000.

31st December 2004, 12:54 AM

PM Manmohan Singh informed today that the country had adequate resources to tackle the disaster. He also confirmed he had refused overseas help for the victims of the tragedy.

Yesterday in CNN Indian abassador to US told that India has not asked for any International help and that inturn India had send relief through Naval ships and aeroplanes to Srilanka and Maldives.

31st December 2004, 02:10 AM

NEW DELHI — As the United States (search) and other nations pour in food, money and manpower to tsunami-buffeted Asian nations, India is taking its traditional stance: Thanks, but no thanks.

"If and when we need their help, we will inform them," Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said Thursday, noting that U.S. President George W. Bush had called with the offer.

India, one of the founders of the Nonaligned Movement, typically proclaims it is capable of handling its own problems, politely telling allies and rivals alike to butt out.

"Several countries have offered assistance to us," Singh told reporters. "The president of the United States spoke to me; several other countries' statesmen have also spoken to me. I have told them that, as of now, we feel we have adequate resources to meet the challenge."

Other Asian nations, including neighboring Sri Lanka (search), Thailand and worst-hit Indonesia, however, are opening arms to foreign troops and international relief agencies.

Even as India declined foreign aid -- excluding U.N. agencies and nongovernment organizations already working in the region -- thousands went hungry in southern Tamil Nadu state as relief workers fled following a false warning that fresh tsunamis were imminent.

In the southern town of Nagappattinam, vehicles transporting supplies turned around after New Delhi relied on bad information and caused a panic along the southern coast. Hundreds of thousands of local residents already hit hard on Sunday took no chances and by late afternoon, more than half of the town's 110,000 population had fled.

For those who stayed behind in the relief camps, there was no food.

David Kennedy, a spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, said Bush spoke to Singh on Wednesday to discuss the establishment of a group in which the United States, Japan, Australia and India would coordinate relief assistance to affected countries.

Singh said Thursday he welcomed the statement, but did not commit to the proposal. "If more countries want to join, that can also be considered."

India may be pressured to accept outside help. It only took several days to let in foreign search and rescue teams after the January 2001 earthquake in western India, a 7.9 magnitude temblor that killed 13,000 people and caused an estimated US$4.5 billion in damage.

31st December 2004, 05:06 AM
About the second tsunami warning that came about less than a day ago - I wish people had acted more prudenty than they did. Victims and relief workers who've been working round the clock are not in the state of mind to efficiently analyze the nature of the warning. Maintaining calm and even temper would be impossible. The govt. should have issued a cautionary message not to panic.

The disaster to begin with, is a monumental failure on the part of the scientific community whose forethought could have prevented this huge loss of life.

Americans say they warned Australia, Thailand and Indonesia. How come they did not so much as alert India and Srilanka (forget the tsunami warning list) saying "look, there's a great earthquake that happened right in your neck of the woods, we thought you should know that there's a possibility for tsunamis to form".

For goodness's sake, Andaman and Nicobar geographically are a stone's throw away from Sumatra!!! When a quake of this magnitude strikes Sumatra, how could it not miss A&N islands?? Did the US geologists not know enough geography to warn atleast India if they had thought Srilanka and the peninsula are too far away to be affected??

Or did they indeed warn them and the Indian "scientists"(who are busy studying astrology) dismissed it saying "tsuna---what??? Can't possibly hit us!!"

Whatever transpired, it seems like it will be very hard to know the "truth".

31st December 2004, 09:01 AM
nice to know CSWs and Tihar jail convicts liberally donated for tsunami relief :)


long live humanity!

nirosha sen
31st December 2004, 03:43 PM
Last night on CNN, I heard that the Tamil Tigers are refusing aid workers and govt officers access into their territories in Jaffna. Anybody else knows more abt this?????

31st December 2004, 07:31 PM
Last night on CNN, I heard that the Tamil Tigers are refusing aid workers and govt officers access into their territories in Jaffna. Anybody else knows more abt this?????

Yes!! it is 100% true. We had checked that with some of the Tamil media personnel and they have confirmed it. Doctors' teams from Israel, Japan, German, Sweden, Iran and some other countries have arrived in for aid work and one team was sent to Mullaitheevu yesterday. Access to the area have been denied by the LTTE and the team has returned back to Colombo . One of the team members ( a German doctor probably) spoke on TV and said how they were returned back to Colombo by the LTTE without being given any valid reasons.

Similarly none of the government aid workers are let in. The private voluntary organizations too have access only upto a certain area.

31st December 2004, 09:37 PM
This is a tragedy that has claimed the lives of over 100,000 (still soaring) innocent human beings. All it took was a couple of hours. Many more are injured & hospitalized. Millions are displaced in their own country. These people need help to recover in Short & long term period.

My Heart goes out to many people disposing whatever limited resources they have (Money, Volunteer their physical time, giving their Skills & expertise….). Please devise a method so the waste is minimized & help is maximized in reaching the victims of this tragedy.

The recovery stages for many will be in different phase:

1) Immediate assistance to provide the basic need ( Food , Water , Temporary Shelter & Medicine to those injured )
2) Prevention of diseases: next few days are critical to stop the spread of diseases that can kill even more people (Cholera, malaria, dengue fever could take hold unless medical supplies reach appropriate affected areas in time).
3) Financial support due to loss of lively hood – This could take a generation in certain families to recover if the primary caregiver had perished.
4) Most important being the Implementing a Alert System (giving at least 3-10 hours notice) in Place and Minimize or Prevent similar tragedy of this proportion from happening again.

So our help as ordinary people could be to provide immediate assistance in stages 1 and 2.
But we also need to keep the pressure on various Governments & International Organizations to stay focus on funding & assisting the larger scale long term Projects in time to come.
I request other knowledgable hubbers to provide more valuable inputs thinking long term as well.

Peace on Earth & let us improve our awareness about this lovely Universe. We owe it to ourself to try and keep it nourished with Peace, Kindness, Love & helping others in greater need than us.

Thank You

Bad Boy
31st December 2004, 09:40 PM
last night, GMT 23:30 here in German TV, there was a live telecon witha a German Team from Jaffna. Said about 28 camps they have to take care for.

Refusing the Help by the LTTE, some say so and the other say so. BUt tomorrow I will be able to give more info.

Despite all the tragedies I wish you all a happy new year and a lot of success in raising money from your friends and companies and may most your dreams and ambitions come true.

Good Luck 2005!

31st December 2004, 11:41 PM
The disaster to begin with, is a monumental failure on the part of the scientific community whose forethought could have prevented this huge loss of life.

Americans say they warned Australia, Thailand and Indonesia. How come they did not so much as alert India and Srilanka (forget the tsunami warning list) saying "look, there's a great earthquake that happened right in your neck of the woods, we thought you should know that there's a possibility for tsunamis to form".

For goodness's sake, Andaman and Nicobar geographically are a stone's throw away from Sumatra!!! When a quake of this magnitude strikes Sumatra, how could it not miss A&N islands?? Did the US geologists not know enough geography to warn atleast India if they had thought Srilanka and the peninsula are too far away to be affected??

Or did they indeed warn them and the Indian "scientists"(who are busy studying astrology) dismissed it saying "tsuna---what??? Can't possibly hit us!!"

Whatever transpired, it seems like it will be very hard to know the "truth".

So now, they are saying they KNEW what was about to happen but had no phone numbers for India and Srilanka????


Read NOAA's (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA) pathetic attempt to exculpate itself from its failure to alert India and Srilanka about the impending catastrophe, here:


31st December 2004, 11:52 PM
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By:-- R. Srinivasan

1st January 2005, 02:55 AM
The essense of life is to help the suffering people or if possible help reduce the sufferings of human beings as a whole. There is no use in living a mundane life

nirosha sen
1st January 2005, 08:40 AM
Hi, I just watched on CNN an incredible tale of miracle from a Father Dayalan Sanders, who runs the Samaritan Children's Home in Batticaloa.

The man had indeed a harrowing experience but had saved abt 28 children from the onslaught of the waves. The man said at one pt he was " eyeball to eyeball with a horrific wave", and he had stood up to it and beseeched it to recede in the name of the Holy Father! Miraculously, the water died down and his boat load of kids and himself escaped unscathed by riding on the crest of the waves inland!!! :D :D :D Incredibly, biblical Pa!!! Gives me goosebumps as he sat there with the bunch of happy kids and smiled for the cameras!

There are so many such tales of miracles everywhere too!! Did any of you notice Banda Acheh in your TV visuals???? The mosque there stands pristine white and unscathed in a landscape of utter devastation!! In Thailand, many temples and shrines were also left untouched by the destruction of the waves!!

It maybe small comfort, in a sea of devastation, but I'm just so overwhelmed by the visuals, Pa!!!

Let's indeed hope for a better year ahead, People!!

1st January 2005, 11:38 AM

Bad Boy
1st January 2005, 09:55 PM
There will always be "miracles" everyhwere. But I am happy that the christian prayers helped to save 28 children. But what about the rest?

Regarding the refusing of help by the tigers, I got it confirmed that there is still propoganda warring going on despite the tragedy. The German n-tv also stopped airing the false news that LTTE robbering and looting the lorries. Reuters forced the n-tv not to refer their agency as the owner os this news. This news were taken from "The Island" and so I don't have to comment on this issue anymore.
There are also other informations that the SL Personal deliberately flooded people who gathered to get help some where near Trincomallee. I got this news from a very trustable relative.

Bad Boy
1st January 2005, 10:01 PM
Possibly because in Sri Lanka there are 3.5 times as many people dead then there are in India.

Ocean disaster toll hits 114,000

Indonesia's death toll is close to 80,000.
Sri Lanka's death toll is close to 28,000.
India's death toll is close to 8,000.
Then tell me why the hell the Germans are in Thailand? Over 1000 Germans are still missing in Thailand. All the technical rescue equipment and helpers and dogs are sent to thailand only, why?

Now here the TV Staions report how good they are helping on site and that they are tackling the situation so brave and so on.

1st January 2005, 11:03 PM
The Tamil Poem was very moving . It was a heart felt Discussion between the MOTHER-EARTH with the VICTIM . Very touchy & emotional thoughts.
Mr. Srinivasan please continue by providing more Tamil kavithaigal.

Thank You.

2nd January 2005, 04:03 AM
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By : R.Srinivasan

nirosha sen
2nd January 2005, 01:23 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the Tigers insist on some sort of border inspection, Pa!! I mean I saw the devastation of Mullai-tivu and I do believe that the Tigers would have done their utter best to help out their own people. But allowing all and sundry to waltz in, would indeed have to be properly checked out!!

Anyway, if the aid agency is able to liaise with the Tigers directly, I'm sure it would be to their advantage considering how fraught the country is with land-mines, etc. Tigers indeed, would be the best source to be able to give them a clearer picture on where to go and where not to!!

Bad Boy
2nd January 2005, 06:00 PM
Sorry, I forgot to mention the most important news yesterday. The source from where I get all the informations about the de facto state of Tamzheelam (no propaganda) confirmed me that there were a lot of lorries comming from sinhala people with sinhala drivers either hindered or denied their approaching towards tiger area or even diverted to somewhere else where the SN Army emptied the trucks.

2nd January 2005, 11:36 PM
[tscii:b1e8c5c488]¾¢Õ ‚¾÷ «ýÀ§Ã, Dear Mr. Sridhar,

//The Tamil Poem was very moving . It was a heart felt Discussion between the MOTHER-EARTH with the VICTIM . Very touchy & emotional thoughts. Mr. Srinivasan please continue by providing more Tamil kavithaigal.//

¿£í¸û ±ý¨Éô À¡Ã¡ðÊ °ìÌÅ¢ò¾¨ÁìÌ ¿ýÈ¢.... þó¾ô À¾¢ø ãÄõ †ô-«ýÀ÷¸û «¨ÉÅÕìÌõ ÜÚ¸¢§Èý.
Thanks for your appreciation and encouragement. Through this Reply I hereby speak to one and all the Hub-Friends.

þÐ ´Õ âÁ¢ò¾¡ö-- Í¿¡Á¢-À¡¨Æ ¯¨Ã¡¼ø «ó¾¡¾¢ì ¸Å¢¨¾ò ¦¾¡¼÷. ¸Å¢î¦º¡ø ¿Âò¨¾Ôõ ú¢òÐÅÕ¸¢È£÷¸û ±É ¿õÒ¸¢§Èý. ÌÈ¢ôÀ¡¸ "º¢§Ä¨¼" ¿Âí¸¨Ç... À¡÷ À¡÷, ¦ºö¾¢§Â¡, Á¡ö ¾Å÷ ... §À¡ýÈ þýÛõ ÀÄÅü¨ÈÔõ ¸ÅÉ¢ò¾£÷ «øÄÅ¡?
This Fictional Serial-Poem (Andhaadhik Kavithai) form of presentation as an Emotional-Dialogue between MOTHER-EARTH and the Tsunami VICTIM. I hope you are enjoying the BEAUTY OF TAMIL Lanuage. The RICH SENSE behind the words... especially the several PUNs such as:"Paar Paar, Seydhiyoa?, Maay-thavar" and the like, I believe you have observed. Is it Not?

¯í¸û ¡ÅÕìÌõ ±ÉìÌõ §¾¡ýÚõ ´ÕÁ¢ò¾ ±ñ½í¸§Ç ¸Å¢î ¦º¡ü¸Ç¡¸ þí§¸ ¦ÅÇ¢ôÀðÊÕ츢ýÈÉ. ¦¾¡¼÷óÐ À¡÷òÐ ¯í¸û ±¾¢¦Ã¡Ä¢¸¨Çò ¦¾Ã¢Å¢Ôí¸û. ²¾¡ÅÐ §¸ð¸ò
§¾¡ýȢɡø, ¿£í¸§Ç¡ ÁüÈÅ÷¸§Ç¡ ¾Âí¸¡Ð §¸Ùí¸û. ¾ð¼¡Ð Å¢¨¼ ¦º¡ø§Åý.
The UNANIMOUS THOUGHTS of YOU ALL and I... only have got this Shape of POETIC-EXPRESSIONS here. Please continue to go through these Serial-Poems furtheron in future too and raise any point of your Echo-Thoughts thereon time to time. Surely I will reply.

«ýÒ¼ý Anbudan..... á. ‚¿¢Å¡ºý R.Srinivasan

3rd January 2005, 02:45 AM
âÁ¢ò ¾¡ö -- Í¿¡Á¢-À¡¨Æ Ţš¾ì ¸Å¢ò ¦¾¡¼÷

Á¾¨Ä :

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Bad Boy
3rd January 2005, 10:01 PM
Srilanka why?

Bad Boy
9th January 2005, 08:57 PM
Tsunamis known to old tamil?

nirosha sen
10th January 2005, 06:22 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: Nice Avatar Bad Boy!! Real good one! Nice to start my day with a laugh, Pa!!

Just heard, that Vellupillai Prabakharan might have been a casualty of the Tsunami too????!!!! Could it be true or is it just another rumour??? The Sri Lankan govt had diverted Kofi Annan, from visiting Jaffna too!

10th January 2005, 10:14 AM
Bad boy,who is that dark figure standing beside you with the stick? :lol:

Bad Boy
10th January 2005, 11:30 PM
Bad boy,who is that dark figure standing beside you with the stick? :lol:
No, that one is not Surya. Not yet. :lol: But very soon, when he feels my 3rd thumb. :lol: :lol:

Bad Boy
10th January 2005, 11:47 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: Nice Avatar Bad Boy!! Real good one! Nice to start my day with a laugh, Pa!!

Just heard, that Vellupillai Prabakharan might have been a casualty of the Tsunami too????!!!! Could it be true or is it just another rumour??? The Sri Lankan govt had diverted Kofi Annan, from visiting Jaffna too!

I am quite sure CBK or her lakeys is/are spreading rumours. I still have no info about that. I did not trust my self to ask someone (a relative) directly about this matter.
CBK behave like a pig, she looked like a pot-bellied pig, she walked like pig and she is a pig. I also saw her dining with UN Secratary general couple of weeks ago in New York at a function. It was awful to see her looking arround without knowing what to do like a odg that drank hot water. She did not even kept the fork propperly.

Anyway , no point looking and waiting for Srilanka, you have to and you go for a Tamizheelam. With or without Srilanka. Tamils are better doing without the south.

Does anyone know what happened to the islands "XXXX- Garcia" or something which is a military base in the indian ocean between The Maldives and Somalia? Could it be that the Yankees need now South of Srilanka?

12th January 2005, 11:36 AM

10. The Government has reportedly rebuked the Italian Embassy in Colombo for sending humanitarian relief directly to the affected Tamils and has made it clear that all governmental assistance from other countries should be routed to the Tamils through it. It strongly opposed the wish of Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General, who was in Sri Lanka on January 8,2005, to visit the affected Tamil areas in the Northern Province too and meet the Tamil leaders ( meaning apparently the LTTE leaders) in order to express the solidarity of the international community with them, thereby forcing him to cancel his plans to go there. The Government reportedly took him only to the Tamil areas in the Eastern Province still under its control.

SHAME on singalese

25. At this hour of national and regional tragedy, one could detect among sections of the Sinhalese signs of malign glee not only over the damage suffered by the LTTE, but also over the fatalities suffered by the Tamil civilians. One only has to visit the Internet chat rooms of many Sinhalese groups to have an idea of their mind-set. I am giving below random examples of the comments of the Sinhalese: " If we let them alone, disease will wipe them out. Sounds like the seven plagues in Egypt to me. Let God do what man has been unwilling to do; " "Nothing like a giant Tsunami to ruin a good rebellion;" "Those kids (children who were killed by the Tsunami) would have ended up as child soldiers of the LTTE anyway;" "Let them (the Tamils) rot. Perfect opportunity to go in and wipe out what's left of them;" "Have their leaders strap on MEGA-bomb vests, then explode themselves. I'm sure they'll leave behind a crater large enough to bury quite a few bodies. "