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27th September 2007, 07:53 PM

I sometimes write random essays, and here's one written rather sarcastically.

A serial killer (someone who can successfully kill a TV show)

Profile not, nor be profiled. So when asked about a plan for exploring NYC “what are we doing today” asked MSP ‘er something’ I said. brushing aside his usual unfounded baseless allegations which in this case was ‘you have lived in nyc for over 1 yr’, there wasn’t even a need to correct his misconception of NY to the neighboring state CT, displaying moral mettle, I led him to the Hoboken ferry, stopping briefly at a park to please his bovine feelings which he would try to sell as gentlemanly.

So as we continue on our aimless wanderings, after parking the beautiful german chariot, the gentle giant, the humble beast, the wolf in sheep’s clothing, we walk down this time in search of an aim/plan to the bookstore, as MSP is most often seen doing, when in doubt get to the lib (it was I who suggested the bookstore as an alternate), if something cannot be found on print, or on a map, you’d rather throw dirt on his face, such an offense he’d take it as, since books are obliged to provide a solution to any problem. I suppose while the people who would’ve written these very books aren’t obliged to.

We take this ferry in to the unknown (true to my plan for not having one, we only found it when we got past the bookstore)

The ride across the river is a pleasant one, although we couldn’t find a ferry to the statue of liberty. It’s not that we were lost, we were simply clueless & didn’t bother to think beyond what the sight could see (speaking for myself atleast)

Across the boarder (you’d be disappointed if you were expecting da amigo! type of a scene) in midtown Manhattan, finding our bearing we headed towards the sun or was it the building(s), either way we couldn’t get away from both.

Briefly allured by the helicopter rides across NYC & swiftly dismissed (shrugged away) as rich man’s 5 min attraction. Whatever happened to the expression ‘take your time’ (now that I think about it, perhaps it’s just I who even uses it in the office, since the other is a Sr. Technical manager high up in the pyramid) can we get away from the production line efficiency. Soo, taking our time (we had a hard stop at 5pm) we strolled on the structured, bicycle & jogging lane ignoring the stares of the roller bladders & runners who’dve preferred that we, unlike the FOBs that we were, would walk on the designated walking track! (talk about structures everywhere)

Our promenade/ sampo got us to different piers, an indoor driving range, & other floating restaurants (all the while hearing MSP talk about the lack of distribution of the world’s greatest candy bar MARS in the U.S). Later we left the city since we couldn’t get a quick access to the long expensive, complete cruises which would have taken about 5 hrs to go around the whole tiny city. Can’t they do anything quickly in this day & age of microwave & instant dissolve/absorption! [/tscii:398ed2395f]

28th September 2007, 10:34 AM
whats MSP? :oops:

28th September 2007, 10:34 AM
whats MSP? :oops:

28th September 2007, 06:42 PM
whats MSP? :oops:

Name of my friend (the other character of the story)

28th September 2007, 07:08 PM
oh seri !

Good Job, keep writing :)

28th September 2007, 08:47 PM
oh seri !

Good Job, keep writing :)

Thank you very much.

1st October 2007, 02:19 AM
A calculated assassination (character assassination) of an obviously erudite, dignified and interesting companion. Thankfully the vocabulary and references are sufficiently personal and closed-loop for public reaction to be anything more than :?

The complete absence of "events" in your account helps. Kind of like French New Wave eh ? Life's isn't about events is it ? It is about life. So what if we don't know fashion photography happens in the stinkiest neighborhoods of Manhattan near the Turkish quarter. As Robin Williams would say: "Bekauz vee aar de Frrenchch !"

The day in the life of lifelessness, would be a rather gloomy title. Not on a day when one discovers that one can have cricket companions by the name Osama ! Enjoyed the unintended "boarder" puns , amigo racist humour and many more. Should thank the Almightly for your gifts of storytelling that appeals to select audience !

As always someone said it better than I can ever hope to:

"There is no such thing as the leg of the literary public, Sir. So, the question of pulling it does not arise"
- G.V.Desani (All about H.Hatterr)

Inspired by the amigo one and the title pun, I am tempted to crack a communal pun (kinda debut here, just made up). When a pizza loving signor, with the gift of gab, passed away, his followers placed a slice of pizza on the chappie before lowering him into the pit. They said loudly in unison: "piece be upon him". The Hindian muttered though.

Bonus points if you catch the second pun !

1st October 2007, 12:41 PM

1st October 2007, 09:21 PM
A calculated assassination (character assassination) of an obviously erudite, dignified and interesting companion. Thankfully the vocabulary and references are sufficiently personal and closed-loop for public reaction to be anything more than :?

The complete absence of "events" in your account helps. Kind of like French New Wave eh ? Life's isn't about events is it ? It is about life. So what if we don't know fashion photography happens in the stinkiest neighborhoods of Manhattan near the Turkish quarter. As Robin Williams would say: "Bekauz vee aar de Frrenchch !"

The day in the life of lifelessness, would be a rather gloomy title. Not on a day when one discovers that one can have cricket companions by the name Osama ! Enjoyed the unintended "boarder" puns , amigo racist humour and many more. Should thank the Almightly for your gifts of storytelling that appeals to select audience !

As always someone said it better than I can ever hope to:

"There is no such thing as the leg of the literary public, Sir. So, the question of pulling it does not arise"
- G.V.Desani (All about H.Hatterr)

Inspired by the amigo one and the title pun, I am tempted to crack a communal pun (kinda debut here, just made up). When a pizza loving signor, with the gift of gab, passed away, his followers placed a slice of pizza on the chappie before lowering him into the pit. They said loudly in unison: "piece be upon him". The Hindian muttered though.

Bonus points if you catch the second pun !

For whatever it’s worth, it’s either well written or not.
Besides minor details as erudite characterization escapes the mind*.

*Once time has been passed pleasurably & synthesized & experienced, remnants are quite unnecessary or so Wilde could remark

Dear Mr. Prabhu Ram,

Thank you for reading my essay, however I don’t quite see the need for the amount of bile being spilt over a fictional piece of writing [R u Jack’s bile ducts???]

A Samurai can go to war with a Peasant!

As for allegory, I am reminded of the instance when Faulker said “He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary” to which Hemmingway replied “Poor Faulker, Does he really think big emotions come from big words”
I am sure the extension need not be spelled out.

So a critique’s interpretation (mis in this case) of the art (if we tweak the definition a bit) is but a reflection of himself………….

If you were given to reading quality books despite their obvious popularity (like another misconception “all good writer are dead”) , a HP fan could say, the badger was rather off the mark, for any amount of clubbing (even in nyc) can miss, if the perception itself is off the mark.

I must admit that your generous ‘muttering’ is brilliant, the way stale dough cheesy puns were peppered on the crust of your reply & then delivered from cradle to grave in a remarkable fashion. I would have tipped my hat as a gentlemanly gesture if I wore one. Surely you can deign to excuse the ‘border’ line puns for being unintentionally half baked.

8th October 2007, 10:21 PM
Killua :lol:

Expecting more :wink:

9th October 2007, 07:52 AM
And you got bile from that ! (as in Tribiani's "you got hate from that" wrt to Janice). Not that it comes anew. I am Joe's complete lack of surprise.

The path of embroidery maketh not a writer. So Hemmingway could loan his extra m for the n Faulker badly needs. While at it let me crack a good oldie: the poor, arthritic baker kneads the dough badly.

Even to the left handed phantom-tip-of-the-hat to my crusty pun I tip my hat in respect. I always wear one because I always speak through it.The cradle-to-grave part cleared my head by a few inches though.

Yours humbly has never been given to pottering away. If the only the elite were mass enough I'd love to say: rowling's tone gathers no mass.. But it does and one has to bow to democrazy.

Enough about me. Pardon me being a tension grabber. I request your kind self to go on with further founts from thy quill.

9th October 2007, 11:24 PM
"then 'delivered' from cradle to grave" as in pizza delivery, told you it wasn't 'well done' (half baked).

A closer perusal suggests that your 1st post was perhaps devoid of bile & was a contextual rendition.

10th October 2007, 02:43 AM
Lightning = wasted tubelights


When was the last time you looked up into the sky? The formless clouds, just the emptiness of the vast sky, an inescapable prison, and a well designed aquarium. Have you stared into the sky lately, if not nothing lost, as there’s nothing up there, except for a few cloud formations, which you are spared from on clear days [like my high school principal introducing the newly tonsured head boy as ‘clear’ head boy] staring into the sky is only looking at the dome, a mere ceiling on this tiny planet and peeking out into the stuff that’s out there. Since we don’t (it always sounds more profound when I use we) know what’s really out there, we can’t really bring ourselves (my previous explanation holds) to believe the words of the men & women who have turned a nelson’s eye towards the real tangible, temporal, platonic earthly day to day endeavors in the name of dedication to science. The crazy guy who wasn’t quick enough to dodge a rotten fruit, the guy who made two holes in the door to let a big and a small cat in, the (this is hard) cripple who doesn’t get a creek in his neck even though it’s in the same position, and to top it all, the guys in Switzerland who think they can create a universe. Isn’t everything, I mean everything that exists is called the universe right? Or so they told us. Now a reactor that can compress say a melon to such density that there’ll be an autre universe. Pudoub booom Bush! (not that bush) simple dunce, sorry dense sound effect.
So the point being, looking up at reality, bigger part of the pie, from a tiny speck of the whole pie, will present a contrasting opinion of all the big problems.

pavalamani pragasam
10th October 2007, 08:38 AM
"then 'delivered' from cradle to grave" as in pizza delivery, told you it wasn't 'well done' (half baked).

A closer perusal suggests that your 1st post was perhaps devoid of bile & was a contextual rendition.

Immensely relieved am I to see the clouds dispersing!!! To tell the truth I must admit this was my response which I tried in vain throughout yesterday to post: 'Wow! A sparkling battle of wits! Brilliant fireworks of puns, wordplay & references!'
Sparks flying off engaging sharp swords is sure a feast, a feature I love most in the Hub!
Again interesting allusions, references in the last random essay! A writer for exclusive readership!!! :thumbsup:

10th October 2007, 06:47 PM
Thank you Roshan (tipping my hat)

pavalamani pragasam, I thank you for your generosity in bestowing kind words and encouragement.

pavalamani pragasam
10th October 2007, 08:19 PM

15th October 2007, 09:39 PM
Here's another one written in the passing. [nothing much to be said about characterization]

Last Day Key West! Wild wild west.

Yahoooooo! Or Scuuuubbbbbbaaaa could be an excellent exclamation!, but the self contained under water (glug glug) breathing apparatus would muffle the scream & all the diver hears is the sound of life, the music of breathing through the air tank connected to the mouth using a regulator. Pretty much the last activity we did in florida. Deep sea scuba diving checked off my ‘list of things to do’ while my knees are still in working condition.

The 1-2 hr training of scuba diving with a bikini clad chick (well, she wasn’t my type any way, piercings & wedding ring, not that big of a james bond fan) in a pool, getting over the initial claustrophobia (which I found out only the previous day during snorkeling), learning the diving nirvana, it’s just equalizing the pressure in the ears, nothing to do with diving chicks.

Of course then there was the ½ hr boat ride towards the horizon with captain something, could very well have been cap. Jack lecherous old sparrow, given his behavior with 2, yes more bikini clad gals, there was plenty of eye candy err. I mean lots of them, actually coming to think of it, was there a theory explaining how women seem to enjoy the attention? The boat came to a stop in the middle of nowhere, clad in wet suit armed with, more like packed with, actually tied to a heavy compressed oxygen tank (kinda reminded me of the tank used by the arc wielding guys in India), face in mask, regulator in mouth (funny they should call it so, a mouthpiece regulating what? No jokes in the atlantic please) all set to jump off the ledge (your’s truly always likes to be the brave soul who does things first). Standing at the back of the rocking boat with no land in sight & the unknown beneath, sweat starts to trickle, as you suddenly remember to breath through the nose……. Mouth, the oxygen starved brain begins to function. This is the point where faith, god, scriptures, forgotten prayers rush forth. Saints should try this instead of the forest.

Splash, sink, inflate suit, float, the hardest few breaths, followed by comfort, fascination & the sudden urge to be a sub (dive dive dive). MSP a non swimmer bravely follows suit off the boat in to the water.

Holding the dive rope, releasing the air in the back pack, we descended remembering to equalize the internal pressure (no it’s not gas! No where near the bowels or gastro, everything is forgotten) once at the bottom, yes the ocean bed, after adjusting buoyancy we felt what Stephan Hawking felt, zero gravity, alas it wasn’t the intellectual thought that we shared, or was it. Either way down at the sea bed, with corals in the background, crazy colored/looking/designed fish everywhere, with us being the only mammals invading their territory that day. A look at the top gives off a very very deep pool effect, on the other hand I felt like being on the wrong side of the aquarium, but the fact that each scene, every second of seeing the contents of the sea for over 30 – 40 feet was worthy of being a screen saver shot. Blue fish, striped fish, school of fish, heck fish that didn’t look like fish but part of the rocks, small fish hidden beneath the sand, it was simply amazing (stupid impotent English language, a stiff upper lip expression can never do justice) watching the fish in their natural habitat, while my visibility was confined just to about 10* on the side was actually petrifying.

A huge 2000lbs grouper jewfish is harmless, but does the fish know that. MSP who had the agility of a penguin on land, found perfect steering ability & a near perfect paddle kick when the dive instructor (jack ass) threatened to launch a lobster he had captured. It’s remarkable how a brave man can quiver in fear when faced with a 9 inch fish!

On another occasion, taken over by adventure spirit, wanting to experience ‘how a shark would feel’ I launched myself attacking a school of fish (read as lumbered towards, yes lumbered in water) with arms extended & jaws background music…… what do the fish do, nothing out of the ordinary, they simply/gently swim by, these creatures don’t fear the master of the planet enough.

Two such dives, almost an hour each, the experience of the scuba was just as exciting as the purpose of the dive (scenic view), the boat ride on the way back seemed much longer, but like all good things this too came to an end. Fingers, toes, limbs all intact. There is a God.[/tscii:06a7310398]

15th October 2007, 09:51 PM

pavalamani pragasam
16th October 2007, 02:20 PM
Thrillingly adventurous! Definitely not my cuppa!!!! And the sober note at the end!!!

18th October 2007, 01:25 PM
[tscii:f3a5cd2831]Pretty nice account killua.

Diving nirvana is only near when baywatch instructresses, though not your type (ahem!), are yours cordially. The lecherous captain sounds like an interpolation, particularly when the diver in question (with life presumably on the line) had an eye for candy himself !

Your non-swimming friend seems quite gutsy to have taken to scuba ! Either he believes in a God or believes in himself...talk about redundancy.

It’s remarkable how a brave man can quiver in fear when faced with a 9 inch fish! :D A certain Charles Darwin, who kicked it on a 19th of April, talked about the fittest surviving and necessity being mothering evolution.

I launched myself attacking a school of fish (read as lumbered towards, yes lumbered in water) with arms extended & jaws background music…… :D Jaws music eh ? Perhaps they where in the mood for Louis Armstrong. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz). Anyway for an attack next time an awl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awls) should come in handy.

There is a God. The most exciting conformation ever. Hope you seek another affirmation soon. [/quote][/tscii:f3a5cd2831]

18th October 2007, 08:11 PM
Good job Killua :clap: Very interesting and PR your rejoinders are equally good :D

Killua would like to read more on yours and MSP's 'Paattukku Paattu" experiences :P

19th October 2007, 11:13 AM
A calculated assassination (character assassination) of an obviously erudite, dignified and interesting companion. Thankfully the vocabulary and references are sufficiently personal and closed-loop for public reaction to be anything more than :?

The complete absence of "events" in your account helps. Kind of like French New Wave eh ? Life's isn't about events is it ? It is about life. So what if we don't know fashion photography happens in the stinkiest neighborhoods of Manhattan near the Turkish quarter. As Robin Williams would say: "Bekauz vee aar de Frrenchch !"

The day in the life of lifelessness, would be a rather gloomy title. Not on a day when one discovers that one can have cricket companions by the name Osama ! Enjoyed the unintended "boarder" puns , amigo racist humour and many more. Should thank the Almightly for your gifts of storytelling that appeals to select audience !

As always someone said it better than I can ever hope to:

"There is no such thing as the leg of the literary public, Sir. So, the question of pulling it does not arise"
- G.V.Desani (All about H.Hatterr)

Inspired by the amigo one and the title pun, I am tempted to crack a communal pun (kinda debut here, just made up). When a pizza loving signor, with the gift of gab, passed away, his followers placed a slice of pizza on the chappie before lowering him into the pit. They said loudly in unison: "piece be upon him". The Hindian muttered though.

Bonus points if you catch the second pun !

For whatever it’s worth, it’s either well written or not.
Besides minor details as erudite characterization escapes the mind*.

*Once time has been passed pleasurably & synthesized & experienced, remnants are quite unnecessary or so Wilde could remark

Dear Mr. Prabhu Ram,

Thank you for reading my essay, however I don’t quite see the need for the amount of bile being spilt over a fictional piece of writing [R u Jack’s bile ducts???]

A Samurai can go to war with a Peasant!

As for allegory, I am reminded of the instance when Faulker said “He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary” to which Hemmingway replied “Poor Faulker, Does he really think big emotions come from big words”
I am sure the extension need not be spelled out.

So a critique’s interpretation (mis in this case) of the art (if we tweak the definition a bit) is but a reflection of himself………….

If you were given to reading quality books despite their obvious popularity (like another misconception “all good writer are dead”) , a HP fan could say, the badger was rather off the mark, for any amount of clubbing (even in nyc) can miss, if the perception itself is off the mark.

I must admit that your generous ‘muttering’ is brilliant, the way stale dough cheesy puns were peppered on the crust of your reply & then delivered from cradle to grave in a remarkable fashion. I would have tipped my hat as a gentlemanly gesture if I wore one. Surely you can deign to excuse the ‘border’ line puns for being unintentionally half baked.
[/tscii:c2841fec43] Come on... With time, Killua, you'll learn to appreciate Prabhu Ram sir's views. I always look forward to his opinions.

19th October 2007, 11:14 AM
Lightning = wasted tubelights


When was the last time you looked up into the sky? The formless clouds, just the emptiness of the vast sky, an inescapable prison, and a well designed aquarium. Have you stared into the sky lately, if not nothing lost, as there’s nothing up there, except for a few cloud formations, which you are spared from on clear days [like my high school principal introducing the newly tonsured head boy as ‘clear’ head boy] staring into the sky is only looking at the dome, a mere ceiling on this tiny planet and peeking out into the stuff that’s out there. Since we don’t (it always sounds more profound when I use we) know what’s really out there, we can’t really bring ourselves (my previous explanation holds) to believe the words of the men & women who have turned a nelson’s eye towards the real tangible, temporal, platonic earthly day to day endeavors in the name of dedication to science. The crazy guy who wasn’t quick enough to dodge a rotten fruit, the guy who made two holes in the door to let a big and a small cat in, the (this is hard) cripple who doesn’t get a creek in his neck even though it’s in the same position, and to top it all, the guys in Switzerland who think they can create a universe. Isn’t everything, I mean everything that exists is called the universe right? Or so they told us. Now a reactor that can compress say a melon to such density that there’ll be an autre universe. Pudoub booom Bush! (not that bush) simple dunce, sorry dense sound effect.
So the point being, looking up at reality, bigger part of the pie, from a tiny speck of the whole pie, will present a contrasting opinion of all the big problems.
[/tscii:a2bcc634a2] WOW WOW WOW WOW . gimme more hands to clap.

26th October 2007, 10:22 PM
Good Stuff Killua, Keep them coming!

4th November 2007, 05:40 AM
Thank You PP Akka, Crazy, Roshan, Chevy and Mr. Prabhu Ram saarr.

There has been a considerable amount of activity in the short story section & some of it has trickled down here,
I was away for a while, a little bit of moving and some change of scenery.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:52 pm Post subject:
Good Stuff Killua, Keep them coming!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:41 am Post subject:
Good job Killua Clap Very interesting and PR your rejoinders are equally good Very Happy

Killua would like to read more on yours and MSP's 'Paattukku Paattu" experiences Razz

Mr. Prabhu Ram, talking about msp's confidence in himself reminds me of this scene from a movie whose name i can't remember, where vadivel brags infront of the whole community "na amblay dee, nan enna venalu pannuven", & goes inside to meet his wife.......... people hear noises that tantamount to the howling of a tortured animal & ppl think about the cruelties that men inflict on women...................... :poke:

Roshan, nothing much happened on that pattukku pattu day (thank god), we just got booted out (they didn't even keep us as comic relief) and later people just kept staring at us & pointing fingers through out the 3 days of competitions (we never went anywhere within the campus without a big group and avoided dark alleys without multiple exits.....)

Chevy, yous are probably right I am sure I'll get used to Mr. Prabhu Ram Sar's comments.
infact to start appreciating them i had written around 80 words about how erudite his critiquing has been throughout the forum and even ventured to say helpful to the writers...... but by lunch time i struck out 75 of those words :P

4th November 2007, 12:29 PM
Chevy, yous are probably right I am sure I'll get used to Mr. Prabhu Ram Sar's comments.
infact to start appreciating them i had written around 80 words about how erudite his critiquing has been throughout the forum and even ventured to say helpful to the writers...... but by lunch time i struck out 75 of those words :P

Ha ha. I always consider reviews encouraging and helpful.

4th November 2007, 05:46 PM
I was away for a while, a little bit of moving and some change of scenery. Moving's moving for the sensitive. Reminded of the golden oldie: " Faith moves mountains.......she's a big girl !"

Mr. Prabhu Ram, talking about msp's confidence Ah ! What design there is in this comma. The paragraph reads different without it ! Hope you continue to enthrall us with your layered writing style.
but by lunch time i struck out 75 of those words Quite Ernest of you to do so :-)

4th November 2007, 11:06 PM

5th November 2007, 01:31 AM
PrabhuRam (please notice the missing space, have been doing quite a bit of moving lately)

you joke (was it) on moving mountains & the girl missed my whole self by a few inches.

Missing comas (,) not a big deal. reminds me of an oldy (next you'll be talking about spellings). Little johnny was in school. after the english teacher finished teaching rules of grammer & punctuations. lil johnny remarks, "what's the big deal about a coma & a period, my sister said she missed one & my parents got all worked up & the driver ran away.......................

5th November 2007, 01:42 AM
Here's another one;

As soon as it looked a little interesting & had the makings of a good essay, i ended it

[as PP akka would say, "a sober ending" :D ]

POT = pto paid time off

Sleepy it is, and sweepy does it, a sleepy hallow day it's today for me at the office, but the work must go on, guppy work though it may be, with simple obedience. why must i take coffee to supress the natural urge, or the lack thereof, when the day can be passed off in a haze of drowsiness. is this how people under the influence feel. damn! Poor bastards.

Getting back to work, bunking the essentials is only the part of it, wastage of intelligence it is, why the heck am i speaking like Yoda the Jedi master? it's in the nothingness that charm lies. and Yoda continues at 40 : love.

Back after a break, there's so much time to do something, but not enough time to do anything (make up your mind). get back to basics, how about toying with the idea of some of the things in the infinite realm, how about exploring the dearth, death (a pun eh?) of knowledge & literature, but can anything be done while juggling something else, pay attention to everything. surely you jest, Nay certainly it's you who's mistaken.

Better, higher, faster with lesser & lesser... try that with everything, food perhaps, ever drank less water, seen the resulting concentrated piss, gives the phrase melting pot a new meaning doesn't it?

oh yeah, lost track of the point in question. so it's about starting something & sticking to it.

5th November 2007, 03:37 AM
[tscii:98721cda04]Here's another one in a little more complete form.

Whiplash, rag dolls & rubber tube

Give up if you are expecting Metallica style punk music (saying that could perhaps get me killed in Chennai amidst certain company), forget it if you think we were sewing dolls, if the first thing that came to your mind was crash test dummies you’d be close.

Bodi’s 4.3 litre power boat, fitted with performance propellers lurches with the front end ready to take off as the engine roars when the throttle is unleashed. It’s hard to find footing as the infernal tub skims across the supposedly placid lake water, although the tiny 3500 acre Columbus lake can’t fool FOBs like the great lakes, “look that’s the atlantic” “wow” says the FOB standing in Chicago staring at Lake ……. Er Superior is it. (well his geography will have to be horribly bad!).

Begin tubing. Although the choppy waters of the small water body only permitted 40mph, it felt like you were reaching the speed of light (please note the author is given to slight exaggeration, although almost always justified), whether it was speed of light or not, it certainly felt like the world would end while clinging on to dear life (a big round rubber tube which is being dragged by the f-16 fighter jet). (the process of tubing is where a person sits/clings on a giant rubber tube which is tied to the end of the boat)

In this case the floating pile of lump could maneuver like the Russian Migs and turn to make the Ses, while the good ol centrifugal force did the rest to throw you (actually the tube) out of orbit, you were sitting on the tube with images of formula side car racers countering the Newtonian force by shifting the body weight, but life has a way of shattering such heroic images to render you to the level of a common jackass.

As soon as your fingers get a little tired, a hard turn, gravity sucks, a momentary lapse in concentration & you get smacked in the face like being kicked by an ass, water, sky, water, oh crap water inside the nose, what just happened, why am I hurting, oh yeah I fell off.

It’s fun (the part where you are successfully hanging on to the tube & drifting), “I can continue” “hell yeah”, “what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger” the wise Chinese saying comes to mind, but the wiser saying “be careful what you wish for, for it might just come true” escaped my simple mind, which was overflowing with the Juice of life Adrenalin. [/tscii:98721cda04]

13th November 2007, 05:20 PM
hi killua,
What a skill!!It is a canvas of words so beautifully penned that one can actually be there!Wat an experience to share and yes you better wish( something/adventure) that you are to enjoy and later on to share it here.
keep writing many more episodes.
p.s.what is bodi's power boat?

21st November 2007, 03:38 AM
Hi Btr,

Thank you (you are too kind)
Welcome to the Hub.

hi killua,
p.s.what is bodi's power boat?

Bodi is me referring to my brother.
[the grown ups that we are!, a little name calling can't hurt]

21st November 2007, 03:46 AM

I just thought of consolidating a couple of posts from 'funny real life incidents'

Why certain Birds don’t sing

Back in August 2002, the proud loyolites (loyola college students, chennai) decided to grace the pondicherry university culturals (inter college competitions). while we were waiting for our 'specialized' events to start a friend of mine MSP and I decided to participate in 'Pattu ke Pattu', he was well aware of my expertize in this field, which was/is like Bush's knowledge on world history, but MSP was an accomplished singer in his high school .............. cough cough.

Begin competition: the atmosphere was unexpectedly electric, probably because it was the 1st event on day 1, apparently it was an extremely popular event.
the 1st round went smoothly, a regular anthakshari round and to our team's credit MSP sung very sonorously without even missing the pitch, and i hummed along, generally getting into the whole thing (the crowd really liked his singing).
the event conductor was responding to the crowd's electricity and was ecstatic with his every movement (one of those over enthu types), he goes through great pains to explain the 2nd round particulars, there were 6 teams each had to pick a sheet with the name of a move from which 5 songs were to be sung.
simple enough, the 1st team could only sing 4 & another only 3, we'd cruise through to the finals, our TEAM was strong.
MSP lets me pick (quite unaware that even in a 5* restaurant I was certain to choose a dish that a man crossing the sahara without food and water wouldn't touch). the Enthu patani takes the parchment, takes his time, drinking in the moment, creates some suspense, slowly raising the mike to his lips screams "BAAAABBBAAAARRRGGGGHHH" (baba), thereby setting the stage for a perfect hit, the crowd goes wild, as if tendulkar was back in form & just hit a six off the last ball to ensure india's world cup victory against pakistan.

Silence, perhaps we were also building the suspense for a dramatic effect of sorts.
mind you this was only a few days after the audio release of baba, after about a year's worth of buildup.
a couple of bulbs going on & off, "DEI they don't know any songs da!!!, very rowdy sounds start to erupt "Aieeeggh" ..
we sat there like innocent little lambs, the mc & judges (heck the whole lot of them number close to a 1000 pairs of eyes) look at the two of us & i look towards msp (suddenly, it was his bright idea)

luckily, nothing drastic happened, we were able to get out alive and with all our limbs intact.


21st November 2007, 03:47 AM

Here's another (not very funny) loyola days incident.

A few of us (classmates) would usually haunt the newly constructed seats around this huge tree, right in front of the main campus building and wile away the time that would otherwise be wasted sitting inside the classroom listening to lectures (in our dry moments it'd be referred to as 'hang by the tree')

On one such occasion, the senior citizen of our class {the sweetest but the oldest chap in the batch} was discussing something quite unimportant with the rest of us (there were about 3-4 of us) and suddenly he brought our attention to Madhavrao Sindhia's fatal accident & remarked "yaou know, that madhavrao sindhia, poor fella da......." in his slight foreign accent, which by the way was genuine. two of the guys (always quick on the draw) together went "No da!, Madhavrao's a very rich guy, royalty and everything"
Sr. very genuinely responds "Illai makal, it's not about his wealth, the plane crash, his young son....." gesticulations and honest concern overflowing.
we were laughing very hard. Bunking 'macro econ' & the discussion on the inflationary effects of 3rd world trade deficits was def. worth it.

21st November 2007, 03:47 AM
High Rollers…. & thumping odds.

This is from the time when I was about 12 or 13, blissfully living in the outskirts of b’lore. The colony was of 208 independent houses {something my friends in the west find very funny “you lived in a colony eh. What about the independence in 47”}. There were plenty of kids with a varied age distribution, like a normal bell curve with teens at the apex. Games were played by the season (sometimes the uncles would play cricket with us & cheat every time) & where there’s a plethora of brats there’s dare (certainly not inspired by ‘who dares wins’ we were original). Jumping from building to building, hanging from trees and cycle stunts were becoming too common.
One day my neighbor’s cousin A.shake came to visit & started hanging out with us, he was given to unusual bragging & had to be silenced, what better way than…… a dare. He had mentioned in one of his tales of scaling great heights.
[apart from my friend, his cousin a.shake and your’s truly, there was my brother batman & his friend vts]
My brother is one of those guys who doesn’t play chess with board & plastic figurines, he prefers the crude human world.
So there we were talking about what the great climber s.shake could scale & upon my brother’s subtle indications we decided on the (15 – 25 foot) flagpole behind the school, located in the colony. Ashake is no fool, he demands a Rs50 wager (a huge sum back in late 1990s) & wants to see the money (not quite in the style of “show me the money!”)
While I am contemplating dropping the whole idea, batman comes by my side & speaks of investment partnership 50:50, equal investment equal returns, so with money in our hands we head to the ground.
Ashake takes his position at the bottom of the pole & we take ours at the perimeter. The pole was a simple 4 inch steel water pipe, not something one can speak very highly of.
Ashake is up on the pole with the adeptness of a monkey, a couple of strides & a jump here & there, they guy had webbed feet, he had only about 5 feet or so to go.
I am getting ready to kiss my Rs.50 good bye (actually 25), there’s a sudden gush of wind, the time almost stopped. The pole sways ever so slightly first to one side then to the other, Ashake assumes a sort of fetal position and becomes one with the pole.

Ssswwwaaaaammmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy THUD (the pole & ashake hit the ground as one in absolute harmony and perhaps bounced a couple of times)

I should’ve mentioned b4 that my bro batman has lightning quick instincts like a wild animal, he can smell danger like no one can. As we see ashake go down in slow motion to the sound of ‘swamy’, after the 1st thud, the crowd was two ppl short. Batman & his friend are no where to be seen, gone in an instant. When fleeing the scene, make a swift exit, be the wind, holmes would’ve said.
We dragged ashake home, wrapped his hands & legs in bandages, result broken leg (we found out a couple of days later). An hour later batman & vts return asking for the returns………………. Alas I didn’t get the money from ashake.

pavalamani pragasam
21st November 2007, 08:22 AM
Very hilarious memoirs!

2nd December 2007, 01:02 PM
[tscii:77184daad3]Ah PP Akka, I was expecting a Reminiscence from you. but you are right they do seem funny later one.

A friend of mine had been urging me to write something on the topic of Anime, along the lines of ‘how can you watch anime for as long as you do’ ‘tell me what’s so good about it’.
(At a few oily moments my friends is giving to confessing that ‘I like to promote mediocre talent in the world’)

So, Instead of writing one big boring essay about Anime, I decided to write ‘about Anime’ in parts. This way it’ll only be a little boring once in a while.

2nd December 2007, 01:04 PM
[tscii:388124f901]So here it is. Part I
(Now the ball is in your court.) (surely one of the responses will be ‘it is not yea Bawl it is yea YeGG)

Sureal Mine

A tribute to Dejavu (bg) in my misspelled ways.

Anime Rules! (and it sure is a mine of Surreal stories)

Ah the world of Anime, what a unique one it is, but that’s for later. First things first, it’s important to get the order. more or less like the chicken and the egg. Well not the ideal analogy I suppose, but the realm to which I allude here, the conventional is shunned, minced, packaged and sent to Transylvania.

Now without further prevarication, Anime is basically Cartoon. Yes, just cartoon. Let’s get it done with, right here, right now.
Stupid Cartoons, Kiddie Stuff, Shto! … Moltikki, Kak Gavno (mild swearing in Russian).

Not all cartoons are Anime, but all Japanese cartoons are invariably Anime, it’s basically a style of drawing animation, but to start with it suffices to say it’s Japanese. Please bear in mind that within Anime, the animation styles vary as vastly as the fish in the oceans.

Continuing with the intro, let’s talk about Manga. My brother finds this very funny, goes with his fav. tamil swearing ‘Mango Fool’. In fact the tamil pronunciation is closer to Japanese. Basically, anime is the animated version of Manga, the Graphical Comics.

Now Anime is serious business in more than one sense, just like its counterpart the silver screen (adaptation of fiction novels), that’s where the comparison stops, the Anime Manga pair, rather the Manga Anime pair, if you prefer. Guess the chicken and the egg hasn’t been laid to rest.

So, on with the sunny side, Anime for the most part is still scarcely tainted by extreme commercialization & that’s just the tip of the ice bErGG. Many times an Anime movie (yes there’s lots of them, Akira, Ghost in the shell & Cowboy Bebop to name a few popular ones) is just the start of a series, simply because the plots are so complex and detailed that a lot more time is required to graphically represent them, in part due to the multiple dimensions.

To draw comparisons (that’s the extent of my drawings) of complex plots and story details, Tolkien, Rowling, Ludlum and Palahniuk will serve as good illustrative material. The rich mix of talent should yield a lathery soap for dishing out.

People who painstakingly sat through the endless LOR trilogy would have noticed the detailed middle earth amid their cries of ‘rescue me’ ‘when will this ever finish’, perhaps even unwittingly praised the director’s eye for Mani Rathnam precision.

However the lore masters who have enjoyed scrambling through the LOR, Hobbit & Silmarilion can but remain stupefied in awe, exclaiming “I am Jack’s complete astonishment!”. Tolkien’s biographers credit him with/for rivaling the existing mythologies and creating an epic for England. And what of the Elvish/Elfish tongue???

Rowling on the other hand has billions of people bewitched in a trance of fantasy, filled with sinister plots, perfectly encrusted in an intricately intertwined story. Again, epitome of polished story telling (rather sad that she is appreciated in her own time)

Ludlum’s creativity is of a different kind. Masterful espionage fables, worthy of competing with, if not dwarfing the legendary works of Ian Fleming and the great Sir Author Conon Doyle. His mind could create two CIAs, one & half KGBs, 15 ISIs, write the destinies of 52 dictators (please refrain from drawing any parallelisms to any country). His works defined spy novels, displaying exemplary twists and maintaining the non stop thrilling gripping sensation from cover to cover. I wouldn’t be surprised to know that TV Serials learnt their most valuable lesson of cliff hangers before a break from him. It’s like Sachin teaching the cricket world on how to play the opening overs of ODIs in the early 90s.

Let’s chuck into the equation another literary genius, please feel free to question the validity of this maniac being acclaimed as a genius, despite that there’s much to be acknowledged about what Palahniuk’s writes and the way he writes. He has cults for crying out loud. His writing slices through the many veils of the everyday life and gets people to stop and think a little, just a little, though there’s much to be said about his ‘in your face’ writing style and the coming of his white soldiers. He perhaps succeeds in throwing a brick on your brand new car to get your attention just to prove a trivial point like “your possessions end up owning you”.

All the above can be found in the world of Anime, infact most of the above & more can even be found in one single Manga Anime series. However set aside these finer details for a hwhhile.

pavalamani pragasam
2nd December 2007, 01:40 PM
Unfortunately a completely unacquainted world to me!!!

2nd December 2007, 11:09 PM
funny incidents .....

anime, never understood, never liked...and even hate (mostly bcoz of my brothers) :oops:
after my bros constant imsai :x watched manga (and Naruto) once (just some mins) :banghead:

3rd December 2007, 12:52 AM
Unfortunately a completely unacquainted world to me!!!

As of now it's rather exclusive.

the part that repulses potential admirers, is dubbing it in english.

funny incidents .....

anime, never understood, never liked...and even hate (mostly bcoz of my brothers)
after my bros constant imsai watched manga (and Naruto) once (just some mins)

Crazy I was expecting a " :D or :) & so on"

I am willing to bet that you saw naruto in english & you probably saw the episodes between 120 - 200.

Dubbing takes the life out of Anime. I'll be sure to address it.

3rd December 2007, 02:02 PM
haha.... lost ur bet. i watched it in japanese(with english sub text) ..regarding episode not sure (but remember watching last yr)

3rd December 2007, 08:51 PM

3rd December 2007, 09:00 PM
haha.... lost ur bet. i watched it in japanese(with english sub text) ..regarding episode not sure (but remember watching last yr)

That's exactly the reason why I don't gamble! :D

You watched it the right way, for sure.

How ever, If you watched last year's episodes, they sucked big time, surely in competition for the worst series award. Naruto went on a filler episode marathon & even die hard fans lost interest.

3rd December 2007, 10:28 PM
haha.... lost ur bet. i watched it in japanese(with english sub text) ..regarding episode not sure (but remember watching last yr)

That's exactly the reason why I don't gamble! :D

You watched it the right way, for sure.

How ever, If you watched last year's episodes, they sucked big time, surely in competition for the worst series award. Naruto went on a filler episode marathon & even die hard fans lost interest.

sees like my bros r vettiest creature on earth ....keep on watching :rotfl2:

15th December 2007, 05:13 AM
Transylvanian packages and the extent of your drawings notwithstanding, that was a neat intro. Hope to have more.

Do hope your possessions of Manga and Anime end up owning you.

29th January 2008, 08:06 AM
Transylvanian packages and the extent of your drawings notwithstanding, that was a neat intro. Hope to have more.

Do hope your possessions of Manga and Anime end up owning you.


29th January 2008, 08:13 AM
Not so much of the owning here though. (specially given the way the prices are spiralling in chennai right now)

29th January 2008, 08:30 AM
Part 2

In any movie (a visual representation of written material), decreed by mankind
(women kind included, wemen just took the reference first, no offense)
aspects often overlooked & almost always missed by viewers is everything
other than the story, given that the story is the core & a bad one will still
be a rotten egg (I am really eggsxaturating & eggsacerbating the situation aren't I)
the direction also stays atop the poaching list, the screenplay, cinematography
background music & the other finer details of presentation, although unecessary
at the oscars (honestly who remembers them but a few quzzing buffs who stay home & do nothing but study at home as kids) difineth the final pudding.

Having referenced the oscars, it be an an egregious error to leave out the biggest
slicein the pie, the ACTING, the face of the motion picture, the 'medium'
conveying the 'spirit' of the plot, the canvas on which the writer makes his mark.
hopefully my honest praise on this subject would have redeemed me placing the most obvious at the bottom of the list.

"lights on" on Anime/Manga:
Let me begin by stating the obvious, animation is not bound by any of the
physical limitations we are forced to deal with, without a choice, & this
extends even to the physical appearance & the range of human/physical expressions
why does superman always look cooler in the cartoon (pity Arnold was a chicken,
when it came to the superman curse) & how villanous can a bad guy look
what about how volumous can....... ok let's not go there.

if the story is set on a flat planet where people range from 7ft to 2.5ft, no problem, although the mechanics canbe quite mind boggling.

when intense expression combined precise screenplay, crisp background music setting the tempo, for example, where two samurai assasins are staring down each other with 'death glares' & emitting tangable 'blood lust' (need to kill), the scene can actually stop time for viewers & run a chill down their respective spines all the way to their respective cracks (just a little glimpse there)
It's a different kind of eyeing the blighter squarely)

29th January 2008, 08:32 AM
In fact some movie greats in the south like kamal hassan have tried using animation to a great extent in utter flop movies like alavandhan
(more over he realizes that even he can't express the emotions of a psycho & hoods on a mask & jumps onto a lorry/truck)

29th January 2008, 01:22 PM
Eggselent post.

decreed by mankind (women kind included, wemen just took the reference first, no offense women kind is a good one. Oxymoron is it ? Men took the reference, women took the offence.

Film is real make believe. Fightin against the laws of physics to show. Animation on the other hand is like Muralitharan. Beautiful results maybe, but you are exempt from following constraining rules, and hence deserving less applause.

30th January 2008, 12:58 AM
1, 2 1,2 1, 2 1, 2 1,2 1, 2

Eggselent post.

Thank you very much Prabhu hen, er i mean Prabhu han (a respectful suffix)

Film is real make believe. Fightin against the laws of physics to show. Animation on the other hand is like Muralitharan. Beautiful results maybe, but you are exempt from following constraining rules, and hence deserving less applause.

A long time ago during one of the inter college competitions in Jimper Pondicherry. (a tortoise moment).

we won the skit & also took our chances with the fashion show by parading in lungi, shorts & carrying buckets, mats & trunks.
among less embarrassing things i remember a debating team, where both out did each other when it came to what they thought were analogies.

The first guy would say "i need women like the way my dog needs a bike" to which the 2nd guy said (not taking potshots at his orientation) "oh that sounds like I need women like a fish needing water"
during their concluding moments, when the judge asked them a question
"I don't think" said one (I don't think so)
"of coursely" said the other.

So here goes.

In Lagan India used a deformed guy to win the 1st international match, now the lankans are angry about the indian monkey business, which left them a crisp. so they are following suit with the best weapon their country can produce. ???

Isn't the uneven distribution of talent itself unfair???

1, 2 1,2 1, 2 1, 2 1,2 1, 2

20th February 2008, 09:11 PM
One of the greatest spinners in the world, Muralitharan is coming to Chennai IPL

20th February 2008, 10:53 PM
One of the greatest spinners in the world, Muralitharan is coming to Chennai IPL :lol: Reminds me of an old Calvin gem: I know life is unfair....but why is it never unfair in my favour ? :-)
Now I have no qualms. For anyone who even thinks of the word 'chuck' I will throw - no pun intended - rule books at them.

21st August 2008, 09:18 AM
I haven't read through all your essays...YET...but of what I've read, I have enjoyed it :D ...but i have lost touch with essay reading...abhorred it in lit classes.. :ashamed: but still here I find that I WANT to go back and re-read and make sense of your the finer points that seem to escape me :)

28th January 2009, 01:45 AM
With reference to the Anime Essay, I don't think much about them now, so i am content saying it's all hogwash, time to move on. (chop chop)

I haven't read through all your essays...YET...but of what I've read, I have enjoyed it :D ...but i have lost touch with essay reading...abhorred it in lit classes.. :ashamed: but still here I find that I WANT to go back and re-read and make sense of your the finer points that seem to escape me :)

Ah Q, I am glad you liked the essays, the finer points that you refer to, are mostly references that are no doubt vague, as they were never written with the readers in mind, so if anything fancies your attention, and need further light, i'd be happy to elucidate.

skipping essays in school.. i take it you didn't go to a school where the teachers carried canes & used it rather joyfully while handing out results.
but then again even that didn't work on people like me...... :twisted: