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6th September 2007, 12:48 AM
[tscii:303f8cd54f]"Ok. Lie down" ,he said.

I leaned back and he bent over me. I noticed the “John Players” Tag in the collar of his shirt. I looked down to see if his trousers had a label, outside. Nope. Maybe it’s just some tailored one. It didn’t even seem to fit him properly. He wore some weird, ugly tie that had some “octopus” kind of design. One thing that I love doing is staring at people in their eyes. Eyes are like mirrors of the mind. I wondered if that disconcerted him for he suddenly looked up at the ceiling for no apparent reason. When he looked down again, I was still staring. Then I wondered if he guessed perfumes. I had a school-mate, a perfume-geek who’d smell anyone and guess the fragrance. Provided, they used some well known brand. Even otherwise, she’d at least figure out the composition. My friend later confessed she gave up that habit once she returned to our tropical native. It’s quite unfathomable to want to smell people in the streets of Mumbai.

He seemed to be neither interested in my eyes nor seemed to guess fragrances and just stared down and explored my opened mouth.

“Say, aaahhh , he said.

I tried to “aaahhh” more and let him think or stare or both.

Then, he brought out two spade-like things and tried shoving one of them in my mouth. It didn’t even get in. Then he chucked that and brought out the smaller and it seemed to fit in. Dr. Octopus then scurried back into the store room and came back in a tick with some slimy green substance in the spade.

I “aaahhh”ed again and Doc-Oc pushed it up my jaw and finally, stared down into my eyes as he held the spade for a while. How
Depressing, some young guy is finally staring into your eyes , and you are there lying down with your oral cave open wide.
You know what? Stretching open your mouth to this extent could actually make you look uglier. Okay now, I know that’s just an excuse but really, does change the shape of your face. If you look like a pumpkin, with your mouth open you could look like a jackfruit.

It’s only these totally awkward moments in life that make you think. I gave up on his boring eyes and went back to the octopus tie. Before long he pulled the spade out. And I saw my upper jaw impression in the green slime. He looked or admired or whichever at it for a second and suddenly kicked. I thought he hated my jaw but quickly learnt it was for water. The tap beside me ran and filled a plastic tumbler. Doc-oc told me he’d have my retainers ready by Friday and called his assistant to mark my appointment for that evening.

I walked back home quietly. With jaw-spread open for so long, didn’t feel like doing anything with mouth for the rest of the evening. Just let my mind think about the young Doc-oc and recalled the day -

Message received.
“What is the difference between Suicide and Murder?
If you smile at yourself in the mirror, that’s a suicide. If you smile at me, that’s a murder.”

“Shut up you nerd” – I replied.

But he wasn’t entirely wrong to have messaged that just when I was leaving to the Dentist’s.

I, regrettably, go to a sophisticated dentist, who uses a toothbrush shaped camera and projects your oral cave on a small Onida TV in front of you. The first time he used it, I stared, distraught at the screen trying to figure out which part of my mouth could be possibly that large and unearthly.

Thankfully my Dentist guy was having a poor day of business and the minute I went in, I was ushered in.

“So what happened to you? General Check up?” , He asked.
“Hmm. No my upper retainers broke. I need new ones.”
“Broke? In your mouth?” ( Funny eh? Though my jaw dropped and they broke within?)
“ Ahem. No. My retainer box fell down and they broke” , I explained.

“Ok. Lie down” He had said. [/tscii:303f8cd54f]

6th September 2007, 01:28 AM
Doc Oc :-)

pavalamani pragasam
6th September 2007, 09:12 AM
Interesting to read from the viewpoint of the heroine of the story! Revealing!!!

6th September 2007, 11:48 AM
gud one!

6th September 2007, 08:19 PM

7th September 2007, 09:20 PM
Doc Oc :-) actually this is one of my attempts to kill my college mates with my blade of story telling with live expressions n narration durin break..
n while pronouncing doc oc... they unanimously heard it as "doccock" (space between c s) .... lolzz...