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28th December 2004, 12:00 AM
Dear all,

Please, please I beg all people to give what ever they can to help the victims of this disaster, I am speechless, tears are in my eyes.

No body, no souls esp the poor do not need this, we in SL have lost nearly 65,000 lives in the last 20 years, due to the war, now more 15,000 dead, we can not take any more. i dunno whether tamils are suffering from their sins from previous life, tamils are butchered by people and nature every where!!!

in UK, there are two main Organisations, one called 'White Pigeon' and the other one 'Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO)', who are in full operation in UK, I will give you their details, as soon as I get it, they accept anything from Clothes, bed sheets, linens, blankets, food , pain killers, antibiotics, and of course money.

please give genorously, don't think for a moment, we are not going to take anything with us, even this body, so just give what ever you can, like I said, I will post the charities details here;

Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation
1079 Garratt Lane,
London SW17 0LN

Phone: +44 208 265 2764
Fax: +44 208 333 7904
E-mail: england@troonline.org

bank name: Natwest
Account Name: white pigeon
Account Number:50503421
Sort Code:602108

pls give anything!!!


28th December 2004, 12:02 AM
here is their link


28th December 2004, 01:25 AM
The Tamil Community in Toronto are raising alot of money to help those in SL at this time. They've put a lot of effort and time as well.
Like Radio stations and Tamil tv stations. One of the TV stations raised like 50 k within 3-4 hrs or something.
They still continue to raise money.

28th December 2004, 09:46 AM
The Tamil Community in Toronto are raising alot of money to help those in SL at this time. They've put a lot of effort and time as well.
Like Radio stations and Tamil tv stations. One of the TV stations raised like 50 k within 3-4 hrs or something.
They still continue to raise money.

very true...also the tamil associations are also gathering around to raise money...Raghu your post was very heartfelt and im sure everyone will do all they are capable of....thank you for the contact info..

nirosha sen
28th December 2004, 11:22 AM
Gee guys, why only Tamil is mentioned???? You mean no Singhalese people are affected by this tragedy???? Please explain......

28th December 2004, 10:23 PM

Thanks, I only speak what is in my heart.


I think ALL humans are same, regardless of Colour/ Religion, BUT this use less evil government (sinhala) of SL take anything that goes out to east & north, this is a well known FACT, what ever aid is given to Tamils, is deprived by the government, even 'Save the children', spokesman mentioned this on BBC, that this evil government do not let reporters go to north & east, THE WORST AFFECTED area in SL is the Eastern side, such as Baticalo, Trincomale & Mullaitive!

I saw devastating pictures on Vectored TV, what made me so mad was the fact, Ordinary ppl & LTTE were helping victims, with utmost care, BUT this use less Sinhala Police and Military was standing around like bricks, elderly women and even children were helping, but these cowards were standing like fools!

So now you can understand, why I made all the fuss about Tamils!

28th December 2004, 10:31 PM
With LTTE controlling the north how can the SL govt go there. After all they are both fighting each other and both sides have proved at multiple occations that ceasefire can be broken without warning.

29th December 2004, 03:58 AM

Come on, man, that's just a load of crap, why can't ugly cow chandrika let the aid agency go to north & east.

>>both sides have proved at multiple occations that ceasefire can be broken without warning.<<

Oh please LTTE has been the most tolerant here, and can you give me one instance of LTTE breaking a cease fire??????

29th December 2004, 07:56 AM
Dear friends,
You can donate online, if you have a credit card to this aid organization helping tsunami victims in India. Please follow this l i n k (www.aidindia.org).

Thanks and Prayers,

29th December 2004, 08:07 AM

Thanks, I only speak what is in my heart.


I think ALL humans are same, regardless of Colour/ Religion, BUT this use less evil government (sinhala) of SL take anything that goes out to east & north, this is a well known FACT, what ever aid is given to Tamils, is deprived by the government, even 'Save the children', spokesman mentioned this on BBC, that this evil government do not let reporters go to north & east, THE WORST AFFECTED area in SL is the Eastern side, such as Baticalo, Trincomale & Mullaitive!

I saw devastating pictures on Vectored TV, what made me so mad was the fact, Ordinary ppl & LTTE were helping victims, with utmost care, BUT this use less Sinhala Police and Military was standing around like bricks, elderly women and even children were helping, but these cowards were standing like fools!

So now you can understand, why I made all the fuss about Tamils!

Great. And you want us to belive that all money donated to your
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation
1079 Garratt Lane,
London SW17 0LN
will go for tamils. No sir,it will definitely go to LTTE.Only a fool will give money. I would request to all hubbers to not contribute to
such dubious organization.Lankan citizens need money,let it go thru red cross,UNICEF etc.

29th December 2004, 08:56 AM

I saw devastating pictures on Vectored TV, what made me so mad was the fact, Ordinary ppl & LTTE were helping victims, with utmost care, BUT this use less Sinhala Police and Military was standing around like bricks, elderly women and even children were helping, but these cowards were standing like fools!

So now you can understand, why I made all the fuss about Tamils!

You are simply talking rubbish here!! Every inidividual including the forces and the LTTE are trying their level best to help out the victims regardless of race, religion, ethnic issues and all. Hundreds of media personnel ( specially Tamils), who are reporting from the north and east are confirming that the LTTE and the forces have joined hands in helping out the unfortunates. You sit there comfortably, watching a TV clipping and pass outrageous remarks without knowing the actual facts.

Please dont give this kind of bad and wrong impression about your own nation without knowing the facts properly. And now please dont come out with the past incidents related to the ethnic issues. At this moment we are only thinking of the the tsunami disaster that has hit our nation overall. The only consoling thing at this moment is the unity among our people regardless of all ethnic clashes . Please dont spoil that spirit.

29th December 2004, 10:11 AM
Gee guys, why only Tamil is mentioned???? You mean no Singhalese people are affected by this tragedy???? Please explain......

They are affected to gee whiz~ calm down.

I was just saying what I KNEW. I am a TAMIL btw, so I don't know pay so much attention to as what the Singhalese people are doing,okay?

No one is stopping you from posting what you know.
If you want people to talk about the Singhalese people and what not, why don't you inform us about something then.

I have a Singhalese friend, and they told me that their temple are raising money(Toronto). They say there aren't many Singhalese people here in Toronto compared to Tamils. However, they said there are many Singhalese people like in Washington and other places. So it is expected that they would probably raise more money than the Singhalese people living in Toronto

29th December 2004, 10:19 AM
With LTTE controlling the north how can the SL govt go there. After all they are both fighting each other and both sides have proved at multiple occations that ceasefire can be broken without warning.

Umm, I don't believe that to be true.
a) That may be one of the excuses Chandrika will use in order to not give money to the North and East areas.
b) I don't think at a time like this, when many lives have been lost they would think about starting attacks or whatever. Just because they are the LTTE doesn't mean they are mean, heartless and power hungry. Besides alot of people who are part of LTTE died as well, like young men.

29th December 2004, 10:36 AM

29th December 2004, 11:01 AM
With LTTE controlling the north how can the SL govt go there. After all they are both fighting each other and both sides have proved at multiple occations that ceasefire can be broken without warning.

like soccer_gal said mere xcuses.this is a time for both sides to put their differences aside and work together.i'm sure if they do that and see how much better workin together is they could work out political things as well.maybe this disaster was intended to bring the sides together.there has been a ceasefire for awhile now tourists are commin in and people who have fled their home country are commin back to visit and i sure kno the govt is happy with that becuz that means foreign $ in their economy.so yes i think all that is xcuses for the govt not to send as much $ to the north and east.

29th December 2004, 05:09 PM
Raghu, please give me a good reason why this thread should continue.
When are we going to be just good humans? :(

29th December 2004, 10:43 PM
So by closing this thread which is opening people's eyes we are going to be good humans?I thought being a good human would be to do something like to leave this thread open and let everyone know how they can help.I think this reason is more then enough to keep this thread open.To close it wouldnt make you a good human being i think that would make one ignorant.

29th December 2004, 10:47 PM
I don't think the thread is useless.
No one is using profanity or anything.

29th December 2004, 11:09 PM
With LTTE controlling the north how can the SL govt go there. After all they are both fighting each other and both sides have proved at multiple occations that ceasefire can be broken without warning.

The other thing to consider is that LTTE collects taxes, systematically assasinates government workers (mayors, agents, etc), has their own police force and de-facto government in place, and when it comes to actually helping their people, they want the government to help them. Am I missing something here?

29th December 2004, 11:18 PM
Like any country which has a government that suppresses a minority group, they should be ready to face opposition.The LTTE is fighting for equal rights. This happens in almost ALL new democratic country. It is the goverment's responsibility to cater to ALL its people and if it doesn't it should be ready to face revolt by the people who are suppressed.They systematically assasinate those workers who are corrupt and unjust.What they collect from taxes is NOTHING compared to the assistance the government should be giving.All the countries outside of Sri Lanka do not know the troubles of these people and are sending massive amount of relief to the GOVERNMENT thinking it will help ALL of Sri Lanka. That is why they are seeking the government's help.

I had made a lengthy remark about my feelings about this earlier last night but for some reason it has been deleted.I am still seeking an answer to why it was deleted, I am more then happy to reword it to the adminstrations liking if it was "harmful" in anyway.

30th December 2004, 12:34 AM

You are digressing from the topic. The Thread is meant to help affected people regardless of their race, country, religion etc... Thats what the thread title says! We are not here to discuss about what the Government does or what it does not... If you think that you can contribute to the victims, go ahead and do it. The help could be by donating money, or pointing people towards some relief funds etc or organising some activity to collect money.
This is not the right place and time to write about achievements or short-comings of a government or an organisation. Pls understand that.

30th December 2004, 12:46 AM
I dont think its a digression cuz we are tryin to drive the point that people should think about sending money directly to the north and east if they want to help those areas.and to understand WHY then people need to know a little bit about the history and government.I tried posting that earlier and it was deleted.If you want to pretend everything is all good tis fine by me.I'm just stating facts even the news people brought this up when speaking of donations so this is very much on topic my friend.

30th December 2004, 01:01 AM
Do you think thats the only thing being discussed here? Should we stay silent for any hidden propaganda being discussed? If the posting was deleted, there should be a reason for that. Pls check the Hub policies and regulations...

30th December 2004, 01:18 AM
i was answering someones question and it was doen in a polite manner.if u read in too deep athu enda thappu illa.there is no hidden propaganda.i think ur lookin in wya to deep, i merely send here are some problems with sendin to the govt if u want to help the east and the north of sri lanka.if u wanna make a big issue out of this fine.no i dont think that is the only thing beign discussed here stop throwing words and ideas into my mouth.if u dont kno what im sayin then ask instead of deleting thinkin u kno wat im sayin.

30th December 2004, 01:37 AM
1) my post was not directed towards one person alone.. It addresses a few
others too..
2) I'm not making a big issue out of something. I see this thread losing
its purpose and going towards a different issue. I want to stop it before
it goes out of control and we end up deleting the thread..
3) I personally want this thread to move on and serve its purpose rather
than discussing social and political issues.. There are n number of threads
for that..

30th December 2004, 02:41 AM
Hello -

I am writing on behalf of a group of med students in Toronto. We are
beginning to stock a crate designated for medical supplies that is leaving
in approximately 2 days. If you have any materials that you would like to
contribute, or wish to refer us onward to sources including clinicians in
our area, we'd be grateful. Please contact us ASAP - any help including
advice is much appreciated.

Kanna Velauthapillai (kanna.velauthapillai@utoronto.ca)
Home: 416-299-0700
Cell: 416-333-8542

Raj Satkunasivam
Cell: 647-895-1451

30th December 2004, 11:16 AM
Dear friends,

Please visit my URL http://silencerocks.blogspot.com or http://tsunamihelp.blogspot.com to know how you can contribute more to the worlds's biggest ever relief effort.

30th December 2004, 01:30 PM

Indian home ministry upon the advice of the Pacific rim countires' tsunami warning system network - has sounded a high alert along easter coast of india - which will be valid for the next 2 days.

it is inferred that the info says that there MAY be another major earthquake in the Indo-australian continental plate, australian region - in the indian ocean - which will trigger another major giant tsunami waves.

Plzz if u got more info on this - esp. ppl from malysia, singapore, thailand, australia, US - if u find updated verified info on this fresh new Quake & Tsunami alert for the Indian ocean region - plz share it here.

Srilankans plz inform ur loved ones abt this new alert.

30th December 2004, 01:52 PM

30th December 2004, 05:06 PM

Hello, stop getting excited, I am not sitting on a flipping chair having tea and making remarks, I am doing what ever I can to help!, this thread is INTENDED for helping the needy, but the topic is being diverted here :x :x :x .

I only commented on what I saw in the TV, One fool mentioned I am giving money to the LTTE, dei naye, LTTE and Tamils are the same , we do not differentiate LTTE from Tamils, because of LTTE, you are eating and living like a pig in the west and making sweeping remarks. because of LTTE millions of Tamils are living a safer life :x :x :x .

the Media like BBC, Sky News, CNN, ABC are only covering the southern SL like Colombo & Galle, ONLY the Tamil TV's like Vectone, Deepam and CEE(I)TV are covering North & East!, any fool with little common sense about the Geographical map of SL would understand that the Tsunami originated near Sumatra would have hit hard on Eastern & South Eastern SL than the rest, right?

Should not the aid get there first??, Red cross and Save the children are in Galle, unable to get to the east & north, due to Ugly Cow's order, this Evil Ugly cow would deprive all the aid and distribute it in the south, NOT to the east & North!!, of Course my blood will boil being a tamilian :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

ALL humans are humans, regardless of race & religion, cos we did not create our selves, we cannot choose our birth & parents. These bodies are not real, only the Athma, which leaves incarnate from One body to other due to our Poorva Genma Karma's :( :( :( .

So one must be insane to divide humans in to such groups, but one should not SIT like a fool, when one's independent is deprived, self respect deprived and when humanity is in danger!

Remember what Krishna said in Gurushesthram to Arjuna, when Dharma is attack, you will have to fight for justice!!!

That is what LTTE is doing to Ugly Cow's regime!!

30th December 2004, 05:12 PM
Indian Friend,

Pls accept my appologies, I was really really upset about the tragedy, I felt like It happened to me :cry: :cry: :cry: , hence I have lost my senses, I am really sorry, If I have hurt you!

30th December 2004, 05:16 PM
Dear NOV,

This thread must continue, it is only intended for funds around the world, esp Europe & USA/Canada.

Some one deviated this topic to Tamil Sinhala Issue, I hope this will not happen here again!

30th December 2004, 06:57 PM
Dear Friends,

Since this forum is mainly frequented by the tamils esp. the tamil diaspora - it is but natural that Srilankan & eezham tamils are bit more concerned about their loved ones back home in eezham and in SL govt. controlled areas.

please dont use this thread to discuss the "validity" of the political conflict that has been there in SL for the past few decades.

We should understand that EVERY HUMAN in this world - irrespective of their race, color, region, nationality and religion - would be moved by the Human tragedy that is being played out in south & south east asian region.

We have seen that a few heartless people exist everywhere - who make it a point to derive "pleasure" out of the destitution of hapless victims of nature :(

Let's ignore those kinds of people and rather focus on the issues at hand viz. relief, rehabilitation and moral & monetary support - for these unfortunate victims - to start their life afresh.

The Thamizh people living in the eezham territory as well as Sinhalas & thamizh people living in SL govt. controlled areas - ALL of them have been devastated by this cruel tidal wave :(

I personally would not want even my worst enemy to suffer this kind of calamity and destruction :(

Please in this hour of darkness the need is to atleast put the differences in the back-burner and help all the citizens of Srilanka including those living in the eezham territory - in any way that is possible for the expatriates.

Even bitter enemies agree for cease-fire when both sides need it and agree to it.

So please please in this hour of human tragedy dont play out the political conflicts.

that can wait for another day.

30th December 2004, 07:10 PM
the Media like BBC, Sky News, CNN, ABC are only covering the southern SL like Colombo & Galle, ONLY the Tamil TV's like Vectone, Deepam and CEE(I)TV are covering North & East!, any fool with little common sense about the Geographical map of SL would understand that the Tsunami originated near Sumatra would have hit hard on Eastern & South Eastern SL than the rest, right?

I heard over BBC, that since the Infrastructure inside the eezham territory had already been badly battered due to the decades old war - it is found to be difficult for the international aid to reach the afected areas of eezham till now

But there are also positive reports that BOTH the army AND the LTTE are working TOGETHER in many areas in eezham (the region under LTTE's control) - to help in the relief work there.

I even heard "Soosai" the Naval commander of LTTE, saying something to the effect that LTTE & SL Army are working in tandem to help those victims of the tidal wave in some areas.

That interview (lasting about a few mins) was even shown on Sun TV.

So, i guess there is atleast a temporary burial of differences between the SL army and the LTTE - which is very good for the relief work.

But i agree with Raghu's concerns, that the SL politicians SHOULD NOT - use this opportunity to subvert the relief work in eezham. I think that may not be the case.

But let us keep the hopes for a speedy relief work both in eezham and in other areas of SL.

The need of the hour is to send in help to the victims thru all channels without bias and discrimination and "judging" the political "validities".

So, needless bashimg up of LTTE and/or the SL govt. may please be avoided here please.

30th December 2004, 08:35 PM
Thanks geno for the wonderful message.

One of my singhalese friend's brother is an army officer who is based in Jaffna. With great difficulty his family managed to contact him the following day of the disaster. The only thing he had said was - "' me and my team are busy with the rescue work.. please dont call and bother me until I contact you'll back" - This is true and my friend since then has not tried to call her brother.

Our general manager who is a Singhalese - is going tomorrow to Trinco with his friends to do the needful for the unfortunates.

Today with great difficulty I managed to contact one of my Tamil friend's mom who is in kaaratheevu - mattakalappu - a badly affected area. Half of their village has been destroyed and being in the same area (just 1 km distance) she could visit the affected areas only today. Access to these areas are extremely difficult due to various reasons. It is the same even in the southern parts of the Island.

I inquired her about the distribution of relief goods and she said all are doing their level best - including the government ( I personally dont favour Chandrika and her government - but that's a different story). She too confirmed that the Army and LTTE have temporarily forgotten their differences and are working together. She was in tears when she described how the un affected ones of all ethnic groups were helping the affected ones without any descrimination. As I said before the only consoling thing is the unity among people and I sincererly hope and pray that it continues to be the same even in the future.

Our nation cannot stand another disaster of any kind !! Only who live here would understand that !!!

Bad Boy
30th December 2004, 08:41 PM
Dear Friends,
this is not the time to get hot tempered. Nobody gains anything. We only hurt each other needlessly.

There is one tv (NTV) spreading unprooved news underlied by pictures from the south, esp. Galle about LTTE plundering aid transport while the decent TVs (ARD/ZDF) deny the accusations. They only said that in the south there were fake helpers plundering the tourists' resorts. There are still no pictures from the East and the North here.

My cousin, who was is parish priest in Mullaithivu owns his clothes he wore at the time of the tragedy only. He can not even identify himself.

Jaffna town there was nothing, even The Delft was not affected I heard.

Geno, the roads from Colombo to Vavunia are very OK, even the A9 Jaffna-Colombo Road is in a good shape. The point is all the help that is sent to SL first has to pass the SL-Crisis management which itself needs to be aided first. Because the Buttocks of the Majesty Preseident wanted to take off the SL Air was banned for all other aircrafts, including an indian flight to Colombo. Lastnight they (Germans) aired that they are resignated and back in Colombo because they are hindered by authorities to carry on with the help.
Even the water preparing systems are ment for the south only, though those in the East needed it much more.

Also some of my Friends phoned me and conveyed their deep sympathy.
I posted all my friends to take a look at troonline.org. I did not asked them to donate anything but I know that they will do help unasked.

Roshan, how are you and your family doing?

30th December 2004, 09:07 PM

Thanks ! We are alright .

30th December 2004, 11:42 PM

I was watching CNN yesterday at ard 2:15 am.
So the anchorman was asking questions to this Tamizhan who was a doctor in America.

The anchorman asked the Tamizhan how he knows money hasn't been gone to the East and North, and that maybe they are scared to give out money because of the LTTE.

The doctor says, how the relief agents and everyone there has said how the LTTE people are being very co-operative and assisting them with everything. The people are okay, except for the fact that they haven't got any aid yet.

So since the USA raised the amount of money with aid, they are gonna make sure that the supplies and medical people get sent to the North. The Tamizhan whose a doctor said he was going to be one of the people leaving USA for Sri Lanka today.

I forgot what his name was but yes.

oooo I saw that on BBC news too, Geno!

31st December 2004, 12:42 AM
Bad Boy,

>>There are still no pictures from the East and the North here.
<< that is EXACTLY what I was trying address here!


'But I agree with Raghu's concerns, that the SL politicians SHOULD NOT - use this opportunity to subvert the relief work in eezham. I think that may not be the case.
Thank you, I was ONLY talking about the SL government NOT the INNOCENT sinhala ppl, what a great man Ranil was, as PM!!!

'It is but natural that Srilankan & eezham Tamils are bit more concerned about their loved ones back home in eezham and in SL govt. controlled areas. '

My relatives / friends are safe in SL, Roshan could have replied to my couple of days ago :(.

But I am concerned for ALL living entities affected by this be it Tamil, Sinhala, Thai, Indian, ... cows, dogs, cats, .... Anything that has a life!

Soccer Gal,

I was hoping that More Doctors from UK would go to SL, well, if all the SL / Indians Doctors left for SL, this country would have a severe Doctor Shortage!

31st December 2004, 01:50 AM
ada kadavule,


31st December 2004, 07:14 PM
A sky Journalist (British) has visited Mullaitive, first ever foreign Journalist in Eezham, he said, around 13,500 people died there, there is only ONE grave digger, the LTTE and the locals are helping to dispose the bodies, he said it is only local amnesties and TRO who is helping the needy in this regents, no sign of any international or government aid to this region, so can one explain this????

Local health authority has requested Helicopters and bulldozers to recover and clean up the remote areas, which has NOT been supplied by the UGLY Cow's regime! :x :x :x :x :x

Even India is helping by sending in Divers and ships to Galle, so who is going to help the Tamils in SL :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Only LTTE and Tamils are helping each others :cry: :cry: :cry:

Now ho much help is our so called entertainers ranging from Mr.Rajnikanth to Mr.Vijayakanth doing to help the Eezham Tamils, after all it is Eezham Tamils abroad like USA/Canada/Europe who contribute ENORMOUSLY to their salary :( :(

31st December 2004, 07:24 PM
Jeremy Bowen's report from Mullaitivu is available on the BBC website:


It makes for painful reading. But it seems from the conclusion of his report that supplies from elsewhere are starting to come into the LTTE-controlled bits of the Northeast, finally.

31st December 2004, 07:38 PM

Could you please tell me why the foreign medical team that was sent to Mullaitheevu was denied access and sent back to Colombo by the LTTE yesterday?

Please dont say that it is a lie spread by Chandrika and display your ignorance once again.

1st January 2005, 11:39 AM

1st January 2005, 12:05 PM
Chadrika is nothing bt a puppet for the US. Tsunami is a mere control exercise on a bunch of hapless people. NAtural resources such as oil and gas, harbours etc are to be found in Indonesia and surrounding countries.
etcetc :shock:

I have friends in Sri Lanka and thay say volunteers are returning because they are being plundered by the Sri Lankan army and fellow thugs. :cry:

6th January 2005, 10:42 PM

That's news to me, pls provide the source of that.

some more facts.

1) One sinhala Business man, took food and medicine to amparai, with his family to help the victims (mainly tamils), hats of to this gentleman, humanity still exists .

2) LTTE leader V.Pirabakaran donates 1 million Rs to amparai victims

3) No offical aid has reached north & east, with the exception of local business , LTTE & TRO

4) LTTE and SL army are now joining hands to save the people, that is indeed great news.

5) No aid yet for a very remote villiage called Akbar, near Kalumni.

BUT Aid has reached Galle, and ampalathota, according to BBC & SKY, OK they are geographicaly closer to colombo than Jaffna, Trincomale & Batticalo, but still no aid for the North!, there is a Military Airport in Palali, north of jaffna, which HAS NOT been affected

6th January 2005, 10:44 PM
there is harbour in Kankesan thurai, so why is the aid not reaching there, from Rameshwaram to kankesanth thurai is not more than 30 odd miles, so roshan, please enlighten my ignorance

7th January 2005, 08:04 AM
I'm not ready to discuss any serious issues with a 'kid' :lol:

7th January 2005, 04:03 PM

sari, naa 'Kid' nu agree panna sari thaan yakkov :lol: :lol: :lol: .

any way, finaly, BBC reporters are going to Mullaitive and Eastern SL, but still not to Jaffna.

Are the international community doing anything about removing the 1 million odd land mines, planted in Nortn & East, they must be floating around in water now! :( :( :( :(

7th January 2005, 04:28 PM
this is for the highly intelluctual adults


from the most ignorant Kid

Bad Boy
7th January 2005, 10:50 PM
there is harbour in Kankesan thurai, so why is the aid not reaching there, from Rameshwaram to kankesanth thurai is not more than 30 odd miles, so roshan, please enlighten my ignorance
the "port" KKS is far inside the sea. All the heavy ships can only be unloaded with small vessels only. There is no dock or something similiar.

10th January 2005, 09:16 PM
Bad Boy,

Ok, but small boats can take the aid from ships, can't they ? :o

and this is for the Highly Intellectual from an Ignorant kid
:( :(


Ugly cow has deployed the Ugly American military to help with the distribution of aid, why SLA could not do this :twisted: :twisted: .

It is Ugly cow's evil act to train her poonai kuttis(SLA) by the UGLY American military to fight the awesome Puli, SLA is trying all it can to investigate LTTE's intelligence, poor poonai kuttis.

The Ugly American Military with it's utmost power, can not find a man with an AK47 in Afghanistan is trying it's luck with LTTE, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bad Boy
10th January 2005, 11:22 PM
hovercrafts would be the best I think! Anyway, it took three (3) days for SL Government to send aid to Jaffna! The flight from Ratmalana to Pallaly take not even 60 minutes :!:

Yesterday, The ARD ( the leading uncommercial and independent television in Germany) transmitted a report over the sufferings of people in Point Pedro (Paruththithurai) and about the hardship of HUMEDIC (an Organisation of German Medics) there. They (HUMEDIC)also said their a lot of severe injuries due to the barbwire used by the SL Army alongside the whole coast of Jaffna peninsula to avoid seatiger invasions. The Reporters also interviewed SL Army personal who were rebuilding and repairing their own damage why they don't help the public. One of the soldiers said "when the time comes then they will get their help" with sarcastic undertone. Yes, The SL Army brought the homeless food but spoiled. It was only private organisations taking care of the poor.

(This is in German but if you won't I can translate it)

Please support TRO

11th January 2005, 04:25 PM

Watch out now, you will be labelled as an 'Ignorant Kid' as well :lol: :lol: :lol: .

I heard that the Government has sent in 13 vehicles to Kizhinotchi, province, including, pick up trucks, bull dozers, etc.

I was watching SKY news, today, the reporter from Mulaitivu, confirmed that, not a Single DROP of aid, has been sent by the government! same thing was said by the BBC reporter, all of the so called 'Western Reports' coming from the North & East, has CONFIRMED that it is the LTTE, TRO & Local amnesties are the ones, who are helping the victims, some members of the British Red Cross & German Aid agency are there in Jaffna.

Unless, these 'Western' journalist were 'Ignorant Kids' like me: lol: :lol: :lol:

11th January 2005, 04:59 PM
Yes you are still ignorant !!

Mullaithivu is the main base of the LTTE. All their important camps are based there and they are not willing to let any government officers in for the very obvious reason of maintaining confidantiality. Only some particular aid organisations like Red Cross ( which has always been in favour of the LTTE) are allowed in. That was the reason why the foreign medical team that was sent to Mullaithivu was denied access. It was told in the CNN and one of the Doctors of that team spoke on TV and confirmed it and I saw it. One of the hubbers Nirosha Sen too has seen the CNN news and confirmed it here in another thread. I wonder how Raghu missed it . Seems that he is selectively blind on such issues :wink: :lol:

LTTE is demanding to hand over all the funds and goods directly to the TRO and not willing to get the goverment or other nuetral parties involved. That's not possible at all. If they want the government's help and if they are really concerned about the affected people - whether they like it or not they MUST get together with the government in this crucial moment. It's kind of a catch 22 situation for the LTTE. They want the government to do everything but demanding to handover everything to the TRO - which sounds funny.

And most of the the donor countries have banned LTTE in their respective countries and labelled them as a terrorist organisation. These countries too are not willing to handover anything directly to the TRO - which is a part of LTTE - a Terrorist Organisation according to their countries' standards.

There are lot more into Mullaithivu issue and also the ethnic issue and a person who had left the country more than a decade ago and never sighted the place since then ( which is not an impossible thing after the 2002 cease fire agreement) would never understand the present situation of Sri Lanka. IMHO, these people who I consider as COWARDS do not have a single right to talk even about their own people. All what they could do is 'CRY WOLF' in a forum like this and display their IGNORANCE !!

11th January 2005, 07:15 PM

For starters, I don't watch any craps from the Americans, like CNN :twisted: , cos I they are a bunch of terrorists :lol: :lol: .

Thank you very much for saying 'Adu naniyuthenu Oonai azhuthucham nu', u don't know half of the shit I do from this part of the world towards charities, u seriously crossing your limits on personal attacks here. I am ordinary working class person, I help many charities, I HATE talking about my self, but I have no choice.

I donate funds to charities like,

Save the Children
Royal National Institute For Blind People
Red Cross
Water Aid

And more on a monthly basis, I have been doing this for the last 4 years! and that is 20% of my income, plus I have dependants, house and blah blah , so don't bloody say I have no feeling for others, and cry like a wolf, yes, I am have been away from Sl for the last 16 years , and I badly wanted to visit the country, I love. But did not have any financial support, and I can not bloody take time off from work, so don't ever talk rubbish like I don't care for my people, I badly wanted to join the LTTE, when I came here as teenager, but cos of my parents, I did not, it is so bloody easy for some one, who does not know what war is like to comment like this!

Damn the world, I don't care if an ape like Bush declares LTTE as terrorists, in fact it is the bloody Americans who are terrorists!

Have good day

11th January 2005, 07:41 PM
please note **** was the word Sh*t, no swear word, cos I don;t use any :( :(

11th January 2005, 11:02 PM
Eezham - whether any "self-styled" nationalist politicians of SL agree or not - is very much a reality.

The central issue here is immediate relief to reach ALL the people of SL AND Eezham.

If the SL govt. want to adamantly maintain its "Political Jargon" of "territorial integrity" even in this hour of grief and calamity - it is only an abominable development.

The other day - UN Secretary General Kofi Annan - who wanted to visit the Tsunami hit areas of North-east (eezham) under LTTE, was denied an opportunity to visit - because the arrogant lady Chandrika intervened in it and prevented Mr. Annan's visit.

It was widely reported in Indian media and also the BBC.

UN is an independent body, and UN SG should have been allowed to visit eezham atleast on humanitarian grounds.

This despicable act of the SL Govt. is highly condemnable.

It is understandable that LTTE considers its Mullaitivu area as a militarily "high risk" zone - to allow all and sundry to visit it.

Indian govt. - during the first 7-8 days after the 2001 earthquake in Gujarat's bhuj - did not allow any foreign relief teams to visit and work there.

Also - i would like to point out that Car Nicobar - where India has a huge Military presence and bases in Souther Andaman & Nicobar Islands - after the tsunami - that area was cordoned off and only Indian Armed forces have been allowed anywhere near that area for relief work.

This is not a time to question the "Political Validities" of eezham and LTTE.

If the SL govt. has any intentions of Permanent Peace, they should be willing to work with LTTE and Pirabhakaran.

It is of no use spreading filthy rumors thru their state run Radio and Newspaper - that Pirabhakaran is dead etc.

This grossly undermines the very integrity of the SL govt. in accepting the thamizh ethnic problem as an exisiting issue.

And finally, Presence of American Military in the indian ocean is a huge threat to India and its geo-political security.

I believe that ordinary Sinhalas do not hold hatred for tamils; but i suspect if "especially" chandrika & her govt. is trying to "use" this calamity - to sabotage the thamizh national ethnic struggle and to try & destroy the spirit of eezham.

And on the other hand expatriate eezhamites should try and understand who are eezham's true friends and who are their real enemies.

This is not a time for political bickering, but the time to close ranks and work for the welfare of all sections of the society.

I've been staying away from here deciding not to write upon these sensitive issues in this hour of humanitarian crisis, but the Srilankan situation is one that has huge implications for its feauture - for eezham tamils, Srilankans and also for India.

12th January 2005, 10:00 AM
geno, waiting for your answers to JFF.

12th January 2005, 10:05 AM
tfm related ellam forum hub la pesa koodadhu :)

12th January 2005, 12:04 PM
It is so disappointing to see senior hubbers trading insults and resorting to name-calling, in the course of discussions. :(
Leadership by example please.

12th January 2005, 12:11 PM

For starters, I don't watch any craps from the Americans, like CNN :twisted: , cos I they are a bunch of terrorists :lol: :lol: .

Thank you very much for saying 'Adu naniyuthenu Oonai azhuthucham nu', u don't know half of the **** I do from this part of the world towards charities, u seriously crossing your limits on personal attacks here. I am ordinary working class person, I help many charities, I HATE talking about my self, but I have no choice.

I donate funds to charities like,

Save the Children
Royal National Institute For Blind People
Red Cross
Water Aid

And more on a monthly basis, I have been doing this for the last 4 years! and that is 20% of my income, plus I have dependants, house and blah blah , ..............

I have dependants,house and blah blah...?You forgot somebody owns that name in this forum. :evil: :lol: :lol:

12th January 2005, 12:23 PM
I have dependants,house and blah blah...?You forgot somebody owns that name in this forum. :evil: :lol: :lol:

ROTFL :rotfl:

12th January 2005, 08:34 PM

Very well said, it is the evil chandrika & co, that is scrutinising
The peace process, remember how peace full the country was when Mr.Ranil was in power!

Indians have been great about not letting the American thugs in the soil, hats off,
Hence no foreigners were allowed in certain islands on Nicobar & Andaman, including journalist,
The Indian Army accompanied even some journalist! which is highly understandable.

Why Kofi anan was not allowed by the evil chandrika to visit Eezham?
When Mr.Pirbhakaran has invited him,
Mr.anan was highly disappointed!!

I can understand, why the LTTE would not want any one near Mulaitivu, as this is their
Military base, they have the right to do that, just like what the Indians did to Andaman & NIcorbar.

Yes, u r right, this civil war is NOT between the Sinhala & Tamil ppl, but between.
Evil & dharma, ithu oru dharma yutham!!!

Bad Boy
15th January 2005, 04:25 PM
Hey Roshan,

I want to support The LTTE and going to fight against you :lol: Will you please bring CBK as your adjutant? I love to itch this miss piggy belly.

nirosha sen
15th January 2005, 08:14 PM
Hey guys, what's this recent bad publicity abt folks not eating chappatis made by the Sikh cooks who came all the way from Punjab???!!! To see stacks of yummy chappatis go to waste is a definite no-no in my books and speaks very, very poorly of our people at Nagapattinam, Pa!!

Here you have people in Somalia crying foul that all the aid is favouring Asia, and you have people thumbing their nose at wheat bread, a much need staple the world over!! What's wrong with people at Tamil Nadu???? Only Choroo all the time???? Tut-tut!!! :x

Bad Boy
15th January 2005, 08:28 PM
Hey guys, what's this recent bad publicity abt folks not eating chappatis made by the Sikh cooks who came all the way from Punjab???!!! To see stacks of yummy chappatis go to waste is a definite no-no in my books and speaks very, very poorly of our people at Nagapattinam, Pa!!

Here you have people in Somalia crying foul that all the aid is favouring Asia, and you have people thumbing their nose at wheat bread, a much need staple the world over!! What's wrong with people at Tamil Nadu???? Only Choroo all the time???? Tut-tut!!! :x

Niro, I think this is the wrong thread, you should try with the other thread "The WaVes - Tamil tragedy?"

Why did the sikhs came all the way down to TN? Didn't they know that Idia prefers rice instead of wheat?

What is Colonel Aidide doing in Somalia? I don't think yankees will ever step on Somalia's soil ever! They also went there to stop the fightings and offer food but everybody remebers what happened couple of years ago!

nirosha sen
16th January 2005, 10:21 AM
Oh pardon me, Bad Boy!! Didn't know this thread was exclusive to only the Sri Lankan tragedy, Pa!! Now that the dust has settled, we are very PARTISAN aren't we???? :(

As for Somalia, you are right abt the Yanks having cold feet to step back there again. But what of the UN???? Why can't it do its part more effectively???? More so, when they have Kofi Annan as their head????

16th January 2005, 10:51 AM
bing their nose at wheat bread, a much need staple the world ove
Hey guys, what's this recent bad publicity abt folks not eating chappatis made by the Sikh cooks who came all the way from Punjab???!!! To see stacks of yummy chappatis go to waste is a definite no-no in my books and speaks very, very poorly of our people at Nagapattinam, Pa!!

Here you have people in Somalia crying foul that all the aid is favouring Asia, and you have people thumr!! What's wrong with people at Tamil Nadu???? Only Choroo all the time???? Tut-tut!!! :x

Nirosha, chooru is much more nutritious than ur chappathi.
Chappathi makes a really good snack.
I know one friend who does not know what is the meaning of nutritious food.
he eats chapathi drinks coke. dats his nutrition.
Tamil food is one of the most richest and also nutritious. I dont think any other indian food is so delicious and nutritious like the south indian food (includes tamil telugu and malayali foods)
Eat rice in proper proportions eat non veg eat lots of veggies also eat chappathis to have a change.
dats the way people in tamil nadu eat.
How nice to have such a great food!!!!!!!
see these americans they eat some burgers and cokes and either become obese or else suffer from other health disorders.
Even north indians eat chooru only because of eating rice they are still healthy.
Or atleast learn from those chinese who eat rice with spicey veggies.
Nirosha u make a good example for the hub admin who commented about senior hubbers.
How sweet and also cheap. hehe

made by the Sikh cooks who came all the way from Punjab???!!! To see stacks of yummy chappatis me???? Tut-tut!!! :x

chappathi can be cooked in a matter of few minutes. those sikhs dont have to come all the way from punjab to cook chapathi.hehe

nirosha sen
16th January 2005, 06:35 PM
I certainly hope no other hubber advocates throwing away good food as you do, Son!! But you know what, your outburst does remind me of something I came across in a movie...

Youth will age,
The callow will mature,
Ignorance can be educated,
But stupid remains stupid forever!!

17th January 2005, 10:02 AM
Nirosha, chooru is much more nutritious than ur chappathi.
Chappathi makes a really good snack.

Totally Wrong!. Chappathi is rich in wheat while rice has nothing much carbohydrate. Vitamin B which is present in rice husk is completely lost while washing in boiling. Carbohydrate content in rice leads to obesity and diabetes, which is why most south indians have these problems in middle age.

Tamil food is one of the most richest and also nutritious. I dont think any other indian food is so delicious and nutritious like the south indian food (includes tamil telugu and malayali foods)

Be specific in quoting the items. Kerala meal is the healthiest of all the three by a long long way :thumbsup: Tamil dishes like rasam dont do any good and also not rich in iron. Andhra dishes are ideal for ulcer.

Eat rice in proper proportions eat non veg

nonveg is really bad for health

Even north indians eat chooru only because of eating rice they are still healthy.

what??? tell us how much time you spent in north india!! N.Is eat rice once a week or so(most of them)

17th January 2005, 10:09 AM
Son,you are really having trouble convincing some of us.Don't be in such a hurry to reach conclusions :wink: .I feel you have got it all wrong. :D

18th January 2005, 01:28 AM
let me try to convince u guys again.
Eating non veg is not bad for health especially if u are below 30 or 35 years of age.
Any young man needs cholestrol for his normal functioning of his body. He also needs lots of proteins.

My argument here is people eating ONLY chappatis are the poorly nourished guys. I dont see vegetarian people complementing the non veg proteins with lots of veg proteins like beans/pulses.

Man has been eating non-veg by hunting and fishing eversince his day of evolution. (remember cave men?). So ur body expects u to eat non veg.

I agree that entire non veg nutrients can be replaced by vegetarian foods, but how many guys eat a balanced diet?

It is agreed alover the world that guys who eat a planned diet of both non veg and veg are the healthiest people.
I know what to eat if i am a 100% veg. But the easy conclusion is most of the vegetarians are poorly nourished(malnourished).They will suffer from brain degradation(due to consuming less proteins) and also muscular cramps (due to consuming less proteins).

If they dont eat rice obviously, they will suffer from gastric problems (coz rice has fibre) and also they will lag behind in supplying bodies carbohydrate requirements.

I eat wheat food in the mornings and sometimes afternoons, combined with some non veg foods (fat less).

Fishes are the ultimate nutritious food next to eggs.
I bet if any vegetarian food can comes close to eggs interms of nutrition content.

conclusion is that Enjoy all the food in the world till ur 35. After 35 have a carefully chosen diet. Dats the way to be 100 percent healthy.

Nirosha u did not read my posting clearly.
Tamilians eat all kinds of food. OK. i mean we enjoy all food. If u havent changed ur mind still ur the stupid not me

18th January 2005, 03:53 PM

Ingu enna nadakuthu :x , thread Title -ai padicheenghala :x

19th January 2005, 03:59 AM
The thought of me being alive today is truly by God's grace. I actually have been to some of the beaches just a couple years ago and to think those calm waters could cause such devastation is truly shocking. Thoughts are just running in my head as to why it did not strike then but now. My heart goes out to all to have suffered and even now they are homeless and starving. I wish I could help but have no finances but I can pray for all the families suffering hoping some order will come into their lives.

19th January 2005, 06:51 PM
A brief History about Our Beautiful Sri Lanka, and what led to ethnical war! :(


27th January 2005, 08:38 PM

Visit Anjali's topic 'Eezham', those who were jumping here up and down should read the article by this lady :cry:

Bad Boy
3rd February 2005, 06:54 PM
Yesterday I phoned HEMA travel or tours in Colombo and wanted to book a ticket to Jaffna but asked for 20Kg extra as relief. A Rathika with whom I've been talking to said that lionAir will allow me a personal weight of up to 30 but nothing extra. Extra weight costs 150 Rs/SL. So I got the
number of Lion Air and ExpoAir and talked to them.

Lion Air: Hello
BB: bla bla bla... I'm calling from Germany ... want to take relief about 20 Kg beside my own luggage + duty free stuff, all in all ca. 30 Kg private altogether about 50 Kg.
Lion Air: You can take it but the security personal will charge you.
BB: I don't pay your security personal 3000 Rs just for taking private help for the people in need, even LTU- German carrier allows me take this relief for free. And this is declared as relief and extra luggage.
Lion Air: Sir the money is for the air liner. Please don't misunderstand me.
BB: Are you the Lion Air or with whom am I talking and what am I talking of, these are just goods like water pump, water boilers, stringes, plasters, dolls, balls, clothes and of course some kilos of chocholates.
Lion Air: Hold on sir

something in singhala going on

Sir, we can not decide but you have to talk to expo air!
BB: Alright, I'll talk to them, have a nice day, bye.

Expo Air: Hello
BB: my name is ...., arriving on 15th Feb....
Expo Air: You want to book sir?
BB: depends on if you are allowing my extra weight
Expo Air: Hold on sir

I here discussions in Tamil but unable to understand what they were talking of
oruththan germanyil irunththu ....
Expo Air: (a males voice) How can I help you

BB: bla bla bla
Expo Air: 20 Kg we allow sir!
BB: whta are you talking Mr, excuse me if I sound rogue but it is as it is. First I phoned HEMA and got a tolerated private excess weight of 10 Kg and asked me to talk to lion air personally regarding relief. Lion Air can not decide without Expo Air I was told so I called you to get a third solution for my problem?
Expo Air: Wait a minute sir.
BB: You are the third to ask me to wait for a minute to day from SL but does not matter the minute is already running so no need to be in a hurry, the next minute will come for sure and I better await that too before you come to me once again.

time running and 13 cent/min too.

Expo Air: overweight you have to pay sir but we can allow you 40 Kg maximum and rest you have to pay.
BB: that means I have to pay about 1500 Rs?
Expo Air: Correct Sir! Wait a minute sir. a long silence - but I heard them talking in tamil and their boss got sticking to 20+20
Expo Air:Sir?
BB: For 1500 Rs I can take a bus and will be in Jaffna the very next day or take a train, overnight in Vavuniya and proceed next day?
Expo Air: Yes sir but it will take you about 12 hours.
BB: Yes, but now I think the Tsunami victims can also wait for furthermore 12 hours. I read some where that Expo Air is flying help to all over but what is this? Anyway, Thanks for your efforts.
Expo Air: I am sorry sir
BB: me too!

3rd February 2005, 09:41 PM
adap pAvingaLA!!! relief material-nu solliyum ippidi paNRAnungaLA?


nirosha sen
4th February 2005, 10:41 AM
Bad Boy - Relief material-ennum theriyum thanne???? Appa-na why don't you go thru relief agency, Pa???

Tackling bureaucracy requires the known agencies like Care, Red Cross, etc, doesn't it???? If you go there, particularly if they know you are overseas based Sri Lankan, think they are going to roll out the red carpet???? Don't count on it!! Be resourceful and do it thru only RELIEF AGENCIES, Pa!! You'll be far luckier and better appreciated by the victims!! :)

4th February 2005, 05:53 PM
Bad Boy - Relief material-ennum theriyum thanne???? Appa-na why don't you go thru relief agency, Pa???

Tackling bureaucracy requires the known agencies like Care, Red Cross, etc, doesn't it???? If you go there, particularly if they know you are overseas based Sri Lankan, think they are going to roll out the red carpet???? Don't count on it!! Be resourceful and do it thru only RELIEF AGENCIES, Pa!! You'll be far luckier and better appreciated by the victims!! :)

Yes, BB, like N.S said, use the Charities, use TRO or LTTE, don't take it personally, cos some 'Pavees' often things that any one coming from abroad is loaded, or belong to the Sultan Clan, and they will try and con you like hell


Bad Boy
4th February 2005, 08:59 PM
Bad Boy - Relief material-ennum theriyum thanne???? Appa-na why don't you go thru relief agency, Pa???

Tackling bureaucracy requires the known agencies like Care, Red Cross, etc, doesn't it???? If you go there, particularly if they know you are overseas based Sri Lankan, think they are going to roll out the red carpet???? Don't count on it!! Be resourceful and do it thru only RELIEF AGENCIES, Pa!! You'll be far luckier and better appreciated by the victims!! :)
Well, until now I did not think of a carpet but red would be quite okay, but red with golden ornaments will suit me the best. :lol:

There are direct air-conditioned bus services from Colombo to Jaffna and you don't have to carry a single kilo, they would even pick me up from Katunayake Airport. But I think if I only reduce the weight of the sweets I am going to take by a kilo then I can use that for the extraweight because 1 Kg really nice sweets cost about 9.50€, 1200,- SRs.
Regarding using any organisations I am not sure about that. Do I use them for to transport my kilos? I don't think so! These are private donations of private people to a certain parish and civil institutions. I don't think you would handover something to a third party though you have special requests weighing heavy on your shoulders? I have a list of those items I am taking with and from whom I got those things and to where I have to deliver. I am quite sure I am doing only correct if I have an eye on those things that I am taking with. What do you say? Or should I perhaps rent a piece of pavement in front of Colombo-Fort-Railwaystation and make my own business. Atleast 50 000 I would make I'm sure. I not only save the transport fee I also earn money with others's donations, how will it be?
And last not but least you never heard me speaking english - I don't have this indian or lankan accent but german, you definitely won't recognize it by my spoken english. From my Tamil it is easy to hear that I am a foreigner. And in Germany people don't even guess that I am not a german native until they see me waging in. I see their chin falling down when I walk in. But some too bright brains guess that something is wrong because of my name. Otherwise you don't hear any accent. And I also did not tell ExpoAir that I am a tamil, non-singhala, both or nothing of all, so I am quite sure they thought that I am a vellaikaaren.

nirosha sen
5th February 2005, 08:08 AM
8) Oh appidi-ya sangathee????!!! Okay, so this is very much home-coming for you, huh????!!!

:lol: I should hear you speak German one fine day, then!!! :D

Bad Boy
5th February 2005, 03:00 PM
[tscii:025b1de74c]Hello Akkachi
(Niro, let me call you by that as you have named me thambi once :thumbsup: ),

last evening I thought of you, pardon me, more or less of your advice to get in touch with a charity organisation and I finally did it. Thanks for the advice because as Rahgu has mentioned above about the natives and the expat tycoons I am very cautios about that, not that they come to do me harm, no, it is me who should not loose my selfcontrol. Though I like to be with and among people or crowd I always take care that people keep a certain distance which is comfortable for me. Yes, I got the assurance to get the private donations I am taking with to the places I want them to be delivered to.
Good job, Niro :thumbsup:

If you want to hear me speaking GermanEnglish it won't fail because of my phone, the question is have you got ability of hearing, I mean have you got eavesdroppers that don't ache?
Lot of people may find it terrible to pronounce Köln (Collogne (Eau de Collogne)), Hameln (Hamlin (The Pide Piper of Hamlin Town), 45 min from my place), München (Munich), and ü, ö and y. There you hear the difference between a native and a foreigner speaking German. For example take "sport(GB)" in German it is bit like "shpoartt" or take " Michael Stich" (Wimbledon Champ, Olympic Gold in Men's Double with Boris Becker, The latter is far more famous) will be mi-sha-el sh-ti-ch (the ch makes the difference, it is something between sh and ch in English.[/tscii:025b1de74c]

nirosha sen
5th February 2005, 05:47 PM
:lol: Thanks for the lesson in German phonics, Bad Boy!! My daughter wants to know, "why is there so much of saliva flying around, Ma"???? :rotfl:

5th February 2005, 05:56 PM
I am quite sure they thought that I am a vellaikaaren.

This reminds me of a totally unconnected incident. When I was working in seemai I once travelled back to India on work along with my boss. We were in a town very close to the village where my grandparents lived, so I visited them, and told them that I was here with my European boss. My grandmother, unfortunately, heard "veLLaikAran" as "vElaikAran", and she spent a week blissfully thinking that I had such a high position that my employers had sent a "personal attendant" with me to India. She was very disappointed when my grandfather explained what had actually happened.

Bad Boy
5th February 2005, 10:06 PM
:lol: Thanks for the lesson in German phonics, Bad Boy!! My daughter wants to know, "why is there so much of saliva flying around, Ma"???? :rotfl:
Why don't you say "Ma's mouth is open, trying to pronounce spoartt" or simply tell the truth: BB is soooooo sweet that activates your saivary glands to overproduce. :roll: Or is there something you perhaps want to tell me through the hub Akkachi, don't hesitate, I'm all ears! :lol:

16th November 2005, 05:38 PM
Dear all,

It is nearly 12 months since Tsunami struck Asia, what developments have been done since then, I mean things like has any schools, hospitals re constructed, esp in Eelam, where Government aid or international aid NEVER gets in?

Has any one visited our back the our mother land, after the disaster??

17th November 2005, 07:31 AM
can anyone update us with the latest news in SL ?...

17th November 2005, 05:06 PM
can anyone update us with the latest news in SL ?...

Sorry, I have no idea, will post any links , i have been watching Vectone Tamil news on Sky Digital, for a long time, but they hardly talk abt Tsunami re construction

nirosha sen
17th November 2005, 07:31 PM
Well, Sri Lanka is now in the throes of a presidential election! Have been reading abt the LTTE forbidding Tamils from participating in the polls.

17th November 2005, 08:01 PM
Well, Sri Lanka is now in the throes of a presidential election! Have been reading abt the LTTE forbidding Tamils from participating in the polls.

Well Good, Tamils should not take part in such corrupted elections

17th November 2005, 08:27 PM

28th November 2005, 04:02 PM
how was Eelam during the Maaverar Day and Thalaivar V.Pirabaharan's birth day??

28th November 2005, 04:11 PM

instead of discussing about Sri Lanka and Ezam here you should create a new thread in the Indian History Section as they, SL and TE, do belong to India. When the UK left India TN should have gone for a union across the Palkstrait.

Thalaivar is the thalai of LTTE and not of the SL Tamils. If he wants to be the head of SL Tamils then he must face polls. And that in a democratic way. But before he go for polls he MUST at least excuse for blowing up Rajiv though you may perhaps argue that it was because of war tactics. He is a war criminal, does not matter if he is fighting for a Tamil nation or not.

30th November 2005, 09:57 PM

instead of discussing about Sri Lanka and Ezam here you should create a new thread in the Indian History Section as they, SL and TE, do belong to India. When the UK left India TN should have gone for a union across the Palkstrait.

Thalaivar is the thalai of LTTE and not of the SL Tamils. If he wants to be the head of SL Tamils then he must face polls. And that in a democratic way. But before he go for polls he MUST at least excuse for blowing up Rajiv though you may perhaps argue that it was because of war tactics. He is a war criminal, does not matter if he is fighting for a Tamil nation or not.


I came here after posting a reply to you in the 'Pick from the papers' thread. Two controdicting messages I see :roll: Anyways, I see some changes after you visited the North. Probably Raghu will also change his opinion once he visits SL. ( I understand he had never visited after migrating to UK).

As you said Thalaivar(?) is the the Thala for the LTTE and not for the Sri Lankan Tamils. And the Sri Lankan Tamil community does not mean only Jaffna Tamils - which is just a small part of Sri Lankan Tamil community. The picture given by them to the international world is quite different though.

1st December 2005, 04:35 AM
instead of discussing about Sri Lanka and Ezam here you should create a new thread in the Indian History Section as they, SL and TE, do belong to India. When the UK left India TN should have gone for a union across the Palkstrait.
Having seen what happened in the 1980s when India did get involved, it was probably just as well that India stayed out. Our foreign policy has all too often been not nearly as principled as we might like to believe.

As far as Tamil Nadu's involvement goes, several years ago, I had a brief conversation with Neelan Tiruchelvam about this very point (as it happened, just a few days before his tragic death). He told me then that a few Sri Lankan Tamil politicians such as Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam had actually floated the idea of a pan-Tamil union in the 1920s, and that even Chelvanayakam briefly considered it in the mid-1950s. Apparently, they were dissuaded by politicians from Tamil Nadu who did were rather nervous about the whole prospect. This struck me as a little odd because that was the early period of the DMK, before it suspended its seccessionist platform. I have not been able to find out more about this subject since then. Perhaps Geno might have something to say, if he is still lurking here.

My personal opinion, for what it is worth, is that all of South Asia would have been much better off if we were united in a decentralised undivided India. Sri Lanka is a particularly striking example of the problems caused by attempts to construct European-style nation states in South Asia, but all of us - India to a lesser extent than the smaller countries - have suffered from it to some degree.

5th December 2005, 05:01 PM

I came here after posting a reply to you in the 'Pick from the papers' thread. Two controdicting messages I see :roll: Anyways, I see some changes after you visited the North. Probably Raghu will also change his opinion once he visits SL. ( I understand he had never visited after migrating to UK).

As it is getting hot in Jaffna now I must say I am a little bit scared of my friend who is the officer in command for Jaffna-Gurunagar Jetty.

Roshan you say you see some changes in my views after visiting the North. I am happy to tell you that it is not so.

After my first visit to Jaffna in 2003 I required professional help from a psychiatrist and swallowing antidepressiva for about 6 motnhs. :!: And if Raghu wants to go to Jaffna I would like to advise him to be prepared for the worst.

Agter the visit 2005 I am a very happy man. Not only because the Captain K. and me are very good friends and still in touch. He invited me to Embilipitya, showed me how Singhala people are and I did my best to demonstrate how Tamils could be though I had to tell others there that I am a lieutenant of German Army. I was belonging to a special force that helps to evacute Europeans from African hotspots. I even told them that my Mom is Tamil and my Father is German, people chew it because of my fairer skin until I spent two days sunbathing at a village near Hikkaduwa and had a unstroke. A mother of a JVP local politician said "there aint that much white on you". And I said immediately "Madam, it is told that black is more dominant than the white and in my case it seems that my tamil side is ruling a bit more." Captain K. asked the driver to stop the car, we both got out and he could not stop laughing. I lit a cigarette and after few minutes we continued our trip to Embilipitiya. ( I am really not lying - I don't know why but I am like that)

It was Captain K. who said me " Machaan, I don't know what we are doing here. Creating a High Security Zone along the coast, occupying private houses which are already ruined, owners comming from foreign countries begging him to atleast kiss the soil in fron of their homes and then wishing him all the best for allowing them to see their ruined property, and the hardships for the fishermen and so on. But none the less he will fulfill his job. The biggest problem is that they don't get transfered to the south. If once Vanni then always Vanni he cried. And Jaffna is held because it is Jaffna.
And everybody knew that I was moving in and out there. No one came and warned me except my Athai and my cousins who were scared that Tigers may harm me. But I was and am still sure that Tigers would have "adviced" me not to do those things I have done if they did not like it. I am also quite sure they had always an eye on me and my doings.
Anyhow I am a foreigner to Sri Lanka and I am far away from being a Srilankan and I won't get involved in that conflict.

By the way have you been in Jaffna and watched all the ruins? There are a lot of soldiers who have a picture of "Thalaivar" with them.

5th December 2005, 06:07 PM
bebeto, r u a new Incarnation of Bad boy?? :roll: :roll: :?

5th December 2005, 06:15 PM
Yes, I am the old warhorse. Simply Silly, Googelplex, honey bee and a lot, lot more. :lol: But one after another.

As I see you have introduced the web to the gods dwelling in Kailash. How is my good old buddy Nadaraja doing? :lol:

26th December 2005, 01:39 PM
One Year After The Waves
Last year on this day,Tsunami washed away the hopes and lives of thousands of people in a human tragedy which shocked the whole humanity.

It brought together nations and peoples who pledged to make a difference to the lives affected by the great waves.But one year later a good lot of these people still haven't recovered from the shock and grief.I wonder how many of the victims really got the relief that was pledged,because I see people living in temperory shelters made of Tin sheets even a year later!

Hope they will be better treated atleast from now on.In Kerala,most of the effective relief work came from more than two dozen NGO's including the Matha Amrathantamayi Matt and the Malayala Manorama Group.The government recently announced a thousand rupees per month for those who stay in the tin shelters,only after a popular weekly TV show highlighted their plight.

26th December 2005, 02:09 PM

Grand us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change...
Courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference...

Let the living be helped for the sake of the dead.

26th December 2005, 02:45 PM
My colleague lost his wife at Vellankanni shrine and another colleague lost his daughter at the same place, last year.

When the wife's body was got after hours of searching, her gold jewels were all lost , including earrings & nose-stud. Its pathetic to see people take advantage of a diasaster, isn't it?

Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with those unfortunate souls who lost their lives last year.